

单词 过劳死

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console n


External sources (not reviewed)

妇女 长期饱受暴力之害,在基于性别歧视和威胁环境下,处于“死囚牢笼,担心随时 可能被死”,过着在 惶惶不可终日的生活。
Women subjected to continuous violence and living
[...] under conditions of gender-based discrimination and threat are always on ―death row, always in fear [...]
of execution‖.
(i) 为原籍国潜在的移民工人提供了哪类法律援助信息(例如,在领事馆 或过劳务中介)?
(i) What types of information regarding legal
assistance are provided to potential migrant workers in their countries of origin (e.g. in
[...] consulates or through work agencies)?
叙 利 亚 指
[...] 出,以色列声称 没 有对个 人执过死 刑 , 但它却每 天 造 成成千 [...]
上 万 名 男 女和儿童死 亡 。
It noted that Israel claimed not to have
executed individuals, but said it has been
[...] responsible for the deaths on a daily basis [...]
of thousands of men, women and children.
巴西承认朝鲜与世界粮食计划 署的合作,承认朝鲜采纳了开发署的建议,但是认
[...] 为无论如何,朝鲜的人权状况仍旧令人担忧,尤其 是以下问题:非法逮捕、不人道的监禁条件、公开 执死刑、强迫劳动、 不尊重言论和结社自由。
Brazil recognized that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was cooperating with the World Food Programme and had renewed its contacts with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), but the human rights situation in that country was still a matter of concern, especially the arbitrary arrests,
inhumane conditions of detention, public
[...] executions, forced labour and lack of respect [...]
for the freedom of expression and association.
(c) 说明各地近期过法令,允许劳教 制度作为对“异常上访”案件进 行处罚的情况,以及近期有报告说,包括陈玉莲和刘嘉远在内的一些个人因实际 上访或被认为可能上访而受到警察虐待的情况。
(c) The recent decrees passed by localities permitting the use of the RTL system as punishment in cases of “abnormal petitioning” as well as recent reports that individuals, including Chen Yulian and Liu Jiayuan, were abused by police as a result of their actual or assumed status as petitioners.
约旦报告说,2010 年将提出一项减少死刑的修正法草案,对一些罪行的惩罚 将死刑改为强劳动情 况下的终身监禁。
Jordan reported that in 2010 a draft amendment law
[...] to reduce the death penalty would be introduced, replacing it with life imprisonment with compulsory labour for a number of crimes.
古吉拉特的婴死亡率在过去10 年中没有任何减少,而区域调查显示出营养不良影响了该地区45%的儿童。
Infant mortality rates have been stagnant for the last 10 years [...]
in Gujurat and regional surveys indicate that malnutrition
affects 45 per cent of the area’s children.
该军营是在埃塞俄比亚占领期间兴建,厄立特里亚将其用于关押战俘和埃塞 俄比亚部队的逃兵,同时还将其作为厄立特里亚各类囚犯(被判 死 刑 者 、被判劳役者)的劳教营地。
This camp, which was built during the Ethiopian occupation, is being used by the Eritreans to detain prisoners of war and deserters from the Ethiopian army; it is also being used as a camp for
the rehabilitation of various categories of Eritrean
[...] prisoners (including those sentenced to death and to hard labour).
(i) 协助撒哈拉以南非洲(SSA)的会员国对教师以及教育和行政干部的政策和师 资及干部教育进行结构性调整,以更好地为当前的国家发展目标服务,并逐
[...] 步引进指导方针和实践范例,以便迅速解决由于生老 死 、 失 去 劳 动 能 力或 者因为大中小学招生规模的不断扩大而需补充大量教师的问题
(i) assist Member States of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in restructuring national policy for teachers as well as educational and administrative supervisory staff, and education for teachers and supervisory staff so that such policy and education may better serve existing national development goals, and to phase in guidelines and good
practices for the quick replacement of
[...] large numbers of teachers lost through attrition [...]
or incapacitation, or needed because
of burgeoning numbers of enrolments in primary, secondary and higher education
委员会还保证缔约国过劳动监 察制度保证最低工 资标准得到切实执行。
The Committee also urges the State party
[...] to ensure, through its labour inspection system, [...]
that the minimum-wage standard is effectively enforced.
