单词 | 过敏的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 过敏的 adjective—sensitive adjSee also:过敏 n—allergies pl • hypersensitivity n • oversensitive n 敏—agile • nimble • smart
改善过敏症状 的产品有蜂斗菜,天然治 疗 过敏的 配 方 和酶等。 cn.iherb.com | Products such as Butterbur, natural allergy formulas and enzymes are listed. iherb.com |
过敏症是一种夸张的免疫系统的反应,导 致 过敏的 物 质 ,如霉菌,灰尘,花粉,宠物皮屑或某些食物过敏原。 cn.iherb.com | Allergies are an exaggerated immune system response to an allergen, causing hypersensitivity to substances such as mold, dust, pollen, pet dander or certain foods. iherb.com |
如果您想了解更多关于儿童过敏的信 息或有其他咨询,请致电(10) 5927 [...] 7222与周杉医生或和睦家其他儿科医生预约。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | For more [...] information about child allergies or for a general [...]consultation for your child, make an appointment with Dr. San [...]Jose or any BJU pediatrician at (10) 5927 7222. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
使用特殊奶(豆、米、抗回流、抗 过敏 ) 的 援 助 ,应该征询儿科医生的 许可。 stranieriincampania.it | The use of special milks (soy, rice, [...] anti-reflux, anti-allergic) must only be given [...]under the guidance of the paediatrician. stranieriincampania.it |
此外,植入基因序列亦可产生令个别易受影响人 士 过敏的 其 他 新的蛋白质(图1B)。 cfs.gov.hk | It is also possible that the insertion of the DNA sequence creates additional new [...] proteins that are allergenic to susceptible [...]individuals (Figure 1B). cfs.gov.hk |
请问镍过敏的人还可以配戴Oris腕表吗? oris.ch | Could Oris watches also be recommended for people [...] suffering from a nickel allergy? oris.ch |
该项设 定专为敏感皮肤人士或可能对洗涤剂 过敏的 人 士 设计。 vzug.com | This function is particularly suitable for people with sensitive skin or with a suspected allergy to washing detergent. vzug.com |
铜焊盘脱落就 现在您知道,为什么我们大力推荐 VIROMET 严格不和其他无铅材料混合使用,那是有助 于感热成分过敏的线路 板和零件,以避免更高熔点无铅材料在更高操作温度需求下所引起的 信赖度问题。 asahisolder.com | Now do you see why we highly recommend VIROMET [...] to be used strictly without interfacing with other Lead Free material for the benefit of heat sensitive component [...]and board due to higher [...]operating temperature requirement with the use of higher melting point Lead Free materials. asahisolder.com |
与转基因有关的过敏问题 第一次引起大规模争论是在1996年,那时研究人员显示,在从巴西坚果向大豆转移一个主 要 过敏 原 的过 程 中 ,同样也转移了它引发国民的能力,它能够在本来对巴西坚 果 过敏的 个 体中引发过敏反应。 scidev.net | The issue of GM-related allergies flared up for the first time in 1996, when researchers showed transfer of a major allergen from Brazil nut into soybeans also transferred its ability to trigger allergic reactions in individuals with pre-existing Brazil nut allergies. scidev.net |
我 们建议将对磁场过敏的物体,如CRT屏幕及电磁 卡等,放置离扬声器至少0.5米(20英寸)的地 方。 bowers-wilkins.cn | We recommend that [...] magnetically sensitive items such as [...]CRT screens and magnetic cards for example, are kept at least 0.5m (20 in) from the speaker. bowers-wilkins.eu |
因为游丝发条中的摆轮,使用的是抗 过敏的 镍 合 金。 oris.ch | For the balance springs of the balance, non-magnetic nickel alloys are used. oris.ch |
到目前为止的证据表明,总体来说,转基因食物带 来 过敏的 风 险 不会大于传统方法培育的新作物和食物或别的“新式食品”(按照欧盟的定义“欧盟内任何先前没有大量用于人类使用的食物”)。 scidev.net | The evidence to date supports the [...] view that the allergenic risks posed by [...]GM foods are generally no greater than those posed [...]by new crops and foods developed by traditional methods or other 'novel foods' (which the European Union defines as any food that has not previously been used for human consumption to a significant degree within the Union). scidev.net |
