

单词 迈赫迪



Mahdi army, Iraqi Shia armed militia led by Moqtada Sadr

See also:

take a step

surname He


External sources (not reviewed)

(e) 指出,报告中所描述的一些事实, 迈赫迪 军 招募儿童,已经过时
(e) Noted that some facts described in the report, such as the recruitment of
[...] children by the Mahdi Army, were outdated
谨转递 2010 年 5 月 24 日美国常驻联合国代表团给伊朗伊斯兰共和国常驻联 合国代表团的一份普通照会(见附件),回复后者 2010 年 3 月 15 日和 2010 年 5 月 7 日有关穆罕默德·迈赫迪·阿克 洪德扎德赫·巴斯提副外长的签证延迟签发 和遭拒签的两份照会(见 A/AC.154/393,附件)。
I have the honour to enclose a copy of a note verbale dated 24 May 2010 (see annex) that has been sent by the United States Mission to the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations as a response to its notes of 15 March 2010 and of 7 May 2010 (see A/AC.154/393, annex) regarding delays in visa issuance and denial of a visa for the Deputy Foreign Minister, Mohammad Mehdi Akhonzadeh Basti.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国常驻联合国代表团向美国驻联合国代表团致敬,并谨提及 后者 2010 年 5 月 24 日的普通照会,该照会有关拒绝向负责法律和国际事务的副 外交部长穆罕默德·迈赫迪·阿克 洪德扎德赫·巴斯提签发美国入境签证。
The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations presents its compliments to the United States Mission to the United Nations and has the honour to refer to the latter’s note verbale dated 24 May 2010 concerning the denial of a United States entry visa to Mohammad Mehdi Akhondzadeh Basti, Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs.
但 5 月 27 日,伊拉克
[...] 最高伊斯兰委员会领导人副总统阿德 尔 · 迈赫迪 以 缩 减政府规模为由宣布辞职, 伊拉克最高伊斯兰委员会是民族联盟重要组成部分,7 [...]
月 11 日,总统贾拉勒·塔 拉巴尼接受了他的辞职。
On 27 May, however,
[...] Vice-President Abdel Mahdi, a leading figure [...]
in the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq and a key component
of the National Alliance, announced his resignation, which was accepted on 11 July by the President, Jalal Talabani, citing the need to reduce the size of the Government.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国常驻联合国代表团向美国常驻联合国代表团致意,并谨提 请后者注意在处理伊朗伊斯兰共和国负责法律和国际事务、主管联合国事务副外 长穆罕默德·迈赫迪·阿克 洪德扎德赫·巴斯提先生阁下的美国入境签证申请事 宜上长期拖延不决的情事。
The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations presents its compliments to the United States Mission to the United Nations and has the honour to draw the latter’s attention to the long delays in the processing of requests for an entry visa to the United States for H.E. Mr. Mohammad Mehdi Akhondzadeh Basti, Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who is in charge of United Nations affairs.
[...] 主席巴尔扎尼、“伊拉克名单”领导人伊亚德·阿拉维、副总统阿德尔·阿卜杜 勒·迈赫迪、副 总统塔里克·哈希米、石油部长侯赛因·沙赫里斯塔尼、副总理 [...]
His interlocutors have included Prime Minister Al-Maliki, KRG President Barzani,
Al-Iraqiya leader Ayad Allawi,
[...] Vice-President Adel Abdel Mahdi, Vice-President [...]
Tariq Al-Hashimi, Oil Minister Hussein Shahristani,
Deputy Prime Minister Rowsch Shaways, Deputy Prime Minister Rafi al-Issawi and interim Speaker Fouad Massoum.
[...] 拉巴尼总统、努里·马利基总理、塔里克·哈希米副总统和阿卜杜 勒 · 迈赫迪副 总 统会晤时,我们谈到有必要巩固最近在安全方面取得的进展,这表现在选举是 [...]
在基本未发生暴力的环境下进行的,我还鼓励伊拉克领导人抓住这次机会,共同 努力建立一个包容各方和具有代表性的政治进程,消除长期以来在伊拉克国的未
In meetings with President Jalal Talabani, Prime Minister Nuri
