

单词 过度关怀

See also:


going too far

过度 adj

extravagant adj


attentive to
concerned about
show care for

External sources (not reviewed)

支持他度过这 个过程是姑息关怀的一部分。
Supporting them through this process is part of palliative care.
过努力调停冲突和从事儿童工作,他 以身作则,而指导他这一切的是他的正义感和强烈的 同情心以及对人类关怀。
Through his efforts at conflict mediation and his work with children, he led by example, guided by his sense of justice and his deep compassion and caring for his fellow human beings.
孟加拉国从怀疑过《不 扩散核武器条约》(不 扩散条约)仍然是核不扩散度的基 石,也是寻求实 现核裁军和和平使用核能的根本基础。
Bangladesh never had any illusion about the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
[...] remaining the cornerstone of the nuclear non-proliferation regime or the essential foundation for the pursuit of nuclear [...]
and for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
许多口腔疾病可以过良好的口关怀、保 持口腔润湿和快速治 疗感染来加以预防。
Many problems with the mouth may be prevented by good mouth care, keeping the mouth moist and treating infections quickly.
富裕且强大的国家 继续在决定国关系的 性质与方向上发挥 过度 的 影 响,包括经济和贸关 系, 以及管理这些关系的规则,其中很多规则以牺牲发展中国家为代价。
The rich and powerful countries continue to
[...] exercise an inordinate influence in determining the nature and direction of international relations, including economic and trade relations, as well as the rules governing these relations, many of [...]
which are at the expense of developing countries.
Gozolo”的三项基础运作流程:首先,请亲友代为照顾被遗弃儿童或孤儿,让其感受到家庭的爱 关怀 ; 其 次,为他们提供校服及每月粮食;第三, 过 教 育 和缝纫与运动等娱乐休闲活动,让他们学到一技之长。
Gozolo operates on three basic principles: firstly, to return love to the lives of abandoned or orphaned children by placing them
in extended families,
[...] secondly, to provide them with monthly food parcels and school uniforms, and thirdly, to empower them through education and [...]
recreational activities like sewing and sport.
有证据表明,一些儿童由于担心投诉会遭报复以及 对申诉程序的效力怀疑态度,没 有报告在 关 押 期 间遭受虐待的情况。
There is evidence that some children do not report incidents of ill treatment while in custody, owing to concerns about repercussions for making such complaints, and doubts about the effectiveness of the complaints process.
显然,这可能是由于建筑物度过大 、 建筑物样式的趋同和单调、公共场所和 福利设施缺乏、基础设施不足、严重的贫困现象、社会隔绝以及与气候 关 的 灾害风险加大等因 素造成的。
Notably, this may
[...] be due to excessive building density, standardized and monotonous buildings, loss of public space and amenities, inadequate infrastructure, debilitating poverty, social isolation, and an increasing risk of climate-related disasters.
然而,在这一案件中,令人度怀疑 这 些恐怖集 团利用了从联合国关机构 获取的情报,包括安全理 事会的制裁名单以及国际原子能机构(原子能机构) 与我国核科学家进行的面谈,从而确定并实施其邪恶 行动的。
In this case, however, there is high suspicion that those terrorist circles used intelligence obtained from United Nations bodies, including the sanctions list of the Security Council and interviews carried out with our nuclear scientists by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to identify and carry out their malicious acts.
因此克莱门特,在致力于教会照顾他父亲 关怀 , 努 力医治在科林斯纠纷和团结的原则,坚持和服从权威,尽量有利于和平,伊格内修,在他的感谢热情的各教会安慰他途中殉难,发回的确认信,反对当时的异端与告诫和嘱托,充满 度 的 精神保持在提交信仰团结的主教;波利卡普,依纳爵在腓立转发信件,发送,如遇到要求,普通信函的建议和鼓励。
Thus Clement,
[...] in paternal solicitude for the Churches committed to his care, endeavours to heal a dissension at Corinth and insists on the principles of unity and submission to authority, as best conducive to peace; Ignatius, fervent in his gratitude to the Churches which solaced him on his way to martyrdom, sends back letters of recognition, filled with [...]
admonitions against
the prevailing heresy and highly spiritual exhortations to keep unity of faith in submission to the bishops; Polycarp, in forwarding Ignatian letters to Philippi, sends, as requested, a simple letter of advice and encouragement.
[...] 一部分的空间网络在这些位置上没有航天器,因此完全无法运作,如果中止未 使用的无线电空间站或者删除关提 议 ,那么地球静止轨 过度 拥 挤的情况将 会得到缓解,这将有益于该轨道的所有使用者。
The view was expressed that, with regard to the information contained in the above-mentioned conference room paper, a comparison of the nominal positions of radio space stations, known as “space networks” in the terminology of ITU, with actual positions of satellites had shown that a certain percentage of space networks had no spacecraft at those positions and thus were not able to operate at all, and that if the unused radio
space stations were
[...] suspended or the relevant proposals deleted, the overcrowding in the geostationary [...]
orbit would be lessened,
