

单词 迈出

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然而,这一问题的解决仅 仅是在满足当前需要方迈出的第 一步。
Nonetheless, this solution was only the first step in addressing the current demands.
这反过来使得欧盟 或美国不可能在其内部或国迈出艰 难 一步,单方 面解除所有制裁。
This in turn makes it improbable the EU or U.S. would take the domestically difficult step of unilaterally lifting all sanctions.
这是向迈出的重 要一步,在很大程度上要归功于本 组织通过多项宣传活动、有关教育问题的高级别世界会议和对国家一级协调工作的积极参与 [...]
This is an important step forward [...]
that can be attributed in large part to the momentum created by the Organization through
its numerous advocacy actions, high-level world conferences on education and active engagement in country-level coordination processes.
当然,建立这样一个法律制度在 2001 年和 2005 年向迈出了重 要的一步,2001 年通过了联合国《从 各个方面防止、打击和消除小武器和轻武器非法贸易 的行动纲领》,2005 年又通过了《使各国能及时可靠 地查明和追踪非法小武器和轻武器的国际文书》。
Of course, the establishment of such a legal regime took a major step forward in 2001 with the adoption of the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects, and in 2005 with the adoption of the International Instrument to Enable States to Identify and Trace, in a Timely and Reliable Manner, Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons.
[...] 平洋区域经济一体化和合作面临严峻挑战,但她相信,经社会在就这一重要 主题启动政策讨论方面迈出了具 有根本重要性的第一步。
She noted that, while the challenges to boosting regional economic integration and cooperation across the Asia-Pacific region were formidable, she
believed that the Commission had taken a fundamental first step in initiating a policy
[...] discussion on that important subject.
在此背景之下,各位部长强调,释放大量巴勒斯坦囚犯以及立即释放被任 意非法监禁的巴勒斯坦立法委员会成员,是向培育互信氛 迈出 的 积 极一 步,而互信是重启永久地位谈判所必要的。
In this context, the Ministers stressed that the release of a substantial number of Palestinian prisoners, as well as the immediate release of the arbitrarily, illegally imprisoned members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, could constitute a positive step towards fostering the climate of mutual trust necessary for the resumption of permanent status negotiations.
刚刚通过的决议草案提 供了这样的法律和道德保护,是向建立公正、发展 与和平这个正确方迈出的一步。
The resolution just adopted provided such legal and moral protection, and was a step in the right direction, towards establishing justice, development and peace.
所有部 门、中央机构和越来越多的总部外办事处都参与了这一集体努力,它是朝着把本组织的万维 网改建成一个门户网站迈出的一 步,这也是在横向专题范围内深化及发展知识门户网站所 获经验的必然结果。
All the sectors, the central services and a growing number of field offices took part in that collective effort which was merely a step towards the transformation of the Organization’s website into a portal, the extension and logical development of the knowledge portal experiment carried out as part of the cross-cutting projects.
因此, 对于想将密封系统这一环节从其生产链上省去, 或希望和 我们一迈出在这 个技术领域的第一步的客户, 您将享有我们公司集团所拥有 的共同的技术知识。
Thus customers who for whatever reasons want to outsource the sealing system from their production chain, or who would like to take the first steps in using this technology together with us, have access to the entire group knowledge.
正像在其他 农业行业一样,烟草须遵守涉及良好农业规范的认证制度(要求合理使用农药,不一定 禁止使用甲基溴),所以摆脱甲基溴也被认为是向正确方 迈出 的 一 步。
As in other agricultural sectors, tobacco is subjected to certification schemes involving good agricultural practices (that require rational use of pesticide, not necessarily prohibit MB use), so moving away from MB is considered a step in the right direction.
最近在哥 伦比亚特区华盛顿举行的关于国际金融危机的 20 国集团首脑会议迈出重要 的 第一步,但也只是为加强国际经济决策的包容性的第一步。
The recent G-20 Summit in Washington, D.C., on the international financial crisis was an important first step, but it was only that, a first step towards raising inclusiveness in international economic decision-making.
