

单词 这件

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由于时间限制,食典委没有进一步讨论这个议题,同意下届会议考 这件 事 和其 他任何信息。
Due to time constraints, the Commission did not discuss this item further and agreed to consider this matter and any additional information at its next session.
We were very concerned about this because we knew that to enroll in school you needed a birth registration,” said Ms. Rafael.
在报告所述期 间,爱沙尼亚一直在这件事。
Estonia has been doing this during the reporting period.
大会已经讨论了加纳村的事件并通过了第 50/22 C 号决议,当时欧洲联盟曾经说明它 这件事 的意见。
The General Assembly had discussed the events at Qana and had adopted resolution 50/22 C, at which time the European Union had stated its opinion on the matter.
这件作品 中,韦英通过权力的结构、控制和监视,把法则的形式和他们的局限都展现了出来。
In this work, Wearing addresses forms of discipline and their limits through mechanisms of authority, control and surveillance.
此外,他感到惊讶的是,咨询委 员会在其相关报告(A/62/7/Add.38)的第 6 段仅仅反 映这件事情,但并未作出评论。
Furthermore, he had been surprised that the Advisory Committee, in paragraph 6 of its related report (A/62/7/Add.38), had simply reflected the matter without comment.
中国移动利用其行业影响力说服工信部介入来调解这一纠纷,工信部反过来也把另两家电信公司中国电信(HKEx: 728; NYSE: CHA)和中国联通(HKEx: 762; NYSE: CHU)拉进来讨论,似乎这件事上 支持中国移动。
China Mobile used its industry clout to convince the MIIT to step in to mediate the dispute, and the regulator in turn also dragged the nation’s other 2 telcos, China Telecom (HKEx: 728; NYSE: CHA) and China Unicom (HKEx: 762; NYSE: CHU), into the discussions.
在谈这件事时 ,尼加拉瓜必须提到英勇的古巴 人民和政府所提供的堪称楷模的声援;这再次表明, 只要有政治意愿和根深蒂固的团结意识,尽管遭遇不 公正的封锁,只要愿意我们就能提供帮助。
In addressing this matter, Nicaragua cannot fail to mention the exemplary solidarity shown by the heroic people and Government of Cuba, which once again demonstrates that, with political will and a deep-seated sense of solidarity, despite the unjust blockade, we can help when we want to.
Your mobile phone and its accessories may contain small [...]
parts, which could be detached and create a choking hazard.
本节记录七起违反武器禁运事件和一起企图严重违反武器禁运 件 , 这 些事 件从进 口武器和小口径弹药到外国技术援助和军事训练不等。
This section documents seven breaches of the arms [...]
embargo and one major attempted violation, ranging from imports of arms and small-calibre ammunition to foreign technical
assistance and military training.
(a) 一份规章法令草案;(b) 一份公共政策指导件,这些文件将 作 为 “受害者赔偿和综合救助国家计划”的依据。
As a result, the national government has: (a) a draft
[...] Regulation Decree and (b) a document of public policy guidelines, [...]
which will be the basis of
the National Plan for Victims Reparation and Comprehensive Assistance.
执行委员会还应迫切地关注秘书处便知的修订政策 件 , 这 一 文 件 对 项 目的制订以及 嗣后核准项目均有影响。
It should also give urgent attention to the revised policy papers prepared by the Secretariat, which would affect the development of projects and subsequent project approvals.
2008 年,秘书处编写了一份题为“努力解决残疾人受排斥问题, 推动建设包容性社会”(E/ESCAP/CSD/6)的 件 , 这 份 文 件 在 社会发展委员 会第一届会议上作了审议,并使亚太经社会成员和准成员得以在其基础上, 探讨处理残疾人面临的各种障碍的最新的概念性做法,这些障碍包括缺乏可 靠的、可用来评估其被社会排斥程度的数据和证据。
In 2008, the secretariat prepared a paper entitled “Building an inclusive society by addressing the exclusion of persons with disabilities” (E/ESCAP/CSD/6), which was considered during the first session of the Committee on Social Development and provided the basis for discussions among ESCAP members and associate members on the latest conceptual approaches for tackling the barriers faced by persons with disabilities, including the lack of reliable data and evidence to assess the extent of their exclusion from society.
