单词 | 迫不及待 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 迫不及待—impatient (idiom); in a hurryless common: itching get on with it See also:不及—too late fall short of not as good as
一个能够向世界展示自己在复 兴中重铸辉煌、迫不及待要说出实情、同时又想聆听世界其他地区声音 的非洲。 daccess-ods.un.org | An Africa that can face the world in the splendour of recapturing its deeper self, in the glow of rebirth, impatient to speak the truth and listen to what the rest of the world has to say. daccess-ods.un.org |
海地人民坚强不屈,正在迫不及待地开始努力重建他 们的生活和他们的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | Haiti’s recovery must begin with its people, who are strong and resilient and impatient to get to work rebuilding their lives and their country. daccess-ods.un.org |
有太多的事情需要改变,政府迫不及待想要一 一进行,大众也是如此。 crisisgroup.org | With so much that needs to be changed, the government is impatient for change, as is the general population. crisisgroup.org |
地中海游轮在达喀尔停靠,您一定会迫不及待去探索这座充满生气的城市。 msccruises.com.cn | Your luxury MSC cruise liner will dock in Dakar itself, and cruise passengers will be keen to get going and explore this dynamic city. msccruises.com.hk |
在要求他们参照他们帮助保护的服务证明 他们的活动的合理性时,他们甚至感到迫不及待。 teebweb.org | They might even feel pressed when asked to justify their activities with reference to the services they help to secure. teebweb.org |
我迫不及待地想了解这家YHA的构造。 4tern.com | After I settled [...] down, Ican’t wait tovisitthe new [...]place that I am going to stay. 4tern.com |
想象下在一片繁星满天下聆听意大利歌剧的感觉吧,是不是您已经迫不及待要开始MSC Poesia 虚拟之旅了呢? msccruises.com.cn | Imagine yourself under the starry sky while listening to Italian Opera. msccruises.com.au |
这完 全是以色列迫不及待地企图排除任何恢复和平进程 希望的结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | All of this is a result of Israel’s feverishrace against time in its efforts to erode all that remains of the hopes of resuming the peace process. daccess-ods.un.org |
您的女儿挑选了一些衣服试穿,您迫不及待地想看到她穿上最新款的“小冒险家朵拉”衣服的样子...然而,您看到的现实却是:牛仔裤包得太紧而且裤腰太低;裤裆也太短了,是的,她的肚脐露得全世界都能看到了。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Your daughter picks out some outfits to try [...] on and youcan’twait to see thelatest [...]“Dora the Explorer” fashions on her…then [...]reality bites: The jeans are too tight and riding too low; the top is too short and yes, that’s her belly button out for the world to see. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
如果你已经迫不及待的下载了 Fedora 11 的 DVD 镜像 并且已经安装好了,请直接移动到本文的系统设置部分。 my-guides.net | If you haven't done already download Fedora dvd , install it and let's move on to our system's configuration part. my-guides.net |
我已迫不及待想要开始这次大胆的创新行动。 china.blackstone.com | Icannot wait togetstarted on [...] this new venture. blackstone.com |
赵三迫不及待地谈论上个礼拜所发生的 事情,但是有一些更为紧急的问题需要赵三注意。 sallee.info | He couldn’t waittotalkabout the [...] previous week’s events but there were more immediate problems that needed Igor’s attention. sallee.info |
当雪“照亮”了整座城市,喜好滑雪和滑雪板运动的人们已经迫不及待地在城里享受起自由式滑行的乐趣了。 visitfinland.com | When snow lights up the entire city, the enterprising snowboarder or skier may find some free-style action in town. visitfinland.com |
我仅想遗憾地指出,我们的某些同事却迫不及待地跑到媒 体面前,说我方的立场妨碍了议程的通过,而这是与我方的目标背道而驰的。 daccess-ods.un.org | I only want to express my regret at the tendency of some of our colleagues to rush to the media and to project our position as having created an obstacle to the adoption of the agenda, which was far from the objective that we had. daccess-ods.un.org |
