

单词 过得


信得过 adj

reliable adj

过得去的 adj

decent adj

(时间)过得很慢 v

drag v


have a nice day

(经过努力)获得 v

secure v




without high ambitions, but getting by
satisfied just get through (idiom); to muddle through

External sources (not reviewed)

我们把父母的眼睛蒙上,然后带上父母出门去旅行,去一个我们曾经 过得 地 方 旅行。
We covered our parents’ eyes then took them out on a trip, to a place we had been before.
该报告还突出强调必须过得到改 善的职等结 构,征聘和挽留年轻专业人员;提议进行主动积极的 [...]
人员更替规划(不只是填补空缺),并要求行政首长协 调会人力资源网更积极地参与此事。
The report also highlighted the need to recruit and retain young
[...] professionals through an improved grade [...]
structure, proposed proactive succession
planning that went beyond merely filling vacancies and called for the CEB Human Resources Network to be more actively involved in the matter.
感谢宜人,气候温和,您可以在这 过得 愉 快,在一年的任何时间和城市也有一些美妙的中世纪,也有几个小教堂和博物馆美术学院与教会的圣Caprais的罗马式建筑值得一去的,5 Goyas的集合。
Thanks to its pleasant and mild climate you can enjoy your stay here at any time of the year and the city also has some wonderful medieval properties and there is also the church of St Caprais- a romanesque building with several chapels and the Musee des Beaux arts is worth going to, with a collection of five Goyas.
需要指出, 这一改革并不是一帆风顺的,改革的 过得 益 于其成员于 1995 年在北京召开的 第四次妇女问题世界会议及 1994 年在达喀尔召开的第五届非洲妇女地区大会两 次大会的预备会议中的积极参与。
Rather it was the result of the active participation of the Association’s members in the preparations for the Fourth World Conference on Women, in Beijing in 1995, and the Fifth African Regional Conference on Women, in Dakar in 1994.
食典委注意到,尽管因在步骤 3 拟议的 GSCTF 前言修订草案收到较晚而未传阅供 提出意见,但食品污染物委员会已提前将拟议的修订草案供在步骤 5/8 通过,省略了步骤 6 和 7,其过得到了执行委员会第六十二届会议的支持。
The Commission noted that although the proposed draft revision to the Preamble of the GSCTF had not been circulated for comments at Step 3 due to its late availability, the Committee on Contaminants in Foods (CCCF) had advanced the proposed draft revision for adoption at Step 5/8, with the omission of Steps 6 and 7, and that its adoption had been supported by the 62nd Session of the Executive Committee.
虽然发现两个机构报告的关于附件 A 第一类物质的数据相差 1.08 公吨,核查得 出结论是,报告的数据过得去的 可靠的,巴拿马 2006 年消费量是 45.68 ODP 吨(协定 允许的最高消费量的 69.2%),达到了履约要求。
While the data on Annex A Group I substances reported by the two agencies was found to differ by 1.08 metric tonne, the verification concluded that the data reported was reasonably reliable, and that Panama had met its compliance requirements for 2006 with a consumption of 45.68 ODP tonnes (69.2 per cent of the maximum allowable consumption in the Agreement).
我曾经非常荣幸地得过 Fulbright 研究基金,并且因此得以 在美国农业部研究院开展全职研究。
I was very pleased and honoured to be awarded a Fulbright Fellowship that allowed me to carry out full-time research at the US Department of Agriculture Research Institute.
这种论点即使后来经过判定属于无效,但是如果当时是根 据合理的理由提出的,还是会得过 战 时 法的规定。
Even if such an argument were judged to be invalid later, if it was taken on reasonable grounds at the time, it
[...] would pass jus in bello conditions.
然而它不愿对缅甸得 过紧, 以免危及到自身的军事、经济和能源利益。
However it is reluctant to push too hard for fear of jeopardising its military, economic and energy interests.
审计委员会还注意到收到供应商申请表、审查申请表以及在供应商数据库 中登记供应商所需的时间得过长的 情况。
The Board also noted instances of long delays in the lead times between the receipt of vendor application forms, the review of the applications and the registration of vendors in the vendor database.
当有一个或一个以上的选任职位须在同样条件下同时填补时,每一有权投票 的代表可在所投的票中选举与需填补的职位同数的候选人;在第一次投票中得 过半数 选票且得票最多的候选人当选,其人数 得 超 过 应 补 职位。
