





External sources (not reviewed)

所有名列本申请书第一部分的人士(包括其配偶在内),从未获得「自置居所贷款计划」或「置业资助贷款计划」贷款/按揭还 款补助金或购得「居者有其屋计划」或「私人机构參建居屋计划」或「中等入息家庭屋邨」美樂花园或「重建置业计划」或 「居屋第二市场计划」或「租者置其屋计划」或「可租可买计划」或房屋协会辖下任何房屋资助计划的住宅樓宇单位。
None of the persons listed in Part I of this application form (including their spouses) have obtained any loan or mortgage subsidy under the Home Purchase Loan Scheme (HPLS)/Home Assistance Loan Scheme (HALS), or have purchased any domestic flat under the HOS, the PSPS, the Middle Income Housing Project at Melody Garden, the Mortgage Subsidy Scheme, the SMS, the TPS, the Buy or Rent Option or any subsidized housing scheme administered by the HS.
步 骤 五 : 如 获 批 准 的 项 目 须 租 用 房 屋 委 员 会 / 房 屋 协 会 管 理 的 处 所 ( 例 如 公 共 屋 邨 的 空 置 舖 位 或 工 厂 大 厦 单 位 ) , 审 批 小 组 秘 书 处 会 把 项 目 的 详 情 告 知 房 屋 委 员 会 / 房 屋 协 会 , 以 便 该 委 员 会 / 协 会 考 虑 获 资 助 机 构 提 出 的 租 用 处 所 申 请 。
Step 5: If the approved project requires the use of premises under the management of the Housing Authority/Society (e.g. vacant shop at public housing estates, factory unit), the Vetting Sub-committee Secretariat will inform the Housing Authority/Society of details of the project to facilitate the Authority/Society’s consideration of the recipient organisation’s application for leasing premises.
第25(1)条 为施行本条例,委员会及任何获授权人员可向任何土 地(不論是否在屋邨 内)的拥有人或占用人送达指明 格式的申报表,要求该人在表格所述的期限内,向委 员会或该获授权人员提供申报表指明的详情。
Section 25(1) The Authority and any authorized officer may, for the purposes of this Ordinance, serve on the owner or occupier of any land, whether or not in an estate, a requisition in the specified form requiring him to furnish to the Authority or the authorized officer, within the time stated in the form, the particulars specified in the requisition.
特区政府 於 2008 年同意房协利用港岛丹拿山屋邨旧址,发展一个 以社区为本的长者房屋项目。
In 2008, the Government approved the lease modification of the former Tanner Hill site for the development of an elderly housing project by HKHS.
因此屋宇署在考虑该项目本身 的发展參數是否符合《建筑物条例》及《建筑物(规划) 规例》(第 123 章,附属法例 F)(《规例》)时,亦须考 虑美孚新邨第八期的发展參數,确保这些樓宇仍能符合 1974 年建筑图则的情况。
It was covered in the 1974 building plans. As such, the BD, in considering whether the development parameters of the development project is in compliance with the BO and the B(P)R, is also required to take into account the scale of development of the existing buildings of Phase 8 of Mei Foo Sun Chuen to ensure that these existing buildings still complies with the conditions of the 1974 building plans.
由於油库旧址的地盘於 1974 年与现时已落成的美 孚新邨第八期是作为同一个地盘(当时未分割的 NKML25)进行发展,并涵盖於同一份批准建筑图则, 因此屋宇署在考虑该项目本身的发展參數是否符合《建 筑物条例》及《建筑物(规划)规例》时,亦要确保美 孚新邨第八期的现有樓宇在项目落成後仍能符合当年批 准整个 NKML25 的图则的情况。
As the former LPG storage site and the now completed Phase 8 of Mei Foo Sun Chuen were developed as a single site (NKML25 which was not yet divided into four subsections) in 1974 and were included in the same set of approved building plans, the BD, when considering whether the development parameters of the development project per se is in compliance with the BO and B(P)R, will also have to ensure that, upon the completion of the development project, the existing buildings of Phase 8 of Mei Foo Sun Chuen will still be able to comply with the conditions shown on the then approved plans of the whole NKML25.
