

单词 运动家

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External sources (not reviewed)

印度回顾 2009 年 7 月 11
[...] 日至 16 日在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行的第十五次不结盟家运动国家元首 和政府首脑会议就这个问题通过的《最后文件》和不结盟运动的其 [...]
India recalls the final documents adopted by the Fifteenth Summit
Conference of Heads of State or Government
[...] of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, held in Sharm [...]
el-Sheikh, Egypt, from 11 to 16
July 2009, as well as other high-level decisions of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries on this subject, and urges the international community to adopt all necessary measures to protect the sovereign rights of all countries.
确认所有人权都是普遍、不可分割、相互依存和相互关联的,在这方面重申 发展权是所有人权的组成部分, 回顾 2009 年 7 月 11 日至
[...] 16 日在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行的不结盟 家运动国 家元首 和政府首脑第十五次会议的《最后文件》5 [...]
以及以前各次首脑会议和大型 会议通过的最后文件,不结盟运动各成员国在这些文件中商定响应大会和联合国
其他机关的呼吁,反对和谴责这些措施或法律及其继续适用,坚持努力有效地扭 转这种措施和法律,敦促其他国家也这样做,并要求实施这些措施或法律的国家 立即全面加以废止
Recalling the Final Document of the Fifteenth Summit Conference of Heads
of State and Government of the
[...] Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, held in Sharm el-Sheikh, [...]
Egypt, from 11 to 16 July 20095
and those adopted at previous summits and conferences, in which States members of the Movement agreed to oppose and condemn those measures or laws and their continued application, persevere with efforts to effectively reverse them and urge other States to do likewise, as called for by the General Assembly and other United Nations organs, and request States applying those measures or laws to revoke them fully and immediatel y
他回顾,不结盟家运动最近 倡导 为了所有人的利益,特别是发展中国家,建设一个 注重发展以及促进利用信息和通信技术的信息社 会。
He recalled that
[...] the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries had recently advocated [...]
the building of an information society focused
on development and on promoting the use of information and communications technologies for the benefit of all, especially developing countries.
委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国赞同不结盟 家运动 、 伊比利亚-美洲国家元首和 政府首脑会议、里约集团和欧洲联盟-拉丁美洲和加勒比首脑会议一再发表的声 [...]
明,反对采取具有域外效力的单方面措施,因为此类措施与真正表现多边主义的 对话与合作背道而驰。
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela endorses the
repeated declarations made by, inter
[...] alia, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, the Ibero-American [...]
Summit of Heads of State
and Government, the Rio Group and the European Union-Latin America and Caribbean Summit of Heads of State and Government, in repudiation of the application of unilateral measures with extraterritorial effects, which it considers to be contrary to dialogue and cooperation as genuine expressions of multilateralism.
该项运动包含三个方面:(1) 翻译和编写马绍尔语的反兴奋剂教育材料,包括一个视频资料; (2)
[...] 由大洋洲体育教育计划(OSEP)负责制订一个反兴奋剂教学课程;和(3) 在该国五所公立及七所私立高中 开展一项教育动,并动员家运动 员 担 任大使。
The campaign will comprise of three phases: (1) translation and production of anti-doping education materials, including a video, in the Marshallese language; (2) development of an anti-doping curriculum and its delivery by the Oceania Sport Education Program (OSEP); and (3) an education campaign
implemented in the five public and seven private high
[...] schools of the country mobilizing national athletes as ambassadors.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国回顾 2009 年 7 月不结盟家运动第 1 5 次国家和政府首脑 会议通过的最后成果文件以及不结盟运动关于这个主题的其他高级别成果文件 [...]
和决定,它敦促国际社会采取一切必要措施终止这一不人道的对古巴人民和政府 的封锁,并保护一切其他国家扩充同古巴的贸易和经济关系的主权权利。
The Islamic Republic of Iran recalls the final outcome document as adopted by
the Fifteenth Summit Conference
[...] of Heads of State and Governments of the Movement of Non-Aligned [...]
Countries in July 2009 as
well as other high-level outcome documents and decisions of the Non-Aligned Movement on this subject, and urges the international community to adopt all necessary measures to put an end to this inhuman embargo against the people and Government of Cuba and protect the sovereign right of all other countries to expand trade and economic relations with Cuba.
在 2009 年 7
[...] 月 11 日至 15 日在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行的不结盟 家运动 会议 上,玻利维亚也表示坚决反对一些国家违反《联合国宪章》和国际法对另一些国 [...]
Similarly, at the Summit Conference of
[...] the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, held at Sharm el-Sheikh [...]
(Egypt) from 11 to 16
July 2009, Bolivia firmly rejected the unilateral measures contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and international law that were being applied by some countries against others, including the United States embargo against Cuba.
谨代表不结盟家运动感谢 你和你的团队作出努力,并紧张开展工作,以切 实处理加沙居民面临的严峻人道主义危机。
On behalf of the Movement, I would like [...]
to thank you and your team for the efforts and the intensive work you are carrying
out in order to effectively address the grave humanitarian crisis affecting Gaza’s population.
