

单词 运神

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这项强大的功能使得用户在构建,编辑 运 行 神 经 网络时拥有了前所未有的灵活性。
This powerful feature gives the user unprecedented flexibility in
[...] constructing, editing, and running neural networks.
猫头鹰,携带P太太暮光之琵琶,被引导到一 神 社 运 行 的 神 谕 针 鼹(巴里·奥托),他的五重奏和指导,他们追求的对象提供漫画,但准确的描述。
The owls, carrying Mrs. P in Twilight’s
[...] lute, are guided to a shrine run by an oracular echidna [...]
(Barry Otto), who provides comic,
but accurate, descriptions of the quintet and guidance to the object of their quest.
在第一届青少 年奥运会上,主办国新加坡发起了种族宗教和谐计
[...] 划,鼓励新加坡青少年与来自全世界的运动员交流, 传递竞先、友谊和尊重等运精神。
Moreover, on the occasion of the inaugural Youth Olympic Games organised in Singapore, the Government initiated a programme for racial and religious harmony to encourage young
Singaporeans and athletes from all over the world to meet and
[...] exchange the Olympic values of excellence, [...]
friendship and respect.
而我们却听不到其他不计其数运动 神 童 的 消息,他们同样是年轻并富有才华的孩子,由于父母和教练急于获得发掘“明日之星”的美誉而使这些孩子遭受过多或过于急切的压迫,导致他们对运动的兴趣减少、受伤或运动疲劳。
What we don’t hear about are the countless others who had the same talent at a young age, but were pushed too hard or too fast by parents and coaches eager to reap the rewards of discovering ‘the next big star’ – be it through a loss of interest, injury or burnout.
同时,我们要热烈称赞泰国队教练,为他能够向他的队员灌 运 动 精 神 和 运 动 热 情而赞扬他。
And, massive kudos to Thailand’s
[...] coach for instilling sportsmanship and compassion in [...]
his team.
They'll be there to witness the inspiring power of sports to unite people with and without intellectual disabilities.
香港特区协办2008 年残疾人奥运会的马术项目,并通过筹办赛事宣扬残 疾人运会精神及展示残运动员 的天分及成就。
Through the organisation of the Games, we promoted the Paralympic spirit and achievement and talents of athletes with disabilities.
(c) 制止非法运毒品、精神药物和其他危险制剂的法律
(c) The law
[...] against illicit trafficking of drugs, psychotropic drugs and other [...]
dangerous substances
(澳门,2012年8月20日) - 於澳门金沙举行的最後一场「金沙龙者百万巨注」推广活动於星期六晚完满结束,得到 运 之 神 眷 顾的Park, Moon Soo先生面带胜利笑容,将港币1,000,000元丰富现金奖带回家。
(Macao, August 20, 2012) – Mr. Park, Moon Soo went home with a big smile Saturday night, as he was awarded HK$1,000,000 in cash for winning the final round of the Sands Dragon Million Bet Promotion at Sands® Macao.
一旦现存的领袖,如牧师、宗派负责人和其他关键基督徒看到建立教 运 动 很 清楚 神 的 旨 意,他们 就会鼓励他们所带领的机构来帮助。
When existing leaders such as pastors, denominational officials and other key
Christians see that the church
[...] planting movement is clearly the will of God, they will encourage [...]
the structures they lead to help.
复杂的机械装置使它成为一件迷人的作品 – 同时反映了动感运动精神与精 准的计时表现 – 全新Overseas计时腕表的深蓝色表盘和精细的装饰,令其更显出色,而涂上夜光物料的指针和小时刻度则确保可以清晰易读。
An object of fascination due to its complex mechanism – reflecting both the sporting spirit and precision timing performance – the new Overseas Chronograph model is distinguished by its deep blue dial with meticulous finishing, enhanced by luminescent hands and hour-markers guaranteeing perfect readability.
江诗丹顿自Trophée Bailli de
[...] Suffren赛事创立之初,便一直与保持着紧密联系;並為能夠延續这项由19世纪末的绅士水手们所传承至今的经典古董游艇比赛的精神而引以自豪;这种蕴涵谦和有礼、公平竞争、尊重传统及气度优雅的真 运 动 精 神 , 也同时是江诗丹顿所珍视的价值。
Vacheron Constantin has been associated with the Trophée Bailli de Suffren from the outset and is proud to contribute to the safeguarding of the spirit of Grand Classic Yachting displayed by the
gentlemen sailors of the late 19th
[...] century; a true sporting spirit allied to values [...]
cherished by Vacheron Constantin: courtesy,
fair play, respect for tradition, and elegance.
To be sure, the Enlightenment had a
[...] chilling effect on spiritual movements, but this was [...]
countered by the Methodist revival
of John and Charles Wesley and George Whitefield in Britain and the Great Awakening in America prior to the Revolution.
