

单词 连年

External sources (not reviewed)

中国已连年成为世界上增长最快的经济体之 一,2011年中国的年国内生产总值(GDP)平均实际 增长近10%。
For years, China has been among the world’s fastest growing economies, with real annual gross domestic product (GDP) averaging nearly 10% through 2011.
私营部门捐款虽连年来一 直都有显著增长,但是 在人口基金的共同供资捐款总额之中,仍然只占很小一部分(为 [...]
2010 年共同供资 捐款的 2%不到)。
Although significant growth has been [...]
realized year after year, contributions from the private sector continue to represent
a very small portion of UNFPA total co-financing contributions (less than 2 per cent of 2010 co-financing contributions).
他注意到官方发展援助从未达到规 定的目标水平,即使在经连年强劲增长的情况下也 从未大幅增加。
He noted ODA had never reached the prescribed target levels and never risen significantly, even in years of robust economic growth.
由于 学中文的需连年增长,该校目前已经对五年级以上的学生开设了中 文课。
German schoolchildren in Leipzig learn Chinese at the Brockhaus Secondary School and there is so much demand that they are offering this language starting in the fifth form.
1985年,这场悲剧通过援助非洲慈善演唱会引起了全世界的关注,受到关注 的还有那连年的战 争、动荡的政局动荡以及苦难的民众。
It was a tragedy brought to the world’s attention by the 1985 Live Aid concert and part of a long period of war, political unrest, and instability for Ethiopians.
由于这一艰难局面,我吁请苏丹政府从本国饱连年战乱和贫穷之苦的人民的利益出发,采取紧急行 [...]
动来重新考虑其驱逐那些人道主义机构的决定,以保 证那些在难民营里的、在实地的、在痛苦之中的人们 能够获得水、食物以及基本的健康服务。
Because of that difficult situation, I call on the Government of the Sudan,
in the interests of its own people, who
[...] have suffered many, many years of war and deprivation, [...]
to take urgent action to review
the decision to expel those humanitarian agencies in order to ensure that the people who are in the camps, who are on the ground and who are suffering have access to water, food and basic health services.
苏丹的人道主义状况显然非常严重:因为动乱和 冲连年,地 形险峻,社会基础设施已然脆弱的环境, 最近对巴希尔总统的起诉又让形势更趋复杂。
The humanitarian situation in the Sudan is clearly very grave, given many years of strife and conflict, a difficult terrain, an environment with an already weak social infrastructure; and a situation that has been further complicated by the recent indictment of President Al-Bashir.
实现这种增长主要靠的是需求带动出 口量快速扩大,并伴有其他经济指标的改善,如失业率明显下降、公共赤字大幅 减少以及国际收支盈余――与之前几 年 的 连年 赤 字形成鲜明对比。
This growth rate was fuelled mainly by rapidly expanding exports, which were demand induced, and was accompanied by other economic indicators such as a clear reduction in unemployment, an impressive reduction in public deficit, and a surplus in the balance of payments – in sharp contrast to the deficit that was the norm during previous decades.
2000年公司通过ISO9001:2008国际质量体系认证,2002年全面实施ERP系统管理,建立和完善了现代企业制度,多次被授予“全国质量效益型先进企业”及“中国广州最具诚信度、最具竞争力服务业”等荣誉称号,并被评为 连 续 十 年 守 合同重信用企业” 连年 获 得省级表彰奖励。
Since the year 2000, GDMM has implemented the ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System, and adopted the ERP business administration system at all levels since 2002, which has helped establish and improve modern enterprise system. GDMM has more than twice been rewarded the title “National Quality and Efficiency Oriented Advanced Enterprise” and “The Best Enterprise in Guangzhou with High Credibility and Competitiveness”, and it has also awarded the name “Enterprise of Honouring of Contract and Maintaining Commercial Integrity for continuously ten years”.
就此,总干事的代 表重申,中央服务部门的预连年削 减 ,因此明智的是保持切合实际的资金水平,而不是为 作表面文章进行削减。
To this, the representative of the Director-General reiterated that the budget for the central services had been reduced continuously over the years, and thus it was considered wise to maintain a realistic level of funds instead of making cosmetic cuts.
