

单词 违命

See also:


violates v

External sources (not reviewed)

他三违抗命令、 逃离亚美尼亚,以及他的亲属在 他逃离后不断受到恫吓,将其置于违背国家雇主要求的忠诚义务的处境之中。
His disobeying orders three times, [...]
his flight from Armenia and the continuous intimidation of his relatives after his flight
would place him in breach of the loyalties demanded by his State employer.
澳大利亚进一步指出,适用于澳大利亚国防军成员的 1982 年《国防军纪律
[...] 法》所规定的罪行大体可分为三类:独特军事罪行 ( 如 违命 ) 、 与 平民犯罪相应的 罪行(如偷窃或侵害人身)以及引入的刑事犯罪(又称为特区罪行)。
It was further noted that offences under the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982, which covered Australian Defence Force members, could be broadly divided into
three categories: unique military
[...] offences (such as insubordination), offences with [...]
a civilian equivalent (such as theft
or assault) and imported criminal offences (known as territory offences).
[...] 内出现有罪不罚的情况,相应的国家主管部门必须充分处理所有违纪事件,如 2008 年 9 月,按照针违抗命令行 为的军事准则,开除了 16 名在营房聚众闹事 [...]
In order to prevent impunity within the new army, all incidents of indiscipline must be adequately addressed by the appropriate national authorities, as was the case in September 2008, when 16
soldiers were dismissed in accordance with military
[...] guidelines for acts of insubordination after rioting [...]
in their barracks.
应指出,叙利亚国防部部长 2012 年 1 月 5 日与观察团团长举行会晤时申明,他
[...] 随时准备陪同观察团团长前往后者指定和观察团怀疑尚未撤回军事存在的所有 地点和城市,以便向当地发出命令,立即纠正任 违 反 命 令 的 行为。
It should be noted that the Syrian Minister of Defence, in a meeting with the Head of the Mission that took place on 5 January 2012, affirmed his readiness to accompany the Head of the Mission to all sites and cities designated by the latter and from which the Mission suspects that the
military presence had not yet been withdrawn, with a view to issuing
[...] field orders and rectifying any violation immediately.
缔约国提出:在刑法方面,它已对《刑事诉讼法》作了修 正,该法已在2008年1月1日生效;受暴力侵害的受害人有 权在整个刑事诉讼期间免费得到专门的心理社会和法律咨 询;在询问暴力受害人时尽量减少其痛苦的义务已扩展到
[...] 的做法,而采取“较宽容的做法”,例如令其发誓和命令其 不准接触受害人或回家;如果犯罪 违 反 命 令 或 誓言,则 可对其进行审前羁押;受害人有权知晓被告已解除审前羁 [...]
授权的要求,以使受害人免受家庭成员施加的、要求其撤 回刑事起诉授权的压力;刑事诉讼必须加速进行。
The State party submitted that, in the area of criminal justice, amendments had been made to the Code of Criminal Procedure and came into effect on 1 January 2008; victims exposed to violence had the right to free psychosocial and legal expertise throughout criminal proceedings; the obligation to interrogate victims of violence in a way that minimizes their distress had been extended to include the trial itself; instead of arresting a perpetrator pending further investigation, “more lenient
means” might be employed, such as
[...] pledges and orders to refrain from contacting the victim [...]
or returning to the family home; pretrial
detention might be imposed if the offender contravenes the order or pledge; victims had the right to be informed of the release of the defendant from pretrial detention; the requirement that a victim had to give her authorization for criminal prosecution was eliminated as of
[...] 队表现的总体评价良好,但国家警察领导层和联利特派团还是一道发现了一些令 人关切的情况,主要涉及到枪械使用、资产使用不当以 违 抗 命 令 的 问题。
While general assessment of the Unit’s performance has been good, Liberian National Police leadership and UNMIL have jointly
identified some areas of concern, primarily with respect to the use of firearms, the
[...] misuse of assets, and insubordination.
在武装冲突的背景之外,也需对各国在 违 反 生 命 权 提 供有效补救方面采取 的行动进行研究。
Outside the context of armed conflict,
research is also needed on the practices of States in providing
[...] effective remedies for violations of the right to life.
牙买加强调说,保留死刑不违背国际法,也 违 背 生命 权。
It stressed that the retention of the death penalty was not contrary to
[...] international law or inconsistent with the right to life.
如果是重 罪或严违法,法官命令对 被告进行还押拘留。
If the offence is a felony or serious
[...] offence, the judge orders detention of the accused [...]
on remand.
