

单词 过去分词

See also:

过去 n

past n
former n
history n

过去 adj

last adj
previous adj


(in the) past
go over
pass by

External sources (not reviewed)

这项补充性质那么,是最好的表达,而不是第二个实质性的,因为如果抵押自己的立场,而是由一个形容词 过去分词 s e s ar koméne,为。
This added nature, then, was best expressed, not by a second substantive, as if collateral in its position, but by an adjective or participle, as sesarkoméne.
去“和”一词后,食典委过了对 《商品标准格式》的拟议修正案(见本报告 附录 III)。
The Commission adopted the proposed amendments to the "Format [...]
for the Commodity Standards" with the above deletion of the
term "and" (see Appendix III to this report).
但是也有与会者指出,“优质教育” 词 有 过 于 宽泛之嫌,使得对结果进行评估或对 成果进行评价分困难 ,需要有一个公认的界定。
A few participants, however pointed to a danger that the term “quality education” tended to become too broad complicating any assessment of outcomes or measurement of results, and that an agreed-to definition was warranted.
3 该物质不是食物过敏原,且不包含食物过敏原,除非该已查明食物过敏原能够 通过随后的油脂加过程充分去除。
3 The substance should not be or contain a known food allergen, unless
the identified food
[...] allergen can be adequately removed by subsequent processing of the fat or oil for its intended use.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一 分 的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is
proposed, as the Section
[...] has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United [...]
Nations integrated
framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
教科文组织办事处中缺乏具有专业知识的国际工作人员, 过去 的 计划实施中 落下缺乏连续性的名声,在众多的教科文组织小规模经常方案活动中吸收一小 分 教 科 文组 织成员,所有这些并未使该国成为一个可进行大规模合作的合作伙伴。
The lack of professional international
[...] staff in the UNESCO office, its spotty reputation for programme delivery in the past, the absorption of its small number of staff in numerous small UNESCO regular [...]
programme activities,
did not make the country office a likely partner for larger-scale collaboration.
强烈敦促各国确保,任何供词,凡经确定是刑讯取得的,包括另一国人 员提供或获取的,除用作控告某人刑讯逼供获取该供词的证据外,在任何诉讼程 序中都不引作证据,并吁请各国考虑将此项禁令扩大适用于 过 残 忍 、不人道或 有辱人格的待遇或处罚而取得的词 , 确认 充 分 查 证 任何诉讼程序中引作证据的 供词,包括口供,是防范酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的保 障
Strongly urges States to ensure that no statement that is established to have been made as a result of torture is invoked as evidence in any proceedings, except against a person accused of torture as evidence that the statement was made, and calls upon States to consider extending that
prohibition to
[...] statements made as a result of other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and recognizes that adequate corroboration of statements, including confessions, used as evidence [...]
in any proceedings constitutes
one safeguard for the prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
但是一词句也经过了修改和更新,还 有一段新插入内容,即序言分第十 二段,其中注 意到联合国环境规划署(环境规划署)近期关于加 沙地带环境局势严峻的报告,并强调需要根据报告 中建议做好后续工作。
However, some amended and updated language had been included and one new paragraph had been inserted: the twelfth preambular paragraph, which took note of the recent report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) regarding the grave environmental situation in the Gaza Strip and stressed the need for follow-up of the recommendations therein.
反思委任统治和托管领土的这些尝试不一定要研 过去过分 强 调的各方面, 而是为了重点关注对现在和将来有用的经验。
A rethinking of those experiments of mandates
and trust territories does
[...] not need to go over such aspects, overworked in the past; it is here [...]
rather intended to focus on
the lessons left for the present and the future.
a. 为了对总的预算情况进行完整、有效的审议 过去分 开 提交执行局的文件如《在 允许范围内对拨款决议做预算调整的报告》和《执行情况统计表》现合并为一个 [...]
(a) For the purpose of a consolidated and efficient examination of the global budgetary situation, information
[...] customarily presented separately to the Executive [...]
Board, i.e. “Report
on budget adjustments authorized within the Appropriation Resolution” and “Management Chart” has been incorporated into one document.
他还向 2008 年 7 月在俄罗斯联邦雅库茨克举行的网 络空间语言和文化多样性国际会议的与会者 去 了 致 词 , 强调网络空间的语言和文化多样性 的重要意义,特别是考虑到教科文组织 2003 年过的《 普及网络空间及促进并使用多种语 言的建议书》。