2011 财年及 2012 财年连续两年的双 位数销售额及订单量增长体现了基于技术创新及综合解决方案的强劲的过程自动化行业定位。
Consecutive years of double-digit sales and [...]
orders growth in 2011 and 2012 reflect a strong process automation industry
position built on technology innovation and integrated solutions.
2012年连接本 拿比,高贵林,满地宝等几个城市和区域的天铁,常青线,开始动工,计划2016年竣工。
It will provide rapid transportation for residents living in the following cities.
此外,任期超过五年但不满九年的国际法院法官可领取 按比例支付的搬迁津贴,最多不超过按 年连 续 服 务应付年基薪净额计算的 24 周的薪金。
Furthermore, members of the Court who have completed more than five but less than nine years of service are entitled to a prorated relocation allowance up to a maximum of 24 weeks of annual net base salary payable for nine years of continuous service.
在天下杂志2000年版"二千大跨业总排名"中营运绩效一百大排名第27名,并于中华征信所服务业企业经营绩效综合指标排名第83名,及中华征信所『TOP 5000产业标竿排名』"计算机系统整合服务业" 自 9 1 年 至 9 5 年连 续 五 年 荣 获 前六名。
According to China Credit Information Service Ltd, ASEC was listed as the 83rd company of the most outstanding achievement in enterprising management and listed yearly Top 6 company of computer system integration services providers from 2002 to 2006 based on “ Top 5000 Industries Benchmark Ranking “.
作为一家积极履行良好企业公民责任、倡导环保与节能的企业,Emerson 继参与2010年及2011年“地球一小时”活动后, 年连 续 第 三年呼吁旗下各业务单元及公司员工参与到2012年“地球一小时”活动中来,展示对环保节能的支持。
As a good corporate citizen and an environmentally responsible company, Emerson continues to call for its business units and employees to join the Earth Hour event for the third consecutive year, after participation in the past two years, to show Emerson’s support to environmental protection and energy saving cause.
玛拉公司在瑞典有产权属于自己的总部大楼,在过去 年连 续 获得邓百氏(Dun & Bradstreet)信用评级的AAA。
MALÅ is headquartered in Sweden, privately held, and has continuously achieved a Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) AAA-rating for the last 10 years.
大会第六十四届会议通过第 64/48
[...] 号决议,决定举行联合国武器贸易条约会 议,该会议将在 2012 年连续举 行 4 周,以拟订一项具有法律约束力的关于常规 [...]
武器转让的尽可能高的共同国际标准的文书;又决定将以协商一致、公开和透明 的方式举行联合国武器贸易条约会议,以拟订出一项强有力和健全的条约;还决
定将不限成员名额工作组将于 2010 年和 2011 年举行的其余会议视为联合国武器 贸易条约会议的筹备委员会工作。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly adopted resolution 64/48, in which it decided to convene a United
Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty to
[...] meet for four consecutive weeks in 2012 [...]
to elaborate a legally binding instrument
on the highest possible common international standards for the transfer of conventional arms; also decided that the Conference would be undertaken in an open and transparent manner, on the basis of consensus, to achieve a strong and robust treaty; and further decided to consider the remaining sessions of the Openended Working Group in 2010 and 2011 as a preparatory committee for the Conference.
教科文组织和日本常 驻联合国代表团共同组织了一个会外活动,主题是“可持续发展教育 年 : 连 接 未 来”。
A side event was coorganized by UNESCO and the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations on the theme “DESD: An Engagement with the Future”.
关于为 2012 年连带费 用供资问题,他说,如没 有进一步延误,在 2008 年至 2013 年期间这些费用估 计总额为 1.468 美元,主要用于采购家具、采购和实 施长期广播设施和媒体资产管理系统、提供安保。
On the financing of the associated costs for 2012, he said that the main drivers of those costs, which were estimated to total $146.8 million for the period from 2008 to 2013 barring any further delays, were the purchase of furniture, the acquisition and implementation of the permanent broadcast facility and media asset management system and the provision of security.
根据《法庭规约》第五条第 1 款,法庭法官任期年,连选可 连任;但须第 一次选举选出的法官中,七人任期为三年,另七人为六年。
In accordance with article 5, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the Tribunal, the members of the Tribunal shall be elected for nine years and may be re-elected, provided, however, that of the members elected at the first election, the terms of seven members shall expire at the end of three years and the terms of seven more members shall expire at the end of six years.
