单词 | 过电流 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 过电流 noun —overcurrent nSee also:过流 n—overcurrent n 电流 n—current n • voltage n 电流—amps • electric current
而在“过电流”和“欠电流”中,参数值则以设定的电流互感器额定电流或选定的电 流互感器接口为基准。 highvolt.de | For "overcurrent" and "undercurrent", the values relate to set nominal current of the current transformer i.e. the selected current transformer connection. highvolt.de |
I> 过电流闭锁 功能避免了在负载电流大于所选极限值(例如超负荷)时发生分接 变换操作。 highvolt.de | The I> overcurrent blocking prevents tap-change operations during load currents which are [...] higher than the selected limit value (e.g. overload). highvolt.de |
S-8200A系列最适合于对1节锂离子 / 锂聚合物可充电电池组的过充电、过放电 和 过电流 的 保 护。 datasheet.sii-ic.com | The S-8200A Series is suitable for [...] protecting 1-cell rechargeable lithium-ion / lithium polymer battery packs from [...] overcharge, overdischarge, and overcurrent. datasheet.sii-ic.com |
您可以设置 I> 过电流限值 (参见页次 113),然后激活/禁用过电流闭锁。 highvolt.de | You can set the I> overcurrent limit value (on page 113) and then activate/deactivate overcurrent blocking. highvolt.de |
还有,加载负载放电开始时VM端子的电压 在 过电流 1 检 测 电压 以下的情况也不能恢复至通常状态。 datasheet.sii-ic.com | In addition if the VM pin voltage is equal to or [...] lower than the overcurrent 1 detection voltage when a load is connected [...]and discharging starts, the [...]IC does not return to the normal status. datasheet.sii-ic.com |
注意 过电流2检测延迟时间的开始就是检测 过电流 1 的 时刻 (由于使用共用的延迟电路)。 datasheet.sii-ic.com | Caution The overcurrent 2 detection delay time starts when the overcurrent 1 is detected, [...] since the delay circuit is common. datasheet.sii-ic.com |
当本IC检测VM端子电位为过电流1检测 电压(V )以下时即恢复到通常状态。 datasheet.sii-ic.com | Detecting that the VM pin potential is [...] lower than the overcurrent 1 detection [...]voltage (V IOV1 ), the IC returns to the normal status. datasheet.sii-ic.com |
在该页面中,您可以设置过电流与欠 电流极限值是以百分比值 (“%”) 还是以绝对值 [...] (“A”) 的形式显示出来。 highvolt.de | In this display, you can set the unit for the limit values [...] displayed for overcurrent and undercurrent [...]as a percentage ("%") or absolute value ("A"). highvolt.de |
这减少了发热,并且可 防止在电动机运行期间发生的过电流 或 过 压 现 象损 坏 SCR。 mchotline.com | This reduces heat generation and prevents damage [...] to the SCR from overcurrent or overvoltage events [...]that occur while the motor is running. mchotline.com |
但是,实际上电池的内部阻抗 有数十mΩ,在连接了可使过电流发生 的较大值负载的情况下,因为电池电压会马上降低,因此 放 电过电流检 测 以及负载短路检测是可以发挥作用的。 datasheet.sii-ic.com | Since an actual battery has an internal impedance of tens of mΩ, the [...] battery voltage drops [...] immediately after a heavy load that causes overcurrent is connected, and discharge overcurrent detection and load short-circuiting detection [...]function. datasheet.sii-ic.com |
在负载电流测量卡上通过电流互感器的 1 A 或 5 A 测量输入端进行负载电流测量。 highvolt.de | The load current is measured using the 1 A- or 5 A-measurement input of the current transformer on the load current measurement card. highvolt.de |
组合照明接触器非常适合需要将开关 和 过电流 保 护组合在同一个机壳中的应用项目。 ab.rockwellautomation.com | Combination Lighting Contactors are ideal for applications that require combining switching and over-current protection in the same enclosure. ab.rockwellautomation.com |
我们的易熔过载继电器可防止电机、电机控制器和电源线因过量 的 过电流 而 导 致过热。 ab.rockwellautomation.com | Our eutectic overload relays protect motors, motor controllers and power wiring against [...] overheating due to excessive overcurrents. ab.rockwellautomation.com |
作为保护电路,电流限流电路在每个周期里限制 流 过 Lx 的尖峰电流;锁定电路则在过电流持 续一段时间后工作,它会关断以锁定内部驱动器。 ricoh.com | As protection circuits, the current [...] limit circuit which [...] limits peak current of Lx at each clock cycle, and the latch type protection circuit which works if the term of the over-current condition [...]keeps on a certain time exist. ricoh.com |
