

单词 进修

进修 noun, plural ()

further studies pl

进修 ()

take a refresher course
undertake advanced studies



you can lead a horse water but you can't make him drink
the master leads you the door, the rest is up to you

External sources (not reviewed)

将在未来予以着重强调的信 通技术能力建设的一些领域包括:电子政务、互联网银行业务、远 进修、 以及信息安全。
Some of the areas highlighted for ICT capacity-building in the future were e-Government, Internet banking, distance learning and information security.
[...] 记录国家和地方文化传统,各协会的公众民间文化活动及有关活动,培训 进修 课程
Folk culture includes traditional culture and artistic recreational activities based on national traditions, the study, preservation and recording of national and local
cultural traditions, public folk culture events and the related activities of societies,
[...] training and refresher courses.
[...] 训活动开始以来,已经举办了 10 期基础课程班和 1 期进修班,合格率接近 95%。
As of now, 10 basic
[...] courses and 1 refresher course have [...]
been delivered since training started, with a pass rate close to 95 per cent.
此外,提议续设 2 个 P-4 级培训协调干事一般临时人员职位,这些员额在 自己的责任领域内,为所有具体工作和技术培训开展全周期的培训管理,从确定 需求到设计、交付,以及对大批具体课程进行评价,包括与秘书处人才管理进 修方案协调一致。
Furthermore, it is proposed that 2 general temporary assistance positions of Training Coordination Officer at the P-4 level be continued in order to carry out the full cycle of training management (from needs identification to the design, delivery and evaluation of a large inventory of specific courses, including their harmonization with Secretariat workforce management and learning development programmes) for all job-specific and technical courses within their area of responsibility.
如此,设备运营商才能要求其员工对准目 进 行 进修。
In this way plant users can provide specific support and training for their personnel.
务实和相互尊重 支配着工作人员协会代表和行政管理部门代表之间的关系,特别是在人事政策咨询委员会
[...] (ACPP)的工作中,因为已制订并通过和实施一项新的招聘、轮换、培 训 / 进修 、 业 绩评估、 家庭生活支助、有限期合同安排及授权章程和总部外办事处履行汇报义务方面的政策。
The pragmatism and the mutual respect that have prevailed in the relations between staff representatives and the Administration, particularly during the meetings of the Advisory Council on Personnel Policies (ACPP), have in fact enabled the finalization, adoption and
application of a new policy for recruitment,
[...] rotation, training/further training, performance [...]
assessment, support for family life,
contractual arrangements of limited duration, and also the delegation chart of authority and accountability for field offices.
大学教育必须通过继续教育进修课程 和提供人权方面的在职培训加以加强。
University education must be backed up by continuing education, refresher courses and in-service training in human rights.
综合培训处致力于对维持和平培训的整体管理,确保培训按需提供,高效 和有效,采用的是恰当的培训方法,并且与秘书处更大范围为文职工作人员提供进修方案协调一致。
The Integrated Training Service is committed to the overall management of peacekeeping training, ensuring that it is needs-based, efficient, effective, based on appropriate training methods and harmonized with the broader Secretariat learning development programme for civilian staff members.
在 这方面,公共安全部正在研究部长关于拘留和 进修 中 心 管理的一份说明草案, 以期解决一些关切事项。
In that connection, the Ministry of Public Security was working on a draft instruction of the Minister on the Management of Detention and Re-education Centres with a view to addressing relevant concerns.
改善母亲健康的活动主要集中于在一线卫生设施(综合卫生中心)和医院提 供综合产前护理;为母亲和 0-15 岁儿童免费治疗疟疾;向感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病 的患者提供免费医疗;向母亲发放经杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐;为综合保健中心和转 诊医院配置设备和必要的和急用的产科和新生儿护理药物;对产科人员和保健中 心进行必要的产科及新生儿保健和基本急救方面的现场全面培 训 / 进修 ; 对 孕妇 和儿童正常进行免疫接种;母亲正常补铁,儿童和产后期的母亲补维生素 A。
