

单词 运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外

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我们为您提供一系列实战信息,助 运筹帷幄。
Our range of practical information provides the news and know-how for your business.
世界 遗产名录》上增加了几个新的小岛屿发展中国家的 胜 , 其 中 包 括 基 里 巴 斯 的凤 凰群岛海洋保护区和马绍尔群岛的比基尼岛核试验基地。
Several new SIDS sites were added to the World Heritage list, including the Phoenix Islands marine protected area in Kiribati and the Bikini Atoll nuclear test site in the Marshall Islands.
在全球钢铁行业,许多钢厂、贸易商、分销商、服 中 心 、 供货商、终端用户(如汽车和建筑行业客户),以及船运公司、银行和其他金融服务商的决策者和高管人员每天运用SBB的信息服务 运筹帷幄 , 决胜千里。
SBB's services are a reliable source for people doing business throughout the steel industry including senior
executives and decision
[...] makers at steel mills, traders, distributors & stock holders, service centres, suppliers, end users (eg. Auto and construction), logisitics & shipping companies, banks & finance institutions, associations and government bodies.
会议回顾亚太经社会第 66/10 号决议的规定,中经社会呼吁成 员和准成员,除其外,“ 将普及工作建立人权的基础上,并采取措 施解决羞辱和歧视问题、以及阻碍艾滋病的有效应对措施,特别是关 系到主要受影响人群的政策和法律障碍”,并请执行秘书召开一次高 级别政府间会议,以便“评估在落实关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政 治宣中的承诺和千年发 展目标方面的进展和确保普及方面的工作, 并查明区域合作的领域,特别是在查明和消除阻碍普及的政策和法律 障碍,同时推动卫生和其他部之间 , 包括司法、法治和毒品管制部之间进行对话等领域”。
The Meeting recalled the
[...] provisions of ESCAP resolution 66/10, whereby the Commission had called upon members and associate members, inter alia, “to ground universal access in human rights and undertake measures to address stigma and discrimination, as well as policy and legal barriers to effective HIV response, in particular with regard to key affected populations” and had requested the Executive Secretary to convene a highlevel intergovernmental meeting “to assess progress against commitments in the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS and the Millennium Development Goals and efforts to ensure universal access, and identify areas for regional cooperation, in particular in such areas as policy and legal barriers to universal access and promoting dialogue between health and other [...]
sectors, including
justice, law and order and drug control”.
由全球策略专家约翰A•卡斯林和市场营销权威人士菲利普•科特勒共同著作的《混沌系统:大动荡中的企业管理与营销》(2009年5月由AMACOM出版社出版)助您的公 运筹帷幄 , 在 我们身处的这个新时代——动荡年 中 蒸 蒸 日上。
CHAOTICS: The Business of Managing and Marketing in The Age of Turbulence (AMACOM, May 2009), by co-authors global strategy expert John Caslione and marketing guru Philip Kotler, helps businesses navigate through turbulence rather than being caught up in it.
如何全面有效地决筹资问 题还在研究探 之中 , 但总干事正在采 取阶段性方法,通过正常预算资金和预 外 资 金 (HQF),为实施米奥利斯/邦万楼区优先 工程项目提供部分资金。
In this context, while a
[...] comprehensive and viable solution to the problem of funding has still to be developed, partial financing for priority work on the Miollis/Bonvin site is being provided by the Director-General on the basis of a phasing strategy through the regular budget [...]
and through extrabudgetary resources (HQF).
[...] 的四氯化碳通常 是存放在四个储存点;这里说的储存是指在将供使用的四氯化碳从船上卸下和 运之 间的 这段时里外部业务方代表四氯化碳所有人进行的临时存放过程,因此可能会涉及在一年 里同一储存点的多次增加或减少,然而储存商并不是所储存的四氯化碳的所有人。
Regarding the issue of storage, the World Bank informed that, in earlier years, CTC at Kandla used to be stored in four storage locations; storage refers
here to an interim
[...] storage process by an external party on behalf of the owners of CTC, for the time between unloading [...]
from ships and transfer
of the CTC to be used, and thus can entail multiple additions and removals to and from the same storage site during the year; however, the storage owner is not the owner of the CTC stored.