他迫不及待地想与自己的建立教会团队分享自己的新想法,并开始在事工中将这些 [...] 新想法实践出来。 sallee.info | He couldn’twait to sharehis new ideas [...] with his church planting team and start implementing them in his ministry. sallee.info |
如上一卷书所提到的,时代图表非常清 晰地制定了神圣计划的条理安排,深远设计 和奇妙范围。那些被允许观看上帝重要的时 代图表的人,应该迫不及待地想要发现上 帝可能乐意揭示的有关其时节的任何东西。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | Those permitted to view God’s grand chart of the ages, which so clearly maps out the orderly arrangement, the deep design and the wonderful scope of the divine plan as set forth in the preceding volume, should be anxious to discover whatever God may be pleased to reveal concerning its times and seasons. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
我们迫不及待的为MyOris的会员提供给会下载最新的2010年赛季的赛车日历,请电击这里下载全新年度赛车日历. oris.ch | We’re offering all MyOris members the chance to download a race calendar for the new 2010 season. oris.ch |
我迫不及待地想看更多地安妮·海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)的猫女扮相,还有我在想她可能会在电影里佩戴的积家表。 iontime.ch | Ican’t waitto see more of Catwoman [...] Anne Hathaway and I’m wondering about the JLC watch, she might be wearing for that occasion. iontime.ch |
当中不少宾客迫不及待参观我们的全新太古广场专卖店,而我们亦期待您的光临,於本店了解更多IWC万国表飞行员腕表的历史。 iwc.com | Our new Pacific Place boutiqueis raring to go and we look forward to welcoming you to explore our new boutique and learn more of the history of IWC Pilot’s Watches,” said Benoit de Clerck, Managing Director North-East Asia. iwc.com |
首先,您一定已经迫不及待地想在计算机上运行 DIAMOND 并试着绘制一些晶体 图。 crystalimpact.de | First of all, [...] you are certainly eager to getyour new DIAMOND [...]software package running on your computer straight away and [...]create some pictures for testing. crystalimpact.de |
哥 伦比亚将继续为有关努力作出贡献,以便制止一切 形式的暴力和侵犯人权行为,并找到途径帮助叙利 曲对公报的解释,迫不及待地在所谓“叙利亚人民 之友小组”的主持下举行平行会议,以此保证安南 计划失败,其用心已经暴露无遗。 daccess-ods.un.org | Colombia will continue to contribute to efforts to end all forms of violence and violations of human rights, and to find ways to help the Syrian people establish the democratic institutions that will enable them to live together in brotherly peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
我很自豪马上将成为玛莎拉蒂家族的一员,能为玛莎拉蒂再续辉煌贡献一份力量,我感到十分荣幸,想到即将能驾驶全新的GranTurismo跑车,我真有些迫不及待。 maserati.com.cn | I am very proud that I will soon became a part of the Maserati family and it will be an honor to be able to contribute to the continued success of Maserati in the [...] future, I can not wait for the [...] excitementto sit behind the wheel of my new GranTurismo which I expect to get very soon. web.maserati.com |
成长的可能性和公司的尊严,以及诸如SerSofttek和Softtekiada此类的首创精神,驱使我每天早上迫不及 待地想要成为这个彻底变革外包服务的公司的一分子。 softtek.com | The possibility for growth and the dignity of the company, along with initiatives like SerSofttek and the Softtekiada, are motivating to get you going each morning in being a part of this company that has revolutionizes outsourcing. softtek.com |
除非法律另有规定,否则任何人不得获本公司承认以任何信托方式持有任 何股份,而本公司亦不受任何股份中的衡平法权益、或有权益、未來权益或部分权 益,或任何零碎股份中的任何权益,或(但根据本细则或其他法律另有规定的除外) 任何股份中的任何其他权益所约束及不得被迫承认该等权益或权利(即使本公司已知 悉有关事项),但登记持有人对该股份全部的绝对权利不在此限。 epro.com.hk | Except as required by law, no person shall be recognised by the Company as holding any share upon any trust and the Company shall not be bound by or required in any way to recognise (even when having notice thereof) any equitable, contingent, future or partial interest in any share or any fractional part of a share or (except only as otherwise provided by these Articles or by law) any other rights in respect of any share except an absolute right to the entirety thereof in the registered holder. epro.com.hk |