al-Maliki and Vice-Presidents Tariq
[...] al-Hashemi and Abdul Mahdi, we discussed the [...]
need to solidify the recent security gains
demonstrated by the conduct of the elections in an environment largely free of violence.
与此同时,我要热烈赞扬并感谢我们的阿塞拜 疆同事赫迪耶夫 大使在5月份非常有效地指导了安 理会的工作。
At the same time, I would like to warmly commend and thank our colleague from Azerbaijan, Ambassador Mehdiyev, for his very effective stewardship of the Council in the month of May.
著名的阿拉伯 语言学家和词典编纂者哈利勒·宾·阿 赫迈 德 ·法 迪 受 托 设计新的 Tashkil 法。
Khalil Ibn Ahmad al-Farahidi, the famous Arab philologist [...]
and lexicographer, was entrusted with devising a new Tashkil system.
在同次会议上发言的有:法国总统尼古拉·萨科齐(代表欧洲联盟)、坦桑尼 亚联合共和国总统加卡亚·姆里绍·基奎特(代表非洲联盟)、塔吉克斯坦总统埃 莫马利·拉赫莫诺夫、保加利亚总统格奥尔基·帕尔瓦诺夫、欧洲联盟委员会主 席若泽·曼努埃尔·杜朗·巴罗佐、经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)秘书长赫 尔·古里亚、圣多美和普林西比总统弗拉迪克·班达拉·梅洛·德梅内泽斯、塞 舌尔总统詹姆斯·阿里克斯·米歇尔、伊朗伊斯兰共和国总统马哈茂德·艾迈 迪-内贾 德、科特迪瓦总统洛朗·巴博、哥斯达黎加总统奥斯卡·阿里亚斯·桑 切斯和科摩罗总统艾哈迈德·阿卜杜拉·穆罕默德·桑比。
At the same meeting, statements were made by Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France (on behalf of the European Union); Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania (on behalf of the African Union); Emomali Rahmon, President of Tajikistan; Georgi Parvanov, President of Bulgaria; José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission; Ángel Gurría, Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); Fradique Bandeira Melo de Menezes, President of Sao Tome and Principe; James Alix Michel, President of Seychelles; Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Laurent Gbagbo, President of Côte d’Ivoire; Óscar Arias Sánchez, President of Costa Rica; and Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi, President of the Comoros.
具体而言,实际面临的问题包括对艾 迈迪 族 人 的保护、关于建 造礼拜场所的争论,以及个人践行其宗教等问题。
In particular, the issues at hand are, inter alia, the protection to the Ahmadis, the disputes regarding building places of worship, and the problems of practicing one’s religion.
(f) 其他用品、服务和装备(10 693 500 美元,即 53.3%):主要原因是地震 后调派租用飞机和船只从意大利布 迪 西 联合国后勤基地和美国佛罗里达迈 阿密 运送设备、资产和用品至海地;与联合国志愿人员和独立承包商特别措施有 关的支出被误记;地震后从联合国后勤基地战略部署物资储存运到特派团的设备 和用品的补给费用;与地震有关的杂项索赔。
(f) Other supplies, services and equipment ($10,693,500, or 53.3 per cent): resulting mainly from the deployment of chartered aircraft and vessels to transport equipment, assets and supplies from the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, and from Miami, Florida, United States of America, to Haiti following the earthquake; the inadvertent recording of expenditures related to special measures for United Nations Volunteers, as well as independent contractors; the replenishment costs of equipment and supplies shipped from the strategic deployment stocks in the United Nations Logistics Base to the Mission after the earthquake; and miscellaneous earthquake-related claims.
塔吉克斯坦共和国总统埃莫马利·拉 赫 蒙 阁 下、阿富汗伊斯兰共和国总 统哈米德·卡尔扎伊阁下、伊朗伊斯兰共和国总统马哈茂德·艾 迈迪 - 内 贾德 阁下和巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国总统阿西夫·阿里·扎尔达里阁下宣布会议开幕, 塔吉克斯坦共和国外交部长哈姆罗洪·扎里菲阁下和阿富汗伊斯兰共和国外交部 长扎尔枚·拉苏尔阁下共同主持会议,来自 70 多个国家和组织的高级代表团和 高级代表参加了这次具有重大历史意义的聚会。
