

单词 还贷

还贷 ()

repay a loan

See also:

make excuses
lend on interest

External sources (not reviewed)

在 2010/11
[...] 年及以前的预算中,用于记录还贷 款 本 金所产生支出的方法 以 UNSAS [...]
为基础,而 UNSAS 不允许将固定资产折旧记为支出。
The approach utilized in the 2010/11 and in previous
budgets to record an expense related to
[...] the repayment of loan principal was [...]
based upon UNSAS which did not permit for the
recording of depreciation of fixed assets as expense.
(d) 小额风险资本:如一家中小企业一时无法 还贷 款 , 银行可向 其提供股权融资,也许达成的谅解是该企业随后将回购这些股票。
(d) Microventure capital: Banks can provide SMEs with
equity finance when the entrepreneur is
[...] unable to service a loan, perhaps on the [...]
understanding that the entrepreneur can subsequently buy back the shares.
执行机构应监督项目活动的进展,以及可能引发诸如贷款支付、取消、注 销或加速偿还的相关事件,直至全额 还贷 款。
The implementing agency shall monitor the progress of the project activity and related events that could
trigger, for example,
[...] subsequent loan disbursements, cancellation, write-off or acceleration, until the loan has been fully repaid.
金融部门也已复苏,但仍然脆弱,因为有未 还贷 款。
The financial sector also recovered, but remains vulnerable in view of outstanding loans.
她介绍了行预咨委会关于埃厄特派团经费筹措 的 报 告 (A/64/660/Add.1),并说秘书长在其报告 (A/64/586
[...] 和 Corr.1)中,建议大会向会员国退还贷 记款 9 353 300 美元,即 2007/08 财政年度期间贷 [...]
到来自 2007/08 财政年度期间、应贷记会员国账下的 结余为 5 383 100 美元和来自 2008/09 年财政期间、 应贷记会员国账下的款项为 9 361 600 美元;推迟到 第六十五届会议再决定如何处理共计 14 744 700 美 元的数额,其中包括这两个财政期间应贷记的结余。
Introducing the Advisory Committee’s report on the financing of UNMEE (A/64/660/Add.1), she said that, in his report (A/64/586 and Corr.1), the
SecretaryGeneral recommended that the General
[...] Assembly should return credits to Member States in [...]
the amount of $9,353,300, representing
the net cash available in the Special Account of the Mission from the balance of credits in respect of the 2007/08 financial period; take note of the amount of $5,383,100, representing the remaining balance of credits due to Member States from the 2007/08 period, and of the amount of $9,361,600, representing credits due to Member States from the 2008/09 period; and defer until its sixty-fifth session a decision on the treatment of the total amount of $14,744,700, comprising the balance of credits due from both periods.
苏丹北部五年无须还贷款的延期实际上 是对现实的认识,因为喀土穆实际上也不可能偿还得 了。
The concession that the North would not have to make repayments for five years was in effect a recognition of reality, since Khartoum was unlikely to have been able to do so in any event.
(a) 偿还贷款所 得的收入; (b) 上几年年度方案基金、支柱3 :全球重返社会项目基金和支柱4 :全球 境内流离失所者项目基金的节余,与捐助者有协议的特定用途捐款除外。
(b) savings from prior years’ Annual Programme Fund, Pillar 3: Global Reintegration Projects Fund, and Pillar 4: Global Internally Displaced Persons Projects Fund unless agreed otherwise with donors in the case of restricted contributions.
[...] 有:将贫困国家经济的特殊脆弱性纳入考虑范围;开发灵活的应对手段,防止出还贷危机 ,特别是在面对外部冲击时降低风险。
It is equally important to take account of the particular fragility of the economies of the poorest
countries and to develop flexible risk-limitation
[...] instruments for debt-payment crises, particularly [...]
in external crises.
在贷款接受人不再需要资金而且有充分资金 还贷 款 的情况下,可提前全 部或部分还贷款。
A loan may be pre-repaid partly or
fully by the loan
[...] recipient if the loan recipient no longer needs the funds and has sufficient resources to repay the loan.
还贷款需 要投入的资金额通常不列入预算基数,因为这类需求与计划活动无关,同时也因 为本组织的预算不应受到这种每年变化的需求的影响,按目前的做法,本组织没有直接向下 摊派这类费用的机制。
