

单词 过敏性休克

See also:

过敏 n

allergies pl
hypersensitivity n
oversensitive n

休克 n

shock n


go into shock
shock (loanword)

External sources (not reviewed)

全身反应(如发热)发生的频率比局部反应少,而严重过敏反应( 过敏性休克 ) 发生的频率最低。
Systemic reactions (e.g., fever) occur less
[...] frequently than local reactions, and severe allergic reactions [...]
(e.g., anaphylaxis) are the least frequent.
还有其他一些通常需要立刻医治的紧急状况,比 过敏性休克 、 溺 水、吸入烟尘和失去知觉。
There are other emergency conditions that usually require
immediate medical attention, such as
[...] anaphylaxis (a serious allergic reaction), near-drowning, smoke [...]
inhalation and unconsciousness.
将其用聚乙二醇(PEG)修饰而成的“重组杉树花粉疫苗”在不使重组Cry j1/2融合蛋白质的立体构造向天然型恢复的基础上,通过PEG修饰产生的立体障碍,可以完全阻碍IgE抗体的结合,所以预想到即使在全身用药,诱 过敏性休克 的 危 险性极低。
A “Recombinant cedar pollen vaccine”, in which the fusion protein has been polyethyleneglycol (PEG)-modified, does not restore the natural steric conformation of the recombinant Cry j1/2 fusion protein but is additionally able to completely prevent the binding of IgE antibodies due to the steric barrier created in the PEG modification.
第三,不少屬於這類型的檢驗其實是有危 性 的 , 例如造影技術 是要把藥劑注入人的血管,其間是有可能會引起 敏休克 反 應
For example, in the course of angiography, we have to inject drugs into blood vessels, which may give rise to shock and allergy.
第一型過敏反應的最常見臨床症狀包括鼻竇炎、哮喘、皮膚炎、蕁麻疹, 亦有敏性休克的罕見病例。
The most common clinical manifestations
[...] of Type 1 hypersensitivity reactions include sinusitis, asthma, dermatitis, hives and in rare cases, anaphylactic shock.
过敏症是一种严重过敏性反应 ,当敏感体质者接触到外来化学物质,包括咬伤和蜇伤、植物或药物时,便会出现过敏症。
Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can occur in sensitive individuals [...]
from exposure to any chemicals foreign
to the body, including bites and stings, plants, or medications.
委员会敦促缔约国对现有立法过必 要 的修正案,以规范对精神病人使用 休克 治疗的做法。
The Committee calls on the State party
[...] to regulate, through the adoption of necessary amendments to existing legislation, the use of electroconvulsive treatment [...]
on mental health patients.
小麥依賴運動誘發的敏性休克 (WDE IA) 是一種嚴重的 IgE 媒介型過敏反應,會在食入小麥或小麥粉後的數小時內進行高強度運動而引發。
Wheat dependent
[...] exercise-induced anaphylaxis (WDEIA) is a severe IgE-mediated allergic reaction provoked [...]
by the combination of
wheat or wheat flour ingestion and intense physical exercise during the next few hours.
特别委员会确认,维持和平行动可以发挥积极作用,促进进行 性 别 问题 敏感的 安全部门改革,发展能更好地满足妇女需求的安全服务,例如,可 过以 下 途径发挥这种作用:部署女性维和人员,这可以鼓励更多妇女到东道国政府改 革后的安全部门工作;提供熟悉性别问题的专门人才,支持安全部门改革进程; 将性别观点纳入安全部门改革方案。
The Special Committee recognizes the positive role that
peacekeeping operations can play
[...] in promoting gender-sensitive security sector reform and the development of security services that better respond to women’s needs, such as through, for example, [...]
the deployment of female
peacekeeping personnel which can be a means of encouraging more women to serve in the reformed security sector of the host Government, through the provision of gender expertise in support of security sector reform processes, and through the incorporation of gender perspectives in security sector reform programmes.
相关反应有花粉症,季性过敏和过 敏 有 关 的哮喘。
Related conditions include
[...] hay fever, seasonal allergies and allergy-related asthma.
俄罗斯联邦外交部长与联合王国外交事务大臣一致同意合力促进和支持奥 林克休战的 理想,以建立一个更美好的世界并使来自不同国家的多样化的人们 共同在和平的环境中过体育 而进行竞赛。
The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom agreed to work together to promote and