2001 年,落户应科院的香港科技园公 司(简称「科技园」),以及之後对工业邨的整固以及科技园辖下创新中心的成立,都是有关政策 重点的具体体现。
In 2001, the opening Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) where ASTRI was located and subsequently the consolidating of the Industrial Estates and the InnoCenter under HKSTP became the physical focus of that policy.
例 如课题五讨論使用塑胶所引致的环境问题,教师可以家居废物分類、在学 校和屋邨收集塑胶废物作讨論议题。
For example, in topic V, which considers environmental issues related to the use of plastics, teachers can start by raising the issues of domestic waste classification, and plastic waste collection in schools and housing estates.
截至二○一一年年底,合共有超过 44 000 个废物分類回收桶分别置於路边、公园、康樂及文化场所、 政府大樓、医院、诊所、公共及私人屋邨、学校及垃圾收 集站等地方。
By the end of 2011, over 44 000 waste separation bins are placed by the roadside, in parks, leisure and cultural facilities, government buildings, hospitals, clinics, public and private housing estates, schools and refuse collection points.
AsiaSat Tai Po Earth Station is located at the Tai Po Industrial Estate in the New Territories, Hong Kong.
3.1 若股东拟提名个别人士(「候选人」)於股东大会上參选为本公司董 事,须把一份书面通知(「提名通知」)送交本公司的总办事处, 地址为香港新界大埔大埔工业邨大贵街22号,或本公司的注册处, 地址为香港湾仔皇后大道东28号金钟汇中心26楼。
3.1 If a shareholder wishes to propose a person (the “Candidate”) for election as a director of the Company at a general meeting, he/she shall deposit a written notice (the “Notice”) at the Company’s head office at 22 Dai Kwai Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong or at the Company’s Registration Office at 26/F Tesbury Centre, 28 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
Since 1998, the HA has been applying the design requirements set out in the "Design Manual: Barrier Free Access" in the design of new PRH estates to provide barrier free access and facilities for persons with disabilities.
(a) 一 站 式 就 业 及 培 训 中 心 ( 一 站 式 中 心 ) 将 会 设 於 天 水 围 天 晴 邨 社 区 综 合 服 务 大 楼 内 。
(a) The pioneer one-stop employment and training centre (the one-stop centre) will be housed in the Amenity and Community Building (ACB) at Tin Ching Estate, Tin Shui Wai.
在房屋署职员的协助㆘,㆝文台在兆康苑(屯门)、长康邨(青 衣)、元朗邨(元朗)、环翠邨(港岛东)、华富邨(港岛西),以及 富山邨(东九龙)㆒共六个㆞点收集㆞㆘水样本。
With the assistance of the staff of the Housing Department, underground water is sampled at six locations, namely Siu Hong Court (Tuen Mun), Cheung Hong Estate (Tsing Yi), Yuen Long Estate (Yuen Long), Wan Tsui Estate (East Hong Kong Island), Wah Fu Estate (West Hong Kong Island) and Fu Shan Estate (East Kowloon).
( i ) 建 议 项 目 是 否 或 会 否 与 其 他 团 体 曾 经 或 正 在 进 行 的 工 作 重 复 或 在 已 进 行 家 居 废 物 源 头 分 类 计 划 的 屋 邨 及 地 区 推 行
(i) whether there is or likely to be a duplication of the work already or currently carried out by other groups or in areas or estates where Source Separation of Domestic Waste Programme is already in place
c) 学校、屋邨、政府部门及社区团体等组织,自行筹办 废物回收计划,或參加由环保署举办的废物源头分類 计划,把回收的物料,售给或交付废物收集商或其他 废物处理商。
services, separate valuable materials from the mixed waste and sell the recovered materials to waste collectors for further processing; c) organizations such as schools, housing estates, government
全新八达通转乘计划 : 由E21A(由东涌逸东邨开出)於青屿干线收费广场转乘路线E11(往 铜锣湾方向)或E21(往大角咀方向)或E22(往 蓝田北方向)或E22A(往将军澳方向)或E22P(往油塘方向)或E23(往彩虹方向), 只需保负出与首程车资之差额; 或者由E11(由 铜锣湾开出)或E21(由大角咀开出)或E22(由 蓝田北开出)或E22A(由将军澳开出)或E22P(由油塘开出)或E23(由彩虹开出)或E23P(由 彩虹开出)於青屿干线收费广场转乘路线可免费转乘E21A(往东涌逸东邨)
