

单词 近似等级

See also:

近似 adv

approximate adj
approximately adv


about the same as

近似 v

approach v

External sources (not reviewed)

此两压力近似相 等,且必须保持固定。
The pressures should be approximately equal and must remain fixed.
在内监狱中,生活由囚等级制度主宰;据观察,监狱 工作人似乎对 进入这一区域感到犹豫。
In the inner prison, life was ruled
[...] by the prisoner hierarchy; it was observed that prison staff appeared hesitant about [...]
entering this area.
本集團董事認為等「備 考」數字代表了合併後集團在年化基礎下績效衡量 近似 值, 且提供了未來期間比較之參考基礎。
The directors of the Group consider these ‘pro-forma’ numbers to represent an approximate measure of the performance [...]
of the combined group on
an annualised basis and to provide a reference point for comparison in future periods.
技术/职业教育和等教育预算似乎更 有可能遭到削减,这在某种程度上是由于这级 教育的非薪金性经常支出和基本建设支出通常更多。
The budgets for
[...] technical/vocational and higher education appeared more subject to cuts, partly as these levels usually consume more non-salary [...]
current and capital spending.
由于设立了特派团联合分析中心(主管为 P-5 职等),因 此认为该股的主管任职人员应具有 似 的 级 别 , 以便与中心主管进行 日常联络,并监督该股向中心提供的情报。
With the establishment of the Joint Mission Analysis Centre, which
is headed by a Chief
[...] at the P-5 level, it is considered essential that the supervisor of the Unit be an incumbent with a comparable rank so as to undertake [...]
regular liaison
functions with the Chief of the Centre and oversee the information provided by the Unit to the Centre.
本规则之适用所涉及 的主要行为者,即保存人,几乎总是以非 近似 的 方 式予以适用。
The main actors concerned by the application of this rule, that is, depositaries, have almost always applied it in a very approximate manner.
发言人毫无保留地赞成当代形式的种族主义、 种族歧视、仇外心理和相关的不容忍现象问题特别 报告员在近一份 报告(A/HRC/9/12)中的断言, 即必须同等对待反对一切形式诋毁宗教的活动,避 免对歧视的形式划等级,这 种做法与特别报告员 的职权范围不符。
He wholeheartedly supported the assertion contained in the Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance (A/HRC/9/12) regarding the need to accord
equal treatment to
[...] combating defamation of religions in all its forms so as to avoid establishing any hierarchy in the different manifestations of discrimination, which would run contrary to the [...]
mandate given the Special Rapporteur.
價 格 經 公 平 磋 商 而 釐 定,並 參
[...] 考 本 集 團 在 相 近 時 間 按 相 近 數 量 的 相 同近 似 產 品 售 予 獨 立 第 三 方 的 價 格。
Prices will be arrived at after arm’s length negotiations, with reference to the
prices quoted by the Group
[...] for sales of similar quantities of the same or similar products to [...]
independent third parties at the relevant time.
但许多似的等级的沥 青在购买价格和性能都可能存在巨大的差异,这样就更加难以选择了。
However, many similar grades can vary widely [...]
both in purchase price and performance, which, can make it even more difficult to choose.
尽 管使用的沥青很有代表性,但是 似等级 的 现 场使用性能可能却不是如此。
While the use of cost effective asphalts are typical, field
[...] performance for similar grades may not be.
近的一次高级别全 体会议上,3 联合国经济及社会理事会( 经社理事会) 呼吁“在各级采取努力,增进发展政策的连贯性,并指出,要加快实现千年发展 目标的步伐,必须在经济、社会和环 等 广 泛问题上为可持续发展制订相互支持 的一体化政策。
Recently, during a high-level plenary meeting,3 the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) called for “efforts at all levels to enhance policy coherence for development, noting that accelerated progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals required mutually [...]
supportive and
integrated policies across economic, social and environmental issues for sustainable development.
的努力,并肯定经济及社会理事会发展合作论坛以及撰写 2005 年《援助实效问 题巴黎宣言》和
[...] 2008 年《阿克拉行纲领》15 的援助实效问题级别论坛等新近 开展 的主动行动对推动那些作出承诺的国家开展努力作出了重要贡献,包括提出 [...]
We welcome the increasing efforts to improve the quality of official development assistance and to increase its development impact, and recognize that the Development Cooperation Forum of the Economic and Social
Council, along with recent
[...] initiatives such as the high-level forums on aid effectiveness, [...]
which produced the 2005 Paris
Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the 2008 Accra Agenda for Action,15 make important contributions to the efforts of those countries which have committed to them, including through the adoption of the fundamental principles of national ownership, alignment, harmonization and managing for results.
有人表示,方案 4 的战略框似乎在等级结构中将大会置于安全理事会之 下,因为次级方案 1 下的指标提及安理会,但未提及大会。
The view was expressed that the