support the
[...] ideals of the Olympic Truce to build a better world and bring people from different nations and diversities together to enjoy competition through sport in a peaceful [...]
摩洛哥已开始第三阶段性别敏感预 算编制试验,其目的是将 性别平等全面纳入预算编过程, 加强将性别纳入公共部门管理系统的国家主人 翁感,并支持进性敏感预算编制,减少性别差距。
Morocco has launched the third phase
[...] of its gender-sensitive budget experiment, which aims to fully integrate gender equality in budgetary processes, strengthen national ownership of gender mainstreaming in public sector management systems, support the implementation of gender-sensitive budgeting [...]
and narrow the gender gap.
希腊是 2500 年前奥林匹克运动会的发展地,也是现代奥运会的诞生地(1896 年);希 腊深知在雅典组织举办 2004 年奥运会的实际份量和象征意义,重视教科文组织为 过 教育 和体育运动促进和平文化所作的努力,铭记奥林匹克主义传递的象征意义和特殊意义,即和 平、和解、繁荣和高尚的精神境界,希望教科文组织承认“奥林 克休 战 ” 或握手言和的理 含,以扩大本组织行动的声望和影响,加强各国人民之间的团结。
Greece, the country where the Olympic Games were born more than 2,500 years ago, and where the modern Olympic Games were revived in 1896, aware of the real and symbolic weight of holding the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, appreciative of
UNESCO’s efforts
[...] concerning a culture of peace through education and sport and mindful of the symbolism and exceptional significance of Olympism as an emblem of peace, reconciliation, prosperity and spirituality, would like the concept of the Olympic Truce or Ekecheiria to be [...]
recognized by UNESCO
with a view to increasing the visibility and impact of the Organization’s action and strengthening solidarity among peoples.
鑒於近年香港美容業發展迅速,提供服務範圍超越了一般美容需 要,當中甚至包括具侵入性和效果成疑的醫療美容服務;最近,某 美容集團為40多名消費者提供靜脈輸液療程,結果有4名女士出現敗性休克,當中更有一名女士已不幸逝世;事件令社會關注侵入性 醫療美容服務的風險、個別美容服務提供者和醫生的操守和責任和 對醫療儀器的規管;就此,本會敦促業界立即停止高風險的侵入性 醫療行為,並促請政府盡快立法規管美容業的操守及服務;有關措 施應包括
That, given that in recent years the beauty industry in Hong Kong has been developing rapidly and providing a range of services over and above general beauty care needs, which even include invasive medical beauty services the effectiveness of which is in doubt; recently, a beauty treatment centre gave intravascular infusions to some 40 consumers, with the consequence that four women sustained septic shock, and one of them had even passed away unfortunately; the incident has aroused public concern about the risks of invasive medical beauty services, the conduct and responsibility of individual beauty service providers and medical practitioners as well as the regulation of medical devices; in this connection, this Council calls on the industry to immediately stop high-risk invasive medical acts, and urges the Government to expeditiously enact legislation to regulate the conduct and services of the beauty industry; the relevant measures should include
主要的不同是有关于物种引 进、水体放生、捕捞-放生实践、潜在选 性 的 过 度 开发 、 休 闲 捕 鱼者在生境和 生物多样性养护的作用。
The main differences relate to species introduction, stocking of waterbodies, catch-and-release
practices, the potential for
[...] selective overexploitation, and the role of recreational fishers in [...]
habitat and biodiversity conservation.
这项计划提供了举办家长俱乐 部休闲时间、提敏感性方案 、家长课程及精神卫生讲习班的可能性,目的是过对他 们的需求做出反应,向照管有特殊教育需要的儿童和成年人的家长群体 提供支助服务。
This scheme
[...] provides the opportunity to organise parent clubs, leisure time and sensitivity programmes, parent courses as well as mental hygiene sessions.
