

单词 过失的


(轻微的) 过失 n

slip n

See also:



miss v

External sources (not reviewed)

在将诽谤归为民过失的国家 ,所施加的经济处罚必须与诽谤所造成的伤 害完全相称,并受到法律限制。
In countries where defamation is
classified as a civil tort, the financial sanctions
[...] imposed must be strictly proportionate [...]
to the harm caused and limited by law.
根据行政指示(“工作人员重过失的 经 济责任”)(ST/AI/2004/3)规定的 程序,确立了财务问责制。
The administrative instruction on financial responsibility of staff members for gross negligence (ST/AI/2004/3) provides the procedures under which financial accountability is established.
本条款的规定,可以被判定为故意的行为,也可以被判定 过失的 行 为
A violation of this Article may be based on either intentional or negligent conduct by the Athlete.
环境调查机构的观察员敦促中国考虑采用替代技 术,在制冷和空调行业采用 HFC-410a 以及在泡沫塑料用途中采用 HFC-245fa,以避免继 续过失的技术方面进行投资。
The observer for the Environmental Investigation Agency urged China to consider alternative technologies to the use of HFC-410a in the RAC sector and HFC-245fa in foam applications in order not to invest in outdated technologies.
在有些情况下,尤其在涉及管理不善的情况下,采用其他一些救济办法可能更 为合适,例如罢免犯过失的董事 并限制管理层对重整的参与。
In some cases, particularly where misfeasance of management is involved, other remedies might more appropriately be employed, such as removing the offending directors and limiting management participation in reorganization.
恢复性司法涉及受害人与犯罪人举行会面,受害人 可以指出其需要,犯罪人可主动承担弥 过失的 责 任
Restorative justice involves a meeting between the victim and offender, where victims can identify their needs and offenders can take responsibility for putting things right.
本保修仅适用于出厂材料及工艺缺陷,而不适用于以下原因或缘由导致的缺陷或损坏情形:(a) 储存不当或安装与操作错误;误用或滥用;事故或疏忽 (b) 接触到任何液体;(c)
[...] 使用产品或附件用于商业目的或以非正常条件使用产品或附件;或是 (d) 其它非 GN 过失的行为,包括因 GN 合作伙伴导致的问题。
This Warranty only applies to defective factory material and factory workmanship and does not cover defects or damages caused by or attributable to (a) improper storage or faulty installation and operation; misuse or abuse; accident or neglect, (b) contact with any liquid, (c) use of the product or accessories for commercial purposes, or subjecting the product or accessories to improper or
abnormal usage or conditions, or (d) other acts
[...] which are not the fault of GN, including [...]
matters attributable to a GN Partner.
二、灭失或损坏的原因或原因之一不能归责于托运人本 的过失 或 第 三十四 条述及的任何的过失的,免 除托运人的全部或部分赔偿责任,但托运人违反第 三十一条第二款和第三十二条对其规定的义务所造成的灭失或损坏,不在此列。
2. Except in respect of loss or damage caused by a breach by the shipper of its obligations [...]
pursuant to articles 31, paragraph
2, and 32, the shipper is relieved of all or part of its liability if the cause or one of the causes of the loss or damage is not attributable to its fault or to the fault of any person referred to in article 34.
儿基会和其他行为体开展协调一致的宣传工作,以制定另类方法使犯有过 失的儿童免受拘押且使其免于进入正式司法系统,其效果尚不明显。
Concerted advocacy efforts by UNICEF and other actors for the creation of alternatives to detention and diversion of children with minor offences from the formal justice system are yet to have a tangible impact.
人民权利监察员办公室5 会对宪法赋予公民的各项基本权利和保障的保护情
[...] 况进行监督,并通过各种手段和途径(包括:对公职人员的行为 过失的 非 管 辖 性控制),督促公职人员充分尊重人权方面的国际公约和相关法律所规定的、公 [...]
The Office of the Ombudsman5 has been established to ensure protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution
and in international human rights treaties
[...] and legislation through a non-judicial [...]
review of the deeds, acts or omissions of
public servants and providers of public services and through action to ensure observance of those rights.
即便是在将诽谤归为民过失的国家 ,对诽谤行为施加的经济处罚也可能 过高和过重,可能使小型和独立媒体破产,并对全国媒体自由造成负面后果。
Even in countries where defamation is classified as a civil tort, the financial sanctions imposed may be high and disproportionate, which can bankrupt small and independent media and have adverse consequences on media freedom in a country.
联合王国 认为,加沙危机——我经过深思熟虑采用危机一词— —是对我们各国长期以来未能实现两国解决办法的 集过失的指控,而两国解决办法是为以色列和巴勒 斯坦人带来安全与公正的唯一希望。
