单词 | 违反宪法 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 违反宪法 —violate the constitutionSee also:违反 n—violation n • breach n • contravention n 宪法 n—constitution n • constitutions pl 宪法 adj—constitutional adj 宪法—constitution (of a country)
公正审理保障措施遭到普遍忽视,特别刑事法庭的运 作是违反宪法的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fair trial guarantees were widely disregarded and the functioning of the specialized [...] criminal court was unconstitutional. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果法院得出 结论认为,将在定案时适用的法律 违反宪法 法 令,则应当将此问题提交宪法法院。 daccess-ods.un.org | Should a court conclude that the law [...] to be applied in [...] deciding a case contravenes the constitutional order, it shall submit the issue to the Constitutional Court. daccess-ods.un.org |
在我 2007 年 12 月的通报中(见 [...] S/PV.5789),我 向安理会强调,当时艾哈迈德·哈伦被任命为南方和 北方侵犯人权和违反宪法问题 委员会的成员。 daccess-ods.un.org | In my December 2007 briefing (see S/PV.5789), I highlighted to the Council that Ahmad Harun [...] had then been appointed to a committee on human rights [...] violations and breaches of the Constitution in the South and North. daccess-ods.un.org |
参议院议长在此方面回顾指出,修订 包括政治制度性质在内的宪法特定规定 是 违反宪法 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The President of the Senate recalled in this regard that it was [...] unconstitutional to revise certain [...] provisions of the Constitution, including [...]provisions relating to the nature of the political regime. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 阿富汗政府重申其对正义的承诺,与对严重国际罪行和侵犯人权行为 [...] 的肇事者的有罪不罚现象作斗争;废除《大赦和国家稳定法》,因为它明 显 违反 《宪法》规定和政府的国际条约义务 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) The Government of Afghanistan should reaffirm its [...] commitment to justice and combating impunity for perpetrators of serious [...] international crimes and human rights violations. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,该法第 5.4 条规定:“依法提出上诉的所有案 件均足以证明存在违反宪法规定 的行为”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this respect, article 5.4 of the Act [...] stipulates that “a breach of the Constitution shall constitute sufficient grounds for an appeal to vacate in all cases provided for by law”. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使独立宣言是由临时自治机构违 反《宪法框架 》通过的,这种行动也只能被视为科索沃内部法方面的越权,须由 秘书长特别代表以其作为领土行政长官的身份处理,或由科索沃最高法院处理。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even if the declaration of independence was [...] adopted by the PISG in violation of the Constitutional Framework, such [...]action could only be considered [...]as ultra vires in respect of the domestic law of Kosovo, and would have to be dealt with by the SRSG, in his quality as administrator of the territory, or by the Supreme Court of Kosovo. daccess-ods.un.org |
13 项建议,强调需要取消所有违反宪法 的 特 赦法庭。 daccess-ods.un.org | It endorsed recommendation 13 and stressed the importance of [...] abolishing all unconstitutional exceptional courts. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别报告员还深感不安地注意到一些国家联邦实体的行动,它们在 采取措施起草法律,其中带有的移民条 款 违反宪法 原 则 ,其管辖权严格依靠中央 或联邦政府。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur also observed with deep concern recent initiatives of federated entities in some States which have taken steps to [...] draft laws with immigration [...] provisions that are contrary to constitutional principles and [...]whose competence relies strictly [...]on the central or federal Government. daccess-ods.un.org |
比如, 违反宪法对武装组织的禁令可以使缅甸军方有借口拖延 宪法的实施,宣布缅甸进入紧急状态,或是发起另一场 政变,以阻止议会上台。 crisisgroup.org | For example, a violation of the constitutional ban on armed [...] groups could give the army an excuse to delay the charter’s [...]implementation, declare a state of emergency or stage another coup to prevent the parliament from sitting. crisisgroup.org |
因此,违反《宪法框架》势必同时违反安全理事会的决议, 而决议对所有国家和科索沃的非国家行为体都具有约束力,因为该领土处于联合 [...] 国的管理之下。 daccess-ods.un.org | A violation of the Constitutional Framework therefore [...] entails a simultaneous violation of the Security Council resolution, [...]which is binding on all States and non-State actors in Kosovo as a result of the territory having been placed under United Nations administration. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 对最终判决或中期判决进行违宪审查,宣布撤 销 违反 《 宪法 》 的 判决; (c) 通过向最高法院宪法法庭提起诉讼或者任何法院将受理个案的案情提 交最高法院,即可以启动违宪审查程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Petitions of unconstitutionality may be filed directly before the Constitutional [...] Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice [...]or as a procedural defence before any other court, in which case the relevant files will be submitted to the Supreme Court. daccess-ods.un.org |
法 院的结论是,宣布独立没有违反《 宪法 框 架 》,因为宣布独立者不是科索沃临时 自治机构,因此不受该框架的约束。 daccess-ods.un.org | It concludes that the declaration of [...] independence did not violate the Constitutional Framework because [...]its authors were not the Provisional [...]Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo and thus not bound by that Framework. daccess-ods.un.org |