新一代华商有机会接受良好教育,得到老一辈的用心栽培,除了继续保持华商的优良的传统,维系并加强前辈建立的联系网络,还必须与时并进,以更广阔的视 运筹帷幄 , 善 于获取新的技术和信息,敢于拓展市场,进军新的领域。
The new generation of Chinese businessmen have the opportunity of receiving a sound education, and the good fortune of being nurtured by their elders. Besides preserving trusted Chinese business traditions, maintaining and strengthening the strong networks their predecessors had built up, they need to keep up with the trends, and look even further afield, leveraging on new infocomm technology to venture bravely into new markets and new avenues of business.
今天的会议为审议阿富汗 的总体局势提供了一次及时的机会。该国深陷血腥的 暴之中,在那里,地 理与人种学、战略与历史盘根 错节,尤其在卡尔扎伊总统最近在阿富汗选举胜 选, 以及安全理事会即将对 2010 年 3 月到期的联合 国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)任期进行审议的背景 下。
Today’s meeting provides a timely opportunity to
[...] review the overall situation in Afghanistan, a country steeped in blood where geography jostles with ethnology and strategy with history, especially in the context [...]
of President Karzai’s
success in the recent Afghan elections and the Security Council’s forthcoming consideration of the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), due to expire in March 2010.
我促請政府在制訂其工業政策時,更應扮演先 知先覺的角色、更能運帷幄。
I urge the Government to take a more proactive role in formulating its industrial policy and to work with more foresight.
(a)项至(d)项列出的是第(1)款所载该一般规则的 外 情 形 (取 胜 出供 应商的资格、取消采购、根据第 20 条[**超级链接**]以价格异常偏低为由决 中选提交书,或者根据第 21 条[**超级链接**]以胜出供 应商一方进行了利诱、 有不公平竞争优势或者有利益冲突为由将其排除在外)。
) The exceptions to the general rule set out in paragraph (1) are listed in subparagraphs (a) to (d) (disqualification of the winning supplier, cancellation of the procurement, rejection of the successful submission on the ground that it is abnormally low in accordance with article 20 [**hyperlink**], or exclusion of the winning supplier on [...]
the grounds of inducement
from its side, unfair competitive advantage or conflict of interest in accordance with article 21 [**hyperlink**]).
此项次级方案的战略方向系依循各项国际商定发展目 标、中包括各项千年发 展目标、《关于发展筹资问题的多哈成果》、20 国集 团各届峰会的投入和成果、联合国世界金融和经济危机及其对发展的影响问 题会议的成果、以及订于 2011 年召开的第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议 的成果和经社会关于在亚太经社会区域实现各项千年发展目标的第 62/1、 63/44 和 64/6 号决议、关于为 2015 年在亚太经社会区域实现各千年发 展目筹措资金的第 64/7 号决议、 关于为应对粮食-燃料-金融多重危机而贯彻落 实《巴厘成果文件》的第 65/1 号决议、以及关于加强亚洲及太平洋次级作物 开发促进减贫中心的第 65/4 号决议。
The strategic direction of the subprogramme is embedded in the internationally
agreed development goals,
[...] including the Millennium Development Goals, the Doha Outcome on Financing for Development, the inputs for and outcomes of different G20 summits, the outcome of the United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development, the outcome of the forthcoming fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries in 2011, and Commission resolutions 62/1, 63/4, and 64/6 on achieving the Millennium Development Goals in the ESCAP region, 64/7 on financing for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 in the ESCAP region, 65/1 on the implementation of the Bali Outcome Document in addressing the food, fuel [...]
and financial crises,
and 65/4 on the strengthening of the Centre for Alleviation of Poverty through Secondary Crops Development in Asia and the Pacific.