在报告所述期间,拉丁美洲和加勒比区域的区域协调机制编制了一份经拉加 经委会协调的机构间件,这份文件 评 估 了拉丁美洲和加勒比在 1992 年联合国 [...]
环境与发展会议召开后的 20 年里在可持续发展方面取得的进展和面临的挑战。
During the reporting period, the Regional Coordination Mechanism for the Latin America and
Caribbean region
[...] produced an inter-agency document, coordinated by ECLAC, [...]
that assessed progress and challenges in terms of sustainable development
in Latin America and the Caribbean 20 years after the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.
就业部及其管理下的机构就业、培训和职业安置署负责落实各种意见和干 预件,这些文件使其 能够调节就业市场的需求并促进国内劳动力进入市场。
The Ministry of Employment and its National Agency for Employment, Training and Vocational Guidance are responsible for implementing observation and intervention mechanisms that enable them to regulate the needs of the labour market and improve access to employment for the country’s workforce.
Flex 许可使用公用/私有密钥加密,然后通过数字签名用户化一个 XML 许可件,这个文件可以被你的应用程序和许可证读取,但是一旦文件出现了变动,就会破坏许可文件的数字签名。
Flex License uses public/private key encryption to digitally sign a customisable xml license file that can be read by your application and by the licensee, but with the ability that any changes to the file break the digital signature of the license file.
此外,还提到“事件 或系列件”,这是为 了包含这样类型的事件,其本身可能达不到标准,但合在 一起,可能构成本条款草案所说的灾难性事件。
In addition, reference is made to “event or series of events” in order to cover those types of events which, on their own, might not meet the necessary threshold, but which, taken together, would constitute a calamitous event for purposes of the draft articles.
一位与会者重申了在“社会科学和人文科学”部分所表示过的对快速拟定准则性件 这种现象的担心。
One participant restated the concern already expressed in the section on Social and Human Sciences with regard to the process and pace of standard-setting instruments.
两国均承担重要义务,以保障 所需的各项法律、行政和组织件, 这 些 条 件 将 杜 绝出口(进口)产品遭受受到质 疑的职权和管辖权处置或任何不当行为的情况。
Both States assume significant obligations to ensure the required legal, administrative and organizational conditions that would exclude cases where the exported (imported) products are objects of challenged authority and jurisdiction or any malpractice.
(a) 国际法院的程序是非常正式的程序,而仲裁当事方则可自定规则(如 《奥胡斯公约》的件 ) ,这些规则可根据案件的需要和适用的国际法予以修 改。
(a) The ICJ procedure is a highly formalized one,
whereas parties to arbitration set their own
[...] rules (such as the annex to the Aarhus Convention) [...]
which can be modified to meet the
needs of the case and the international law applicable.
[...] 派任务生活津贴出现节余,由于统一了服务 件 , 这 项 津 贴已不再适 用;根据 2009 年实际征聘情况,2010 [...]
年本国工作人员适用的空缺率(20%) 低于 2009 年(35%)。
This is mainly due to the transfer of the provision for logistical and life support services for international staff from civilian personnel costs to operational costs and savings related to the payment of mission subsistence allowance, which is no
longer applicable as the result of the
[...] harmonization of conditions of service, as [...]
well as the application of a lower vacancy
factor for national staff for 2010 (20 per cent) as compared with 2009 (35 per cent) on the basis of actual recruitment experience in 2009.
此 外,波兰的大城市有许多私立的国际学校(见件2),这些私 立学校为移居国外的孩子们 提供了足够的英语或其他语言的教育。
Also, there are many private international schools in major cities (see appendix 2), which provide adequate education in English or other languages for the children of expats.