从实践角度来看迈出的第一步可以 是由世界知识产权组织和欧洲专利局正式加入《与贸易有关的技术援助综合框架》核心 援助组织的行列。
In practical terms, the first step could be for WIPO and EPO to join formally the Integrated Framework’s group of core donors.
如果各国政府维护保护 人权的能力,在与企业的商务往来中促进尊重各项权利,在国内外形成尊重权利
[...] 的企业文化,共同合作防止和解决受冲突影响地区的特别挑战,那么它们就是正 确的道路迈出重要步伐。
If Governments safeguard their capacity to protect human rights, promote respect for rights when they do business with business, foster corporate cultures respectful of rights at home and abroad and work together to prevent and
address the specific challenges posed by conflict-affected areas, they
[...] will take important steps in the right direction.
显然,通过该决议不仅见证安理会和联合国系统关于协助推 动索马里和平进程的承诺,而且也是朝着建设非盟和联合国之间创新性和前瞻性 伙伴关迈出的非 常重要一步,以解决当今非洲和平与安全方面的复杂和多方面 挑战。
Clearly, the adoption of the resolution is not only a testimony to the commitment of the Security Council and the larger United Nations system to help advance the peace process in Somalia, but also a very significant step towards building an innovative and forward-looking partnership between the AU and the United Nations in addressing today’s complex and multifaceted peace and security challenges in Africa.
尽管黎巴嫩与阿拉伯叙利亚共和国之间边界的划定和标定是一个双边问题, 但安全理事会在第
1680(2006)号决议第 4 段中,仍大力鼓励阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 政府对黎巴嫩政府提出的请求作出积极回应,划定两国间的边界,特别是在边界
[...] 不明确或有争议的地区,认为这将是朝改善边界管 迈出 的 重 大一步,将保障黎 巴嫩的主权、领土完整和政治独立,并改善两国间的关系。
While the delineation and demarcation of the border between Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic is a bilateral issue, the Security Council, in paragraph 4 of its resolution 1680 (2006), strongly encouraged the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic to respond positively to the request by the Government of Lebanon to delineate their common border, especially in those areas where the border is
uncertain or disputed, as this would constitute
[...] a significant step towards improved [...]
management of the border, guaranteeing Lebanon’s
sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence and improving relations between the two countries.
少数民族事务协调委员会的成立是为实现下列目 迈出 的 重 要一步: 确保对少数民族的保护、促进其社区之间的关系、加强国家为解决具体教育、文 化、法律和其他问题所采取措施的效力。
The establishment of the Coordinating Council for National Minorities was an important step aimed at ensuring the protection of the national minorities, promoting their inter-community relations and improving the effectiveness of State efforts related to specific educational, cultural, legal and other issues.
目的应当是停止让人们受苦和被杀害……(在 维也纳)我们可能没有促成和平,甚至没有共同起舞,但或许我们朝着正确的 方迈出了一步——或者两步。
The aim should be to stop people from suffering and being killed … We might not have made peace, or even danced together (in Vienna), but perhaps we had taken a step — or two — in the right direction.
目前的区域宣传研讨会方案是朝着落实 这些关切的正确方迈出的一步。
The current programme of regional sensitization seminars is a step in the right direction in terms of giving effect to these concerns.
在秘书长题为“伸张正义:加强国内和国际法治 行动纲领”的报告中(A/66/749)加强了对跨国有组织 犯罪问题的重视,这份报告将在大会第六十七届会议
[...] 的高级别会议上进行讨论,这是朝强调各国必须开展 有效执法合迈出的又一步。
The strengthened focus on transnational organized crime in the report of the Secretary-General entitled “Delivering justice: programme of action to strengthen the rule of law at the national and international level” (A/66/749), which will be discussed at a high-level meeting of the sixty-seventh
session of the General Assembly, is another
[...] step towards highlighting the need for [...]
effective law enforcement cooperation among countries.
最近,许多国家在应用EAF/EAA包含的原则方 迈出 了 重 要步伐。
More recently, many
[...] countries have made important strides [...]
towards the application of several of the principles contained in the EAF/EAA.
