

单词 迈克尔・杰克逊

See also:


Michael (name)

迈克 n

Mike n


Jackson (name)
Jackson city, capital of Mississippi

External sources (not reviewed)

在《太快逝去》中,Halperin深入到杰克逊的生活,拍下了长达300多小时的视频和音频片段,这些全新的视频和音频片段以前从未公开或发布过,视频和音频片段的内容 迈克尔 · 杰克逊 及 其 最信赖的好友和员工在他逝世前后一段时期内的情况。
In GONE TOO SOON, Halperin infiltrates Jackson's camp and shoots over 300 hours of unprecedented and never before
seen or released video footage and
[...] audio clips of Michael Jackson and the star's most [...]
reliable friends and employees both
before and after the star's death
后来他发现,无论是当音乐家、作曲家或制作人的角色,自己越来越对蓝调,疯克和流行乐产生浓厚兴趣,因此很自然地朝向此方向发展,也把他带到年轻迈克尔-杰克逊 ( Mi chael Jackson)身边。
Subsequently he found himself increasingly interested – as a musician, composer and producer – in blues, funk and pop, a direction that naturally led him to the doorstep of the young Michael Jackson.
Halperin在迈克尔·杰克逊逝世 前6个月就预言了杰克逊死亡的时间,他花了5年多的时间来研究杰克逊,期间发现了一段值得关注但仍不为人所知的故事,透过这段故事可以对杰克逊生命的最后几年产生新的了解和认识,并首次披露了一段鲜活的幕后真相。
Halperin, who predicted Michael Jackson's death six [...]
months before he died, spent over five years researching Jackson, during
which he discovered a remarkable, yet unknown story that sheds new insights and observations on the last few years of Jackson's life and provides for the first time ever a vivid, behind-the-scenes account of what really happened
拉斯维加斯2013年2月22日电 /美通社/ -- 迈克尔-杰克逊遗产管理委员会 (The Estate of Michael Jackson) 和太阳马戏团 (Cirque du Soleil) 今天宣布,Michael Jackson ONE™迈克尔-杰克逊独一无二)将于今年夏季在曼德勒海湾赌场度假村 (Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino) 独家开演。
LAS VEGAS, Feb. 22, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- The Estate of Michael Jackson and Cirque du Soleil today unveiled that Michael Jackson ONE™ will open and take residency exclusively at Mandalay Bay Resort and [...]
Casino this summer.
Ian Halperin是加拿大魁北克蒙特利尔的一名调查新闻记者和作家,他在2009年撰写的迈克尔杰克逊 临 终前的岁月》(Unmasked:The Final Years of Michael Jackson)在2009年7月24日被《纽约时报》列为排名第一的畅销书。
Ian Halperin is a Canadian investigative journalist and writer from Montreal, Quebec whose 2009 book,
Unmasked: The Final Years
[...] of Michael Jackson was a #1 best-seller on the New York Times list on July 24, 2009Ian is the author or coauthor [...]
of nine books including
Celine Dion: Behind the Fairytale and Fire and Rain: The James Taylor Story and Hollywood UndercoverHe coauthored Who Killed Kurt Cobain?
今日,当全世界都在迈克尔· 杰克逊 逝 世 一周年进行悼念的时候,纽约时报2009年最畅销书籍迈克尔杰克逊 临 终 前的岁月》(Unmasked:the Final Years of Michael Jackson)的作者Ian Halperin发布了新作《太快逝去》(GONE TOO SOON),这是一部围绕流行歌王突然而神秘死亡拍摄的一部最具震撼力的非正式纪录片。
As the world mourns today on the
one year anniversary
[...] of Michael Jackson's death, Ian Halperin, author of the 2009 New York Times #1 Best Selling book "Unmasked: The Final Years Of Michael Jackson," released [...]
most groundbreaking unofficial documentary ever made surrounding the King of Pop's sudden and mysterious death
佛罗里达杰克逊维尔再次 主办 IMAC(全称为国际模态分析会议) —— 这是关于结构动力学的年度会议和展览会。