(d) 货物中载有航空零件这一事 实值得关注,因为自实施武器禁运以来, 忠于科特迪瓦前总统的部队就不断努力,试图得到修复其军事航空资产的零部件 和技术援助(见下文第 95-104 段)。
(d) The fact that the cargo contained aeronautical parts should be considered worthy of attention, due to repeated efforts by forces loyal to the former President of Côte d’Ivoire to obtain parts and technical assistance for the rehabilitation of its military air assets since the imposition of the arms embargo (see paras. 95-104 below).
法庭的档案应该移交给 卢旺达,原因是,对我们来说,这些记录是我们历史 的一部分,对于保留对于灭绝种族罪的记忆事关重 大,并将起到重要的作用,教育后代警惕否认和篡改 发生了种族灭绝件这一事实的行为。
The archives of the Tribunal should be transferred to Rwanda because, for us, those records constitute an integral part of our history, are vital to the preservation of the memory of the
genocide and will play
[...] a critical role in educating future generations to guard against genocide denial and revisionism.
使这种信贷可行的一个重要因素是,从 2004 年至 2007 年,在乡村妇女工作 证国家方案的框架内签发了 56 万份件,这个方 案除了免费签发证件外,还促 进具体认识身份证和工作证的需要和用处,并让妇女知道如何利用土地改革、家 [...]
An important factor in the viability of these loans was the issuance of 560,000 identification documents between 2004 and 2007
under the National Rural
[...] Women Workers Documentation Programme, which not only made it possible to issue such documents at no cost [...]
but promoted specific
efforts to increase awareness of the need for and usefulness of civil registration and employment documents and advised women on how to benefit from public policy in the areas of agrarian reform, family farming and social security.
预算件第 29C.35 段列这一构成部分下将交付的产出,其中包括:提供范围广泛的 旨在建立和维持本组织领导及管理能力的培训方案;增进方案管理人员和负有行 政管理职责的工作人员的人力和财政资源管理专门知识;提高秘书处工作人员的 信息技术技能;建立和强化语文能力;支持职业发展和提高实务技能。
The outputs to be delivered under this component are set out in paragraph 29C.35 of the budget document, and include the provision of a wide array of training programmes designed to build and sustain the Organization’s leadership and managerial capacity; improve the human and financial resources management expertise of programme managers and staff with administrative responsibilities; upgrade the information technology skills of Secretariat staff; build and strengthen linguistic capabilities; and support career development and upgrade substantive skills.
会议对 33 C/5 所列的具体活动表示强有力的支持,如在教育中推广应用信息传播技
[...] 术,制订相关的国家政策和增强能力建设,包括建立地区文化发展示范中心和开发语言专用件这类活动。
Strong support was expressed for more concrete activities in document 33 C/5 promoting the use of ICTs in education, the development of related national policies and capacity-building,
including the creation of regional centres of excellence for the development of culture-
[...] and linguistic-specific software.
但 是,因为他认为没有任何其他代表团反对拟议案文, 他建议委员会通过第 2
条草案的第二个订正案文, 包括美国代表团提议添加的句子和“发送”一词,
[...] 然后再参加休会期间的进一步讨论,以就是否为电 子件这一具 体情况添加内容或使拟议案文保持不 [...]
变寻求可能的协商一致,在这种情况下,可以将就 使用“发送”一词表示的关切纳入报告中。
However, since it was his understanding that no other delegations had objected to the text as proposed, he suggested that the Committee should adopt the second revised text of draft article 2, including the additional sentence proposed by the United States delegation, with the word “sent”, before engaging in further discussions during the suspension to seek a possible consensus
on whether to make an addition for the
[...] specific case of electronic communications [...]
or leave the proposed text unchanged, in
which case, the concerns expressed about the use of the word “sent” could be included in the report.
此外,鉴于新加坡是一个多种族多宗教的国家,如果公开审判涉及 种族和宗教骚动或煽动行为的件, 这 将 为 被告及其支持者提供进一步蛊惑人心 [...]
In addition, given Singapore’s multi-racial and multi-religious make-up, an open trial for cases involving racial and religious
agitation or incitement would provide defendants and their supporters further
[...] opportunity for inflammatory rabble-rousing.




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