He also sent a message to the participants in the International Conference on Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace, held under UNESCO auspices in
Yakutsk, Russian
[...] Federation, in July 2008, highlighting the importance of the issue of linguistic and cultural diversity in cyberspace, especially in view of the Recommendation concerning the Promotion and Use of Multilingualism and Universal Access to Cyberspace, adopted by UNESCO [...]
in 2003.
工作组商定如下:(a)为确保一致性,该章全部使用“投诉”一词,而不使 用“要求”;(b)第(3)款方括号内词 语 去 掉 方 括号后保留,依据的理解是该项 规定应结合第(6)款一起阅读,后者准许复议机构以保密为由否定要求公开进行 程序的权利;(c)第(3)款最后一句改为“提出证据,包括提出证人的权利”;(d) 第(7)款去掉方括号后保留,该款应当确保 分 透 明 度以及采购程序记录的完 整。
The Working Group agreed: (a) to use the term “complaint” rather than “claim” throughout the chapter to
ensure consistency; (b)
[...] to retain the words in square brackets in paragraph (3) without square brackets, on the understanding that the provisions were to be read together with paragraph (6) that would permit the review body to reject the right to request that the proceedings take place in public on the grounds of confidentiality; (c) to replace the final phrase of paragraph (3) with “the right to present evidence, including witnesses”; and (d) to retain paragraph (7) without square brackets, which should ensure adequate transparency [...]
and that the record of
the procurement proceedings would be complete.
双方的争执很少告上法庭:如果仅提出 去 有 问题 的 词 语 和 图片的要求不够,通常 过 采 取 法律行动的威胁就足以达到目的了。
The dispute rarely comes to trial - if a request to remove the
[...] offending word or image is not enough, the mere threat of legal action is usually sufficient.
这方面的一些经验教 训是:司法和包容各方的初期迹象至为重要,这些迹 象显示已过去分道扬 镳,但对变革时机的期望能够 进行管理;保持对于基本功能的重视;将安全同司法 改革联系起来;推行社区办法,例如联合国开发计划 署、政治事务部和世界银行支持的办法;制定能够让 [...]
边缘化青年受到尊重和提升他们地位的回归基本点 的创造就业方案;以及让妇女参与经济权能以及安全
Some lessons here are the importance of early signals on justice and
inclusion that signal a
[...] break with the past but manage expectations of the timing of change; maintaining a focus on basic functions; making the connections [...]
between security
and justice reform; pursuing community-based approaches, such as those supported by the United Nations Development Programme, the Department of Political Affairs and the World Bank; establishing back-to-basics job-creation programmes that give marginalized youth respect and status; and involving women in both economic empowerment and the hard areas of security and justice reform.
在定义这个组群的时候,我们尽可能尝试去避免那 过去分 类 方式上的缺陷,比 如 G7 国家或者更近一些提出的金砖四国 [...]
In defining this group, we have tried to avoid some of the pitfalls
[...] associated with past groups, such as the [...]
G7 or more recently the BRICs.
若有关词条写明了类号,则该词条将按最初提交的原文被包括在国际注册中,同时附上 说明,指出国际局认为词条过于含 混,不 便 分 类 (这项说明以后无法从国际注册簿中 删除)。
If a class number has been indicated for the term in question, the term will be included in the international registration as originally filed, with an indication stating
that, in the opinion of the IB,
[...] the term is too vague for the purposes of classification (this indication [...]
may not be deleted
from the International Register at a later stage).
过讨论 ,商定保持该款,取“当事人” 词 , 去 掉 “卖方”一词,并在 审议第 3 和第 4 条草案之后重新审议该款在《规则》中的位置问题。
After discussion, it was agreed to maintain the provision, choosing the term “parties” [...]
over “seller” and revisit the issue
of its location in the Rules after consideration of draft articles 3 and 4.
Sayyad 先生在此次讨论会上首先词,他 介绍 过去 几 十 年里在教科文组织与其非政府组织 合作伙伴合作关系的发展沿革以及重大转折点,特别是在联合国改革背景下的发展变化。
Mr Sayyad opened the discussion by describing the main developments and turning points in relations between UNESCO and its NGO partners over the past decades, in particular in the context of the United Nations reform process.
在各案件中,指定由 Byron(主审)、Kam 和 Joensen 法 官组成的同一审判分庭根据规则第 71 条之二审议该动议,该审分庭授权 通过 提取特别词来保全证据。
In each case, the same Trial Chamber designated to consider the motion pursuant to rule 71 bis, composed of Judges Byron, presiding, Kam and Joensen, authorized the preservation of evidence by special depositions.