Jacksonville, Florida, once again played host to IMAC – or to give it its full name, the International Modal Analysis Conference – the annual conference and exposition on structural dynamics.
委员会下列委员参加了本来文的审议:阿卜杜勒法塔赫·奥马尔先生、莱兹赫里·布齐德先 生、克里斯蒂娜·沙内女士、马哈吉卜·埃尔·哈伊巴先生、艾哈迈德·阿明·法萨拉先 生、岩泽雄司先生、海伦·凯勒女士、拉杰苏默·拉拉赫先生、赞克·扎内莱·马约迪纳女 士、尤利亚·安托阿尼拉·莫托科女士 迈克尔 · 奥 弗 莱厄蒂先生、何塞·路易斯·佩雷 斯·桑切斯-塞罗先生、拉斐尔·里瓦斯·波萨达先生、 杰 尔 ·罗 德利勋爵、费边·萨尔 维奥利先生和克里斯特·特林先生。
The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the present communication: Mr Abdelfattah Amor, Mr. Lazhari Bouzid, Ms. Christine Chanet, Mr. Mahjoub El Haiba, Mr. Ahmad Amin Fathalla, Mr. Yuji Iwasawa, Mrs. Hellen Keller, Mr. Rajsoomer Lallah, Ms. Zonke Zanele Majodina, Ms. Iulia Antoanella Motoc, Mr. Michael O’Flaherty, Mr. José Luis Pérez Sanchez-Cerro, Mr. Rafael Rivas Posada, Sir Nigel Rodley, Mr. Fabián Salvioli and Mr. Krister Thelin.
海军健康研究中心为位于马里兰州Silver Spring的海军医学研究司令部、位于佛罗里达 杰克逊 维 尔 的 海军医学支持司令部以及海军内外科局(BUMED),管理和开展远期应用医学研究、开发、测试以及评估项目。
NHRC manages and executes expeditionary operational medical research, development and test and evaluation programs for the Naval Medical Research Command, Silver Spring, MD, Navy Medicine Support Command, Jacksonville, FL and the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED).
应安理会的邀请,就此问题向安理会作情况通报的有:主管法律事务副秘书 长、法律顾问帕特里夏·奥布赖恩,红十字国际委员会赴纽约代表团团长多米克·布夫 ,联合国难民事务高级专员纽约办事处主任皮 尔 · 伯 特 朗,联合 国人权事务高级专员纽约办事处主 杰 西 卡 ·诺伊 尔 特 女 士和人道主义事务协 调厅政策制订和研究处处长汉斯约里·施特 迈尔。
At the invitation of the Council, the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, the Legal Counsel, Patricia O’Brien; the Head of the New York Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Dominique Buff; the Director of the New York Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for
[...] Refugees, Pierre Bertrand; the Director of the New York Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Jessica Neuwirth; and the Chief of the Policy Development and Studies Branch of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Hansjoerg Strohmeyer, briefed the Council [...]
on the subject.
理事会的现任成员是:辛哈·巴斯纳 克 ( 斯 里 兰卡,管理层提名 杰 出外 聘法学家)、杰弗里·罗逊皇家 律师(联合王国,由工作人员提名的著名外聘部 法学家)、弗兰克·埃珀特(美利坚合众国,管理层代表)、珍妮·克利夫特(澳大 利亚,工作人员代表)和担任主席的南非宪法法院前任法官凯特·奥里甘大法官。
The current members of the Council are Sinha Basnayake (Sri Lanka, distinguished external jurist nominated by management), Geoffrey Robertson QC (United Kingdom, distinguished external jurist nominated by staff), Frank Eppert (United States of America, management representative), Jenny Clift (Australia, staff representative) and Justice Kate O’Regan, former judge of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, who serves as chair.
汉娜得到执行前面的英国女王和她的孙女,但Mil ey 和 杰克逊 的 祖 母“Mammaw访问”麦莉感到受了伤害,因为她在这 杰克逊 的 排 球比赛。
Hannah gets to perform in front of the Queen of England and her
granddaughter, but a
[...] visit from Miley and Jackson's grandma "Mammaw" makes Miley feel hurt because she's here for Jackson's volleyball tournament.