但最高法院还指出,“虽然对于即 [...] 使面临刑罚也要坚持或坚守自己的宗教或良心决定的人来说,似宜实行兵役替代 役制度,而不是强迫他们在军队服役,但这种立法不是政府的宪法责任,《兵役 法》只规定了处罚,而没有规定这种例外 不 违反 《 宪法 》。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it also stated that “Although it is desirable to adopt a system of alternative service in place of military duty for those who firmly maintain and stick to their own religious or conscientious decision even facing the criminal penalty, rather than forcing them to serve in the army, this legislation is not a constitutional responsibility of the government and Military Service [...] Act which provides only for the [...] punishment does not provide such an exception is not an infringement of the Constitution”. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,特别报告员注意到,当 时的丹瑞大将于 2010 年 11 [...] 月签署的法律规定,议员有言论自由权,除非其言论 危及国家安全、统一或违反宪法。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this respect, he notes that laws signed by then Senior General Than Shwe, in November 2010, stipulate that parliamentarians will be allowed freedom [...] of expression unless their speeches endanger national security or the unity of [...] the country or violate the Constitution. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国还应保证对所有由警察部队犯下 的 违反 《 宪法 》 的 行为加以惩 处,且按照《刑法》对这些行为展开有效、透明的调查。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party should also [...] guarantee that no act carried out by the police forces that violates the Convention [...]will go unpunished and [...]that the investigations into such acts will be effective, transparent and carried out under criminal law. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我认为,是否将独立宣言的作者视为科索沃议会议员并不重要; 在任何情况下,他们都无权违背联合国建立的科索沃行政当局的法律制度,通过 违反《宪法框架》和安全理事会第 1244 号决议的宣言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Hence, in my opinion, it does not matter whether or not the authors of the declaration of independence are considered to be members of the Assembly of Kosovo; under no circumstances were they [...] entitled to adopt a [...] declaration that contravenes the Constitutional Framework and Security Council resolution 1244 by running counter to the legal régime for [...]the administration of [...]Kosovo established by the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
人权观察社促请埃塞俄比亚修订《慈善机构 和社团公告》,该《公告》违反宪法 , 加 剧了政府对公民社会独立性的敌对态 度。 daccess-ods.un.org | It urged Ethiopia to amend the charities and societies [...] proclamation, which violated the Constitution and had resulted [...]in broader governmental hostility [...]towards independent civil society. daccess-ods.un.org |
此类组织应为国家主权、独立、团结、领土完整、法治、宪政式民主 原则而努力;其章程、方案、思想宣传或开展的其他活动均不 得 违反 《 宪法 》第 30 条第 7 款、第 37 条第 2 和第 4 款;若违反上述任何一条价值观,则不得附属 于外国组织;不得开展军事或准军事活动或法律禁止的其他任何活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such associations 29 will fight for national sovereignty, independence and unity of the state, territorial integrity, rule of law and the principles of [...] constitutional [...] democracy; will not violate by their statute, programs, propaganda of ideas or other activities they undertake Articles 30 para 7 and 37 paras 2 and 4 of the Constitution; will not get [...]the affiliation to foreign [...]organisations if such an undertaking violates one of the values mentioned above; will not undertake military or paramilitary activities or any other activities prohibited by law. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,《宪法》第 132 条规定,最高法院有权按照《宪法》及其他法 律规定宣布法律规范或法律决议违反 《 宪法 》。 daccess-ods.un.org | The human rights recognized in and guaranteed by the Constitution are compatible with treaties and other international instruments in that field which, under the Constitution, take precedence over domestic law. daccess-ods.un.org |
行政部门违反《宪法》 和法律削减萨拉热窝县司法经费的决定后来被撤销。 daccess-ods.un.org | A decision by the [...] executive to cut judicial finances in Sarajevo Canton, in contradiction with the Constitution and the law, [...]was later reversed. daccess-ods.un.org |
这项裁决规定,如果立法机关要求质疑部长,则必须(a) 包括违反《宪法》 和法律的具体行为的指控;(b) 提供相关事实的具体细节;(c) 提供违反法律或 《宪法》指称和造成物质损失的证据。 daccess-ods.un.org | The ruling states that the legislature’s request to question a minister must: [...] (a) include specific [...] allegations of constitutional and legal infractions; (b) provide specific details about relevant facts; and (c) provide evidence of the alleged breaches of the law [...]or the Constitution and [...]of the resulting material damage. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国安全理事会和非洲联盟和平与安全理事会成员欢迎 2010 年 1 月举行 [...] 的非洲联盟大会第十四次常会通过的关于增强非洲联盟在处理非 洲 违反宪法更 换政府方面的能力的 Assembly/AU/Dec.269(XIV)号决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The members of the Security Council and the AU Peace and Security Council welcomed decision Assembly/AU/Dec.269 (XIV), adopted by the African Union Assembly at its fourteenth ordinary session, held in January 2010, [...] relating to the enhancement of the capacity of the African [...] Union to address unconstitutional changes of government [...]in Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