When one or more elective places are to be filled at one time under the same conditions, each delegation entitled to vote may cast a vote for as many candidates as there are places to be filled, and
those candidates, in a
[...] number not exceeding the number of such places, obtaining in the first ballot a majority of the votes cast and the largest number of votes [...]
shall be elected.
在割管器的每次旋转或钢锯的每 个行程中, 不要得过深。
Do not take deep cuts with [...]
each turn of the cutter or stroke of the saw.
(f) 通过培训和保留人才,扩大全面产科护理的范围,加强助产士和护士等 熟练保健人员的作用,以充分发挥她们作为 得过 的 产 妇保健服务提供者的潜力 以及在地方社区内部开展计划生育工作,扩大和提升为所有保健服务人员、健康 教育工作者和管理人员提供的正规和非正规保健和生殖保健及计划生育培训,包 [...]
(f) Expanding the provision of comprehensive obstetric care and strengthening the role of skilled health-care
providers, including
[...] midwives and nurses, through their training and retention in order to fully utilize their potential as trusted providers of maternal health-care [...]
services, as
well as expanding family planning within local communities and expanding and upgrading formal and informal training in sexual and reproductive health care and family planning for all health-care providers, health educators and managers, including training in interpersonal communications and counselling.
也许建立工会或 政党要求的人数更多,但是不应该将人数设 得过 高 , 使人们难以开展社团活动。
A higher number may be required to establish a union or a political party, but this number should not be set at a level that would discourage people from engaging in associations.
同样,尊重人权是保护个人和社会不会 得过 度脆弱的关键。
Likewise, observance of human rights will be critical to protect individuals and
[...] societies from excessive vulnerabilities.
得过半数 票的候选人少于应补缺额时,应再举行投票以补足余缺,所 表决的候 选人应限 [...]
于在前一次投票中得票最多的 候 选人,其人数 不得超 出应补足 余额一倍。
If the number of candidates obtaining such a majority [...]
is less than the number of places to be filled, additional ballots
shall be held to fill the remaining places, the voting being restricted to the candidates obtaining the largest number of votes in the previous ballot, in a number not exceeding twice the number of places remaining to be filled.
他指出,亚太经社会在类似举措中 得过 成 功 经验,因 而完全能够在这一领域发挥领导作用。
He noted that ESCAP, in the light of its successful experience with similar initiatives, was in a good position to take the lead in that area.
得注意 的是,本办事处在教育领域开展的计划主要关注以下战略支助领域,所有这 些都直接回应肯尼亚教育部门支助计划(KESSP)所载的战略和成果,教育部门计划实现 《2030 年展望》:过教育 管理信息系统加强规划、监测和评估教育系统;加强教育部门 以应对艾滋病毒和艾滋病;提高教育促和平计划的质量;以及 过 宣 传 和技术支持战略规划 来加强扫盲发展。
It is noteworthy that programmes implemented by the Office in the area education focused on the following strategic areas of support, all directly responding to strategies and results contained in Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP), the education sector’s plan to materialize Vision 2030: strengthening the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the education system through EMIS; enhancing the education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; improving the quality of education for peace programme; and strengthening literacy development through advocacy and technical [...]
support to strategic planning.
为“国际言论自由交流网”提供资金, 使 得过 渡 转型中的国家以及发展中国家都能参 [...]
Financial support was provided to IFEX to enable its members from
[...] countries in transition and developing [...]
countries to participate in its annual
congress in Azerbaijan and to hold training workshops on ICTs and freedom of expression.