The United Kingdom believes that the crisis — and I use that word advisedly — in Gaza is an indictment of the collective failure of all of us, over a long period, to bring about the two-State solution, which offers the only hope for security and justice for Israelis and Palestinians alike.
三、托运人根据本条被免除部分赔偿责任的,托运人仅对因其本 的过失或 第三十四条述及的任何的过失所造 成的那部分灭失或损坏负赔偿责任。
3. When the shipper is relieved of part of its liability pursuant to this article, the
shipper is liable only
[...] for that part of the loss or damage that is attributable to its fault or to the fault [...]
of any person referred to in article 34.
评注将解释,担保交易法可笼统规 定,对登记处用户由于登记处工作人 的过失 、 严 重过失或故意行为而遭受的 损失或损害,登记处工作人员负有赔偿责任,也可针对具体指明的情形(举例 说,登记处工作人员把以纸质通知提交的信息错误地输入登记处记录)规定登 [...]
The commentary will explain
[...] that secured transactions law may foresee liability of registry staff for loss or damage suffered [...]
by a registry user
as a result of negligence, gross negligence or wilful conduct on the part of the registry staff in general or in the case of specified situations (for example, information submitted in a paper notice was entered erroneously into the registry record by the registry staff) or that the registry staff are exonerated from any liability, or, alternatively, the matter may be left to general law.
如果一个纳税人遭受了 损失,他可以在接下来的五年内在利润中减 去这些损失后纳税,但是可减失的 数 额不 能过一年损失的50%。
If a taxpayer incurs a loss, he can reduce the profit in
next following five years by the
[...] amount of this loss, but the reduction cannot be higher than 50% of the loss in one year.
[...] 间碎片减缓准则》和《关于在外层空间使用核动力源的原则》应当在如《空间 物体所造成损害的国际责任公约》所 的 “ 过失 ” 这 一概念的定义中得到适当 考虑。
The view was expressed that, regarding liability resulting from any damage caused by space debris, the Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines of the Committee and the Principles Relevant to the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space should be given
adequate consideration in the definition
[...] of the notion of “fault”, as contained in [...]
the Convention on International Liability
for Damage Caused by Space Objects.
如果没有发现重的过失或重大的疏忽,那么运动员 摄入禁用物质的方式,无意的还是有意的,也许只能影响到他们接受惩罚的时间长短而 已。
The manner in which the substance was ingested by the athlete, inadvertently or otherwise, might only impact on the length of the sanction imposed if no significant fault or negligence can be demonstrated.
请 报告与这类登记工作相的过失或渎 职情况;请提供资料,说明采取了哪些措施 [...]
Please report on
[...] any cases of negligence or abuse in connection [...]
with such registration; include information on the measures
taken to ensure compliance and those sanctioned for failure to complete these documents properly.
确定了 5 类根本原因:在如何查明和管理风险方面缺乏指导;缺乏充分规划,导致无法预 见可能出现的风险;管理部门对内部控制的运作缺乏监督;工作人员和管理部的过失引起 的风险,包括对政策和指导的错误解释;以及缺乏确定和管理风险所 需资源。
Five underlying causes were identified: a lack of guidance on how to identify and manage risks; a lack of adequate planning, leading to failure to foresee likely risks; a lack of monitoring by management of the functioning of internal controls; risk due to error on the part of staff or management, including misinterpretation of policy and guidance; and a lack of resources to identify and manage risks.
[...] 件表明,取消一方当事人指定仲裁员的权利是一项严重的决定,应以仲裁一方 当事的过失行为 以及对具体事实的调查为基础作出该决定,而不应拘泥于已 [...]
The of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules show that depriving a party of its right to appoint an arbitrator is a
serious decision, one which should be
[...] taken based on the faulty behaviour of a [...]
party to the arbitration and on the basis
of a fact-specific inquiry and which should not be subject to defined criteria.
上述限制不适用于符合以下条件的任何信息:(i) 并非因接收的过失而公 开披 露的信息;(ii) 已经由接收方合法拥有并且不属于披露方保密义务范围内的信息;(iii) [...]
接收方已从 拥有明显善意的信息披露权利的第三方处获得的信息;或者 (iv)
接收方依据有管辖权的法院颁布的 指令或有效的行政传票而有义务提供的机密信息,但前提是接收方将此类法庭指令或传票及时通知 披露方。
The foregoing restrictions do not