波多黎各宪法》 禁止实行死刑,美国政府违反《宪法 》 , 在美国设在 波多黎各的地区法院审判被告时,仍然试图实行死 刑。 daccess-ods.un.org | In violation of the Constitution of Puerto [...] Rico, which prohibited the death penalty, the Government of the United States [...]continued to seek the death penalty when bringing defendants to trial in United States district courts in Puerto Rico. daccess-ods.un.org |
应该指出太平 [...] 洋岛屿秘书处独立选举观察员工作队在其初次报告中表明,尽管选举管理不当, 但不存在违反宪法的行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | It should be noted that a team of independent election observers from the Pacific Islands [...] Forum Secretariat stated that in its initial report, although poorly [...] managed, there were no constitutional infringements. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会注意到缔约国代表团所提供的信息:宪法法院宣布直接收 养 违反 《宪法》;委员会还注意到缔约国通过PANI于2008 年批准了关于国内和国际 收养程序的新条例,为监管收养作出了努力,但是委员会仍然感到关注的是:目 [...] 前仍然存在直接收养现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | While noting information provided by the [...] State party delegation [...] that the Constitutional Chamber declared direct adoptions unconstitutional, as well as the [...]State party’s efforts [...]to regulate adoptions through the approval by PANI in 2008 of new regulations for national and international adoption processes, the Committee remains concerned that direct adoptions are still being performed. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011 年 6 月 7 日,该委员会发布通知,其中包括第 46 号通知,禁止出版和分发:与 [...] 国家三大事业(防止联邦分裂、防止民族团结瓦解和永保国家主权)背道而驰及 违反《宪法》或 《公务保密法》的资料;破坏各族裔或各宗教间关系的资料;扰 [...] 乱和平与安宁或煽动骚乱的资料;鼓动武装团体成员叛变或影响公务人员履行职 责的资料。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 7 June 2011, the board issued notifications that include No. 46, prohibiting publication and distribution of material that is contrary to the Three National Causes (non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and [...] perpetuation of national [...] sovereignty); the Constitution; or the Official Secrets Act; that is [...]damaging to relations among [...]ethnic national races or religions; that upsets peace and tranquillity or incites disturbances; and that exhorts members of the armed services to commit traitorous acts or undermines the performance of public service duties. daccess-ods.un.org |
务虚会期间,联 合国和非洲联盟高级官员,包括在非洲大陆工作的特使和特别代表与伙伴组织一 [...] 道讨论了与预防和解决冲突及建设和平有关的跨领域问题,包括 : 违反宪法 的政 府更迭;与选举有关的暴力事件和纠纷;和平、正义与和解;安全部门改革;自 [...] 然资源管理和财富共享;及与执行和平协定有关的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the retreat, senior officials from the United Nations and the African Union, including Special Envoys and Special Representatives working on the African continent, together with partner organizations, discussed cross-cutting issues relevant to conflict [...] prevention and resolution and [...] peacebuilding, including unconstitutional changes of Government; [...]election-related violence and [...]disputes; peace, justice and reconciliation; security sector reform; management of natural resources and wealth sharing; and challenges linked to the implementation of peace agreements. daccess-ods.un.org |
在塞尔维亚共和国,宪法法院采取下列法律程序:确定普通文书的合宪性或 合法性的法律程序;在法律颁布之前确定它们的合宪性的法律程序;就推迟执行 [...] 自治省机构的决定进行裁决的法律程序;解决有关法律管辖权的冲突的法律程 序;就选举程序作出裁决的程序;就禁止政党、劳工组织、民间社团或宗教团体 [...] 运作进行裁决的法律程序;宪法性投诉的法律程序;就共和国总 统 违反 《 宪法》 进 行裁决的法律程序;就法官、检察官和副检察官提出的关于终止任期决定的投 [...]诉进行裁决的法律程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following proceedings are held before the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia: the proceedings for establishing constitutionality or legality of general instruments; the proceedings for establishing constitutionality of laws before they are promulgated; the proceedings for deciding on postponing the enforcement of decisions of the bodies of the autonomous province; the proceedings for resolving conflicts in jurisdiction; procedure for deciding on electoral proceedings; the procedure for deciding on the prohibition of the work of a political party, labour organization, citizen association or religious [...] community; the proceedings of constitutional complaint; the procedure [...] for deciding on violations of Constitution [...]by the President of the [...]Republic; the procedure of complaint by judges, public prosecutors and deputy public prosecutors on a decision about termination of tenure.57 (iii) Public Prosecutor’s Office daccess-ods.un.org |
几内亚代表团表示,宪法草案所规定的全国人权执行主任办公室和全国人 权委员会间的作用或职能不会重叠,第一个机构将负责政府对联合国和条约机构 系统的条约义务,而第二个机构则将在新法律可 能 违反 《 宪法 》 时 提请宪法法院 注意,并将确保对人权维护者的保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation of Guinea stated that there would be no duplication of roles or functions between the National Human Rights Directorate and the national human rights commission envisaged in the draft constitution. The first body would be responsible for the Government’s statuary obligations vis-à-vis the United Nations and the treaty bodies system, while the second [...] body would draw the [...] attention of the Constitutional Court to new laws possibly infringing constitutionality and would [...]ensure the protection of human rights defenders. daccess-ods.un.org |