which would benefit all users of that orbit.
为此,计划所采取 的各项行动将两个基本因素的修正联系起来:一方面 过 信 息 、宣传和提高认识 来消除文化偏见,另一方面提供外部援助,包 关怀 、 咨 询和有助于加强妇女权 利的各种援助。
For this purpose, the basic aim of the initiatives is to remedy two
fundamental problems: one
[...] is cultural bias, to be remedied through information and awareness-raising; and the other concerns external support, to be remedied [...]
by means of support,
advice and assistance that reinforce women’s rights.
在这方面,墨西哥与过去在安理会所做的一样, 再次表示对过去 19 天来发生的暴力深关切,并谴 责以色列军队在加过度使用 武力以及哈马斯从加 沙地带向以色列领土发射火箭弹的行为,后者也造成 了平民人口的伤亡。
In this regard, as it has done before in the
Council, Mexico reiterates
[...] its deep concern about the violence unleashed over the past 19 days and condemns the Israeli army’s excessive use of force [...]
in Gaza, as well as
the launching of rockets into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip by Hamas, which has also resulted in deaths and injuries among the civilian population.
我同意委员会关于第17 条和第23条第1 款的裁决,但我也像奈杰尔·罗德 利爵士等人一样对委员关于潜在违反的其他裁决 怀 疑 态 度。
I agree with the Committee's findings in respect of articles 17 and 23 paragraph 1, but I share the doubts of Sir Nigel Rodley and others as to its other findings of potential violation.
过去的三十 年里,各国国家研究机构在国际农业研究咨询团体 关怀 下 , 在国际研究机构网络的支持 下,主要在公共部门开展了以上研究。
This process of research was largely conducted in the public sector by national research institutes, supported by a network of international research institutes, for the last thirty years under the umbrella of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).
论坛渔业局报告了几项活动:中西太平洋渔委 2008 年过关于小 岛屿发 展中国家和地区的愿望的决议;2008 年中西太平洋渔委通过维护国内发展利益的 措施;在 2009 年第二次金枪鱼区域渔业管理组织联席会议上促进发展中国家的 利益;以及确保南太平洋渔管组织公约促进论坛渔业局成员参与在公海从事跨界 鱼类种群和公海度洄游 鱼类种群渔业的机会。
FFA reported on several activities: the adoption by WCPFC in 2008 of the resolution on aspirations of small island developing States and territories; maintaining domestic development interests in measures adopted by WCPFC in 2008; promoting the interests of developing States at the second joint meeting of tuna regional fisheries management organizations in 2009; and ensuring that the SPRFMO [...]
Convention facilitated the participation
of FFA members in accessing straddling stocks and high seas fish stocks in the high seas.
Kim 先生接着强调了从 理论走向实践的重要性,以及为什么有理由对绩效挂钩薪资 怀 疑 态 度 ; 过去 1 0 年不断的组织结构调整,已使得雇员疲惫不堪而不是增强了权能,心态变得怀疑 [...]
Mr. Kim then emphasized the importance of looking beyond theory to
practice and why there were
[...] reasons to be sceptical about performance-related pay, while a decade of [...]
organizational restructuring
had created employees more exhausted than empowered, more cynical than self-renewed.
[...] Kui,音译)所说,北京三自教会委员会(Beijing Municipal Christian TSPM Committee)的主席代表首都的许多牧师和平民领袖发言,说:“ 过 去 九 十年里,中国共产党一方面密切联合国内各种国籍和生活阶层的人民,一方面从未停 关怀 和 照 顾中国的基督教......事实证明,中国共产党是真诚地对待及支持中国基督教的发展......中国基督教已经和中国共产党政府及中央人民政府建立稳定不变的共生互助关系,永远会和党及政府同心,走在同样的道路上。
According to the TSPM website, Cai Kui, chairman of the Beijing Municipal Christian TSPM Committee, spoke on behalf of the many pastors and lay
leaders in the capital,
[...] saying: "In the past 90 years, the Chinese Communist Party, while closely uniting people of various nationalities and various walks of life in China, has never stopped caring about and helping Chinese [...]
Christianity... Facts
have proven that the Chinese Communist Party is sincere in its treatment of and support for the development of Chinese Christianity... And Chinese Christianity has already formed a constant and changeless relationship of co-dependency and mutual aid with the Chinese Communist Party and the Central People's Government and will always be of one heart and on the same path with the Party and the government.
他的妻子鼓励他去想办法与他的妹妹沟通,让他告诉他的妹妹他 怀 念 过去 那种融洽关系,想得到她的帮助。
His wife supports him to find ways to express to his sister that he misses the bond they shared and needs her support.
这场辩论对于联合 国主要基金和计划署与各专门机构之间的区 关 注 较 少;经社理事会有少数成员似乎对专门 机构不仅在拟定准则和标准及政策咨询等方面,而且在国家一级的具体业务活动方面仍可发 挥作用怀疑态度。
Relatively little attention
[...] was paid during the debate to the differences between the major United Nations funds and programmes on the one side, and the specialized agencies on the other; and few members of ECOSOC seem to have doubts with regard to the [...]
role still
to be played by the specialized agencies not only in upstream norm- and standard-setting and policy advice, but also in concrete operational activities at the country level.