在進行顧問研究之餘,我認為政府不應該排除與東隧和西隧商討任 何合作空間,任何回購、以股換隧等方案都可以加以研究,因為既中 信泰富已經表示願意跟政府傾談任何方案,我覺得政府無須擺出拒人千里之外的姿態。
Since CITIC Pacific has expressed the willingness to discuss any proposal with the Government, I think that the Government need not display any hint of arrogance.
除现有油外,中国对 苏丹南方尚未开发的资源 兴趣十足,并已开始与苏丹人民解 运 动 进 行接 触,探察里的石油储备情况。
In addition to the existing fields, China is also interested in undeveloped resources in the South and has already approached the SPLM to investigate access to [...]
oil deposits there.
值得回顾的是,《联合千年宣言》(第 55/2决议)清 楚地指出,宽容是二十一世纪国际关 中必 不可少的基本价值观之一,并且它应当包括积极促 进和平和不同文明间对话的文化。
It is to be recalled that the United Nations Millennium Declaration (resolution 55/2) clearly indicates that tolerance is one of the fundamental values essential [...]
to international relations in the twentyfirst
century and that it should include the active promotion of a culture of peace and dialogue among civilizations.
里斯本 舉行2014年G20領袖高峰會,證明我們擁有世界級展會設施及實力,而我們的教育機構亦可容納數 千 計 海 外 學 生,包括大量來 中 國 和 香港的學生。
Our capacity to accommodate the
2014 G20
[...] Leaders Summit is testament to our world-class convention facilities while our educational institutions cater for thousands of international students including large numbers from China and Hong Kong.
經濟問題我無容置喙,我相信財政司司長已經運 帷幄 , 希望大家有多 點耐性,並且與政府共謀對策,以紓解經濟不景和經濟轉型所帶來的雙重沖 擊。
I am in no position to comment on economic issues, and I believe the Financial Secretary knows exactly which course to take. I hope Members will be a bit more patient and will work in concert with the Government to come up with ways to alleviate the double impact of the economic downturn and restructuring.
副主席先生,管理社會確是㆒門藝術,如何準確掌握時機,推行適當政策,所謂運帷幄,決勝千里,更 是管理藝術的精華所在,從這個角度來看,政府既錯失了掌握 適當的時機未能積極推行輸入勞工政策,進㆒步提高本港經濟增長;亦未能預早製訂 政策,針對聯繫匯率所可能引發的通脹壓力;更加未能及早對整體稅制作出檢討,為 政府未來的財政策略打好基礎。
Judging from this aspect, the Government has missed the golden opportunity to implement in time a positive policy on the importation of labour to further enhance our economic growth.
然 而 , 我認為如果要求 房 委 會 切實做好建築 的工作 , 這 不 單 止 是 前 線 的 工 作 人員所必須面對的 問 題 , 其實, 最 重要的 可 能 還 是 在 背 後運帷幄的 高 層 人員的決 定 。
However, I hold that if the HA is to practically make improvement to its construction works, the problems facing front-line officers are not the most important issues. Actually, the crux of the problem may most probably lie in the decisions made by the senior management behind the scenes.
Corum 手表颜色运用在同行中更胜一筹, 并 将手表设计水准提升到全新的高度。
The use of color in these watches makes Corum Watches stand out among its competitors and significantly raised the bar in watch design.
运筹学就 是将工程学、管理学、数学以及心理学等各学 中 获 取来的综合知识,应用于各行各业 决 策 领域的一门科学,之相关 的学科领域还有--应用数学、计算机科学、经济学、工业工程学以及系统工程学。
O.R. draws upon ideas from engineering, management, mathematics, and psychology to contribute to a
wide variety
[...] of application domains; the field is closely related to several other fields in the "decision sciences" - applied mathematics, computer science, economics, industrial engineering, [...]
and systems engineering.
国家杜马代表确信,格鲁吉亚领导层摧毁伟大胜利纪念碑的意图催生了这决定, 而伟大胜利纪念碑仍是迄今为止团结俄罗斯人和格鲁吉亚人、团结对法西 斯灾难作战且在这一战中获胜的所 有民族的最有力的象 之 一。
The deputies of the State Duma are convinced that this decision was motivated by the desire of the Georgian authorities to destroy a monument in honour of the Great Victory, which to this day remains one of [...]
the most powerful symbols
uniting Russians and Georgians and all persons who fought against the scourge of fascism and prevailed in that war.
