单词 | 过敏原 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 过敏原 noun —allergens plSee also:过敏 n—allergies pl • hypersensitivity n • oversensitive n 敏原 n—allergen n 敏—agile • smart • nimble
3 该物质不是食物过敏原,且不包含食 物 过敏原 , 除非该已查明食 物 过敏原 能够 通过随后的油脂加工过程充分去除。 codexalimentarius.org | 3 The substance should not be or contain a known food allergen, unless the identified food allergen can be adequately removed by subsequent processing of the fat or oil for its intended use. codexalimentarius.org |
美国代表团建议将该项目文件退给该委员会,以扩大建议的工作范围,因为该工 作不应限于转基因材料,与过敏原和 污 染物也有关。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of the United States of America proposed to return the project document to the Committee in order to broaden the scope of the work [...] proposed as it should not be limited to genetically modified material but was [...] also relevant to allergens and contaminants. codexalimentarius.org |
与传统棉质拖把不同,博纳拖把不会将灰尘留在地板上,凭借超细纤维的静电作用,干拖布可有效吸附灰尘及普通家 庭 过敏原。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | Instead of leaving dirt on the floor like ordinary cotton [...] mops, the electrostatic action of our Bona Mop with microfibre attracts dust and [...] common household allergens when used dry. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
科研人员使用RNA干扰——RNA干扰是一个抑制特定目标基因表达的过程——把一种奶牛改造成了能够生产 低 过敏原 的 高 蛋白牛奶。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Researchers have used RNA interference, a process that inhibits the [...] expression of certain target genes, to engineer a dairy cow capable of producing [...] high-protein milk with hypoallergenic qualities. chinese.eurekalert.org |
过敏症是一种夸张的免疫系统的反应,导致过敏的物质,如霉菌,灰尘,花粉,宠物皮屑或某些食 物 过敏原。 cn.iherb.com | Allergies are an exaggerated immune system response to an [...] allergen, causing hypersensitivity to substances [...]such as mold, dust, pollen, pet dander or certain foods. iherb.com |
通过过敏症状出现的季节就能缩小你可能 的 过敏原 的 范 围。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The season in which your allergy occurs will narrow the list of [...] possible allergens (substances that trigger your allergies). beijing.ufh.com.cn |
此外,真菌孢子也是一种过敏原,它 出现的时间较晚,通常会持续到9月。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Fungal mold spores are also a cause and are present slightly later, often until September. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
在1996年最初的决策树种,极为可能成 为 过敏原 的 转基因产品,只要经过恰当标示,仍然可以销售。 scidev.net | In the original 1996 decision-tree transgenes with a high probability of being a food allergen could still [...] be marketed providing [...]they were appropriately labelled. scidev.net |
与转基因有关的过敏问题第一次引起大规模争论是在1996年,那时研究人员显示,在从巴西坚果向大豆转移一个主 要 过敏原 的 过 程 中 ,同样也转移了它引发国民的能力,它能够在本来对巴西坚果过敏的个体中引发过敏反应。 scidev.net | The issue of GM-related allergies flared up for the first time in 1996, when [...] researchers showed transfer [...] of a major allergen from Brazil nut into soybeans also transferred its ability to trigger allergic reactions [...]in individuals with [...]pre-existing Brazil nut allergies. scidev.net |
引起过敏的物质称为过 敏原。 hesperian.org | The things [...] that cause allergies are called allergens. hesperian.org |
哮喘发作是由于吸入过敏原或 空气污染所引起。 hesperian.org | Asthma attacks are [...] caused by specific allergens and air pollution. hesperian.org |
花粉热在春季、夏季和秋季都会发生,春季的树木花粉、夏季和秋季的草粉是主要 的 过敏原。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | In the spring, pollinating trees are responsible for causing hay fever. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
任何诱发哮喘的因素,比如过敏原、 污染物、感染、气候改变、运动、甚至情绪改变都可能会导致引起急性哮喘发作的气道肿胀、粘液分泌亢进和支气管痉挛的发生。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Any trigger like allergens, pollutants, infections, [...] weather changes, exercise, or even strong emotions can cause airway [...]swelling, mucus production, and bronchospasm, which basically defines an acute asthma attack. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
这意味着气道对一些过敏原和污 染物会变得更加敏感(反应过度),并不断重复这种变态反应。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | This means they become more sensitive (hyperreactive)to a lot of allergens and pollutants and the cycle continues. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
因此,过敏症状的严重程度的变化也基本反映了周边你 的 过敏原 数 量 的升降。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | So the severity of your allergic reaction will generally mirror the rise and fall [...] of the specific allergen count to which you are allergic. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