New Octopus Interchange Scheme : Start from E21A (from Tung Chung Yat Tung Estate or Tung Chung North) change to E11 (to Causeway Bay) or E21 (to Tai Kok Tsui) or E22 (to Lam Tin North) or E22A (to Tseung Kwan O) or E22P (to Yau Tong) or E23 (to Choi Hung)  in The Lantau Link Toll Plaza, passengers need only top up the full fare difference with Octopus; or Start from E11 (from Causeway Bay) or E21 (from Tai Kok Tsui) or E22 (from Lam Tin North) or E22A (from Tseung Kwan O) or E22P (from Yau Tong) or E23 (from Choi Hung) or E23P (from Choi Hung change to Route No. E21A (to Tung Chung Yat Tung Estate or Tung Chung North) in The Lantau Link Toll Plaza; passenger can free to interchange Route No. E21A
z 以地区性政策取代全港性政策:目前大部份固定小贩是在市区经营,可考 虑只在新界地区发出固定小贩牌照;  z 按行业需要增发牌照以取代「一刀切」政策:政府最感忧虑的是食物卫生 问题,我们也不赞成重发无牌流动熟食小贩牌照,但对於贩卖其他衣服杂 货,只要适当规管,是可以接受的;  z 在屋邨范围内划出小贩认可区,或设置固定的短期零售设施,让小贩可以
The Government should consider issuing new hawker licenses and designate new hawkers-permitted areas in the New Territories; z Replace its “one size fits all” policy to one based on the selection of sectors in the issuance of hawker licences, and consider the re-issuance of licences for the selling of consumer goods, such as clothing and other amenities. z Design hawker permitted areas or a fixed area for short–term retail stalls in public housing estates.
为帮助内地新来港定居人士入住公屋后更容易适应新的居住环境,房屋署由 2010年4 月起,将房屋咨询及服务队计划延续两年,并扩展服务范围至屯门、 元朗、天水围和东涌区内22 个公共屋邨。
To assist the newly-arrived residents in the PRH to better adapt to the new living environment, the Housing Department has extended the Housing Advisory and Service Team service for another two years to cover 22 PRH estates in Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, Tin Shui Wai and Tung Chung districts starting from April 2010.
科学园公司因应电讯主机代管(co-location) 是数据中心主要业务的特 性,放宽了工业邨的用地条件,使数据中心能符合租用条款;业界希望科 学园公司继续采取弹性批地政策以促进高级数据中心的进一步发展。
Co-location is one of the main characters of advanced data centre.
(c)* 本人╱本人等明白,如根据此申请而购得「居屋第二市场计划」的樓宇,我们现於公共房屋(包括租住屋邨╱居屋╱私 人机构參建居屋屋苑╱花园╱中转房屋区等)的户籍即被删除。
(c)* I/We understand that upon the purchase of a flat under the SMS as a result of this application, I/we shall be deleted from the household register of public housing (including public rental housing/HOS/PSPS/Interim Housing, etc.).
乘客於90分钟内,以八达通卡连续缴付港岛区4A, 4B, 4C, 4S(由石排湾往香港仔中心), 39C, 51, 51S, 58, 58A, 59A(往香港仔中心)或69号线(往数码港)及本线(往华富邨)两程车费,第二程将享有$1.0车费优惠。
Passenger may enjoy $1.0 fare discount on this trip (Wah Fu Est bound) when interchange from HKI GMB route 4A, 4B, 4C, 4S (from Shek Pai Wan to Aberdeen Centre), 39C, 51, 51S, 58, 58A, 59A(Aberdeen Centre bound) or 69 (Cyberport bound) by using the same Octopus Card within 90 min.
不同的政府部门,为了监察交通、管理其设施、及其它合法的理由,有 在公众地方,例如交通基础设施的重要位置、公共屋邨和公共设施入口及升降机 等,安装闭路电视摄影机。
Various Government departments have installed CCTV cameras in public places, such as strategic locations in the transport infrastructure, public rental housing estates, entrances to public facilities and lift cabins, for traffic monitoring, facility management and other lawful purposes.