Inaugurated by His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Hamid Karzai, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, His Excellency Mahmud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and His Excellency Asef Ali Zardari, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Conference was co-chaired by His Excellency Hamrokhon Zarifi, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan and His Excellency Zalmai Rassoul, Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
阿曼苏丹国常驻教科文组织代表团 2005 年 1 月 11
[...] 日致函总干事要求教科文组织参加 2006 年语言学家哈利勒·宾·阿赫迈德·法 迪 诞辰 1300 周年纪念活动。
In a letter of 11/01/2005, addressed to the Director-General, the Permanent Delegation of the Sultanate of Oman to UNESCO
requested that UNESCO should be associated in 2006 with the 1300th
[...] anniversary of the birth of Al-Khalil Bin Ahmed AL FARAHIDI.
(d) 希伯伦:已按照计划完成了在位于希伯伦附近的比尔哈赖姆 迈赫 处 的 抢救性挖 掘,并于 2004 年 4 月提交了有关的各项最后报告。
(d) Hebron: the salvage excavations at Bir Haram ar-Rameh near Hebron were completed according to the plans, and final reports submitted in April 2004.
2007年1月9日,财政部又指认了赛帕银行位于伦敦的全资子公司赛帕银行 国际,以及为赛帕银行、声称为其或代表其行事的赛帕银行董事长兼常务董事艾迈德·德拉赫尚德
On 9 January 2007, the Treasury Department also designated Bank Sepah International, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank Sepah located in London, and Bank Sepah’s chairman and managing director, Ahmad Derakhshandeh, for acting or purporting to act for or on behalf of Bank Sepah.
由于吉布提和平进程,2009 年 1 月,赫·谢里夫·艾迈德成为重建的 过渡联邦政府的总统,此后 Adaani [...]
竭力要求偿还他早先对伊斯兰法院联盟的投 资和对谢里夫的政治支持,其方式或是对组阁和政府运作施加影响,或是提供据 称他估价为 5 000 万美元的补偿。
When Sheikh Sharif became President of a reconstituted [...]
Transitional Federal Government in January 2009 as a result of the
Djibouti peace process, Adaani sought to reclaim his earlier investment in UIC and political support of Sharif, either through influence in the formation of the Cabinet and the running of the government or through compensation that he reportedly valued at $50 million.
首先,我要感谢勒罗伊副秘书长和马尔科拉副秘 书长以及特别代赫迪·阿纳 比所作的深刻发言。
Secretaries-General Le Roy and Malcorra and the Special Representative Hédi Annabi for their thoughtful remarks.
赫迪工业 集团隶属于航空工业组织,代表航空工业组织参 [...]
Ya Mahdi Industries Group [...]
is subordinate to the AIO and has been involved in international purchases of missile-related
technology and goods on behalf of the AIO.
他们确认支持伊朗的伊斯兰革命、伊朗伊斯兰共和国各机构和马哈茂德·艾迈迪-内贾 德总统的政府,反对外国对美洲人民玻利瓦尔联盟的这个兄弟国家 发动的干预和诋毁活动。
They confirmed their support for Iran’s Islamic Revolution, the institutions of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the Government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and rejected the foreign interference and defamation campaign unleashed against that brother country and friend of ALBA.
赫迪耶夫 先生(阿塞拜疆)(以英语发言):首 先,我要感谢法律顾问、副秘书长帕特里夏·奥布赖 恩女士和联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室执行主任尤 里·费多托夫先生的通报,并感谢秘书长提交其关于 在索马里和该区域其他国家设立反海盗特别法庭的 报告(S/2012/50)。