strategic framework for
[...] the programme appeared to place the General Assembly lower in the hierarchy than the [...]
Security Council, as indicators
under subprogramme 1 referred to the Council and not to the Assembly.
近,警方在级警察 培训班中纳入了关于人 权、种族主义和多样化问题的专门课程、讲演和讲习班。
The police had recently incorporated specialized [...]
courses, lectures and workshops on human rights, racism and diversity at
all levels of police training.
但是,无论是事前分层还是事 后分层,多个树种(竹种)可合并为一层,不同时间营造的林分也可合并为一层,关键是看其是否 具近似的碳 储量和相同的计量参数(如生物量扩展因子、根冠比、含碳率和生物量异速生长方等),其目的是降低层内变异性,增加层间变异性,从而降低一定精度要求下所需监测的样地数量。
However, for both ex ante and ex post stratification, two or more species and/or bamboo plantation planted in two or
more years can be
[...] merged if they have similar carbon stock and same values of carbon accounting parameters (e.g., biomass expansion factor, root-shoot ratio, carbon fraction and allometric equation), [...]
aiming to reduce internal-stratum
variability and enlarge cross-stratum variability as a result to reduce number of sampling plots at required precision level.
所有的呈现对象(文本,图片,形状,表 等 ) 在类层次结构中具有一个相同的 级 , 它为 相 似 但 又不同的对象的处理提供了一种方便,统一的方法。
All rendering objects (text, pictures,
[...] shapes, tables, etc.) have a common parent in the class hierarchy, which provides a convenient and uniform way to manipulate similar but different objects.
秘书长认为,提 高等能够征聘军衔高于当前 D-1 员额相应军衔的级军官 ,并使部队指挥级 别与其他似维持 和平特派团中的类似职位相一致(A/66/686,第 18 段)。
According to the Secretary-General, the upward reclassification would allow for the
recruitment of a senior
[...] officer of a higher military rank than the rank equivalent to the current D-1 post and would align the level of the Force Commander with similar positions [...]
in other comparable peacekeeping
missions (A/66/686, para. 18).
近年來 ,一些候選人更會在下午時段開始,喊出「票站調查顯示我方緊緊落後,請你出來投票 等 類 似 口 號
In recent years, beginning in the afternoon, some candidates would chant slogans like "Exit poll shows that we are losing by a small margin, come out and vote for us!
根據 海外經驗,這制度的成效高於其他未被考慮的收費機制,包 括 (i)按近似量收 費制度,以及(ii)定額收費制度。在 近似 量收 費制度下,向廢物產生者收取的費用會與一個間接指標 (例如用水量)掛鈎,但實際上該指標不一定反映其實際的 廢物棄置量;而在定額收費制度下,每名同一類別的廢物產 生者(例如同一區的居民)會繳付固定費用,而不論其各自 產生的廢物量為何。
Our proposal entails quantity-based MSW charging system which according to overseas experience is more effective than the other charging mechanisms that have been ruled out, i.e. a proxy system by which the MSW charge on each MSW producer is linked to an indirect indicator (such as water consumption) that in practice might not necessarily reflect the actual quantity of waste that one disposes of; and (ii) a fixed charge system under which there is a fixed charge for each MSW producer within the same category (e.g. residents of the same district), regardless of the waste quantity that individual MSW producer produces.
它还表态赞成与追求目近似的非 政府组织采取集体合作方式及促进它们形成 [...]
It also came out in favour of collective cooperation and the grouping
[...] together of NGOs pursuing similar goals.
HKIRC 將自行決定申請是否滿近似 性測 詴的要求,任何人士不得提出反對,不論是否依據本《.香港 [...]
優先註冊期規則》的第 9 節或其他 規定提出。
The decision as to whether the application
[...] satisfies the similarity test will be in [...]
HKIRC's sole discretion and not subject
to a challenge, whether under Section 9 of these Pre Launch Priority Registration Period Rules or otherwise.
尽管毛里求斯儿童参加学校教育的比率极高,近 100%,学前教育级完 成率为 96%,等教育一级的完 成率为 98%,并且,中等教育可免费入读,教育 系统在入学方面实现性别完全平等,不过,仍然存在一些有待解决的严峻挑战。
Notwithstanding the very high level of participation of
Mauritian children in the
[...] schooling process (nearing 100 per cent, with 96 per cent at the pre-primary level and a survival rate of 98 per cent at the primary level) and the free [...]
access at the secondary
level as well as total gender parity in enrolment in the system, there are still some serious challenges to be addressed.
核准新的安等级制度 是在 安全领域实现的一个里程碑,将以新制度为基础修订安全风险管理框架。
A milestone in security was achieved with the approval of a new
[...] system for security levels, on the basis [...]
of which the security risk management framework will be revised.
许多在这等级的教 师已经完成了高等教育,是大学或 是高等学校(师范学院)的毕业生。
Many teachers at this level have completed higher [...]
education and are graduates of universities or higher education schools (pedagogical academies).
