单词 | 迎刃而解 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 迎刃而解—fig. easily solvedless common: lit. (bamboo) splits when it meets the knife's edge [idiom.]
目前正在采用这一方法,手压泵供给、运作和维修方面的瓶颈问题有望迎刃而解。 daccess-ods.un.org | This approach is now being pursued, and is expected to address the bottlenecks in the supply, operation and maintenance of hand pumps. daccess-ods.un.org |
有了 Dell 开创的弹性运算解决方案,即随选桌上型电脑串流,这些问题便能迎刃而解,并在安全性与可用性之间取得平衡,为 IT 管理员提供集中的资料控制,以确保安全性与遵循法规,而不影响使用者的作业方式。 www1.ap.dell.com | With Dell’s initial Flexible [...] Computing Solution, On-Demand Desktop Streaming, those issues can be resolved with a balance [...]between security [...]and usability, offering IT administrators centralized data control to help ensure security and compliance without affecting the way end-users work. www1.ap.dell.com |
有了整合型造纸厂的概念,福伊特所面临的资源短缺及价格上涨,以及生产成本增加的压力问题都将迎刃而解。 voith.com | With its concept of the completely integrated paper [...] mill, Voith is confronting the lack and increase in prices of resources and the rising cost [...] pressure in paperproduction. voith.com |
注:如果你将例中“document.Add(new Paragraph("Hello [...] World"));”中的字符串“Hello [...] Word”换成中文,如“这是我的第一个PDF文件”,产生的结果一定让你大失所望,因为生成的PDF文件中并没有将中文显示出来,不要担心,在第9章中要专门讲解字体问题,中文显示也就迎刃而解了,如果不能正确显示中文,也就没有必要翻译本文了。 oapdf.com | Add (new Paragraph (" Hello World "));" the string "Hello Word" into Chinese, such as "This is my first PDF file", the result must let you disappointed, as PDF documents generated by the Chinese did not show up, do not worry, in Chapter 9 should be devoted to the [...] issue of fonts, [...] Chinese showwill be solved, if not correctly display the Chinese, it thereis no need for [...]translation of this article. oapdf.com |
当您需要与 Novell 支持工程师对话时,我们拥有一支出色的、获得认证的专家团队,他们随时准备好竭诚相助,即使是最困难的问题也能迎刃而解。 novell.com | And when you need to speak to a Novell support engineer, we have an outstanding team of certified professionals ready and willing to assist you with your most criticalissues. novell.com |
仅仅需要 浓度为2ppm(10万桶/日的产量仅需60 磅/日)的道康宁有机硅消泡剂,这一问 题就迎刃而解了,并大幅提升产量。 dowcorning.com.cn | As little as 2 ppm (60 lb/d for a throughput of 100,000 bpd) of a silicone antifoam from Dow Corning can end the problem, significantly increasing capacity. dowcorning.co.kr |
这些人不断对我说,“只是提出全面方案,其他 一切都将迎刃而解”。 daccess-ods.un.org | These people say to me constantly, “Just make a sweeping offer, and everything will work out”. daccess-ods.un.org |
在我们的不锈钢概念中单独或配 [...] 套选用合适的钢种,生产高质量的模具以适应所有制模领 域 ,一切迎 刃 而 解。assab-china.com | Choosing the right product within our Stainless Concept, which can be used individually or in [...] combination to produce the highest quality tooling for the full range of moulding applications, [...] will minimisethe problems above. assab-china.com |
迎刃而解,比喻主要问题解决了,其它的问题就很容易解决。 chinesestoryonline.com | Split Off [...] As They Meet TheEdge Of Knife--YingRen Er Jie, now [...]the idiom is used to describe the case in which the other [...]problems are easily solved, once the key problem has been solved. chinesestoryonline.com |
如果您拥有虚拟办公室的服务,这个问题便可迎刃而解,专属于您的专业接线员会随时为您接听任何来电 – 这会给您的客户留下非常好的印象,因为您的公司专业而正规,并将客户来电视为最重要的事情。 servcorp.com.cn | A virtual office gives you the advantage of having [...] a receptionist available to answer your client calls anytime of the day [...]or night – making you look both professional and on top of your game. servcorp.com.cn |
满足个别区域或部门的特殊需求是企业经常遇到的难题,而不少公司选择借助第二个 Teradata 系统以扩展其 Teradata 整合式数据仓库主系统,问题即迎刃而解。 ipress.com.hk | To address this, businesses often choose to augment their primary Teradata integrated data warehouse with a second Teradata system. ipress.com.hk |
作为公司领导层,他们的国际背景和专业经验,促使公司建立独特的文化和设计取向 — 即强调多元,以及在秉持原则之余,仍能把问题迎刃而解的弹性。 lp-architects.com | The unique mix of each partner’s international background and experiences has fostered a design [...] approach that places a value on richness and diversity, enabling them to [...] be flexible inresolving problems without [...]compromise. lp-architects.com |