(Azerbaijan): At the outset, I would like to thank the Legal Counsel and UnderSecretary-General, Ms. Patricia O’Brien, and the Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Mr. Yuri Fedotov, for their briefings and the Secretary-General for his comprehensive report on specialized anti-piracy courts in Somalia and other States in the region (S/2012/50).
引用如前;中东 简报 No 18,《伊朗:艾迈迪·内贾 德的胜利意味着什 么?
both op. cit; Middle East Briefing No 18, Iran: What Does Ahmadi-Nejad’s Victory Mean?
[...] 发展管理局主席梅莱斯·泽纳维、吉布提总统伊斯梅尔·奥马尔·盖莱、索马里 过渡联邦总统赫谢里夫·艾迈德 、 肯尼亚外交部长摩西·韦坦古拉和乌干达 常驻非洲联盟代表的发言。
Before the action, the Council heard statements by video teleconference by the Prime Minister of Ethiopia and Chair of the Intergovernmental Authority for Development, Meles Zenawi; the President of Djibouti, Ismael Omar
Guelleh; the Transitional Federal
[...] President of Somalia, Sheikh Sherif Ahmed; the Minister [...]
for Foreign Affairs of Kenya, Moses
Wetangula; and the Permanent Representative of Uganda to the African Union.
第四,对索马里问题伊斯坦布尔会议的广泛支持 特别令人感到鼓舞,并且将加强谢赫·谢里夫·赫·艾哈迈德总统的政府以及他与所有愿意探讨稳定 和放下武器的索马里人的和平努力。
Fourthly, the vast support for the Istanbul Conference on Somalia is most encouraging and will strengthen the Government of President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and his peace efforts with all Somalis ready to talk stability and to set aside their arms.
阿格申·梅赫迪耶夫 (签名) 刚果民主共和国问题专家组成员谨转递专家组根据安全理事会第 2021(2011) 号决议起草的中期报告。
Chair The members of the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo have the honour to transmit the interim report of the Group, prepared in pursuance of paragraph 4 of Security Council resolution 2021 (2011).
阿富汗外交部长扎勒迈·拉苏尔和 巴基斯坦外交部长马赫杜姆·沙阿· 迈赫 穆 德 ·库雷希于 6 月 24 日至 25 日在伊 斯兰堡举行双边会谈,确认双方希望加强共同努力应对安全问题,增进经济合作。
Bilateral talks in Islamabad between the Afghan Minister for Foreign Affairs, Zalmai Rassoul, and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, on 24 and 25 June confirmed a mutual desire to increase joint efforts to respond to security concerns and bolster economic cooperation.
马哈茂德·艾迈迪-内贾 德总统在上星期五的讲话中说,“犹太复国主义 政权的存在本身是……对全世界各国的侮辱”,并呼吁“全体人类社会将这一污 点——及犹太复国主义政权从人类中消灭掉”。
In remarks last Friday, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that “the very existence of the Zionist regime is ... an affront to all world nations” and called on “all human communities to wipe out this scarlet letter, meaning the Zionist regime, from the forehead of humanity”.
关于保护艾迈迪族人 的问题,政府认为,经宪法法院司法审查的第 1/PNPS/1965 号法律为在涉及宗教问题时维持社会公共秩序提供了依据。
Regarding the protection of the Ahmadis, the Government is of the view that the Law No. 1/PNPS/1965, which has undergone a judicial review at the Constitutional Court, provides the basis for maintaining public order in the community in terms of religious issues.
年“关于艾迈迪族人 的联合部长令”对艾 迈迪 族 人改宗问题作了规 定,同时呼吁所有民族禁止对特定宗教团体施加暴力。
Indeed, in this spirit, the implementing regulation. i.e. the 2008 Joint Ministerial Decree on Ahmadiyah, regulates the proselysation of the Ahmadis as well as the call for all people to forbid resort of violence against certain religous groups.




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