(f) 规定有效和便于使用的发布限制令或禁令程序以保护受害于暴力行为 的妇女和其他人,同时确保受害人不 违 反 这 些 命 令 而 被追究责任
(f) To provide efficient and easily accessible procedures for issuing restraining or barring orders to
protect women and other victims of violence and for ensuring that victims are not
[...] held accountable for breaches of such orders
安全部门威胁董事会成员如违抗这 一 命 令 , 就逮捕他们。
The security services had threatened board members with arrest if they defied the order.
The Act imposes penalties for the breach of a protection order.
代理署长的命违反《 部长、 部长会议和其他任命法》,该法规定短期任命不得超过两个月,且不能续任。
The appointment of the Acting Director violated the Law on [...]
Ministerial, Council of Ministers’ and Other Appointments that
states that short-term appointments cannot exceed two months and cannot be renewed.
(h) 警察和法院有权在发生对妇女的暴力行为时下达并强制执行保护和禁 止令,包括将行为人从住所中带走,禁止在住所内外与被害人和其他受影响当
[...] 事人进一步接触,并有权下达和强制执行子女支助和监护令,以及 违 反 这些 命令的行为处以刑罚。
(h) Police and courts have the authority to issue and enforce protection and restraining or barring orders in cases of violence against women, including removal of the perpetrator from the domicile and prohibition of further contact with the victim and other affected parties, inside and outside
the domicile, to issue and enforce child support and custody orders and to
[...] impose penalties for breaches of those orders.
因此,即使这类情况没有导致受害者死亡,但提交人认为,缔约国未能履行其保 护他们命权的义务违反了 《公约》第六条。
Consequently, and even if such circumstances did not lead to the actual death of the victims, the author contends that the State
party failed to fulfil its obligation to protect
[...] their right to life, and breached its duty under article [...]
6 of the Covenant.
作为制订行动计划的步骤,内政部于 2010 年 4 月 24 日发布了一项行政命令, 禁止阿富汗国家警察招募或使用儿童,要求在
[...] 30 天内让阿富汗国家警察中的儿 童脱离队伍;并要求违反这项行 命 令 者 进行调查并采取纪律行动。
As steps towards the development of the action plan, the Ministry of Interior issued an executive order on 24 April 2010 prohibiting children from being recruited or used within ANP, requiring children found in ANP ranks to be separated
within 30 days; and calling for investigations and disciplinary action
[...] against those found to be in violation of this order.
我国还呼吁以色列当局废除对东耶路撒冷议员 的驱逐令,因为这命令违反了人权法和国际人道主 义法。
My country also calls upon the Israeli authorities to
[...] rescind the expulsion orders for the East Jerusalem [...]
parliamentarians, which are contrary
to human rights law and international humanitarian law.
法院进一步指出,《破产法》第 268 条第 6 款 规定,“本条并不要求法院下达与加拿大法律 违 背 的 命 令 或实施由外国法院签 发的命令。
The court further stated that Section 268, subparagraph 6 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act states that “this section does not require the court to make an order contrary to Canadian law or to give effect to orders issued by a foreign court.
Alleged unlawful acts of individuals against the right to life require full and timely investigation and prosecution.
最后可指出,法院未得机会判定对他发的递解出 命 令 是 否 违 法, 因为刚对他发命令之 后,博萨诺就被(不顾其抗议)移交给瑞士警方。
Lastly, it may be noted that the courts have not been given an opportunity of making a finding as to the possible infringements of the deportation order issued against him, because as soon as the order was served on him, Bozano was handed over to the Swiss police, despite his protests.
不得通过本网站发布或传播任何鼓动可能会构成犯罪、招致法律责任 违 反 任 何法律、行 命 令 或 方针, 违 反 本 条款行为的信息或材料,或未经 Emerson 事先许可包含任何有关产品或服务的广告或询价信息或材料。
Nor shall you post or transmit through the Site any information or material which encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give
rise to liability or
[...] otherwise violate any law or administrative ruling or guidelines, is in violation of these Terms, [...]
or which, without
Emerson's prior written approval, contain advertising or any solicitation with respect to products or services.
执行这命令将违反《 日内瓦第四公约》,特别是其中第 49 条 的规定。该条禁止自占领地将被保护人个别或集体强 [...]
Implementing the order would constitute a breach of the Forth [...]