Requirements for capital investment is normally kept outside the budget base since they are not related to programme activities and since the Organization’s budget should not be influenced by the year-to-year variation of such requirement as, under the present custom, there is no mechanism to provide the Organization with a linear amortization of this kind of cost.
冲突影 响到商品出口、原材料获取、还贷 款 、 收回投 资的一系列问题。
Conflict affects the export of goods, access to raw materials and the ability to repay loans and investments.
行动纲领》要求审议国际货币基金组织的运作方法,特别是审议关于还 贷款和 “备用款”安排的条件、提供补偿资金的制度和为商品缓冲库存提供资金 [...]
The Programme of Action called for a review of the
methods of operation of IMF, in particular
[...] of the terms for credit repayments, “stand-by” [...]
arrangements, compensatory financing
and the financing of commodity buffer stocks, so as to enable developing countries to make more effective use of them.
借款人违约不还贷款时 ,出贷人的主要偿还来源将是寻求将子公司作为经营中企业出售。
The lender’s primary source of repayment in the event the borrower defaults in the repayment of the loan would be to seek to sell the subsidiaries as going concerns.
受托人收到的作为对基金信托基金提 贷 款 的 还贷 、 付息或支付的规费。
(iv) payments received by the Trustee as repayment, interest or charges on loans made by the GEF Trust Fund.
无论如何,很重要的是:借方在开办贷款时确定在贷款 期间有能力持续还贷款。
Nonetheless, it is important for the borrower to be certain from the onset of the loan that he can maintain his loan repayments throughout the loan period.
就循环基金来说,大多数替换 都是在工作范围之外完成的,即,冷风机替换是与完全更新辅助设备一道完成的,这造成 了更高的资本要求,但是对于还贷 款 ,困难只会很小,或实际上不会遇到困难,因为采 用的利率为 0%。
In this case of a revolving fund, most of the replacements were done outside the terms of reference, i.e., replacements of chillers were done together with complete renewal of auxiliary equipment leading to much higher capital requirements, but with less or virtually no difficulties to pay back the loans since the interest rate that was applied was 0 per cent.
总体而言,指出需要以透明的方式使潜在客户知悉利率和借 款的真实成本、向他们提供的其他金融产品的性质和成本以及强制执 还贷时 他们拥有的权利。
Overall it was noted that potential clients need to be informed in a transparent manner about interest rates and the true cost of borrowing, the nature and cost of
the other financial products they are being offered, and their rights
[...] at the time when loan repayments are being enforced.
29.8 该计划的增加额主要是在“房舍建筑与维修”项下,涉及新楼在全部支取贷款额(1.3 亿瑞 郎)之后还贷款利息(690 万,2010/11 年为 [...]
530 万)。
The increases under the Program, which is mainly under Premises and Maintenance are related to the interest payment of the loan (6.9 million vs.
5.3 million in 2010/11) for the new building following the full
[...] draw down of the loan amount (130 [...]
million Swiss francs).
另外,他们永远无 法还贷款, 而且贷款买的房子也容纳不下他们一家人。
Furthermore, they would never be able to pay back the loan and it would be insufficient to house their family.
2006 年,也将还贷款 2,969 K 欧元 (合 3,417K 美元) 。
Loan repayments of K€2,969 (K$3,417) will also be made [...]
during 2006.
由于最不发达国家外债的很 大份额是优惠条件的,因此,平 还贷 额 占 国内生产总值和出口的百分比比发展 中国家的平均数要低。
Since a large share of LDCs’ external debt is on concessional terms, the average debt service as a percentage of GDP and exports is lower compared with that of the average developing country.
(a) 向会员国退还贷记款 9 353 300 美元,即特派团特别账户内的可用 [...]
现金净额,以部分抵充应贷记会员国账下的 2007/08 年财政期间贷记款余额 14 736 400 美元
(a) Return credits to Member States in [...]
