单词 | 过后 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 过后 —after the eventExamples:过渡后 n—post-transition n 后续的解释过程—post-interpretive processes 通过事后—off-line
安理会第 1807(2008)号决议通过后,针 对刚果民主共和国政府的武器禁运被解除,后来只适用于所有非政府实体。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the adoption of resolution [...] 1807 (2008), the arms embargo was lifted on the Government of the Democratic Republic [...]of the Congo and subsequently only applies to all non-governmental entities. daccess-ods.un.org |
袭击过后,包 括全部八名子女在内的全家只得出逃,向市里要求另外提供永久性 的容身之所。 daccess-ods.un.org | After this attack, the family, including all eight children, [...] had to flee the house and seek permanent alternative accommodation from the municipality. daccess-ods.un.org |
有人表示,在富钴铁锰结壳规章通 过后 , “ 区域内”的所 有三大类矿藏都将涵盖其中,管理局应对这些资源的开发进行有限度的初步研 究。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was stated [...] that, with the adoption of the regulations [...]regarding cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts, all three significant [...]categories of mineral deposits in the Area would be covered and the Authority should conduct a limited preliminary study on the exploitation of those resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
项目简介: 这个引擎的核心是能够捕获一个线程的执行状态并 在 过后 恢 复 它. javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: The engine core is able to capture the execution state [...] of a thread and resume it later . javakaiyuan.com |
台风“宝霞”过后,龙 龙(即巴托洛梅)被诊断出患有全身营养性水肿,这是严重急性营养不良(SAM)的一种症状。 unicef.org | After Typhoon Bopha, Longlong, as [...] Bartolome is known, was diagnosed with kwashiorkor, a nutritional oedema affecting his [...]whole body that is one of the signs of severe acute malnutrition (SAM). unicef.org |
风暴过后,马 德修米达的父母收拾了所剩无几的家当,一家九口人搬到了位于森德班三角洲戈萨巴镇的一个泥筑堤岸上。 unicef.org | After the cyclone, Madhumita's [...] parents collected the little that remained of their household effects and moved the family [...]of nine to a nearby mud embankment in Gosaba, in the Sunderbans delta. unicef.org |
所需经费增加的主要原因是:(a) 地震后为新办公室和宿舍购置了预制设 [...] 施、水净化和空调设备、杂项办公设备以及备件和用品;(b) 增购了发电机, [...] 以支持境内流离失所者营地以及安全理事会第 1908(2010)号决议通过后立即部 署的新特遣队中的电力供应;(c) [...] 为运送更多设备到海地增购了海运集装箱; (d) 柴油的平均费用增至每升 0.60 [...] 美元,而预算编列的费用为每升 0.47 美元; (e) 在没有得到稳定团的法律审查结果之前处理稳定团燃料供应商以往索赔预 计所需费用;(f) 地震后在船上为工作人员提供住所的所需经费。 daccess-ods.un.org | The additional requirements resulted primarily from: (a) the acquisition of prefabricated facilities, water purification and air conditioning equipment, miscellaneous office equipment, and spare parts and supplies for the new offices and accommodation as a result of the earthquake; (b) the acquisition of additional generators to support power supply in internally displaced persons camps as [...] well as for new contingents deployed [...] immediately following the adoption of Security [...]Council resolution 1908 (2010); (c) [...]the acquisition of additional sea containers for the shipment of the additional equipment to Haiti; (d) the increase in the average cost of diesel fuel to $0.60 per litre compared to the budgeted cost of $0.47 per litre; (e) projected requirements for the settlement of past claims by the Mission fuel supplier, pending the outcome of the Mission legal review; and (f) requirements to provide staff accommodation on a naval vessel following the earthquake. daccess-ods.un.org |
之所以能开展这些行动的原因在于,人们越来越认 识到有必要在危机过后的复 苏工作中创造就业机 会,发展私营部门并扩大工发组织在这方面的作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such activities stemmed from the growing consensus on the importance of employment generation and private sector development in postcrisis recovery efforts and the need for an expanded UNIDO role in that regard. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管外交部修改过后的强硬立场可能避免了遭受来自政 府内部的批评,但修订后的声明招来了韩国、日本、美 国和东盟国家的谴责。 crisisgroup.org | While taking a firmer stance probably avoided criticism of the ministry from within the government, the revised statement prompted criticism from South Korea, Japan, the U.S. and ASEAN countries. crisisgroup.org |
预测的依据为下述假设:PCT 申请量在金融危机对其的影响期过后 将 恢复到危机前的发展 趋势。 wipo.int | The following assumption serves as the basis of the [...] forecast: PCT filings will return to their [...] original trends after the period when financial [...]crisis had an impact on them. wipo.int |
教科文组织将依靠其在自然科学、社会科学及人文科学、教育、自然和文化遗产、公 [...] 众宣传和传媒方面的部门能力,推动在前期建立气候变化数据库,而且 通 过后 期 的 落实环 节,特别在国家一级将这些知识转化为具体的行动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Building on its sectoral competencies in the natural and social and human sciences, the fields of education, natural and cultural heritage, public awareness and the media, UNESCO will contribute to building in an upstream [...] manner the knowledge base of climate change, and [...] to promoting through a downstream [...]delivery chain its translation into specific [...]interventions, especially at the country level. unesdoc.unesco.org |