委员会促请缔约国在其下次定期报告 中载列过劳工检 查收集到的侵犯第七和第八条权利的统计数据和关于已立案的 [...]
The Committee invites the State party to include in its next periodic report statistics on
violations of rights in articles 7 and
[...] 8, as collected through labour inspections, as [...]
well as statistical data on registered
complaints, related investigations, findings and sanctions imposed.
例如,粮农组织已根据国家和区 域粮食安全方案框架在 30 多个国家实施了南南合作项目;国际民航组织正在实
[...] 以及在次区域一级开展民用航空培训;劳工组织 过劳 工 组 织/巴西合作伙伴关 系协定十分积极地促进开展有关童工问题的南南合作;粮食署支持在拉丁美洲开 [...]
和文化领域开展南南合作活动;人居署正在开展与水和环境卫生相关的南南合作 活动。
For instance, FAO has implemented SSC projects in over 30 countries within the framework of the national and regional programme for food security; ICAO is implementing SSC initiatives, inter alia, in the fields of flight safety, aviation security, prevention of the spread of communicable diseases and
civil aviation training at the
[...] sub-regional level; ILO is very active in promoting SSC [...]
on child labour through the ILO/Brazil
partnership agreement; WFP has supported SSC projects to fight hunger and under-nutrition in Latin America; UNESCO carries out SSC activities in education, sciences, communication/information and culture; and UN-HABITAT conducts SSC activities relating to water and sanitation.
人口基金的孕产妇、新生儿和生殖 健康干预措施,有助于减少由于残疾 过 早 死 亡 造 成的健康寿命年数的损失,有 利于实现更广泛的发展目标,包括提高教育、经济生产力和社会公平程度,并帮 [...]
UNFPA maternal, neonatal and reproductive health interventions help reduce the loss of
healthy years of life because of
[...] disability and premature death and contribute [...]
to the achievement of broader development
objectives, including higher levels of education, economic productivity, and social equity, and help lift families out of poverty.
[...] 法军事占领后建立的压迫、殖民和种族隔离制度的 恶果,也是造成包括妇女和儿童在内的平 死 伤、 过度使 用武力、法外处决、恐怖主义、任意拘留、 成千上万的民众流离失所、遭受骚扰以及家园和财 [...]
They arose from an illegal military occupation that was characterized by
oppression, colonization and
[...] apartheid; the killing of civilians, including women and children; excessive use of force; [...]
extrajudicial executions;
terrorism; arbitrary detention; the displacement and harassment of thousands of civilians; and the destruction of their homes and property.
三名恐怖分子被死, 超过 15 人受伤,其中包括臭名昭著的恐怖分子 Ahmed [...]
Hajj Dibu(别名 Abu Zarif), 他曾在 Tall Rif‛at 镇和其他地方埋置爆炸物。
Three of
[...] the terrorists were killed and over 15 wounded, [...]
including the notorious terrorist Ahmed Hajj Dibu, known as Abu Zarif, who had planted explosives
in the town of Tall Rif‘at and elsewhere.
由于对概念验证和原型验证提供了资金,新生企业家得以 过 “ 死 亡 谷 ”, 免于一启动就被卡死在这里。
Funding for proof of concept and proof of
[...] prototype had enabled nascent entrepreneurs to cross the “Valley of Death”, where start-ups [...]
often got trapped.
关于第 11 条草案(丧失终止、退出条约或中止其施行的权利),有人质疑(a) 项是过于死板,并有人建议对第 11 条和第 17 条草案(其他终止、退出或中止 的情况)之间的关系予以澄清。
On draft article 11, Loss of the right to terminate, withdraw from or suspend the operation of a treaty, it was queried whether subparagraph (a) was too rigid, and it was proposed that the relationship between draft articles 11 and 17, Other cases of termination, withdrawal or suspension, be clarified.