说明:双面胶带以透明的PET、BOPP薄膜为基材,两面塗胶经改良的 克 力 压 敏 胶 制 成,以白色 过 有 机硅处理的防粘纸为隔离纸,比棉纸胶带的厚度薄而均匀,有透明而不吸潮的特点,有持久的粘合力,以及很好的耐水,耐蒸气,防紫外线和耐老 性。
Description: double-sided tape transparent PET, BOPP film as the substrate,
coating both sides of the
[...] improved acrylic adhesive made of white silicone treatment after release paper for the separation of paper, than the tissue paper thin and uniform thickness of adhesive tape, rather than a transparent moisture absorption characteristics, there are long-lasting adhesion and excellent water resistance, vapor, UV and aging resistance.
如开机播放,有线遥控器,机架设计 和 C D 休克 内 存 , 性 能 可 靠承包特定的功能。
Contractor-specific features such as power-on play, a wired remote control, rackmountable design and CD shock memory ensure [...]
reliable performance.
在各国 海关和 CFCFA 成员间进行了调查,初步的反馈信息是:新的过境文件不清晰,造成多斯克 过境点 的大量延误(FIATA 标准需要考虑新的贸易单据,CFCFA 的培训需要包括新的“关税 联盟”程序和单证);“关税联盟”边境的延误增加,特别是来自非关税联盟国家的车辆;哈萨 克斯坦 – 俄罗斯跨境速度大幅度提高;更高的关税导致运输者将货物分装为 50 公斤的包装; 俄罗斯 – 白俄罗斯边境有歧性收费 ,而且有可能是受到了“关税联盟”的推动,来自中国需要 入境司机的签证申请费用很高,而且需要提前很长时间申请。
A quick survey among customs agencies and CFCFA members was done and initial impressions indicate: lack of clarity in new transit document resulted in long queues in Dostyk BCP (FIATA standards will need to consider the new TD and training for CFCFA should include new CU procedures and documents); delays at the CU borders have increased, especially for vehicles from non-CU member countries; much quicker crossing of the Kazakhstan-Russia border; [...]
higher tariffs have resulted in transporters
breaking cargo to 50kgs parcels; discriminatory payments on the RussianBelarusian border; and, possibly motivated by the CU, visas for drivers entering from the PRC are costly and issuance requires application well in advance.
欧洲 AGE 平台组织还向欧洲联盟及其成员国提出建议,以解决最低
[...] 收入、按年龄和性别分列的国家减贫目标、就业方面的 性 平 等、 退 休 的过 渡、 继续不受社会排斥、普及基本服务等问题。
AGE Platform Europe also prepared recommendations for the European Union and Member States addressing minimum incomes, national targets for poverty
reduction by age and gender, gender equality in
[...] employment, transition to retirement and continued social [...]
inclusion, as well
as universal access to essential services.
医院没有毛毯或者床单来为Counseller保暖,而当时他因大量失血正处于失 性休克 状 态
The hospital had no sheets or blankets available to warm Counseller,
[...] who was in hemorrhagic shock from [...]
the copious blood loss.
[...] 41/65 号决议,附件)的 原则十二以及维持国际和平与安全问题, 过敏 感 性 核 对和准许程序予以考 虑。
Principle XII of the Principles Relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 41/65, annex), as well as the maintenance of
international peace and security, are taken
[...] into account through the sensitivity check and the [...]
authorization procedure.
49 非政府组织的调查结果支持了这一观点,这些调查结果表明, 各种社会障碍致使对暴力侵害残疾妇女和残疾女孩的事件往往未进行调查。50 这些障碍包括执法官员因他们对残疾妇女所持的陈旧观念而未提起刑事指控;还 包括各种结性障碍,例如要求她们必须具有法律行为能力才能被视为“合格” 证人;此外还存在着允许某些形式的暴力如 休克 治 疗 和电击的法律,或未将残 疾妇女和残疾女孩遭受的特定的暴力行为定为刑事罪
The Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment noted that societal barriers limit persons with disabilities access to justice on an equal basis with others.49 This view is supported by the findings of non-governmental organizations indicating that incidents of violence against women and girls with disabilities are often not investigated owing to social barriers.50 These barriers include the failure of law enforcement officials to file criminal complaints, because of their stereotypical