apply to any information that (i) is
[...] publicly disclosed through no fault of the [...]
receiving party, (ii) is already lawfully
in the receiving party’s possession and not subject to a confidentiality obligation to the disclosing party, (iii) becomes known to the receiving party from a third party having an apparent bona fide right to disclose the information, or (iv) is Confidential Information that the receiving party is obligated to produce pursuant to an order of a court of competent jurisdiction or a valid administrative subpoena, provided receiving party supplies disclosing party with timely notice of such court order or subpoena.
过 50%的失学儿 童生活在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区,近 21%生活在南亚和西亚。
Over 50 per cent of all out-of-school children live in sub-Saharan Africa; nearly 21 per cent live in South and West Asia.
其他三个正处于论文形式:一个道德和礼仪的使用说明书十二使徒遗训;的“牧羊人”,是熏陶,在表格世界末日的书,是一个教会,她的孩子和他们的代 的过失 寓 言 需要忏悔;的“世博会”的帕皮亚,一对福音训诂评注。
The other three are in the form of treatises: the Didache, a manual of moral and liturgical instruction; the "Shepherd", a book of edification, apocalyptic in form, is an allegorical representation of the Church, the faults of her children and their need of penance; the "Expositions" of Papias, an exegetical commentary on the Gospels.
索赔人证明,承运人或第十八条述及的 的过失 造 成、促成了承运人所 依据的事件或情形;或
( a ) If the claimant
[...] proves that the fault of the carrier [...]
or of a person referred to in article 18 caused or contributed
to the event or circumstance on which the carrier relies; or
同样,决议草案拟议了许许多多妨碍银行业务和阻碍其他商业的措施,根本 不是源自对厄立特里的过失或“ 应加惩罚的罪行”进行可信的调查的结果。
In the same vein, the plethora of banking impediments and other commercial encumbrances proposed in the draft resolution do not emanate from credible findings of Eritrea’s misdemeanour or “punishable offenses”.
委 员会注意到缔约国的论点,即所谓被侵犯的权利过去和现在仍然受到《公约》保 护,且格拉斯刑事法院未提及与所谓法国当 过失 有 关 的 任 何 理由。
The Committee noted the State party’s argument that the rights which had allegedly been disregarded had been and still were protected by the Covenant and that the ruling of the Criminal Court of Grasse made no mention of any allegation of omissions on the part of the French authorities.
我们必须认识到,所 有人类、所有生物以及我们这个星球的环境紧密相 联,而且,在这种相互依存的情况下,如果不采取必 要的防范措施,一些的所有活动 过失 将 对 世界的其他人产生影响。
We must understand that all human beings, all living creatures and the environment of our planet are interconnected, and that, in this
interdependence, all
[...] actions or omissions by some will have repercussions for others throughout the world if we do not take the necessary [...]
上述财务限制并不适用于重过失或 故 意不当行 的 索 赔 ,或某些特定领 域,如汽车和飞机事故;在这些方面,联合国已有商业保险安排,以应付人身伤 害或死亡的第三方索赔。
The above financial limitations do not apply to claims of gross negligence or wilful misconduct, or in particular areas, such as vehicle accidents and aircraft accidents, where the United Nations has made arrangements for commercial insurance to cover third-party claims for personal injury or death.
索赔人证明,本条第三款所列事件或情形以外的事件或情形促成了灭 失、损坏或迟延交付,且承运人无法证明,该事件或情形既不能归责于其本的 过失,也 不能归责于第十八条述及的任何 的过失。
( b ) If the claimant proves that an event or circumstance not listed in paragraph 3 of this article contributed to the loss, damage, or delay, and the carrier cannot prove
that this event or
[...] circumstance is not attributable to its fault or to the fault of any person referred to in article 18.
该法令第 2 条规定,“不得以如 下理由或任何其他法律未规定的理由剥夺任何学生进入教育机构的机会或从该 机构驱除:以的过失、怀 孕、行为或纪律、宗教、父母的婚姻状况、未着校服、 没有学习用品。
Under article 2 of the decree, “No pupil shall be denied access to or expelled from an educational
establishment on the grounds
[...] of previous failure, pregnancy, conduct or discipline, religion, parents’ civil status, absence of a uniform, non-possession of school supplies, or any other grounds not [...]
established by law.




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