千年发 展目标和达喀尔全民教育目标应一直作为我们的指导 原则,它们突出了两大核心承诺,努力缩小贫富差距,促进世界不同社 之 间 的 对话, 胜 无 知
The MDGs and EFA Dakar Goals should always be the guiding principles and they underline the twin central commitments of seeking to reduce the discrepancies between the rich and the poor and to promote a dialogue between the different [...]
societies of the world, overcoming ignorance.
她在提及第 8 段时说,举行会议决定和政府筹备委员会一定会带来外资源 要求,如会议服 务、支助服务和新闻服务,秘书处不能确定全部需 要多少资源,直到得到会议日期和地点的具体信息 以筹备委员会会议期限和日期确 之 后 才 能确 定。
Referring to paragraph 8, she said
[...] that while the decision to convene the Conference and the intergovernmental preparatory committee would certainly give rise to additional resource requirements with regard to conference servicing, support services and public information services, the Secretariat would not be able to determine the full extent of those requirements until specific information on the dates and venue of the Conference and on the duration and dates of the preparatory committee’s [...]
meetings became available.
作为参考,第 186 EX/14 文件第 II 部分介绍了此项建议,探讨了 中心成立的决条件,提出筹建中 亚 地 区冰川学中心的科学和体制基础,该建 议符合大会在第 35 C/103 号决议中批准的 35 C/22 号文件及其更正件中关于联合 国教科文组织赞助的机构和中心(第 2 类)的建立运作问题的原则和指示。
For reference, document 186 EX/14 Part II describes the proposal
and reviews the prerequisites for the establishment of the centre, and provides the scientific and institutional rationale behind the proposed Central Asian
[...] Regional Glaciological Centre which is in conformity with document 35 C/22 and Corr. relating to the principles and guidelines for the establishment and functioning of institutes and centres under the auspices of UNESCO (category 2) as approved by the General Conference in 35 C/Resolution 103.
[...] 展现了真正的区域团结和南南团结精神、令人印象深 刻的专业素质和召之即来的准备状态,在极短时间内 就把部队从本国空运和运至数千海 里之外 的 我 国。
Malaysia, a fellow SouthEast Asian neighbour, displayed true regional and South-South solidarity, impressive
professionalism and preparedness in deploying in record time air and
[...] seaborne forces thousands of miles away from its shores.
监察组建议,鉴于监察组在本报中 提 供的新资料,安全理事会考虑重申决定,即厄立里亚应 停止使用敲诈勒索、暴力威胁、欺诈和其他非法手段在 厄立里亚境外对其 国民或其他厄立特里亚裔人征税,并提醒会员国根据第 2023(2011)号决议第 11 段承担的义务。
The Monitoring Group recommends that in light of new information provided by the Monitoring Group in
the present report,
[...] the Security Council consider renewing its decision that Eritrea should cease using extortion, threats of violence, fraud and other illicit means to collect taxes outside of Eritrea from its nationals or other [...]
individuals of Eritrean
descent, and remind Member States of their obligation under paragraph 11 of resolution 2023 (2011).
这个好处导致的结果就是,用maven编译的项目在发布的时候只需要发布源码,小得很,而 之 , ant的发布则要把所有的包一起发布,显然mav en 又 胜 了 一 筹。
The result is that the benefits of using maven compile the project in time for the release only release source
code , very small , while
[...] the other hand , ant release is to put all the packages with the release of maven has apparently won a chip.
委 員會首先要做的㆒件實務,是把本條例草案推廣宣傳,令公眾㆟士認識其剛剛獲得的
[...] 權利,而非把㆒群恨不得立即便可行使載於條例草案內的各項權利的公眾㆟士拒千 里之外。
It will be trying to make the public aware of their new rights, not fending off a
[...] public that is overeager to exercise them.




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