阿尔及利亚完全支持 2009 年 7
[...] 月在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行的不结盟 家运动 第十五届首脑会议通过的立场和 2005 [...]
年 6 月在卡塔尔多哈举行的第二次南方首 脑会议(77 国集团加中国)通过的立场;这些立场反对针对发展中国家施加治外的 法律法规和单方面制裁等一切形式的胁迫性经济措施,并重申美国必须解除对古
Algeria expresses its full support for the positions adopted at the Fifteenth Summit
Conference of Heads of State or Government
[...] of Non-Aligned Countries, held in July [...]
2009 in Sharm el Sheikh (Egypt) and at the
Second South Summit (Group of 77 and China), held in June 2005 in Doha (Qatar), which rejected the imposition of extraterritorial laws and rules and all forms of coercive economic measures, including unilateral sanctions against developing countries, and reiterated the need to end the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba.
作为不结盟家运动成员 国,尼加拉瓜完全赞同 埃及常驻副代表以不结盟家运动主 席 的身份所作 的发言。
Nicaragua, as a member of the Movement
[...] of Non-Aligned Countries, fully associates itself with what was stated by the Deputy Permanent Representative of Egypt in his capacity as Chairperson of the Movement.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙家政策 和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持动政策
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of
recognition as a
[...] specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal [...]
for people of African descent or other minorities.
随信附上不结盟家运动协调 局今天就以色列对加沙地带的军事侵略进一 步升级一事发表的声明(见附件)。
I attach herewith a copy of the statement made today by the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement concerning the escalation of Israel’s military attack on the Gaza Strip (see annex).
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科 动 总部 诊所不间断运作, 该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他家里对 其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级 医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it
provides, which include round-the-clock operation
[...] of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan [...]
and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
谨此重申不结盟家运动对你 的一贯支持;我们愿意采取任何你认为有助于 你开展工作的行动。
I reiterate that you will always be able to rely on the support of the Non-Aligned Movement and that we stand ready to take any action that you may deem appropriate in support of your work.
随信附上不结盟家运动协调局今天对以色列不遵守安全理事会第 1860(2009)号决议以及以色列对加紧对加沙地带的军事侵略一事发表的声明(见 附件)。
Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement, with respect to the non-compliance by Israel of Security Council resolution 1860 (2009) and the escalation of the military aggression by Israel against the Gaza Strip (see annex).
不结盟家运动要求立即执行安全理事会第 1860(2009)号决议,包括立即停 火,以色列占领军撤离加沙,并采取措施满足加沙地带巴勒斯坦人民的紧迫人道 主义需求,包括完全按照第 1860(2009)号决议的要求和规定,长期持久开放加沙 的过境点,确保人道主义援助和其他必要物资和货物自由通行,并为人员进出加 沙地带提供方便。
NAM calls for the immediate implementation of Security Council resolution 1860, including in particular its call for an immediate ceasefire leading to the withdrawal of the Israeli occupying forces from Gaza as well as for measures to address the pressing humanitarian and economic needs of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, including by the sustained and permanent opening of Gaza’s border crossings fully in accordance with the terms and provisions of resolution 1860, to ensure the free access of humanitarian aid and other essential supplies and goods and to facilitate the passage of persons to and from the Gaza Strip.
但是,该国不 得不对结果文件表示失望,因为它没有充分地满足不结盟 家运动 的 愿 望,尤其 是有鉴于在整个审查工作中为此作出了大量努力并花费了很多时间。
However, it had to express disappointment at the outcome document as not fully meeting the NAM’s expectations, especially given the efforts that had been exerted and the time spent during the whole exercise.
该决议草案反映出不结盟家运动对 于单方面 胁迫性措施及其对于实现所有人权、特别是发展权 [...]
The draft
[...] resolution reflected the Movement’s opinion on [...]
unilateral coercive measures and their negative impact on the realization
of all human rights, particularly the right to development.
不结盟家运动强调,国际社会需要协调作出更大努力来结束这一危机,竭 尽全力支持和促进和平进程,并确保国际法、其中包括国际人道主义法和人权法 [...]
得到尊重,因为这是解决巴以冲突和全面解决阿拉伯以色列冲突的关键,是确保 在该区域实现永久和平的唯一途径。
NAM stresses the need for intensified and coordinated efforts by the [...]
international community to bring an end to this crisis
and to exert all necessary efforts to support and promote the peace process as well as to ensure respect for international law, including international humanitarian and human rights law, the key to a peaceful settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Arab-Israeli conflict as a whole, as the sole means to guarantee a lasting peace in the region.
不结盟家运动重申 ,以色列对加沙地带的巴勒斯坦平民发动的这一残暴军 事侵略严重违反了国际法,包括人道主义法和人权法,给巴勒斯坦平民带来巨大 痛苦,助长暴力循环,威胁国际和平与安全,并威胁双方之间脆弱的和平进程。
NAM reiterates that this brutal Israeli military aggression against the Palestinian civilian population in the [...]