这是一项合乎逻辑的联系,因为以极 运 动 精 神 重 新演绎皇家橡树系列的皇家橡树离岸型表款在1992年问世,而就在同年,环法汽车拉力赛以深具历史意义的创新模式焕然重生。
This was a logical association, since the Royal Oak Offshore, the ultra-sporty interpretation of the Royal Oak, was born in 1992, the year the Tour Auto was reborn in historical mode.
[...] 孩、非常贫穷之父母的子女(50.7%生活在贫困线以下)、土著儿童(男生 32.6%、 女生 21%)和患有神障碍或运动技 能障碍的儿童。
This category comprises girls, children of very poor parents (50.7 per cent living below the poverty line),
indigenous children (32.6 per cent of the boys and 21 per cent of the girls)
[...] and children with mental or motor disabilities.
吉尔吉斯斯坦是政府间组织――中亚地 区打击非法运麻醉品、神药物及其前体信息协调中心的成员,该机构是在联 合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室的支持下,在阿塞拜疆、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯 [...]
坦、俄罗斯、塔吉克斯坦、土库曼斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦间协议(于 2009
年 3 月生 效)的框架内成立的。
Kyrgyzstan is a member of the Central Asian Regional Information and
Coordination Centre for combating
[...] the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances [...]
and their precursors (CARICC),
an intergovernmental body established with the support of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in the framework of an agreement between Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan that entered into force in March 2009.
政府还继续严厉镇压被它认定为“邪教”的团体,特别是法轮功 神运 动。
The government also continued its
severe repression of groups that it determined to be "cults," targeting
[...] the Falun Gong spiritual movement in particular.
伊会组织的报告阐述了,从2008年6月至2009年4 月期间《观察
[...] 报告》监测到的西方各国社会仇视伊斯兰教的表现和事件,包括与各清真寺相关 的事件、亵渎穆斯林墓地行为、与穆斯林头巾相关的事件、反伊斯兰和穆斯林的 政治和社运动、对穆斯神圣象 征物的不容忍现象,以及在教育上、工作地点 和机场对穆斯林的歧视行为。
However, in its Second OIC Observatory Report on Islamophobia, issued at the thirty-sixth Council of Foreign Ministers in May 2009 submitted to the Secretariat,20 the OIC provides an account of manifestations and incidents of Islamophobia in Western societies, as monitored by the Observatory from June 2008 to April 2009, including incidents related to mosques, desecration of Muslim graves, incidents related to the Hijab
[...] political and social campaigns against Islam and Muslims, intolerance against sacred symbols of Islam, [...]
and discrimination
against Muslims in education, the workplace and airports.
关切继续存在海上跨国有组织犯罪问题,包括非法 运 麻 醉 药品和 神药 物运移民和贩运人口,威胁海上安全和安保,包括海盗、海上武装抢劫、 走私以及针对航运、海上设施和其他海事权益的恐怖主义行为,并注意到此类 [...]
响,如大会 2009 年 12 月 4 日第 64/71 号决议所述
about the continuing problem of transnational organized crime committed at sea, including
illicit traffic in
[...] narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons, [...]
and threats to maritime
safety and security, including piracy, armed robbery at sea, smuggling and terrorist acts against shipping, offshore installations and other maritime interests, and noting the deplorable loss of life and adverse impact on international trade, energy security and the global economy resulting from such activities, as noted by the General Assembly in its resolution 64/71 of 4 December 2009
阮经天被击中后发现一个古老的法老诅咒和觉醒Tutenhawken一串 神 秘 的 坏 运 气。
Ethan is hit
[...] with a string of mysterious bad luck after uncovering [...]
an ancient curse and awakening Pharaoh Tutenhawken.
在亚洲及太平洋地区,总干事出访了下列会员国:在庆祝婆罗浮 神 庙 保 护 运 动 结 束 二十周年而召开的第四届婆罗浮图问题国际专家会议(2003 年 7 月 4-8 日)之际访问了印度 尼西亚(2003 年 7 月 2--6 日);最近加入本组织的第 189 个会员国,赢得独立(2002 年 5 月 20 日)后刚好一年多的东帝汶(2003 年 7 月 6--7 日);两次访问印度,首先是 2003 年 7 月 9--11 日在举行国际部长级会议“文明对话:探索新前景”之际,其次是 2003 年 11 月 9-13 日在新德里召开的教科文组织全民教育高层工作组第三次会议时;孟加拉国(2003 年 11 月 13--17 日),在此期间,他签订了促进技术和职业教育项目的业务运作计划;不丹(2003 年 11 月 17--20 日)---这是总干事自该国于 1982 年加入本组织以来的首次访问。
In the Asia and the Pacific region, the Director-General paid official visits to: Indonesia (2-6 July 2003) on the occasion of the Fourth International Experts’ Meeting on Borobudur (4-8 July 2003) which marked the twentieth anniversary of the closing of the Borobudur Safeguarding Campaign; Timor-Leste (6-7 July 2003) the Organization’s 189th and newest Member State, just over one year after it attained independence (20 May 2002); India, first, from 9 to 11 July 2003, on the occasion of the International Ministerial Conference “Dialogue among Civilizations: Quest for New Perspectives” and, from 9 to 13 November 2003, on the occasion of UNESCO’s Third Meeting of the High-Level Group on Education for All hosted in New Delhi; Bangladesh (13-17 November 2003) where he signed a Plan of Operations for a Technical and Vocational Training project; Bhutan (17-20 November 2003) – this being the first visit by a Director-General since the country joined the Organization in 1982.