尽管您的孩子可能之前从未出现过敏现象,但这有可能是因为之前生活的环境 里 过敏原 的 存 在相对较少,还有一种可能性是您的孩子并不是真的过敏,而是身体对新的生活环境带来的刺激耐受不良。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Another possibility is that your child [...] may not have allergies at all and is [...]simply experiencing an adverse physical reaction [...]to the environmental irritants in Beijing. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
近期美国生物科技公司先锋公司培育了一种去除主 要 过敏原 的 转 基因大豆。 scidev.net | More recently the US biotech company Pioneer has developed a GM [...] soybean with a major allergen deleted. scidev.net |
最常见的疫苗过敏原是鸡蛋白,它存在于流感疫苗和黄热病疫苗中。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The most common allergen in vaccines is [...] egg protein, which is found in both influenza and yellow fever vaccines. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
首先,从概念上讲,过敏指的是身体对某些物质或外界刺激的异常反应,这些物质就是所谓的 “ 过敏原 ”。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | An allergy refers to an abnormal response or over-reaction of the body to certain substances, [...] which are called “allergens. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
20世纪90年代初期,日本培育了一种低变应原(hypoallergenic:降低引起过敏反应趋势的)的转基因水稻,其中主要的水 稻 过敏原 被 剔 除了。 scidev.net | In the early 1990s a 'hypoallergenic' transgenic rice variety was developed in Japan in which [...] the major rice allergen gene had been [...]deleted. scidev.net |
如我们所知,由于过敏原大多 是蛋白质,那么,从转基因生物体中得来的非蛋白产品、比如高级精制油,就不太会引发过敏。 scidev.net | As known allergens are almost all proteins, [...] this is unlikely to apply to non-protein products derived from GM organisms, such as highly refined oils. scidev.net |
比利时Belovo公司将展示新推出的婴儿补充剂系列产品Galactis,该产品不 含 过敏原 , 含 有母乳中存在的所有必需脂肪酸,这些脂肪酸对婴儿的发育、中枢神经系统的开发、学习能力的培养和提高免疫力发挥极重要作用。 ipress.com.hk | Belgian company Belovo will present its new baby supplement range, Galactis, which has been devised to contain all the essential fatty acids present in breast milk. ipress.com.hk |
为了找出过敏原,你 可以在医院通过皮试、验血等方式确定究竟是哪种物质引起了过敏反应。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | To pinpoint the cause, you can undergo a skin test or blood test at our hospital to determine which substances trigger your reaction. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
我并不赞成这种做法,因为在没有经 过过敏原 测 试 前是无法知道孩子到底是真的食物过敏还是仅仅是不良反应或者是对食物不耐受,而后两者都不是过敏。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Without testing, it’s impossible to know whether the child is truly allergic or if s/he simply [...] has an adverse reaction or [...]a food intolerance, both of which are NOT allergies. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
除了切除腺样增殖体之外,治疗过敏也必须很小心地避 免 过敏原 或 引 起 过 敏 的 药物。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | In addition to removing the adenoids, it is also necessary to [...] treat the allergy very carefully through allergen avoidance [...]or medication. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
被讨论的这个基因编码是2S白蛋白(也叫Ber e 1过敏原), 用于提高饲用大豆的营养状况。 scidev.net | The gene in question, coding for the 2S albumin [...] (also known as the allergen Ber e 1), was [...]being used to improve the nutritional quality of soybeans for animal feed. scidev.net |
北京的确充斥着各种各样的过敏原, 但 是我能向您保证您的孩子绝对不是因为来到北京而“突然”出现过敏症状的。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Beijing has tons of allergens, but I can assure you that your child did not suddenly develop allergies. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
但可以肯定的是,一旦对某样物质过敏,之后每次接触相 同 过敏原 时 都会产生过敏反应。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Additionally, allergic reactions are consistent every time you encounter the same allergen. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
咳嗽主要是一个反射的机制,当我们的呼吸道受到外来的刺激的时候(感染,异物 , 过敏原 等 ) ,在气管壁粘膜上皮内的接收器发出了讯号,经迷走神经传导到位于延脑的咳嗽控制中心,然后经传出神经到声门和呼吸肌等处,引起一系列协调而有次序的动作。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Coughing is a reflex much [...] like sneezing or a knee jerk when gently tapped. When our respiratory tract encounters an irritant (infection, foreign object, allergies, etc.), the nerve [...]receptors inside [...]the lining of our airway send a signal to the cough control center of our brain. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
FCC 意识到了食物过敏原的问 题,但目前对于 (1) 阈值水平和 (2) 在很低水平检测过敏原的分 析方法的限制,迄今为止没有列入 FCC 各论中关于过敏原的规定。 usp.org | The FCC recognizes [...] the issue of food allergens, but current limitations regarding (1) the threshold levels and (2) the analytical methods to detect allergens at very low levels have thus far prevented the inclusion in FCC monographs of specifications related to allergens. usp.org |