本公司可以普通決議案在發行任何新股份之前釐定於第一批中須提呈 發售該等股份或任何該等股份(無論按面值或溢價)予任何類別股份的所有現有持股 人,發售比例按近該等持股 人分別持有有關類別股份的數目,或作出任何撥備以發 行及配發有關股份,惟在違反任何有關決定或有關決定不得延續的情況下,有關股份 [...]
The Company may by ordinary resolution, before the issue of any new shares, determine that the same, or any of them, shall be offered in the first instance, and either at par or at a premium,
to all the existing
[...] holders of any class of shares in proportion as nearly as may be to the number of shares of such class held by them respectively, [...]
or make any
provisions as to the issue and allotment of such shares, but in default of any such determination or so far as the same shall not extend, such shares may be dealt with as if they formed part of the capital of the Company existing prior to the issue of the same.
這可透過一 份由政府簽發的文件或在截止日之前發佈的新聞稿副本以證明;以及 (f) 依照此《.香港
[...] 優先註冊期規則》的第 8.15 項規定,符近似性準則的書面證明。
(f) written evidence of the satisfaction of
[...] one of the similarity criteria in [...]
accordance with section 8.15 of this Pre Launch
Priority Registration Period Rules.
資料研究及圖書館服務部亦就"選定地方的收費道 路、大橋及隧道的營運"(RP03/05-06)及 "選定地方採用建造-營運-移 交模式及略有差異近似模式興建運輸基礎設施的情況"(IN13/05-06) 擬備研究報告。
Research reports were also prepared by the Research and Library Services Division on "Operation of Toll Roads, Bridges and Tunnels in Selected Places" (RP03/05-06) and "Adoption of the Build-Operate-Transfer Model and its Variants in Developing Transport Infrastructures in Selected Places" (N13/05-06).
至于可做到查近似匹配 的查询逻辑,一般认为,虽然现代查询算法在设 计上可限制近拟匹配的数量,但这种设计带来例如下列问题:(a)并非所 近似 匹配 的通知都查出来,因为需要解决如何定义 近似 匹 配 ”这个复杂问题,并 且由此会导致法律上的不确定性;(b) 近似 匹 配 的通知列表可能很长,这种情况 有可能导致再作查询和对使用者造成高昂的费用及对登记处造成行政管理负 担;(c)允许查询结果查出近拟匹配可能会造成负面影响,不明确什么构成一项 登记有效所需的充分的设保人身份识别标志(见《担保交易指南》建议 58)。
As to a search logic
[...] that would allow close matches to be retrieved, it was generally thought that, while modern search algorithms could be designed to limit the number of close matches, such design presented problems, such as the following: (a) not all closely matching notices would be retrieved, as it required addressing a complex question of defining “close matches” and resulted in legal uncertainty; (b) the list of closely matching notices [...]
could be long, a fact
that might lead to additional searches and result in high fees for the user and administrative burden on the registry; (c) allowing search results to retrieve close matches might have a negative impact on what constituted a sufficient grantor identifier for a registration to be effective (see recommendation 58 of the Secured Transactions Guide).
这 12 个员额包括行政领导和管理项下的一个 P-2 协理经济事务干事员额;次级 方案
1(与全球经济的联系、区域一体化及合作)下的一个 P-2
[...] 员额;次级方案 2(生 产和创新)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 3(宏观经济政策和增长)下的一个 P-2 员额;级方案 5(社会发展与等)下的一个 P-2 员额;级方案 12(墨西哥和 中美洲的次区域活动)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 13(加勒比次区域活动)下的 1 个当地雇员员额;方案支助项下的一个 [...]
P-4 临时员额、一个
P-2 员额和 3 个当 地雇员员额。
These 12 posts comprise one P-2 post of Associate Economic Affairs Officer under executive direction and management; one P-2 post under subprogramme 1, Linkages with the global economy, regional integration and cooperation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 2, Production and innovation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 3, Macroeconomic policies and growth; one P-2 post under
subprogramme 5, Social
[...] development and equality; one P-2 post under subprogramme 12, Subregional activities in Mexico and Central America; one Local level post under subprogramme [...]
13, Subregional
activities in the Caribbean; and one P-4 temporary post, one P-2 post and three Local level posts under programme support.
咨询委 员会获悉,企业内容管理系统支持执行在创建、管理和处置记录、必要 和非必要信息分类以及安等级方面的联合国规则和程序,从而有助于 控制和跟踪记录。
The Advisory Committee was informed that the enterprise content management system supports the implementation of United Nations rules and procedures related to record-keeping with respect to the creation, management
and disposition of records,
[...] the classification of essential and non-essential information and security levels, thereby facilitating [...]
the control and tracking of records.




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