Geneva Convention, in particular article 49, which prohibits
individual or mass forcible transfers and deportations of protected persons from occupied territory.
[...] 115 节规定,海关官员可在陆地或领水扣押有合理理由怀违反此项命令或违反此项命令的 任何规定,或违反所发给的执照或许可证的任何 限制或条件的所有犯罪货物,连同扣押任何容器、包装、运送工具、运载这些货 [...]
物或其用途与此犯罪或违规行为有关联的船舶(注册净吨位不超过 200 吨)或飞 机以及有合理理由认为与此案有联系的任何簿册或单据。
provides that an officer of customs may, in any place either on land or in territorial waters, seize all goods in
respect of which there
[...] has been or there is a reasonable cause to suspect that an offence [...]
has been committed against this Order or any breach of provision
of the Order, or of any restriction or condition imposed on any licence or permit which has been granted, together with any receptacle, package, conveyance, vessel not exceeding 200 tons net registered tonnage, or aircraft, in which the same may have been found or which has been used in connection with such offence or breach, and any book or document which may reasonably be believed to have a bearing on the case.
大会享有所需的权力,应当决定向前迈进,摆脱命的瘫痪陷阱违背约定做法和没有前途的重启该 进程的尝试。
The General Assembly, which has a power to do so, should decide to
move ahead, leave behind the
[...] fatal trap of paralysis, missed appointments and short-lived attempts [...]
to relaunch the process.
塞族共和国民族委员会中的波什尼亚克族核心小组指出,总理(塞族)的 命违反 了 塞族共和国宪法规定的塞族共和国六个高级职位的民族分配。
The Bosniak Caucus of the Republika Srpska Council
of Peoples had argued that
[...] appointment of the Prime Minister (Serb) contravened the ethnic [...]
distribution of six high offices
in Republika Srpska mandated by the Republika Srpska Constitution.
( 如废水工厂和污水设施) 为目标、用平民充当“人肉盾牌”、拒绝疏 散受伤者、对反军事行动的示威开火、以有损人格的条件拘留等( 第六和七条)。
[...] 除了已经开展的调查之外,缔约国应当对严重违反国际人道主义法的行为进 行可信和独立的调查,比如侵犯命 权 、 违 反 对酷刑的禁止、侵犯所有在押者的 人道待遇权和言论自由权。
The State party should launch, in addition to the investigations already conducted, credible, independent investigations into the serious violations of international human
rights law,
[...] such as violations of the right to life, prohibition [...]
of torture, the right to humane treatment of all persons in custody and the right to freedom of expression.
独立专家提醒苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动注意其负有义务,应保护平民 免遭暴力,避免采取任何行动危及平民 命 , 并 应追 违 反 国际人道主义法和人 权法者的责任。
The independent expert reminds the Government of the Sudan and the SPLM of their responsibility to protect civilians from violence and to
refrain from any actions
[...] that could put the lives of civilians in danger, and to hold those who violate international [...]
humanitarian and human rights law accountable.
国际社会看到的不是普通的战争,而是新的以色 列的侵略,这与 2006 年对黎巴嫩的侵略相似,他们 正在对巴勒斯坦人民使用最先进的 命 武 器 , 违 反了 国际和平与安全的原则。
The international community is not witnessing an ordinary war but a new Israeli aggression, similar to the summer of 2006 aggression
on Lebanon, with the
[...] most advanced and lethal weapons being used against Palestinian people, in violation of international [...]
peace and security.
此外,这一 军命令再次违反了 安全理事会谴责以色列递解巴勒斯坦平民、要求以色列停止这 [...]
一非法做法的多项决议,包括第 607(1988)号、608(1988)号、636(1989)号、 641(1989)号、681(1990)号、694(1991)号、726(1992)号和 799(1992)号决议。
Further, this military order
[...] constitutes yet another violation of the numerous [...]
Security Council resolutions deploring Israel’s
deportation of Palestinian civilians and calling on it to cease this illegal practice, including resolutions 607 (1988), 608 (1988), 636 (1989), 641 (1989), 681 (1990), 694 (1991), 726 (1992) and 799 (1992).
a) 参与任何与教科文组织使命相违或破 坏其工作和声誉的产品、劳务或活动; b) 与践踏人权者同流合污,容忍强迫或强制劳动或使用童工; c) 直接参与杀伤地雷或集束炸弹的销售或制造,或不履行联合国规定的相关义务或 责任; d) 违反联合国安全理事会规定的制裁。
(c) are directly involved in the sale or manufacture of antipersonnel landmines or cluster bombs, or otherwise do not meet relevant obligations or responsibilities required by the United Nations




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