

单词 进取精神

See also:

进取 adj

proactive adj

精神 adj

mental adj
spiritual adj
psychiatric adj
psychotropic adj
moral adj
psychological adj



External sources (not reviewed)

与此相联系的,是使高层专家 组的议程在关注全球新问题(尤其是千年发展目标)方面更具 进取精神 和 影 响力。
This is linked to making the HLG agenda more ambitious and influential in terms of the emerging global issues and, in particular, the MDGs.
随着他 108 分钟的太空飞行,他不仅成为科学、 工程和技术胜利的象征,也是象征着人类不可遏止进取精神及其无限的可能性。
With his 108-minute flight into space, he exemplified not only the triumph of science, engineering and technology, but also the irrepressibility of human endeavour and its infinite possibilities.
这成为可能,归功于波兰人民的努力 进取精神, 归功于历届政府作艰难决定的勇气。
That was possible thanks to the work and
[...] the entrepreneurial spirit of the Polish [...]
people and thanks to successive Governments’
courage in making difficult decisions.
Kemppi 与生俱来进取精神和青 年时期的多才多艺,奠定了他的人生价值观基础,也成为 [...]
Kemppi Oy 在全球取得成功的基础。
His enterprising nature and the multi-skilled [...]
environment of his youth helped to form the life values on which it was later
possible to build the international success of Kemppi Oy.
领导神和进取精神是我 们一切活动的核心。
Leadership and entrepreneurial spirit are at the heart [...]
of everything we do.
特别是1978年以来,上海的改革开放力度不断加大,上海人民以强烈 进取精神 , 解放思想,与时俱进,大胆实践,走出了一条具有中国特色、体现时代特征、符合上海特大型城市特点的发展新路,使上海经济和社会发展的各个领域发生了历史性的大变革,已成为我国最大的经济中心和国家历史文化名城,并正向建成国际经济、金融、贸易和航运中心之一的目标迈进。
Dynamic, audacious and practical Shanghainese people went to a new development direction respecting Chinese particularities and reflecting the specificities of the period while being appropriate to the characteristics of a huge city like Shanghai. The consequence is that each part of Shanghai benefits of these historic reforms in terms of economic and social development.
根据中心及其机构伙伴确定的目标,鼓励积极的学 进取精神。
encourage entrepreneurship in an academic setting in line with the objectives of the Centre and its institutional partners.
五) 鼓励非营利组织以及公共和私人机构、艺术家及其他文化专业人员发展和促进思 想、文化表现形式、文化活动、产品与服务的自由交流和流通,以及在这些活动 中激励创新精神和积进取精神的措
(e) measures aimed at encouraging non-profit organizations, as well as public and private institutions and artists and other cultural professionals, to develop and promote the free exchange and circulation of ideas, cultural expressions and
cultural activities, goods and services, and
[...] to stimulate both the creative and entrepreneurial spirit in their activities
贵公 司的创始人伊藤忠兵卫先生凭借 “百尺竿头更进一步” 的先见性进取精神不断 向新的事物挑战,我认为伊藤忠 商事的每一名员工都具有他那样的DNA。
I think that everyone at ITOCHU Corporation carries on the DNA of the founder, Chubei Itoh, to continually take on new challenges with an eye to the future, which can be found in his motto “One step over hyaku shaku kantou (aiming to take one step higher when seemingly reaching a pinnacle of success).
Cracker团队领导人Chung-Fan Chiou博士表示:“虽然与其他队伍相比我们较晚进入比赛,但该竞赛与何时参赛无关,只关乎创新者是否具有为全人类福祉实现技术飞跃 进取精神。
Though we may have entered the contest later than other teams, this competition is not about when one joins, it is about entrepreneurial spirit driving innovators to devise technological leaps that will benefit the whole humankind," said cracker team leader, Dr. Chung-Fan Chiou.
不过,必须指出,尽管孟加拉国仍是第 107 号公约缔约国, 但劳工组织第 169
号公约(《关于土著和部族民族的公约》)的规定也与孟加拉国 的情况相关,因为它具有鼓舞人心的价值,而且负责监督第 107 号和第 169 号公
[...] 约执行情况的专家委员会弘扬了《第 169 号公约》进取精神,并且拒绝《第 107 号公约》主张取消隔离的倾向。
It should be mentioned, however, that although Bangladesh remains party to Convention No. 107, the provisions of ILO Convention No. 169 (the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention) are also relevant to the situation in Bangladesh because of their inspirational value and because the Committee of Experts, which monitors the implementation
of both Conventions No. 107 and 169, follows