法律小组委员会满意地注意到科学和技术小组委员会 2009
[...] 议通过了《外层空间核动力源应用安全框架》(A/AC.105/934)以及委员会 2009 年第五十二届会议核可了《安全框架》,这是在逐步制定国际空间法方 迈出的 重 要一步,是确保在外层空间安全使用核动力源的相当先进的国际合作。
The Legal Subcommittee noted with satisfaction that the adoption of the Safety Framework for Nuclear Power Source Applications in Outer Space (A/AC.105/934) by the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee at its forty-sixth session, in 2009, and the endorsement of the Safety Framework by the Committee at its fifty-second
session, in 2009,
[...] constituted an important step with regard to the progressive development of international [...]
space law and considerably
advanced international cooperation in ensuring the safe use of nuclear power sources in outer space.
黎巴嫩认 为放松有利于巴勒斯坦难民的劳动法仅仅 迈出的 第一步,并认为其他国家应当效仿。
It regarded the liberalization of its labour laws in favour of its Palestine refugees as only a first step, and believed that other States should follow suit.
据认为,实施主题和区域方案是向改 进毒品和犯罪问题办公室供资情 迈出 的 重 要一步。
The view was expressed that the implementation of thematic and regional programmes was a major step towards improving the funding situation of UNODC.
这方面的谈判肯定需要各方作出 大量的努力,但是,必须朝着彻底消除核武器的方迈出第一步。
Such negotiations will surely call
[...] for extensive efforts, but the first [...]
step towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons must be taken.
这标志着吉布提共和国在多元民主道路 迈出 了 重要一步,特别是在非洲大 陆充斥着拉波勒呼吁和民主开放,以及想要找到国家内部危机顺利解决办法的背 景下结束了一党制。
The Constitution marks an important step for Djibouti in its progression towards a pluralist democracy, bringing an end to the single-party system in a continental context dominated by the call of the La Baule Summit and the process of democratization, but it is also a sign of the will to find a favourable solution to the internal crisis facing the country.
他表示:“现在还没有移动运营商为全国上万名人口提供电信服务,Digicel的到来推动瑙鲁通讯行业向 迈出 了 一大步,并将造福瑙鲁全国人民。
Minister for Telecommunications, Sprent Dabwido, in announcing today that the Government of Nauru has awarded Digicel a license to operate a GSM network, said, "With no existing mobile operator to serve the 10,000 strong population, Digicel's arrival is a giant step forward for communications in Nauru and will benefit each and every individual in Nauru.
为了就目前存在的某些挑战展开讨论并找出可能 存在的解决办法,统计委员会(2012 年 2 月 28 日至 3 月 2 日在纽约举行的其第 四十三届会议)对犯罪问题统计数字的议题进行了审议,这是在强调应当改进 犯罪问题数据质量和供应情况迈出 的 重 要一步。
In order to discuss some of the existing challenges and identify possible remedies, the topic of crime statistics was considered by the Statistical Commission at its forty-third session, held in New York from 28 February to 2 March 2012, which represents an important step in underlining the importance of improving the quality and availability of crime data.
作为一个分散性组织的非洲空间科学研究 所的建立,将成为促进整个非洲基础空间科学发 展的各种见解和战略的来源,并将是朝着使非洲
[...] 发展中国家更广泛参与基础空间科 迈出 的重 要一步,而更广泛的参与反过来也可加快空间科 [...]
The establishment of an African institute of space science as a distributed organization would act as a source of vision and strategy to promote the development of
basic space science throughout Africa and
[...] would be a major step towards extending [...]
the participation of developing countries
in Africa in basic space science, which could possibly in turn accelerate the integration of spin-off benefits of space science into society.
2006 年 11 月 21 日,最高法迈出了值 得称赞的一步,即承认 以色列犹太居民和公民在以色列境外举行的公证结婚(H.C.J 2232/03,无名氏诉拉 比上诉法院案)。
On November 21, 2006, the Supreme Court took the laudatory step of recognizing civil marriages which had taken place between Jewish Israeli residents and citizens, outside of Israel (H.C.J 2232/03 Anonymous v. The Rabbinical Court of Appeals).




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