有关渔业补贴的讨论一直着眼于改善环境管理和可持 续发展,谈判有两个关键部分:市场准入元素,以减少边境措施,主要 关 税壁垒;具体渔业部门的谈判,禁止和以其他方式惩戒扭曲贸易及助 过度 捕 捞 和能 力过剩的补贴。
Discussions on fishing subsidies have been oriented towards improved environmental stewardship and sustainable development and have had two key components: a market access element to reduce border measures,
mainly tariff barriers, and a fisheries
[...] sectorspecific negotiation to prohibit and otherwise discipline subsidies that distort trade and promote overfishing and overcapacity.
通过宣传优质教育,度政府在减少辍 学率方面的努力得到了支持,特别是通过发起一项对任职前教师和在职教师的培训方 案的审查,培训是过关于包 容性强的教育各个方面的大会和专家会议进行的。
GOI efforts in reducing school drop-out
rate is being supported through
[...] advocacy for quality education, notably by initiating a review of preservice and in-service teacher training programmes through conferences and expert meetings on various aspects of inclusive education.
过度关注国家认同、区域文化或跨国宗教和群体,如“伊斯兰与西方”,会 压制不那么显而易见的文化和少数民族的呼声,它们本有可能使现行对话更加丰 富多彩。
Excessive focus on national identities, regional cultures or transnational [...]
religions and constellations such as “Islam and
the West” lead to the silencing of less visible cultures and minority voices which might otherwise nuance ongoing dialogues.
这使得人们 再次对美国政关于打击国际恐怖主义承诺的严肃 度 表 示 怀 疑 , 这依然是其敌 视古巴政策中最不合理的一个方面。
This practice casts doubt once again on the seriousness of the United States Government’s commitment to combating international terrorism, and it remains one of the most irrational aspects of its policy of hostility towards Cuba.
能容纳1600人的“标准剧院”、未来感十足的“俱乐部33号迪斯科舞厅”、 过 1 0 0 0平 方米的“皇家棕榈娱乐场”、虚拟游艺机、电玩室,我们对乘客的 度关 注 尽显于“辉煌号”上各项精彩的娱乐活动和设施。
MSC Cruises’ uncompromising dedication to its passengers is nowhere more evident than the unrivalled entertainment
programmes and facilities
[...] offered on board MSC Splendida, with its state-of-the-art 1600 seat The Strand Theatre, futuristic Club 33 Disco and Royal Palm Casino with over 1000 square metres of casino gaming [...]
and Virtual World, video games room.
因此,这些缔约国必须做出具体努 力,确保所提供的每一内有或怀疑 内有地雷的雷区信息尽可能完备,即:包括 所确定的每一雷区的名称、确切的地理位置、面积、该雷区布设的杀伤人员地雷 数量估计、清过的地带、使雷区不再构成危险而采取的措施、销毁的杀伤人员 地雷数量、地带清除完毕的日期以及仍待清除的雷区面积。
Accordingly, these State parties must make a particular effort to ensure that the information they provide on
each area that contains
[...] mines or is suspected to contain mines is as comprehensive as possible, i.e. that it includes the name of each area identified, its precise geographical location, its size, the estimated quantity of anti-personnel mines emplaced in the area, the area of land released, the methods [...]
used to make the
area non-hazardous, the quantity of anti-personnel mines destroyed, the date of land release and lastly the size of the area still to be cleared, if applicable.
对女孩教育权利和家庭成员中的平等认识不足,以及对少女的健康风险 认识不足;在性别作用方面,社区长者、地方教师和政治领导人缺乏正面的领 导;在全国学校课程中,没有关妇 女 权利和性别平等的教育,而却存在在学校 里进行强迫怀孕测试或其他加强性别规范的政策;直接歧视妇女与女孩或者对 她们有极大不利影响的国家立法;造成早婚和怀孕的经济压力;或上述各项综 合。
For example, if gender norms reinforce early pregnancy, there may be lack of awareness of girls’ rights to education and equality among family members and of the health risks of pregnancy for young adolescents; lack of positive leadership by community elders, local teachers and
political leaders regarding
[...] gender roles; lack of education regarding women’s rights and gender equality in national school curricula, coupled with forced pregnancy testing in schools [...]
or other policies
that reinforce gender norms; national legislation that directly discriminates against women and girls or has a disproportionate adverse impact on them; economic pressures that contribute to early marriage and pregnancy; or a combination of the above.
他们还讨论了达到以下目标的战略:发展儿童与家长和照顾者之间安全、 稳定和有利于成长的关系;促进儿童和青少年的生活技能;减少酒精、枪支和刀
[...] 具的提供和有害作用;促进两性平等和克服助长暴力的文化和社会规范;支持确 认关怀和支助受害人的方案。
They also addressed strategies aimed at developing safe, stable and nurturing relationships between children and their parents and caregivers; promoting life skills for children and adolescents; reducing the availability and harmful use of alcohol, guns and knives; promoting gender equality and
overcoming cultural and social norms that support violence; and supporting victim
[...] identification, care and support programmes.




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