在 1997 年香港回归前,香港的行业政策只有工业邨、工业贸易署针对中小型企业推出的措施、香 港贸易发展局举行的宣传及资讯性活动 ,以及对健康护理、社会服务、房屋、造地、运输及教育等 被视为涉及公共领域的行业的直接干预。
The larger the role of the government in society, the greater is there need to trim a business plan to government policy. Prior to the handover in 1997, Hong Kong’s industrial policy was limited to the Industrial Estates, small and medium sized enterprise initiatives of the Trade and Industry Department, promotional and informational activities of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and direct intervention in industries considered to be part of the public domain including health, social services, housing, land creation, transportation and education.
於八个现有的高架及地面铁路車站,即葵芳站、葵兴站、荃湾站、 九龍湾站、牛头角站、观塘站、柴湾站及杏花邨站加装自动月台闸门的工 程,已於 2011 年年底完成,较原來计划提早一年。
The programme to retrofit APGs at the eight at-grade and above-ground stations, namely Kwai Fong, Kwai Hing, Tsuen Wan, Kowloon Bay, Ngau Tau Kok, Kwun Tong, Chai Wan and Heng Fa Chuen stations, was completed at the end of 2011, one year ahead of the original plan.
全新八达通转乘计划 : 由E31(由东涌逸东邨)於青屿干线收费广场转乘路线E32(往葵芳方向), 可获免费转乘优惠; 或转乘路线E33(往屯门方向)或E34(往天水围方向)或E41(往大埔头方向)或E42(往沙田博康方向), 第二程车资可获三元折扣优惠; 或者由E32(由葵芳开出)或E33(由屯门开出)或E34(由天水围开出)或E41(由大埔头开出)或E42(由沙田博康开出)於青屿干线收费广场转乘路线E31(往东涌), 第二程可获免费转乘优惠
New Octopus Interchange Scheme : Start from E31 (from Tung Chung Yat Tung Estate) can free to change to E32 (to Kwai Fong) in The Lantau Link Toll Plaza;  or change to E33 (to Tuen Mun) or E34 (to Tin Shui Wai) or E41 (to Tai Po Tau) or E42 (to Sha Tin Pok Hong) in The Lantau Link Toll Plaza, therefore have $3 discount; or Start from E32 (from Kwai Fong) or E33 (from Tuen Mun) or E34  (from Tin Shui Wai) or E41 (from Tai Po Tau) or E42 (from Sha Tin Pok Hong) change to Route No. E31 (to Tung Chung) in The Lantau Link Toll Plaza; therefore can free to change
澳门《知悭惜电》比赛2011得奖名单 住宅楼宇组 冠军 远洋嘉园 亚军 宏开大厦第二座 季军 梓明阁 优异奖 新昌大厦 大厦公众用电组 冠军 雅新大厦 亚军 百利新邨第三座 季军 江荣花园 优异奖 嘉应花园第五座 餐厅/酒楼A组 冠军 新鸿运来美食 亚军 荣江小馆 季军 滋味满屋餐厅 优异奖 内港葡国餐厅 餐厅/酒楼B组 冠军 骑师日式料理 亚军 万豪轩酒楼 季军 滋味满屋美食坊 优异奖 新胜记鱼翅海鲜火锅 酒店A组 冠军 新中央大酒店 亚军 英京大酒店 季军 维多利亚酒店 优异奖 东亚酒店 酒店B组 冠军 濠璟酒店 亚军 新丽华酒店 季军 澳门置地广场酒店 优异奖 皇都酒店 酒店C组 冠军 金都酒店 亚军 澳门新濠锋 季军 澳门十六浦索菲特大酒店 优异奖 澳门渔人码头 节能慨念大奖 澳门新濠锋
May Fair Garden (Ka Ieng) Bl.5 Restaurants Group A Champion New Good Luck Restaurant 1st runner-up Wing Kong Restaurant 2nd runner-up Full Taste House Restaurant Excellence Award Porto Interior Restaurant Restaurants Group B Champion Jockey Japanese Cuisine 1st runner-up Grand Plaza Restaurant 2nd runner-up Full Taste House Deli Excellence Award New Wins Shark’s Fin Seafood Hot Pot Hotel Group A Champion Central Hotel 1st runner-up Ole London Hotel 2nd runner-up Victoria Hotel Excellence Award East Asia Hotel
During the year, it provided consultancy services in Barrier-Free Access (BFA) to five housing estates of the Housing Department, three public sports complexes of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and the Knowles Building of the University of Hong Kong.




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