Gaza Strip constitutes
a grave breach of international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, and is causing vast suffering among the Palestinian civilian population, fuelling the cycle of violence and threatening international peace and security as well as the fragile peace process between the two sides.
[...] 2011 年 5 月在印度尼西亚巴厘举行的不结盟 家运动第 1 6 次部长级会议通过的 关于这个主题的宣言,其中要求召开一次高级别的国际会议,以达成一项关于彻 [...]
It reaffirms the position, which Cuba has expressed repeatedly and at the highest level, that nuclear weapons must be completely eliminated, and supports the declaration on that issue adopted at the
sixteenth Ministerial Conference of the
[...] Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, held in Bali, Indonesia, [...]
in May 2011, which calls for
the convening of a high-level international conference for the purpose of reaching agreement on an agenda for the total elimination of nuclear weapons.
苏丹在国际合作反恐方面发挥先锋作用,参加 了这方面的很多国际会议,比如不结盟 家运动沙 姆沙伊赫峰会。
The Sudan, which played a pioneering role in international cooperation to combat terrorism, had participated in
numerous international meetings on that topic, such as the Sharm el-Sheikh
[...] Summit of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries.
在 6 月 15 日第
[...] 6 次会议上,在多米尼克(代表属于不结盟 家运动 的 联 合国 会员国)、多民族玻利维亚国、厄瓜多尔、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、尼加拉瓜、巴拿 [...]
马、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国发 言后(见 A/AC.109/2009/SR.6),特别委员会未经表决通过了决议草案 A/AC.109/ 2009/L.7。
At its 6th meeting, on 15 June, following statements by Dominica (on behalf of the
States Members of the United Nations
[...] that are members of the Movement of Non-Aligned [...]
Countries), the Plurinational State
of Bolivia, Ecuador, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Nicaragua, Panama, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the Syrian Arab Republic and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (see A/AC.109/2009/SR.6), the Special Committee adopted draft resolution A/AC.109/2009/L.7 without a vote.
接着,秘书处提及依照与世界反兴奋剂机构在 2006 年签订的谅解备忘录与其开展的活动,还探 讨了与法语国家青年和体育部长会议 (CONFEJES) 及法语家运动会国 际委员会的合作机会。
The Secretariat then referred to the activities undertaken with WADA in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding signed with this organization in 2006. Opportunities for cooperation were also being explored
with the
[...] French-speaking Youth and Sports Ministers Conference (CONFEJES) and the International Committee for the Francophonie Games.
在 10 月 23 日第 16 次会议上,印度尼西亚代表以属于不结盟 家运动 的联 合国会员国的名义提出了一项题为“召开大会第四届专门讨论裁军问题的特别会 议”的决定草案(A/C.1/63/L.22)。
At the 16th meeting, on 23 October, the representative of
Indonesia, on behalf of the
[...] States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, [...]
introduced a draft decision
entitled “Convening of the fourth special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament” (A/C.1/63/L.22).
[...] 查歧视性法律;面向公务员、司法和执法人员的培训方案;提高认识并支持妇女 人权的家运动;努 力增强社区对法律的支助;以及面向妇女的普法教育、以提 [...]
A range of actions should be taken to ensure the full implementation of international standards and national law, at different levels, such as review of discriminatory laws; training programmes for
civil servants, judicial and law
[...] enforcement personnel; national campaigns to raise awareness [...]
of, and support for, women’s human
rights; efforts to strengthen community support for laws; and legal literacy campaigns targeted at women to raise awareness of their rights.
不结盟家运动支持并呼吁全面执行人权理事会 2009 年 1 月 12 日通过的关 于巴勒斯坦被占领土境内特别是由于以色列对被占领加沙地带发动军事进攻而 [...]
出现的严重侵犯人权行为的决议,按照决议的要求迅速派出独立的国际实地调查 团,调查以色列的侵犯人权和违反国际法的行为。
NAM supports and calls for the full implementation of Human Rights Council [...]
resolution on the grave violations of human rights
in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly due to the Israeli military attacks against the occupied Gaza Strip, adopted on Monday, 12 January 2009, and the speedy dispatch of the independent international fact-finding mission called for therein to investigate violations of human rights and of international law by Israel.
特别委员会铭记其以往关于同不结盟 家运动 、 非 洲联盟、加勒比共同体和 太平洋岛屿论坛经常保持联系,以协助它有效履行任务的各项决定,同往年一样, [...]
Bearing in mind its previous decisions to maintain contact with the
[...] Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, the African Union, [...]
the Caribbean Community and the Pacific
Islands Forum on a regular basis in order to assist in the effective discharge of its mandate, the Special Committee, as in previous years, closely followed the work of those intergovernmental organizations.
最 后,这是一项困难的工作,因为我们必须更好地评估 与新的威胁相关的风险,如毒品和人口 运 、 有组织 犯罪和甚至腐败等问题,这些都极可能使脆弱的家 动荡不安。
Lastly, it is difficult because we must better assess the risks associated with
new threats, such as
[...] drug and human trafficking, organized crime and even corruption, which have great potential to destabilize fragile countries.




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