例如,数分析伙伴收集并汇总关于以下内容的数据:我们网站的网页浏览量和网站点击数,查找我们网站时使用的搜索引擎和关 词 , 通 过 我 们 网站访问的链接、有关我们客户端的错误和中断信息以及类似信息。
For example, these partners gather and aggregate data on page views and clicks on our sites, the search engines and keywords used to find our sites, links accessed from our sites, error and crash information [...]
about our clients, and similar information.
因 此,设法在《实践指南》关于保留效果一节的导言 分 解 释这 一 词 的 意 义,是有 用的。
It would therefore be useful, at least, to endeavour to clarify the meaning of the term in the introductory section of the Guide to Practice covering the effects of reservations.
所有专家都一致认为必须从积极的角去构思保护词的含 义,也就是说它不仅意味着要致力于维持各种文化表达形式的存在,而 且要为它们的发展和繁荣创造必要的条件。
In fact all the experts agreed that “protection” must be understood in a positive sense, that is to say, not only in terms of preserving cultural expressions but also as creating the conditions in which they might develop and flourish.
无须多言,若要分析书目记录,我们要把这些关 分 解 成 不同的实例, Koohestani (2000) 基于这一假设进行研究分解出 14 种不同的实例(不同的版本,不同的副本,不同的编译, 译著,摘录,摘要,总结或文摘,简介,改编作品,词汇表,散文,评论和诠释,圣典注解 学,选集),每一个实例都可以过 专 用 词 汇 进 行定义,起索引的作用。
Koohestani (2000), who based her study on this assumption, identified 14 different instantiations (Different editions, Different copies, Different compilations, Translations, Extractions, Excerpts, Sumarries or abstracts, Guides, Adaptations, Glossaries, Essays, Critiques and hermeneutics, Annotations, Parts).
而且,如同第二句中的“同样”词 所 表 示的, 过 来 对 于 保留对之成立的其他当事各方来说也是如此。
And, as the word “likewise” in the second sentence indicates, [...]
the same is true conversely for the other parties with regard
to which the reservation is established.
经询问,咨询委员会获悉,过去 10 年间,人权高专办提供 服务的条约机构数量从 [...]
5 个增加到了 10 个;各条约机构年度会议的次数从 11 次 增加到 24 次;条约机构每年会议时间从 44 周增加到 73 周;条约机构的专家人 数也从 74 人增加到 172 人。
Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was
[...] informed that, in the past 10-year period, the [...]
number of treaty bodies serviced by OHCHR
had increased from 5 to 10; the number of the sessions held annually by treaty bodies from 11 to 24; the number of weeks in which treaty bodies hold sessions annually from 44 to 73; and the number of treaty body experts from 74 to 172.
世卫组织代 表原本在执行委员会中提出的改进现状的一种可能办法是考虑在章程第 9 条第二句中去“正常预算”词。
One possibility to improve the status quo (funding through the regular budgets of FAO and WHO) originally proposed by the WHO representative at the Executive Committee was to consider removing the reference to "Regular Budgets" in the second sentence of Article 9 of the Statutes.
维和特派团的警察分过去几年来已显著加 强,而且文职人员也被包括进来,特别是在法治领域, 它们都是帮助一个国家努力走向重新全面当家作主 和完全承担责任的不可或缺因素。
The police component of peacekeeping missions, which have dramatically increased in the past few years, and [...]
the inclusion of a civilian
capacity, particularly in the area of the rule of law, are indispensable to helping a country work towards resuming full national ownership and responsibility.
(6) 稍微改动了国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第 16 条的标题,在“援助或协 助”之前加上了“国家”词,以区 分 本 条 的标题与本条款草案第 14 条的标 题。
(6) The heading of article 16 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts has been slightly
adapted, by adding “by a
[...] State” to the words “aid or assistance”, in order to distinguish the heading [...]
of the present article
from that of article 14 of the present draft articles.
欧洲联盟呼吁针对贫困和艾滋病毒/艾滋病进 行更坚决的斗争,它们是剥夺权利的代 词 , 呼吁 以过必要 的规范性文书的方式更坚决地促进经 济、社会和文化权利,呼吁坚决谴责酷刑或其他残 [...]
忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇,呼吁更积极地支持 所有人权维护者,欧洲联盟对他们不顾巨大的危险
The European Union believed that a more determined effort
must be made to fight poverty and
[...] HIV/AIDS, which were synonymous with denial of rights; [...]
the economic, social and cultural
rights must be more vigorously promoted through legislation; torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment had to be firmly condemned; and all human rights defenders, whom it hailed for working in the face of considerable risk, should be strongly supported.




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