

单词 返还的金额

See also:


return of something its original owner

金额 n

amounts pl
sum n

金额 v

rates v


sum of money
monetary value

External sources (not reviewed)

这种制度所发放的保金额与每月 返还的 本 利 金额 相 等、或者是任意金额,将保险金充当 贷款以完成返还。
The insurance paid is either the same amount as the principal and interest reimbursement each month or a voluntary amount.
不可能由其他预算项 目来支付增的费用 ,因为所有未动用或 返还 资 金 均 已 报账。
It was not possible to cover the increase from any
[...] other budget line as all unspent or returned funds had already been accounted for.
(三) 批准来的提议 ,将部分剩余资金用于一份出版物,同时将 额返还 给多边基
(iii) To approve use of part of the
[...] [...] remaining funds for a publication and the return of the balance to the Multilateral Fund, as proposed in the submission
然而,预计从 个别的项目返还的余额将有 所减少,因为绝大多数的剩余 金 被 核 定用于没有余额的多 年期协定。
However, it is expected that there will
[...] be fewer balances returned from individual projects since most of the remaining funds are being approved [...]
for MYAs for which no balances are due.
至于原本由正常计划预算开支的某些种类费用(如对联合国安全和安保部 (UNDSS)贡献的人员工时费和分摊费用,以及参加恶意行为保险(MAIP)的 费用),编入预算并记入某一特定项 的金额 应 返还 最 初 承担这些费用的部门/处 /办事处。
For certain types of costs which are initially charged to the regular programme (e.g. staff time and contributions to the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) and Malicious
Acts Insurance Policy
[...] (MAIP)) the amounts budgeted and charged to a particular project would be reimbursed to the sector/division/office [...]
which initially bore those costs.
我们会扣除注销费用的余额返还到 你 的 D y n ad ot的账户 金。
We will give a Dynadot account credit for the full purchase amount minus the deletion fee.
尽管大多数会员国认为应该保持目前各重大计划之间的计划资 的 分 配方案,但还有 一些会员国则认为应该重新考虑各个重大计划的分配比例:其中,几个会员国建议加强重大 计划 I(教育),但并没有提出具体的增 额 ; 有些会员国建议增加重大计划 III(社会科学 与人文科学)和重大计划 IV(文化)的资金,尤其要增加世界遗产中 的 资 金 ; 还 有 一些 会员国则建议增加对重大计划 V(传播与信息)的拨款。
Although a majority of Member States considered that the present distribution of programme resources among the major programmes should be maintained, some others felt that there should be a
reconsideration of their relative share: in
[...] particular, a few Member States suggested a reinforcement of Major Programme I (Education) but without proposing specific amounts for an increase; others recommended an increase of resources for Major Programmes III (Social and human sciences) and IV (Culture), especially the World Heritage Centre; yet others proposed increasing the resources allocated to Major Programme V (Communication and information).
如果账单显示您(不是您的家庭)支付的 共付额超过了六个月的最高限额,我们会 把额的部分返还给您
If the bills show that you (not your household) paid more than the maximum in co-pays in that six-month period, we will send you a refund for the amount over the maximum.
对于有成员所提今后预算应采取解释性说明表、即其他公约所采用的一种表格的形 式的要求,她回顾说,目前已有可供各成员索要的顾问预算项目细目,执行委员会也被告 知所的返还或未 动用的节余,包括通过在 金 账 目 文件中加注的方式,表明具体项目下 的返还或已结转的节余。
In response to a request that, in future, the budget be presented as an explanatory narrative table – a format used by other convention secretariats, she recalled that a breakdown of consultant budget lines was already available to members upon request and that the Executive
Committee was always
[...] advised of all savings returned or used, including by means of the footnotes in the Fund accounts document showing the savings returned or carried forward [...]
for particular lines.
[...] 金返还来源国对享有人权,特别是经济、社会、文化权利的不利影响的研究报告 所表明,1 每年离开发展中国家的非法转移 金的 估 计 数 额 中 只 有2% 被返还来 源 国,注意到发展中国家和经济转型国家特别关注来自贪污的非法转移资金的返
Noting with deep concern that, as indicated in the comprehensive study prepared by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the negative impact of the non-repatriation of funds of illicit origin to the countries of origin on the enjoyment of human rights, in particular economic, social and
cultural rights,1 only
[...] around 2 per cent of the estimated funds of illicit origin annually leaving [...]
the developing world are
repatriated to their countries of origin
多边基金的现金流来自:接受商定的认捐款、所收到的期票在认捐当年的变现、支 付 2009-2011 三年期结转额中拖欠的捐款、财务主任和执行机构账户余额利息、固定汇率 机制导致的汇兑损益、从未向多边 金 捐 款 的国家所缴付的捐款,以及被取消和已完成项 目额的返还。