Activities to improve maternal health include integrating prenatal follow-up care within all front-line health facilities (Integrated Health Centres) and hospitals; making malaria treatment free to mothers and children up to 15 years of age; provision of free medical care to people living with HIV/AIDS; distributing insecticide-treated mosquito nets to mothers; provision of equipment and medication for basic and emergency obstetric and neonatal care to Integrated Health Centres and national referral hospitals; on-site training in/review of basic and emergency obstetric and neonatal care and comprehensive first-aid care for maternal health-care workers and at Integrated Health Centres; systematic vaccination of pregnant women and children; systematic administration of iron to mothers and vitamin A to children and to mothers post-partum.
成人教育主要通过下列形 式实现:全日制学习、夜校学习、半工半读、远程学习等;或与不同公办或私立 教育机构签订合同独立教学;开放式大学、同业会所、艺术学校、俱乐部、结伴 学习、预科课程、在进修课程等。
Education for the adults is implemented through: full-time day studies, evening studies, part-time studies, distance learning, etc; independently, or on the basis of a contract signed with various state, or private institutions; open universities, guild halls, art schools, clubs, associations, foundations, in-service refresher courses.
该法规定了入学条件(留给父母/监护 人作决定)、教育方法(个进修、制 定个人教育计划、教学过程与特别标准协 [...]
调、期末考试)及为家庭和孩子提供必要的支持,以及建立质量更高和更负责任 的教育机构。
The Law prescribes enrolment conditions (the decision is left to the parents/guardians), education methods (individual studying, the development of
individual educational plans, the coordination
[...] of teaching processes and specific [...]
standards, final exams) and necessary support
for the family and the child, as well as the development of higher quality and more accountable education institutions.
10 月 5 日,联刚稳定团开始筹备在北基伍省的 Munigi 培训中心为 500 名刚 果国家警察人员举办 45 天进修基本培训课程。
On 5 October, MONUSCO launched preparations for a basic 45-day refresher basic training course for 500 Police nationale congolaise personnel at the Munigi training centre in North Kivu.
2010 年,新设了一个职业培训中心,以实施一个学徒方案,包括为不直接进入职场的 毕业生提供关键技能的其他方面培训,以及提供簿记和监督管理 进修 课 程
In 2010, a new vocational training centre was opened to manage an apprenticeship programme and provide other training in key skills, including for school
leavers who are not going straight into
[...] employment, and further education such [...]
as courses in bookkeeping and supervisory management.
进 修教育 和培训对于确保个人和国家的生产力都绝 对必要。
Continuing education and training are essential to ensure the productivity of both individuals and nations.
现时,学生资助办事处(学资处)共管理三项免入息审查贷款计划,分别为修读政府资助课程的全日制大专学生、修读以自资形式开办经本地评审专上课程的全日制学生,以及修读持 进修 课 程 的学生而设。
At present, the Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA) administers three non-means-tested loan schemes - one for full-time students pursuing publicly-funded post-secondary programmes, one for full-time students pursuing self-financing locally-accredited post-secondary programmes and one for students pursuing an extensive range of continuing and professional education courses.
[...] 作业,要求精湛技术,而只有经过广泛的 培训和定进修课程 才能达到这样的标准。
Working at height or in locations presenting difficult or confined access
requires great skill and such standards can only be achieved as a result of extensive
[...] training and regular refresher courses.
国家应当考虑的问题就是教育的普及是否意味着当残疾人口完成学业后,能 够得到更多更好的工作和学进修机 会;在这一点上一个突出的问题就是,在秘 鲁当前推行的《包容性教育十年》框架内,智障人口将面临何种情况以及其毕业 后将要面临怎样的处境。
The question that the State should then ask is whether, once these pupils finish school, this greater educational coverage will translate into better and more numerous employment and learning opportunities. A particularly pertinent issue, within the framework of the Decade of Inclusive Education in Peru, is the situation faced by persons with learning difficulties after leaving school.
评定工作的重点集中在培训进修、 人力资源开发、薪酬和社会福利、工作环境和企业文化这些方面。
The selection process focuses on the [...]
topics of training and advanced training, personnel development, compensation and social
benefits, work environment and corporate culture.
金融服务管理局对消费者保护进行的零售分销审查是向正确方向迈出的一步,但这项对客户福利的承诺应在整个行业内进行正式确认,并通过培训和定期 进修 课 程 逐步灌输给银行界专业人士。
The Financial Services Authority's retail distribution review into consumer protection is a step in the right direction but this commitment to the customer's wellbeing should