2.1 申诉人于1984年2月7 日生于沙特阿拉伯利雅得,但他从未 得过 沙 特阿 拉伯公民身份。
2.1 The author was born on 7 February 1984
[...] in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, but he never obtained Saudi Arabian [...]
覆盖百分比是很 难准确评估出来的,因此明智的做法是,不必 想法设法在评估方面得过于精确。
It is difficult to make an accurate assessment of the % coverage and it is advisable not to try to be too precise with the estimation.
各国应确保提供此类援助的律师在被贩运 者――包括儿童――权利方面得过 充 分 的培训,并与侵犯人权行为的受害者进行 有效的沟通。
States should ensure that lawyers providing such assistance have received adequate training in the rights of trafficked persons including children, and in effective communications with victims of human rights violations.
但是,如果材料得过细会 产生比粗粉颗粒更难溶解的小球或颗粒,因为粗粉颗粒在浸入水中时会更快地分离。
[...] material, which is milled too finely, will [...]
produce pellets or granules that are difficult to dissolve compared
with pellets made from coarser powders, which fall apart more quickly when immersed in water.
实施和保持制裁的国家和 组织把制裁与具体的改革或为民主进行的更广泛斗
[...] 争联系在一起,但他们并未有效传达这个概念,也 就从未得过南部 非洲地区对于这个概念的支持。
Those who have imposed and maintained them have not communicated their concept
effectively, as linked to specific reforms or the broader struggle for democracy,
[...] and have never gained regional support [...]
for them.
将端塞重新安装到端塞支架中,轻轻拧紧固定螺钉,注意不要 得过 紧。
Re-install the end plug in the end plug holder and lightly tighten the set screws being careful not to over tighten the set screws.
我们得过无数 的产品和设计奖项,包括:CES 创新奖、iF 产品设计奖、红点移动精选最佳配件奖、T3 金奖和 [...]
CNET 编辑推荐奖。
We have received numerous product and design awards, including [...]
the CES Innovation, the iF product design award, a Red Dot
Mobile Choice Best Accessory, the T3 Gold award and CNET Editor’s Choice.
秘书长在 1994 年依照第 47/218 B 号决议提交大会的报告中指出,对联合国
[...] 和提供装备的国家而言,确定补偿会员国向维持和平特派团提供特遣队所属装备 的费用的程序已得过于繁琐。
In his report submitted to the General Assembly in 1994 pursuant to resolution 47/218 B, the Secretary-General indicated that the procedures for determining reimbursement to Member States for contingent-owned
equipment (COE) provided to
[...] peacekeeping missions had become overly cumbersome, both [...]
to the United Nations and to equipment-contributing countries.
履行与欧洲联盟签署的临时《稳定与结盟协 定》的义务将能够显示对于欧盟一体化进程的承诺, 是申请加入成为成员的让人得过的 做 法的一项主 要内容,并能使波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那避免在加入欧 洲联盟问题上进一步落在该地区其他国家的后面。
The fulfilment of the obligations under the Interim Stabilization and Association Agreement with the European Union would demonstrate commitment to the EU integration process, be a key element for a credible membership application and avoid Bosnia and Herzegovina falling further behind the region on its way towards European Union accession.
很多人认为,现在的专利标准,尤其是美国的专利标准 得过 低, 以致于很多微不足道的发明都被授予了专利;或者,由于专利检验员的工作压力太大,授 [...]
Many argue that the standards of patenting, particularly in
[...] the US, have been excessively lowered so that [...]
too many patents are issued for inventions
that are trivial; or, because of pressures on patent examiners, too many patents are issued that will not prove valid in the courts if challenged.52 The problem in the US has been described thus
13 “如果一个人不知道一项制度......是好是坏,最安全的‘政策结论’ 得过 且 过 , 如果 已实行很长时间,那就继续实行,如果一直没有实行,那就不实行。
If one does not know whether a system…is
good or bad, the safest “policy
[...] conclusion” is to muddle through – either with it, [...]
if one has long lived with it, or without
it, if one has lived without it.




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