Cash flow into the Multilateral Fund emanates from: receipt of agreed pledged contributions, the encashment of promissory notes received in the year that they are pledged; payment of contributions in arrears included in the carry-over from the 2009-2011 triennium; interest from balances held in the accounts of the Treasurer and the implementing agencies; gains/losses due to the fixed exchange rate mechanism (FERM); payment of contributions from
countries that have never
[...] made contributions to the Multilateral Fund; and, return of balances from cancelled and completed projects.
为了减轻有子女家庭的贫困,增加了给予有贫困风险的家庭的补助,延长 了父母补助发放时期还增加 了给多子女家 的 补 助 金额。
To reduce the poverty of families with children, the benefits for families in risk of poverty
have been increased,
[...] the period of payment of parental benefit has been extended, and the amounts of benefits for families with many children have been increased.
他着重介绍了监委会过去一年的任务和成就以及 面临的挑战,包括联合执行机制和监委会的财务状况 还 说 监委会不得不在缺少 联合执行管理计划所要的全额资 金的 情 况 下运作。
He highlighted the tasks and achievements of the JISC during the past year and the challenges ahead, including the financial situation for the joint
implementation mechanism
[...] and the JISC, and the need to operate without the full funding requested in the joint implementation management plan.
(iii) 如果公司依据第三条第一款所作的投资出现净亏损,并且此投资在该政府的会 员资格终止之日仍然被公司持有,并且亏损额超出了在该日之前所缴 的 储备 金金额,该政府应根据公司要求还 在 决 定回购价格时如果将这些亏损考虑在 内而减少的股本回购价格部分。
(iii) if the Corporation sustains a net loss on the investments made pursuant to Article III, Section 1, and held by it on the date when the government ceases to be member, and the amount of such loss exceeds the amount of the reserves provided therefore on such date, such government shall repay on demand the amount by which the repurchase price of its shares of stock would have been reduced if such loss had been taken into account when the repurchase price was determined.
法院收到的证据是在圣文森特开展的业务是其仅 的 业 务,因此批准将金返还清算 人,但对于如何向债权人分配的进一步裁决,保留美国的管辖权。
The evidence before the court was the operations in St. Vincent were
its only operations, and
[...] as a result granted turnover of funds to the liquidators but maintained [...]
jurisdiction in the United
States for further determination as to distribution to creditors.
This amount should now be returned to UNIDO.
欧洲联盟认 为,按照本组织的《财务条例和细则》,将已经结束 的维持和平账户的资金返还给会员国是重中之重。
The European Union considered it a
[...] priority to have funds in closed peacekeeping accounts returned to Member States [...]
in accordance with the Organization’s Financial Regulations and Rules.
他们呼吁采取措施,包括使多哈回合尽早取得成果 和向最不发达国家提供免关税和免 额的 市 场 准入 还 呼 吁提高援助的数量和质 量,加强调动国内资源,并进一步努力增加外部 金 流 入 ,如外国直接投入和对 最不发达国家的汇款。
There were also calls to improve
the quality and quantity of aid, enhance
[...] domestic resources mobilization and strengthen efforts to increase external financial flows such as foreign direct investment (FDI) and remittances to LDCs.
建议撤消 P-3 职等 的解除武装、复员和返社会干事员额,原因是已认定不再需要该 额的 职 能
The post of P-3 Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer is proposed for abolition as its function was determined to be no longer required.
其中rate为各期利率,是一固定值,nper为总投资(或贷款)期,即该项投资(或贷款)的付款期总数,pv为各期所应付给(或得到 的金额 , 其 数值在整个年金期间(或投资期内)保持不变,通常Pv包括本金和利息,但不包括其它费用及税款,pv为现值,或一系列未来付款当前值的累积和,也称为本金,如果省略pv,则假设其值为零,type为数字0或1,用以指定各期的付款时间是在期 还 是 期 末,如果省略t,则假设其值为零。
For the period in which interest rate
[...] is a fixed value, nper for a total investment (or loan), that the investment (or loan) the total number of payment period, pv for the period due to (or receive) the amount, its value in the annuity period (during or investment) remain unchanged, Pv usually include principal and interest, but does not include other fees and taxes, pv is the present value, or a series [...]
of future payments
and the current cumulative value, also known as the principal, if omitted pv, is the assumption that its value is zero, type for the number of 0 or 1, for the designated time period for payment in the beginning or end, if omitted from t, then the assumption that its value is zero.
指导委员会 审查了按照关闭联合国发展集团(发展集团)伊拉克信托 金 期 间 返还 余 额 计算 的可用资金。
The Steering Committee reviewed
[...] the available funds based on the balance returned in the course of [...]
closing the United Nations Development Group Iraq Trust Fund.
如果不按这些步骤操作,您将不会获得返现优惠承 的返还金额。
You will not qualify for and will not
[...] be paid any cashback amounts you would otherwise [...]
have earned if you do not follow these steps.