经后者再次通过后,该法律草案将获得批准,如果总统 签署了议案,那么草案就具有法律效力,并且将在五天内予以公布。 daccess-ods.un.org | If approved by the executive authority, the bill is promulgated as law and published within five days. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会又请秘书长改进第一部分的 格式,更好地体现较长期的目标,并重申委员会应按照其职权范围、《方案规划、 [...] 预算内方案部分、执行情况的监测和评价方法的条例和细则》和大会有关决议, [...] 在规划和预算编制过程中履行与方案有关的职责时,继续对两年期方案计划 通过 后核准 的新的和(或)订正的任务规定中与方案有关的内容,以及两年期方案计划 [...] 同拟议方案预算中与方案有关的内容之间可能出现的任何差异进行审查。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee requested the Secretary-General to improve the format of part one and the reflection of the longer-term objectives therein and reaffirmed that the Committee should, in performing its programmatic role in the planning and budgeting process, continue to review the programmatic aspects of the new and/or revised mandates approved subsequent to [...] the adoption of the biennial programme [...] plan, as well as any differences that may [...]arise between the biennial programme plan [...]and the programmatic aspects of the proposed programme budget, in accordance with its terms of reference, the Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation and the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
注释: JOB 显示滚过后,会显示出在 1000 psi (70 bar, 7 [...] MPa) 压力以上所喷涂的加仑数。 graco.com | NOTE: JOB scrolls past, then the number of [...] gallons sprayed above 1000 psi (70 bar, 7 MPa) displays. graco.com |
待到美国新政府上台且欧洲联盟和印度大 选过 后,多 哈回合或许就有了更强的政治任务,但这并 [...] 不意味着不能继续讨论其他未决问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Once the new Government was in place in the United [...] States and elections had been held in the [...]European Union and India, there might be [...]a stronger political mandate for the Doha Round, but that did not mean that deliberations could not continue on other unfinished issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
肯尼亚实现突破,通过了2011 年《公民身份和移徙法》, [...] 其中规定,自肯尼亚独立以来一直在该国居住的无国籍人在该法 通 过后 五 年 内可 以登记为公民。 daccess-ods.un.org | Kenya achieved a breakthrough with its 2011 Citizenship and Immigration Act, which provides that stateless persons who [...] have resided in Kenya since independence may register as citizens if they do so within [...] five years of the Act’s adoption. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们再次看 到,在第 1850(2008)号决议通过后不久,以色列非但 没有执行有关措施,为建设和平建立必要的信心和信 [...] 任,反而公然蔑视安理会、和平进程和所有法律规范, 对加沙地带发动野蛮战争,这正显示以色列不顾军事 行为与人类尊严的一切标准,制造灾难性的人道主义 和政治后果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, shortly after the adoption of resolution [...] 1850 (2008), and instead of implementing measures to build the confidence [...]and trust necessary for peacebuilding, we bore witness yet again to Israel’s blatant disrespect for the Council, the peace process and all legal norms, demonstrated by its savage war against the Gaza Strip, launched in disregard for all standards of military conduct and human decency and with disastrous humanitarian and political consequences. daccess-ods.un.org |
决议草案通过后,瑞 典(以属于欧洲联盟的联合国会员国,候选国克罗地亚、 [...] 前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国和土耳其,稳定与结盟进程国阿尔巴尼亚、波斯尼亚 和黑塞哥维娜、黑山和塞尔维亚,以及亚美尼亚、格鲁吉亚、冰岛、列支敦士登、 挪威、摩尔多瓦共和国和乌克兰的名义)代表发言解释立场(见 A/C.4/64/SR.9)。 daccess-ods.un.org | After the adoption of the draft resolution, [...] a statement in explanation of position was made by the representative of Sweden [...](on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the European Union, the candidate countries Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey; the stabilization and association process countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia; and Armenia, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) (see A/C.4/64/SR.9). daccess-ods.un.org |
着眼于此次危机过后的新 时期:利用各种贸易与投资手 段,推动实现具有包容性的和可持续的发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Looking beyond the crisis: trade and investment for achieving inclusive and sustainable development. daccess-ods.un.org |
为此,经社会有机会针对可如何使社会保障对各种风险和脆弱 性、以及对发展产生影响开展实质性讨论,从而引领各方着力推动从目前 的讨论转向经济危机过后的、更为长期的前景之上。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commission thus has an opportunity to engage in a substantive discourse on how social protection can have an impact on risks and vulnerabilities as well as on development, and thereby take a lead in shifting the current discourse to a longer-term perspective beyond the economic crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
商定结论通过后,匈 牙利观察员(代表欧洲联盟)、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国 [...] 观察员和罗马教廷观察员发了言。 daccess-ods.un.org | After the adoption of the agreed conclusions, [...] statements were made by the observers for Hungary (on behalf of the European [...]Union) and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), as well as by the observer for the Holy See. daccess-ods.un.org |