perception of women with
[...] disabilities; and structural barriers, such as the requirement of legal capacity in order to be viewed as a “competent witness”, and laws that permit certain forms of violence, such as electroconvulsive treatment and [...]
electric shocks, or
fail to criminalize specific forms of violence experienced by women and girls with disabilities (see paragraphs 12 – 27 above).
主题流包括敏感冲突报道、妇女权利和新 闻、人权和司法报道、冲突中或冲突后社会的选举报道、 过敏 锐 和 平衡的新闻 报道及调性新闻 进行治理和保持透明度。
Thematic streams include conflict-sensitive reporting, women’s rights and journalism, human rights and justice reporting, election coverage in the context of conflict
and post-conflict
[...] societies, governance and transparency through incisive and balanced media reporting [...]
and investigative journalism.
3月27日发表在《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,在一项对一种针 过敏性 鼻 炎 和哮喘的疗法所做的检查中,研究人员在先前的研究中发现了适度的证据以支持用舌下免疫疗法来治疗这些疾病的做法,该疗法在欧洲已经获得使用但却没有在美国获得美国食品与药物管理局的批准。
In an examination of a type
[...] of treatment for allergic rhinitis and asthma [...]
that is used in Europe but not approved by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, researchers found moderate strength in the evidence from previous studies to support the use of sublingual immunotherapy for the treatment of these conditions, according to an article in the March 27 issue of JAMA.
食典委通过了步骤 8 的“现代生物技术食品风险分析原则草案”、“重组 DNA 植物 食品安全评估行为准则”和“重组 DNA
[...] 微生物食品安全评估行为准则”以及“步骤 5 和步骤 8 的关于可过敏性评估 的拟议附件草案”,含有法国和西班牙建议的对法文和西 [...]
The Commission adopted the “Draft Principles for the Risk Analysis of Foods Derived from Modern Biotechnology” and “Draft Guideline for the Conduct of Food Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from Recombinant-DNA Plants” and “Draft Guideline for the Conduct of Food Safety Assessment of Recombinant DNA
Microorganisms” at Step 8 and the “Proposed Draft
[...] Annex on Possible Allergenicity Assessment” at [...]
Steps 5 and 8, with modifications of translation
of French and Spanish texts as proposed by France and Spain.
“作为大会第六十四届会议主席,我郑重呼 吁所有会员国表现出遵守 2010 年温哥华奥林匹
[...] 克冬季运动会和残疾人冬季运动会奥林 克休 战的 决心,并在地方、全国、区域和世界各级采 [...]
取具体措施,本着休战精神促进和加强和平与和 谐文化。
As President of the General Assembly at its sixty-fourth session, I solemnly appeal to all
Member States to demonstrate their commitment
[...] to the Olympic Truce for the 2010 Vancouver [...]
Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games,
and to undertake concrete actions at the local, national, regional and world levels to promote and strengthen a culture of peace and harmony based on the spirit of the Truce.
过去二 十年,撒哈拉以南 非洲的一些国家(例如刚果、南非、加蓬、马拉维和利比里亚)以及日本的人均 水产品消费量停滞或下降,而每年人均水产品消费量在东亚(从1961年的10.6千 克到2009年的34.5千克)、东南亚(从1961年的12.8千克到2009年的32.0千克)和 北非(从1961年的2.8千克到2009年的10.6 千 克 ) 有 着最实 性 的 增 长。
For example, per capita fish consumption has remained static or decreased in some countries in sub-Saharan Africa (e.g. the Congo, South Africa, Gabon, Malawi and Liberia) and in Japan in the last two decades, while the most substantial increases in annual per capita fish consumption have occurred in East Asia (from 10.6 kg in 1961 to 34.5 kg in 2009), Southeast Asia (from 12.8 kg in 1961 to 32.0 kg in 2009) and North Africa (from [...] [...]
2.8 kg in 1961 to 10.6 kg in 2009).




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