社会保障金还与政 府共同努力改善未加入正式部门人口,尤其是弱势群的社会 保障(设立社区卫生服务中心、使非专利药更容易获取、开立贫困证明授 权免费医疗等),并努力设立社区额 保 险 ,使最贫困人口享有最低 额 和 社会 保险。
persons who are not employed in the formal sector or are particularly vulnerable (the
[...] of community health-care centres, greater availability of generic medicines, the issuance of a certificate of lack of means that gives the right to free treatment), and is working on the introduction of a community micro-insurance scheme to provide the most underprivileged with minimum social welfare coverage.
委员还商定 ,秘书处应当在资源允许的情 况下就下列议题进行研究供委员会审议:㈠过度抵押和使用无经济价值的抵押 品;㈡电子资金,包括其作为储蓄的地位;电子资金“发行人”是否在从事银 行业务,因此应受哪一类监管;存款保险计划对这类 金的 涵 盖 ;㈢为解决额金融交易产生的争议提供公平、迅捷、透明和低成本程序;㈣促进对微型企 业和中小企业使用担保借贷并确保其透明度。
The Commission also agreed that the Secretariat should, resources permitting, undertake research for consideration by the Commission on the following items: (i) overcollateralization and the use of collateral with no economic value; (ii) e-money, including its status as savings; whether “issuers” of e-money were engaged in banking and hence what type of regulation they were subject to; and the coverage of such funds by deposit insurance schemes; (iii) provision for fair, rapid, transparent and inexpensive processes for the resolution of disputes arising from microfinance transactions; (iv) [...]
facilitating the use
of, and ensuring transparency in, secured lending to microenterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises.
不过,我们感到关切的是, 回返的总人数仍然偏低,并且根据欧洲安全与合作组 织的评估,2010 年回返战略的执行工作可能受到阻 碍,因为缺乏提供给进行返活动的 资 金 、 缺 乏政治 承诺以及具有地方治理的结构问题,此 还 有 是 否具 有返条件的问题。
We are concerned, however, that overall numbers of returns remain low and that, in the assessment of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the implementation of returns
strategies in 2010 may be
[...] hampered by lack of funding for returns activities, lack of political commitment and structural problems in local governance, as well as concerns over the viability of conditions for returns.
强调紧迫需要无条件地将这类非法 金返还 来 源国,敦促被请 返还 这类资金的国家加紧努力追踪、冻结和收集这些资金,以便使请求国能履行责 任,将尽可能多的现有资源用于充分实现每个人的所有人权,同时打击有罪不罚 现象
3. Asserts the
[...] urgent need to repatriate such illicit funds to the countries of origin without any conditionalities, and urges States requested to repatriate such funds to step up their [...]
efforts to trace, freeze
and recover those funds in order to enable requesting States to fulfil their duty to ensure the application of the maximum available resources to the full realization of all human rights for all and to combat impunity
如果这一问题不能再有任何进展,需要说明它的后果:首先是所有会员国承担由教科 文组织报销、美国拒不报销的税款拖欠款;其次,会计后果是,在账目中将最终失去退还给 工作人员、本组织却未得到 还的金额 的 债权;潜在影响是《工作人员条例》(第 103.18 条“所得税的报销”)根据工作和职位的资金来源而用于美籍工作人员会打折扣。
If no further progress is to be expected in that regard, it must be concluded, on noting that all Member States will bear the arrears of taxes reimbursed by UNESCO and not recovered from the United States of America, that there will be accounting consequences recognised as a dead loss of receivables for monies reimbursed to staff but not recovered by the Organization and potential consequences arising from the application of the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules (Rule 103.18 “Reimbursement of income tax”), for employees who are nationals of the United States of America, depending on their posts and the source of funding thereof.
基于学员协议以及本公司另外规定的"取消原则(面向学员)"的规定、本公司在收到学员申请返还使用点数时、对于学员的讲师、本公司将失去向讲师支付课程费用的义务以及向讲师支付该使用点数所对应的课程费用的义务、如果课程费用已经汇款、则讲师应立即将此汇 的 课 程 费用相 金额返还 给 本 公司。
If the Lesson Fee for the particular lesson
[...] subject to refund has already been paid, you will be obliged to send the payment back [...]
to the Company.
临时现金盈余(1 690 086 欧元)+2011 年收到的以往各期拖欠摊款 (251 923 欧元)+未清偿债务备抵的节额(108 674 欧元)-2009-2010 年金盈余退还额(SPLOS/203)(176 704 欧元)=退还给缔约的现金盈余 (1 873 979 欧元)。
Provisional cash surplus (€1,690,086) + arrears of prior periods’ contributions received in 2011 (€251,923) + savings from the provisions made from
[...] obligations (€108,674) – surrender of part of the cash surplus for the 2009-2010 financial period (SPLOS/203) (€176,704) = cash surplus to be surrendered [...]
to the States parties (€1,873,979).




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