体育运动可以帮助人们培养勇气、毅力和为荣誉献身的 神 , 当体 育 运 动 达到帮助人 们培养勇气、韧性和为荣誉而战的程度时,它在人的发展过程中起着非常重要的作用,这些人 [...]
To the extent that sport helps persons develop their capacity for
courage and perseverance and their
[...] devotion to honor, then sport plays a very important [...]
role in the development of persons
who will enhance the lives of others and the success of the social, economic and political institutions that earn their loyalty.
(a) 早期儿童发展方案,旨在通过基本营养、预防保健和教育方案确保儿童神运动的均衡发展。
(a) Early child development programmes, aimed at ensuring
[...] the balanced psychomotor development [...]
of the child through basic nutrition, preventive
health and educational programmes.
11 病人在美国康斯莱斯布里奇康复中心的麦吉尔大学疼痛、神和运动研究实验室中进行康复训练。
11 Rehabilitation of patients in the McGill University Pain, Mind, and Movement Research Lab at the Constance Lethbridge Rehabilitation Centre, USA.
同顶级豪华酒店一样神曲号拥有SPA, 运 动 俱 乐部,购物中心和 丰富多彩的娱乐设施, 她也是一个理想的场所让您享用一次轻松的茶歇,安静的散步或是在星光下浪漫的举杯。
Rich reds, specially designed lamps and a wild heather and red carpet have been chosen by her, while stunning photographs of her most memorable roles decorate the walls.
(c) 在打击麻醉药品和神药物贩运方面 ,为执法机关、海关和边境管制 机关提供充分和有针对性的培训,在适当情况下提供枪支非法贩运方面的培 训,对于具有相关经验的国家,增加双边和多边合作,途径包括联合国毒品和 犯罪问题办公室和其他国际合作伙伴管理的各种方案、联合国各机构或区域机 制,侧重于能力建设和培训,并交流经验和最佳做法,以便提高各国的能力, 使之更有效地打击麻醉药品和神药 物的 贩 运 活 动 ,以及在适当情况下更有效 地打击枪支贩运非法活动
(c) Provide adequate and targeted training to law enforcement, customs and border
control authorities
[...] in combating trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and, where appropriate, illicit trafficking in firearms, increase, in the case of States with relevant experience, bilateral and multilateral cooperation, including through programmes administered by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and other international partners, United Nations agencies or regional mechanisms, focused on capacity-building and training, and exchange experiences and best practices so as to increase the ability of all States to more effectively fight trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances [...]
and, where appropriate,
illicit trafficking in firearms
新加坡青少年奥组委顾问Teo Ser Luck表示,青少年奥运会将在赛会举办的两周内以及赛后的很长一段时间内使体育的 神 价 值 和 运 动 的 独特魅力深入人心。
Teo Ser Luck, advisor to the Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organizing Committee, said that the Youth Olympics have tremendous
potential to instill the
[...] values of sportsmanship and athletic excellence not only during the two weeks that the Games last, but on a sustained basis after the Games.
具有创新神和持续探运用先 进技术的理念,使得OCME的膜包机 成为该行业的重要参考技术。
OCME’s spirit of innovation and its constant commitment to the development of avant-garde solutions have enabled OCME technology to become a reference point also in the field of heat shrink wrapping systems.
(n) 向具有相关专业知识的联合国实体提供资源,用于收集数据和向各国 提供技术援助和资助,以便加强各国处理麻醉药品和 神 药 物 贩 运 问 题 的能 力,同时认识到应当加强与联合国各实体及各多边实体的协调以及这些实体之 [...]
(n) Provide the United Nations entities having pertinent expertise with resources for the collection of data and the provision of technical and financial assistance to States with a view
to enhancing their
[...] ability to address trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; [...]
coordination with and among
United Nations entities and various multilateral entities should be strengthened
相反,营养不良、早期疾病和充满压力的环境损害大脑发育,对注意力等神运动和 认知指标以及教育成果具有消极后果。12 尽管自 1990 年以来,发育 迟缓率从 40%降至 29%,但是发展中世界仍有约 1.95 亿发育迟缓的 5 岁以下儿 童,各国国内的最富有和最贫穷家庭的儿童的发育迟缓率相差悬殊,各国之间也 相差悬殊。
Conversely, malnutrition, early disease and a stressful environment can impair brain development, with negative consequences for psychomotor and cognitive indicators, including attention span, as well as education outcomes.12 Despite a decline in stunting prevalence since 1990, from 40 per cent to 29 per cent, approximately 195 million children under 5 in the developing world remain stunted, with large disparities between the richest and poorest both within and between countries.




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