4) 过电流灯重置但是只在一个极性内进行:这通常表明一个坏门,也可能表明一个坏的 [...] 二极管,RF160A 在驱动板上。 zonge.com | 4) Over-current lamp will reset [...] but comes on in one polarity: This usually indicates a bad gate, but can also indicate a [...]bad diode, RF160A on the drive board. zonge.com |
作为JST课题解决型基础研究的一环,东京大学研究生院工学系研究科附属量子相电子产品研究中心的川崎雅司教授(兼 东北大学原子分子材料高等研究机构合作教授)以及同校研究生院综合文化研究科的上野和纪副教授等使用应用通过电压控制材料 通 过电流 的 难易度的场效应的独创的材料开发手法,发现了新的超导体材料。 tohoku.ac.jp | As part of the JST program, a research group led by Professor Masashi Kawasaki at Quantum-Phase Electronics Center, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo (and WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University), and Associate Professor Kazunori Ueno at Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo [...] has discovered a new [...] superconductor through an ingenious development method using field effect, by which voltage controls the flow of electricity. tohoku.ac.jp |
通 过在 VEGAMET 上进行调整可以任意缩放该分析值,并由此 通 过电流输 出口将之传输给后置的仪表。 vega.be | Through an adjustment on VEGAMET this measured value can be scaled individually and outputted to connected instruments via the current output. vega.be |
在瞬时过电流测试应用中,SMRT 36可于高功率提供最大180 A电流。 megger.com | For instantaneous overcurrent test applications, the SMRT36 can provide up to 180 A at high power. megger.com |
LED 指示: 电源打开,发射打开,极性显示正负,仪器选择显 示 过电流 , 过电 压 ,过 温度。 zonge.com | LED Indications: Power ON, Transmit ON, Polarity shows Plus or Minus, Meter Select shows over current, over voltage, and over temperature. zonge.com |
在发生过电流、电源模 块发出了异常信号的状态 下,接入了电源。 ckd.co.jp | The power is turned on in the presence of an over-current or a fault signal sent from the power module. ckd.co.jp |
控制信号的数字输入通过电流阻断 隔离输入 vacuubrand.com | digital input of control signals via a galvanically isolated input vacuubrand.com |
ARS 切换期间,通过电流从一 个电流通路换向至另一个同等电位的电流通路。 reinhausen.com | With an ARS application the through-current of a current path is commutated to another current path of the same potential. reinhausen.com |
迄今为止发现的铜氧化物高温超导体等是用将不纯物质掺入到不可 通 过电流 的 绝 缘体中从而 使 电流 通 过 的 化学手法做成的。 tohoku.ac.jp | Cuprate high-temperature superconductor, which was found a quarter century ago, has been created by a chemical method, adding impurities to base material of insulator. tohoku.ac.jp |
作为保护电路,电流限流电路在每个周期里限制 流 过 Lx 的尖峰电流;锁定电路则在过电流持 续一段时间后工作,它会关断以锁定内部驱动器。 ricoh.com | The current limit circuit controls the peak current of LX at each clock cycle. ricoh.com |
如果软管电流超过 45A, 请参见 E02:加热区电流过大,第 10 页。 graco.com | If hose current exceeds 45A, see E02: High zone current, page 10. graco.com |
当电压作用于该传感器和 磁栅鼓相对读数头运动时,流过的 电流基 于磁场被调制。 heidenhain.com.cn | When a voltage is applied to the sensor [...] and the scale drum moves relative to the [...] scanning head, the flowing current is modulated [...]according to the magnetic field. heidenhain.hu |
这种情况下,流过发电厂的 水流量是固定的。 voith.com | In this case there is usually a [...] given water inflow to be passed through the plant. voith.com |
通过接地,可给电流提供 静电聚 集时或发生短路时逃逸的通路,减少出现静电和电 击的危险。 graco.com | Grounding reduces the [...] risk of static and electric shock by providing [...]an escape wire for the electrical current due to static [...]build up or in the event of a short circuit. graco.com |
如果担心存在电流过载的 情况,那么需要专业的电工在调节系统压力到30英寸水柱(7.5 kPa) 或者40英寸水柱(10 kPa)的时候,打开鼓风机电机电器盒,将安培表接到电源引脚上以确定最 大电流没有超过铭牌上的标示电流。 china.geotechenv.com | If over-amping is a concern then it may be necessary to have an electrician open the blower motor electrical box and attach an amp probe to a power leg to verify that the name plate amps are not exceeded while adjusting the system to 30” (7.5 kPa) or 40” (10 kPa). geotechenv.com |
如果电流过大那么电流控 制电路会降低电压直到某个限定值,否则(在电流不大的情况下) 电压控制部分会控制整流输出的直流电压。 bsdmap.com | That is if the current is too high then the current control part lowers the voltage until it is below the limit otherwise (current not too high) the voltage control part is in charge of regulating the output voltage. bsdmap.com |