对菲律宾的其他影响 在财政上还没有数量统计:飓风过后 , 由 于亲人、财产和生计的丧失,该国的忧 郁症和自杀率大幅上升。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other impacts on the Philippines have not been financially quantifiable: the country’s depression and suicide rates have increased significantly following the hurricanes, due to the loss of loved ones, possessions and livelihoods. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过通过后台直接向潜在客户发送销售信,可以大幅度提高转化率。 javakaiyuan.com | through direct sales letter to send to potential customers , can significantly improve the conversion rate . javakaiyuan.com |
人类第一”组织与联合国合作实施了一些项目,为各种项目提供一系列 技能,总共捐助了 44 500 美元,其中包括:2010 年,海地地震后与联合国特 派团合作开展救灾活动;在 2010 年乌干达发生泥石流后,为联合国儿童基金会 (儿童基金会)Bulucheke 营地的难民提供医疗服务;2009 年,支助联合国近东 巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处 (近东救济工程处),在加沙地带分发紧急援助包; 2007 年的飓风过后,在孟加拉国 Rangabali 地区开展救灾工作;2005-2006 年 巴基斯坦地震过后,除 了为救灾信托基金捐款之外,还与联合国一道协调救灾 活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Humanity First has worked with the United Nations on a number of projects, providing a range of skills and contributing a total of $44,500 to various projects, including the following: in 2010, relief activities in collaboration with the United Nations mission following the earthquake in Haiti; following landslides in Uganda in 2010, medical services for refugees at the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) camp in Bulucheke; in 2009, support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) for the distribution of emergency aid packages in the Gaza Strip; relief efforts in Rangabali, Bangladesh, following the 2007 cyclone; and, in 2005-2006 following the earthquake in Pakistan, in addition to contributing to a trust fund for disaster relief, coordination of relief activities with the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
父母补助在从产假补助(怀孕假和产假)支付期 最 后 一 天 过后 的 第 二天开 始支付,支付到连产假补助天数在内的共 455 天。 daccess-ods.un.org | Payment of the parental benefit begins from the day following the last day of the period of payment of maternity benefit (pregnancy and maternity leave) and it is paid until 455 days are attained together with the days of the maternity benefit. daccess-ods.un.org |
据预计,苏丹政 府将在开发阶段过后,为 经常性费用提供资金,并通过国际机构和私营部门的合作伙伴取得 [...] 额外资金,而且参与国家可以为一项“核心基金”捐款,教科文组织也可为其提供支持,以 用于某些培训活动和研究金。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Subsequent to the developmental phase, [...] the government of Sudan is foreseen to provide funding for recurring costs, with [...]additional funding obtained through international agencies, partnerships with private sector, and a “core fund” to which participating countries could contribute funds and support from UNESCO for some training activities and fellowships. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在我国总统领导下,在有联东综合团和东帝汶政 府参加的高级别会议上,我们将继续研究联东综合团 [...] 撤离后时期,也就是 2012 年选举过后联合国警察可 能开始撤离的时期。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under the leadership of our President of the Republic, at high-level meetings involving UNMIT and the Government we will [...] continue to study the postUNMIT period, that [...] is, the period after the 2012 elections, [...]when UNPOL may start to withdraw. daccess-ods.un.org |
安理会还要求我在本决议通过后六周内,向安理会提出一份报告,说明局势 的发展、双方履行义务的情况以及我与双方及酌情与非洲联盟和其他相关区域组 [...] 织进行的接触。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Council also requested that I provide to it, no later than [...] six weeks after the adoption of the resolution, [...]a report on the evolution [...]of the situation, on compliance by both parties with their obligations and on my contacts with both parties and, as appropriate, with the African Union and other relevant regional organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,如果危机传播到 原来受影响较小的经济部门和国家,那么仍然有可能产生保护性措施;如果国家 拯救主导行业的结果导致保护“国家龙头企业”不被外国企业收购,那么危 机过 后可能会发生经济民族主义的新浪潮。 daccess-ods.un.org | Protectionist pressures, however, could still potentially arise from the spreading of the crisis to less-affected economic sectors and countries, and a new wave of economic nationalism could occur in the aftermath of the crisis, if the exit of the State from bailed-out flagship industries leads to the protection of “national champions” from foreign takeovers. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管如此,瑞士要回顾指出, 主席在《行动计划》通过后指出 ,若干成员国对以下问题表示了遗憾:《行动计 [...] 划》没有确保成员国对同行审议采取坚定行动;透明度的原则,尤其是信息共享 透明度原则未得到应有考虑;有必要通过一个更大胆、更严格并具约束力的行动 [...] 计划处理当前的全球核安全制度;《行动计划》是一份活的文件,必须加以进一 步发展、审查和更新。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, Switzerland would like to recall that [...] following the adoption of the Action [...]Plan, the Chairman stated that several Member [...]States had expressed their regret that the Action Plan did not ensure committed actions by the Member States regarding peer reviews; that the principle of transparency, especially regarding the sharing of information, was not given due consideration; that there was a need to address the current global nuclear safety regime through a more ambitious, stringent and binding Action Plan; and that the Action Plan was a living document that had to be developed further, reviewed and updated. daccess-ods.un.org |