be formalised across the industry and instilled in banking professionals through
[...] training and regular refresher courses.
进修研讨 会可以与主任审评员会议一并举行,以完成对主任审评 [...]
The refresher seminars may be [...]
offered in conjunction with meetings of lead reviewers to complete the training for lead reviewers
and other experienced GHG inventory review experts.
ALA通过相关澳洲参与组织为在澳洲攻读研究生课程或从事专业研究、学习或专 进修 的 人 员提供奖学金支持和短期交流机会。
ALAs provide scholarship support for postgraduate studies in Australia and short-term fellowship opportunities in specialised research, study or professional attachments through participating Australian organisations.
来世界上最友善的国家之一学习英语 进修 吧。
Learn English or improve your existing skill in one of the friendliest places in the world.
在 90 年代中期,泰勒先生有幸资助了中国国际贸易促进委员会(CCPIT)和中国 建设局的第一批房地产专业人员到美 进修。
In the mid-1990’s, Taylor had the honor of sponsoring the first group of real estate professionals from the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, CCPIT and the Ministry of Construction, PRC to the United States.
中心对人权保护的各方面进行调查,无论是在国家层面,还是国际层面;就 履行国际人权义务的情况编写向联合国公约机关提交的国家报告;组织制定教学 计划、组进修班、 讲义课程和教学旅行;制定和落实人权教学计划;总结推广 人权信息;发展同国际人权中心或组织的技术合作和信息交流;协调在民主化、 管理及人权保护问题上提供技术援助的国际机构在地方的工作;接受并审理居民 就侵犯人权提起的申诉。
It studies various aspects of the realization and protection of human rights at both the national and the international levels; prepares country reports on Uzbekistan’s fulfilment of its international human rights obligations for submission to the United Nations treaty bodies; organizes seminars, lecture series and study trips; provides assistance in developing and implementing human rights study programmes; compiles and disseminates information on human rights; develops technical cooperation and information links with international human rights centres and organizations; coordinates locally the activities of international agencies that render technical assistance in matters of democratization, governance and human rights protection; and receives and reviews complaints from the public about human rights violations.
[...] 众的人权认识,以色列指出,人权教 育 是 学 校课程中的必 要组成部分 , 而 人进修 教育是 政府执 法 当局培训的一个重 要部分。
Regarding the request of the United Kingdom for elaboration on measures taken to raise public awareness of human rights, Israel indicated that human rights education has become an integral
part of the school curriculum
[...] and that continuing education on human rights issues is an important [...]
part of the training of
the State’s law enforcement authorities.
[...] 2009 年 7 月 22 日担任「持续专进修计划 」研讨会讲者,演讲题目为「知识产权在业务及商业交易上的问题」。
On 22nd July, 2009, our Partner Mr. Hans Lee and our Associate Mr. Derek Lau were invited by The Hong Kong
Institute of Chartered Secretaries (HKICS)
[...] to speak at an Enhanced Continuing Professional [...]
Development Programme Seminar on
“Intellectual Property (IP) Issues in Business & Commercial Transactions”.
1990年毕业于梁赞苏联元帅M.V.扎哈罗夫高等军事管理学校,1998年毕业于莫斯科经济、管理和法律学院法律系,2000年毕业于国家管理学院,2005年毕业于俄罗斯联邦武装力量总参谋部军事学 进修 及 业务水平提高系。
In 1990 Mikhail Babich graduated from the Ryazan Higher Military Command School named after the USSR Marshall M.V. Zakharov; in 1998, School of Law affiliated to Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law; in 2000, National Academy of Public Administration; in 2005, Faculty of Professional Development and Skills Upgrading of the Military Academy of Central Command of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
应成员国请求,自 2005
[...] 年以来,还通过短期访问原子能机构总部以及较长 进修 的方 式向 20 多名法律专家提供了个人培训,使接受培训者能够取得进一步的核法律实 [...]
At the request of Member States, individual training has also been provided since 2005 to more than twenty legal
experts through short term visits to IAEA
[...] Headquarters, as well as longer term [...]
fellowships allowing the trainees to gain
further practical experience in nuclear law.




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