[...] the progressive spirit of Convention No. [...]
169 and rejects the integrationist orientation of Convention No. 107.9
香港的繁榮應歸功於香港㆟的 取精神 ,但亦有賴政府的能力、誠信、規章制度以及自律,才能確保我們的市場保持自由、開放 及公平。
But it also relies upon the skills, the integrity, the discipline and self-discipline of a government which ensures that our markets remain free, open and fair.
此外,因关心人权领域而希望获得特别咨商地位的组织应按照《宪章》、 《世界人权宣言》以及《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》 精神 争 取 实 现 增 进 和 保 护人 权的目标。
In addition, organizations to be accorded special consultative status because of their interest in the field of human rights should pursue the goals of promotion and protection of
human rights in
[...] accordance with the spirit of the Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action.
尽管伊斯兰国家组织认为,在整个审查进 程中所提出的许多问题不属于已经商定的范围,但伊斯兰国家组织在整 进 程中 都一直愿意以建设性的和开放精神 来 听 取 和 讨 论所有提议。
In spite of the fact that, in the OIC’s view, many of the issues raised throughout the process fell outside what had been agreed upon,
the OIC had always
[...] been ready to listen to and discuss all proposals with a constructive and open spirit throughout the process.
[...] 48 小时内证实其首次申诉,主要是因为他必须向亚美尼亚、并向一名医生精 神病医师索取资料
The author could not sustain his initial claim within
48 procedural hours, especially since he had to obtain information from
[...] Armenia and from a physician or a psychiatrist.
(b) 采取措施 确保除其他外,通过允许独立监察员和监测机制访问精神病 院,确保任何人都不会因非医疗原因而被强行 进精神 病 院 ,并确保仅根据独立 精神病专家的建议作出住院决定,并且可就此决定提起上诉
(b) Take measures to ensure that no one is involuntarily placed in psychiatric institutions for reasons other than medical by, inter alia, allowing access to psychiatric facilities and mental hospitals by independent monitors and monitoring mechanisms, and ensuring [...]
that hospitalization
for medical reasons is decided only upon the advice of independent psychiatric experts and that such decisions can be appealed
(i) 註冊醫生在下述情況下 須承擔的法律責 任:因 病 人 患有疾病或 正 處於神智不 清 的 狀態,或因 病 人 是未成年人精神上無行為能力的人而 在取得病人 同 意下進行器官移植;病 人的親屬 能否代沒有能力作出同 意的病 人作出同 意;若 病 人的親屬 無法就是否同意進行器官移植手術 達 成 共識,將如何處理。
(i) Legal liability of the registered medical practitioner for performing an organ transplant on a patient without first obtaining the latter's consent because of his illness or impaired state of consciousness or his being a minor, a mentally incapacitated person; whether relatives of a patient who could not give consent might give consent on behalf of the patient; and what would happen if the relatives had no consensus on whether to give consent.
[...] 策,将精神健康纳入初级卫生保健之中,为劳动力发展和基本药物采购编列预算, 对初级卫生保健人进行有关精神健 康 方面的培训。
To ensure that mental disorders are not disregarded by the health system, health authorities should develop a mental health policy, integrate mental health treatment into primary health care,
budget for workforce development and essential drug procurement, and
[...] train primary health-care providers in mental health.
特使还说,在本《公约》的工作中保持合作 精神对 于促进普遍 加入十分重要,他指出,非缔约国密切注视着《公约》的工作,它们 希望成为一个以各国和其他行为者相互合作、共同努力克服复杂执行问题为特征 [...]
The Special Envoy also observed that maintaining
[...] a cooperative spirit in the work of this Convention is important to promoting universalisation, [...]
noting that States
not parties closely observe the work of the Convention and that they want to be part of movement that features States and other actors collaborating with one another and working together to overcome the complexities of implementation.
最后,请允许我借此机会呼吁在全球本着 真正的伙精神进行更 为紧迫和协调一致的努 力,遏制非传染性疾病祸害。
Finally, let me take this opportunity to call for more
urgent and concerted efforts at the global
[...] level, in the true spirit of partnership, [...]
to contain the scourge of non-communicable diseases.