有光过敏的既往 症的人、患有心脏病的人或者健康状态不良的人,请不要收看 3D图像。 us.leica-camera.com | Anyone who is hypersensitive to light, suffers [...] from heart disease or is otherwise unwell should avoid viewing 3D pictures. us.leica-camera.com |
这些患者被认为具有对酸过敏的食道 [39]。 iasp-pain.org | These patients are considered [...] to have an acid-hypersensitive esophagus [39]. iasp-pain.org |
总部毗邻美国佐治亚州亚特兰大的Vystar® 公司 (OTCBB: [...] VYST)是Vytex®天然乳胶(NRL)的独家创制商,该产品有多项专利,原材料全部是天然的,可显著减少天然橡胶中据信能引起乳 胶 过敏的 抗 原 蛋白。 businesswirechina.com | Based near Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Vystar® Corporation (OTCBB: VYST) is the exclusive creator of Vytex® Natural Rubber Latex (NRL), a multi-patented, all-natural raw [...] material that significantly reduces antigenic proteins found in natural rubber [...] latex believed to cause latex allergies. businesswirechina.com |
众所周知的例子是科研人员在实验阶段中发现一种基因改造大豆被植入巴西果仁(一种已知会引 致 过敏的 食 物 )内蛋氨酸含量丰富的蛋白质的基因后,会导致对这种果仁敏感的病人产 生 过 敏 反 应。 cfs.gov.hk | A well-known example is an experimental GM soyabean engineered to contain a Brazil nut (a known allergenic food) methionine-rich protein was found to cause allergic reaction in patients sensitive to this nut. cfs.gov.hk |
过敏症是一种严重的过敏性反 应,当敏感体质者接触到外来化学物质,包括咬伤和蜇伤、植物或药物时,便会出现过敏症。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Anaphylaxis is [...] a severe allergic reaction that can occur in sensitive individuals [...]from exposure to any chemicals foreign [...]to the body, including bites and stings, plants, or medications. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
食典委忆及,果汁和蜜汁标准在其第二十八届会议上获得通过,但可能引 起过 敏的三种 加工辅助剂除外,这三种加工辅助剂须遵照具体标识规定,因此需要食品标识委 员会批准25 。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission recalled that the Standard for [...] Fruit Juices and Nectars [...] had been adopted at its 28th Session, with the exception of three processing aids that might cause allergenicity and were subject [...]to specific labelling [...]provisions, therefore requiring endorsement by the Committee on Food Labelling25 . codexalimentarius.org |
他们创造了一个纯粹和简约的腕表却又毫不妥协:完美的可读性,最少的品牌宣传,独特的只有9个零件组成的而不是通常的30-40零件的年历, 抗 过敏的 钛 金 属表壳,橡胶表带,简化的包装(你将换来Neue [...] Zürcher Zeitung当日报纸),取消多级分销,最后但非常重要的是富有吸引力的价格。 iontime.ch | They created a pure and minimalistic watch without compromise: perfect readability, minimal branding, unique annual [...] calendar with only nine instead of the usual [...] 30-40 parts, non-allergic titanium case and [...]rubber strap, reduction in packaging [...](you get the daily edition of Neue Zürche Zeitung instead), abandonment multilevel distribution and last but not least very attractive pricing. iontime.ch |
因为在成份中含有胶原蛋白肽,如果对胶原类物 质 过敏的 人 群,会有极低比 例 的过敏 现 象 ,建议用棉花棒沾取少量tongbeauty产品,涂在耳后,重复2~3次,保留20分钟左右,如果没有任何发红现象,请放心使用该产品。 int-tm.com | Because in the composition contains collagen peptide collagen materials, if allergic, have extremely low proportion of allergic phenomenon, [...] proposed using cotton [...]swabs dipped a little tongbeauty products, coated in the ear, repeated 2 to 3 times, keep for 20 minutes, without any redness phenomenon, please rest assured that the use of the product. en.int-tm.com |