根据安理会事先磋商达成的谅解,主席征得安理会同意,根据安理会 暂行议事规则第 39 条,向主管法律事务副秘书长兼联合国法律顾问帕特里 夏·奥布赖恩女士、联合国难民事务高级专员纽约办事处主任皮埃尔·伯特 朗先生、人权事务高级专员纽约办事处主 杰 西 卡·诺伊维尔特女士和联合 国人道主义事务协调厅政策制订和研究处处长汉斯约里·施特 迈尔 先 生发 出了邀请。
In accordance with the understanding reached in the Council’s prior consultations, the President, with the consent of the Council, extended invitations under rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure to Ms. Patricia O’Brien, Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and United Nations Legal Counsel; Mr. Pierre Bertrand, Director, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Office in New York; Ms. Jessica Neuwirth, Director, New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights; and Mr. Hansjoerg Strohmeyer, Chief of the Policy Development and Studies Branch, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
安理会今天的辩论会不提及尔逊· 曼 德 拉总统 和德斯蒙德·图图大主教杰出榜样就是不完整的, 他们发挥了世界级领导作用。
This forum’s venture today would not be complete without invoking the great example of President Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
2010 年 5 月 25
[...] 日,秘书长告知大会主席,需要 紧急任命一名审案法官,以填 迈克尔 · 亚 当 斯法官 离职后余下的从 2010 [...]
年 7 月 1 日开始的纽约联合国 争议法庭一年任期。
On 25 May 2010, the Secretary-General informed the President of the General Assembly of the need to
appoint, on an urgent basis, an ad litem judge
[...] to fill the one-year term with the United [...]
Nations Dispute Tribunal in New York
beginning on 1 July 2010, following the departure of Judge Michael Adams.
这幅由亚历山大·杰克逊·戴维 斯(1803-92 年)创作的画作采用的是水彩和水墨的手法,表现的是 [...]
1834 年国会大厦东侧的正面图。
This elevation by Alexander Jackson Davis (1803-92), [...]
rendered in ink, watercolor, and wash, shows the east front of the
Capitol as it appeared in 1834.
[...] (1525年至1531年)(这个翻译是基于新旧约原希腊,被译成英文在一个自由的地道;当KJAV制作了近一个世纪之后(1611年),三分之一它保留廷达勒的措辞,而其余的保留他的一般的文学结构 ); 迈尔斯代 尔公司 (1535年至1553年), 托马斯马修 (1537),真的,但是,玛丽的工作约翰 杰 斯 , 皇后首次统治烈士下。
This was followed by Tyndale's translation (1525-1531) (this translation was based on the original Greek of the New Testament, and was translated in a free idiomatic English; when the KJAV was produced almost a
century later (1611), one-third of it retained Tyndale's
[...] wording and the remainder retained his general literary structure); Miles Coverdale's (1535-1553); Thomas Matthew's (1537), really, however, the work of John [...]
Rogers, the first martyr under the reign of Queen Mary.
近年来,迈克尔居住 的摩罗.多斯.普拉泽雷斯这样的贫民窟,暴雨已经造成数以百计的伤亡和众多房屋毁坏。
In recent years, heavy rains have caused [...]
hundreds of causalities and destroyed houses in favelas like Morro dos Prazeres, where Michael lives.
常设论坛决定任命常设论坛成 迈克尔 · 多 德森和维多利亚·托利·科尔普 斯为特别报告员,负责按国际专家组会议报告(E/C.19/2007/8)第 48㈠段的建议, 组织并开展对拟议关于获取和惠益分享的国际机制的技术审查。
The Permanent Forum decides to appoint Michael Dodson and Victoria Tauli Corpuz, Members of the Permanent Forum, as Special Rapporteurs to organize and undertake a technical review of the proposed international regime on access and benefit-sharing, as recommended in paragraph 48 (i) of the report of the international expert group meeting (E/C.19/2007/8).