現時有許多國家, 它們不能解決本身的大部份需要,須倚賴第㆔者的援助,反觀香港,我們可以感到自 豪,我們的勤勞、效率和取精神, 使 我們在以後的歲月得以投資於更偉大的社會, 我深信這種趨勢將會持續㆘去。
Unlike much of the world, which finds itself dependent on third party aid and unable to meet most of its own needs, we can be proud and reflect over the fact that our hard work, efficiency and enterprise have afforded us the opportunity to invest in a greater society in successive years — a trend I believe must be sustained.
奥地利代表呼吁本着“维也精神” 进 行 建 设性谈判,并希望今后的届会 本着这精神进行。
The delegate from Austria appealed
for constructive
[...] negotiations in the “Vienna Spirit” and hoped that the future sessions would take place in this spirit.
我们是根据人权理事会第 S-15/1 号决议 中的请求,并且本着秘书长、人权事务高级专员、安 全理事会、阿拉伯国家联盟、伊斯兰会议组织、欧洲 联盟外交事务理事会以及非洲联盟和平与安全理事 会在这一事项上遵循的同精神采取 行 动 的。
We are acting pursuant to the request made by the Human Rights Council in its resolution S/15-1 and in the same spirit that has guided the Secretary-General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Security Council, the League of Arab States, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union, and the Peace and Security Council of the African Union with regard to this case.
(f) 采取措施阻止青少年使用精和毒 品,要特别注意怀孕青少年; (g) 采取进一步 的措施,包括拨付充分的人力和财力资源,支持发展对青 年敏感和保密的咨询、照料和康复设施,要考虑到委员会关于青少年 [...]
健康问题的第 4 号一般性意见(2003 年)。
(g) Take further measures, including the allocation of adequate human and financial resources [...]
to support the development of youth-sensitive
and confidential counselling, care and rehabilitation facilities, taking into account the Committee’s general comment No. 4 (2003) on adolescent health.
本局亦會發現很多㆟認為政府偏離積極不干預政策,而傾向於對社會進行過份規 管,以致窒礙了創造香港的那份 取精神。
This Council would also find many believing that the Government was tilting away from positive non-interventionism towards an over-regulated society which will stifle the very enterprise that has created Hong Kong.
我的同事公務員事務司會詳細闡述這項動議所提出的主 要事項,我只想籠統㆞談談其㆗幾點,包括我們為改善公務員質素和服 精神 而 採 取的 措施、本㆞化政策,以及立法機關與公務員的關係。
My colleague, the Secretary for the Civil Service will deal with the key issues raised in this motion in detail. But I would like
to address just a few of
[...] them in broader terms, including the measures we have taken to improve the [...]
quality and culture of
the service, localization, and the relationship of the legislature with the Civil Service.
缔约国应进精神病院患者的生活条件,确保所有对 神 病 患 者进行非自愿治疗 的场所得到独立监督机构的定期访问,保障适当落实措施以保护他们的权利,并 提供替代性治疗方式。
The State party should improve the living conditions for
[...] patients in psychiatric institutions and ensure that all places where mental health patients [...]
are held for involuntary
treatment are regularly visited by independent monitoring entities to guarantee the proper implementation of the safeguards set out to secure their rights, and that alternative forms of treatment are developed.
还回顾《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》中的原则,包括原则7 中规定,各国应 本着全球伙伴关系精神进行合 作,以维持、保护和恢复地球生态系统的健康和 [...]
完整;鉴于造成全球环境退化的原因不同,各国负有程度不同的共同责任;发达 国家承认,鉴于其社会对全球环境造成的压力和它们掌握的技术和资金,它们在
Recalling further the principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development,
including Principle 7, which states that States
[...] should cooperate in a spirit of global partnership [...]
to conserve, protect and restore
the health and integrity of the Earth’s ecosystem; that in view of the different contributions to global environmental degradation, States have common but differentiated responsibilities; and that developed countries acknowledge the responsibility that they bear in the international pursuit of sustainable development in view of the pressures their societies place on the global environment and of the technologies and financial resources they command




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