答:先咨询客户现在的皮肤是处于过敏现象,还是只是过敏性皮肤;如处 于 过敏 现 象 的,可能由于皮肤血管受损引起,针对这种现象我们建议您任何产品都不要使用,只需用冷水洗脸就可以了,或到美容院做冷喷治疗; 但如属于过敏性皮肤,则可以放心使用本产品,因为本产品可以促进细胞循环,起到修 复 过敏的 作 用。 int-tm.com | Answer: consult customers now skin is allergic [...] phenomenon, or just allergic skin; as in the allergic phenomenon, likely due to skin vascular damage caused, according to this phenomenon we recommend any products do not use cold water, only you can wash your face, or to the salon to do cold spray treatment; but as belonging to allergic skin, you can rest assured that the use of this product, because this product can promote the cell cycle, to repair the role of allergy. en.int-tm.com |
尽管您的孩子可能之前从未出现过敏现象,但这有可能是因为之前生活的环境 里 过敏 原 的 存 在相对较少,还有一种可能性是您的孩子并不是 真 的过敏 , 而 是身体对新的生活环境带来的刺激耐受不良。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Another possibility is that your child may not have allergies at all and is simply experiencing an adverse physical reaction [...] to the environmental irritants in Beijing. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
一切顺利,直到Ed的过敏性反 应,Rolf的兔子踢。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | All goes [...] smoothly until Ed's allergic reaction to Rolf's rabbits kicks in. seekcartoon.com |
相关反应有花粉症,季节性过敏和 过敏 有 关 的 哮 喘。 cn.iherb.com | Related conditions include hay fever, seasonal allergies and allergy-related asthma. iherb.com |
3 该物质不是食物过敏原,且不包含食物过敏原,除非该已查明食 物 过敏 原 能够 通过随后的油脂加工过程充分去除。 codexalimentarius.org | 3 The substance should not [...] be or contain a known food allergen, unless the identified food [...]allergen can be adequately removed [...]by subsequent processing of the fat or oil for its intended use. codexalimentarius.org |
使用这种药物会可提高诊断的有效性,而不会有任 何 过敏 反应 (有时非常严重)的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | Using this drug would result in more [...] accurate diagnoses and eliminate the risk of allergic reactions to other contrast media, which [...]can be extremely serious. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们深感关切地注意到癌症、心血管疾病、 [...] 慢性肾病、同毒性和食物链中的农药相关联的疾病, 以及一些地区同空气质量有关的新 的过敏 疾 病 等的 出现。 daccess-ods.un.org | We note with deep concern the emergence of cancers, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney diseases, those linked to [...] the toxicity and of pesticides in the [...] food chain, and new allergic illnesses in some [...]regions related to air quality, to mention only a few. daccess-ods.un.org |
THERMAX不属于国土交通省告示第1113~1115号规定的与引起室内化学物 质 过敏 症 的 甲 醛有关的建筑材料,可以放心使用。 inoac.co.jp | Concerning formaldehyde, which causes sick house disease, Thermax is a building material that is outside the range of application of Notification Nos. 1113 to 1115 of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. inoac.co.jp |
世界末日的书籍,主要是书的过敏性 第 四本书的埃斯德拉斯,表明各个细节的弥赛亚,对国家的敌视以色列的失败的到来,以及所有以色列人在弥赛亚王国工会其次是翻新世界和普遍的复活。 mb-soft.com | The apocalyptic books, [...] principally the book of Henoch and the fourth [...]book of Esdras, indicate various details of the arrival [...]of the Messiah, the defeat of the nations hostile to Israel, and the union of all the Israelites in the Messianic kingdom followed by the renovation of the world and the universal resurrection. mb-soft.com |
儿童的游戏属于儿童,当考虑这方面的责任时,成人应轻轻地涉足,小心 翼翼不要通过敏感度低的计划 或追逐这方面的议事日程而占用或毁坏儿童自己的游戏空间, [...] 或通过建设分离儿童的地点和项目而控制他们的游戏。 ipaworld.org | Children’s play belongs to children; adults should tread lightly when considering their responsibilities in this regard, being careful not to [...] colonise or destroy children’s own [...] places for play through insensitive planning or the [...]pursuit of other adult agendas, or [...]through creating places and programmes that segregate children and control their play. ipaworld.org |