在一个巨大的荷叶边领蜥蜴,当他们遇到她的蛋离合器后,他们被救出由亚历山大 迈克尔 · 凯 恩),带他们去一个大的小屋,他会带他到岛上的船的残骸构建,蓝眼睛的露西。
After coming across a massive frill-necked lizard when they come across
her egg clutch, they are rescued by Alexander
[...] (Michael Caine) who takes them to a [...]
large hut he’d built from the wreckage of
the ship that brought him to the island, the Blue-Eyed Lucy.
完全是出于他的元素,布鲁克斯面对挑战,他做梦也没想到的暴风雪,冰薄,恐吓,脾气暴躁的山男子名为Th un d e r 杰克 · 约翰 逊 ( 詹 姆斯Coburn),领头的狗的侵略,挑衅,恶魔。
Totally out of his element, Brooks has to face challenges he has never dreamed of: blizzards, thin ice,
an intimidating, crusty old mountain
[...] man named Thunder Jack Johnson (James Coburn), [...]
and the aggressive, defiant lead dog, Demon.
迈克尔·伍德 爵士说,在第二句里,需要将“即存在着具体的需求……”改 为“即不论是否存在着具体的需求……”。
Sir Michael Wood said that in the second sentence, the words “including the existence of a practical need” should be replaced by “including whether there was a practical need”.
一些伟大的艺术家,如克林姆,布里,安迪·沃 尔 , 恩 里科BAJ,Jan Arp和杰克逊·波洛 克的艺术表达都非常吸引我的注意,因为他们关注艺术表达,目标定在给予角色能量之上。
Some great artists such as Klimt, Burri, Andy Warhol, Enrico Baj, Jan Arp and Jackson Pollock drew my attention to an artistic expression that aims to give energy to the character.
我们 批准两项决议草案以及关于推动宗教间和文化间对 话、保护儿童以及巩固新的民主政体和恢复民主政体 的决议,就是杰出人士纳尔逊·曼 德 拉和他所从事 工作的赞颂。
By approving both draft resolutions, as well as those pertaining to promoting interreligious and intercultural dialogue, the protection of children and the consolidation of new and restored democracies, we pay tribute to an outstanding man, Nelson Mandela, and his work.
珠宝艺术家Tom Rucker花费14个月的时间雕塑了一座由陶瓷、铂金和黑宝石制成的 尔逊 · 曼 德拉的半身雕像,在其复杂的生产工艺中使用了 克 的 双 组分硅橡胶。
Tom Rucker, a jewelry artist, spent 14 months sculpting a unique bust of Nelson Mandela in porcelain, platinum and black diamonds.
当晚,在莱斯特广场举行的《迈阿密风云》伦敦欧洲首映礼上 迈克尔 • 曼 则佩戴着另一枚江诗丹顿时计—— 黑色表盘的Overseas纵横四海系列计时腕表走上红地毯,亦是他在出席洛杉机首映礼,与片中的女配角,英国女演员尼奥梅•哈里斯(Naomie [...]
For the evening, on the Leicester Square
red carpet for the London European
[...] Premiere of Miami Vice, Michael Mann was wearing an [...]
another Vacheron Constantin timepiece:
the Overseas black dial chronograph, the same as he was wearing on the red carpet of the Miami Vice Premiere in Los Angeles - Michael Mann had got Naomie Harris, British actress who plays a supporting role in Miami Vice, to go with him.
2006年7月27日,伦敦讯 —— 《迈阿密风云》的欧洲首映日,该片编剧兼导 迈克尔 • 曼 (Michael Mann)决定为自己增添一款个人收藏新品——江诗丹顿Malte铂金万年历计时腕表,与片中男主角索尼•克罗基特(Sonny [...]
London, 27th July, 2006 – Day of the European Premiere
of the movie Miami Vice
[...] … Michael Mann, writer and director of the movie Miami Vice, had decided [...]
to acquire for his own
personal collection, a Malte chronograph Perpetual Calendar in Platinum, by Vacheron Constantin, the same timepiece worn by the character Sonny Crockett in the movie.




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