the amount of $9,353,300, representing the net cash available in the special account
of the Mission from the balance of credits in the amount of $14,736,400 due to Member States in respect of the 2007/08 financial period
[...] 资金改革方案(“巴塞尔三”),要求银行对未 还贷 款 持 有较大数额的资本和储 备。
Recently, financial reforms have been instituted in many developed countries and also internationally a new capital and liquidity reform package
(“Basel III”), was agreed upon, requiring banks to hold larger amounts of capital and
[...] reserves against outstanding loans.
客户因自身原因提前还贷款导致本行原本用于该笔贷款的资金出现一定时间的闲置而影响预期的资金回报,本行可向其收取资金安 排的补偿费用
When borrowers prepaid the loan due to their own reasons and cause the opportunity cost of fund, the bank will charge compensation fee.
贷款在 学业完成后进行偿还,如果年收入没有超过一定标准,就无需 还贷 款。
The loan is repaid on completion of studies, and repayment does not commence until annual income exceeds a specific threshold.
(i) 借入资金并因此提供它所决定的抵押或其他担保;但是在会员国市场公开出售公 司债券前,公司应获得该会员国以及债券以其货币计价发行的会员国的批准;如
[...] 尝还债务总额(包括所有的债务担保)高于公司未动用的认购资本及盈余的四倍 时,公司承受的未还贷款总 额或担保总额不得再行提高5; (ii) [...]
(i) borrow funds, and in that connection to furnish such collateral or other security therefor as it shall determine; provided, however, that before making a public sale of its obligations in the markets of a member, the Corporation shall have obtained the approval of that member and of the member in whose currency the obligations are to be denominated; if and so long as the Corporation shall be indebted on loans from or guaranteed by the Bank, the total amount outstanding of borrowings incurred or guarantees given by the Corporation shall not be increased if, at the time or as a result thereof, the aggregate amount of debt (including the guarantee of any
debt) incurred by the Corporation from any
[...] source and then outstanding shall exceed [...]
an amount equal to four times its unimpaired
subscribed capital and surplus5; (ii) invest funds not needed in its financing operations in such obligations as it may
尽管与其他商科及管理专业毕业生相比,有越来越多的全日制MBA毕业生用贷款方式支付学费,但他们 贷 款 偿 还 比 例是最高的,同时根据他们当前的财务状况,他们 还贷 款 的 能力也是最不令人担忧的。
Although more full-time MBA alumni have taken out loans compared with all other business school alumni, they also
report the highest
[...] percentage of loan repayment and were least likely to express concern about their ability to repay their loans based on their [...]
current financial situation.
在保证已被执行的情况下,如果中小企业者无法 还贷 款 , 信用保证协会将向金融机关 就贷款余额的 [...]
9 成进行代替偿还,同时,金融机关和信用保证协会将对赊销债权进行回收。
At the same time, the financial
[...] institution and the credit guarantee association [...]
will collect from accounts receivable.
他提议执行委员会第五十七次会议在讨论关于这些资金和其他来源资金特别 贷款机制的更广泛事项时进一步审查这一问题,以鼓励第
[...] 5 条国家提供额外项目支助,并 鼓励第 5 条国家还贷款。
He proposed that the matter be examined further by the Executive Committee at its 57th Meeting as part of broader discussions on a special facility for those funds and funds from other sources to provide
incentives to Article 5 countries for additional project support, as well as the
[...] repayment of loans by Article [...]
5 countries.
反之,在无担保贷款中,贷方提供融资是依据对个人将会 还贷 款 的预 期 - 这通常牵涉对借方的收入与信用记录。
In contrast, in an unsecured loan, the lender is providing the loan based on an expectation that the individual will repay the loan - this will usually involve an assessment of the borrower’s income and credit history.




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