在经历了五十年连续不 断的战乱并结束了苏丹政府与苏丹人民解放运动 签订《全面和平协议》以后的六年临时期间后,南苏丹于 [...]
2011 年 7 月 9 日成为 一个独立国家。
After more than
[...] five decades of nearly continuous war, [...]
and the completion of the six-year interim period that followed the
signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Government of the Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army, South Sudan became an independent nation on 9 July 2011.
2010 年连带费用的估计所需资源为 645 600 [...]
美元,用来延续相当于 2 个信息系统干事(P-3)和 4 个记录管理助理(一般事务(其他职等))的 6 个临时工作人员职位。
The estimated resource requirements [...]
for associated costs for 2010, amounting to $645,600, would provide for the continuation
of six temporary staff positions equivalent to two Information Systems Officers (P-3) and four Records Management Assistants (General Service (Other level)).
(a) 继续审查在任何情况下、由于任何原因发生的法外处决、即决或任意 处决行为,并且年连同其 结论和建议向理事会和大会提交调查结果,并提请理 事会注意应该立即注意的法外处决、即决或任意处决行为的严重事件或及早采取 行动以防止其进一步恶化
(a) To continue to examine situations of extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions in all circumstances and for whatever reason, and to submit his or her findings on an annual basis, together with conclusions and recommendations, to the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly, and to draw the attention of the Council to serious situations of extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions that warrant immediate attention or where early action might prevent further deterioration
执行委员会审查了不丹请求延长体制建设项目的报告,并赞赏地注意到不丹 2007 年连续向 臭氧秘书处报告了氟氯化碳的零消费,这显示不丹正在满足其氟氯化碳淘汰目标。
The Executive Committee has reviewed the report of the institutional strengthening project extension for Bhutan and notes with appreciation that Bhutan has consistently reported zero CFC consumption to the Ozone Secretariat in 2007 indicating that Bhutan is meeting its CFC phase out targets.
二十五头南狮与葡萄牙土风舞蹈员巡游表演,代表由二十五座历史建筑物及广场组成的“澳门历史城区”;同时,一幅写上“2006澳门世界遗产年”字句的巨型横额在大三巴牌坊梯级徐徐降下,标志“2006澳门世界遗 年 ” 连 串 宣 传推广活动全面展开,积极地向世界推广澳门宝贵的世界遗产,确立文化形象,建立明确的旅游品牌,让更多人认识澳门。
A huge banner of "2006 Macau World Heritage Year" unfolded on the staircase in front of the Ruins of St Paul's to usher in the "2006 Macau World Heritage Year" campaign which aims to reinforce the cultural image of Macau.
东京 – 2009 年 2 月23日(美国商业资讯)– 亚洲领先的交易平台和流动性提供商 Tora(www.toratrading.com)今日宣布,该公司在 2008 年连创记录,交易量、市场份额和 TORA Compass 的新交易功能取得显著增长。
TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Tora (www.toratrading.com), the leading trading platform and liquidity provider for Asia, announced today that 2008 was a record year, having generated significant growth in trading volume, market share and new trading capabilities in TORA Compass.
Since Bosch started series production of the first Diesel injection pumps in 1927, Bosch has been associated with every important development in the Diesel world from distributor pumps to Electronic Controls to Common Rail and exhaust gas after-treatment.
截至 2009 年第一季度末,在所核准的 70,000 美元中, 项目还有 39,595 美元余额, 将结转至 2009-2010 年,连同第二次付款申请的数额一起用于执行第一次付款的剩余活动。
At the end of the first quarter of 2009, the project had a remaining balance of US $39,595 out of the US $70,000 approved, which will be carried over into 2009-2010 to implement the remaining activities from the first tranche in addition to the amount requested for the second tranche.
大会 2009 年 12 月 23 日第 64/48
[...] 号决议决定举行联合国武器贸易条约会议, 该会议将在 2012 年连续举 行四周,以拟订一项具有法律约束力的关于常规武器 [...]
In its resolution 64/48 of 23 December 2009, the General Assembly decided to convene a United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty to
[...] meet for four consecutive weeks in 2012 [...]
to elaborate a legally
binding instrument on the highest possible common international standards for the transfer of conventional arms.




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