残疾调整寿命年数是过早死亡丧 失的年数加上因疾病或受伤丧失的健康年数的总和。
The DALYs are the sum of the years of life
[...] lost due to premature death and the years of [...]
healthy life lost because of disability due to disease or injury.
在其关于教育国际提交的资料的意见中,政府争辩道, 过劳 资 协 议和《大学法》, 丹麦高等教育中的固定工作人员享有与全职工作人员相同的权利,包括学术自由、研究自 由、薪等和养恤金权利。
In its comments on the information submitted by EI, the Government contends that fixed-term higher education staff in Denmark enjoy the same rights as full-time staff through the collective agreement and the University Act, including academic freedom, freedom of research, salary levels and pension rights.
[...] 机会、专业一体化,以及为年轻人创造就业机会,包括 过劳 动 密 集型的工作项 目、工作换现金方案以及获得独立和企业就业的机会,再加上专业培训和获取小 [...]
The United Nations will continue to assist the Government by supporting improved access to basic social services, professional
integration and job creation for young
[...] people, including through labour intensive work projects, [...]
cash-for-work programmes and
access to independent and entrepreneurial employment, coupled with elements of professional training and access to microfinance.
求职者就业机会的增加过劳动中 介、信息和专业咨询渠道、专业指导和 培训以及公共工作的组织来实现。
Increase of possibilities of employment for job
[...] seekers is attained through labour mediation; access [...]
to information and professional counselling;
professional guidance and training; organisation of public works.
[...] 要的各国经济发展的关键要素是提高农业生产率、与当地工业和服务业需求挂 钩、过劳动力密集型制造业或自然资源增加出口以及增强技术能力。
Key elements in the economic development of countries with special needs were growth in agricultural productivity, demand
linkages to local industries and services,
[...] export growth through labour-intensive manufactures [...]
or natural resources, and increased technological capabilities.
在原籍国、过境国和目的地国过劳 工 法,为工人提供法律权利和保护,限 [...]
Adopt labour laws in countries of [...]
origin, transit and destination which provide legal rights and protections for workers
that would limit their risk of being trafficked
实施酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚,包括不人道的 拘留条件、公开处决、法外拘留和任意拘留;缺乏适当法律程序和法治,包 括缺乏公正审判的保障和独立的司法机关;以政治和宗教理由判 死 刑 ;劳 改营为数甚多,强迫劳动情况普遍
(i) Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, including inhuman conditions of detention, public executions, extrajudicial and arbitrary detention; the absence of due process and the rule of law, including fair trial guarantees and an
independent judiciary;
[...] the imposition of the death penalty for political and religious reasons; and the existence of a large number of prison camps and the extensive use of forced labour
In case of an extremely grave crime, he or she shall
be given the penalty
[...] of reform through labour for an indefinite period or the death penalty and the penalty [...]
of confiscation of property.
由于事实上,然而,几乎是一个半世纪后, 过 约 哈 难(2 79 ) 死 亡 在 此之前犹太法典收到以其目前的形式,但它是近似这种形式,向第四世纪末约拿,和圣何塞,在太巴列学院的两名董事。
As a matter of fact, however, almost a century
[...] and a half elapsed after the death of Johanan (279) before [...]
this Talmud received its present
form, but it was approximated to this form, toward the end of the fourth century, by Jonah and Jose, the two directors of the Academy of Tiberias.
Ganji 先生继续疾呼,反对人权状况在伊朗恶化,包括对 被控犯罪的少年执死刑,镇压劳工 权 利,虐待妇 女,歧视少数民族,以及任意逮捕持不同政见者。
Mr. Ganji continued to speak out against the deterioration of human rights in his country, including the
execution of juveniles accused of
[...] crimes, repression of labour rights, oppression [...]
of women, discrimination against minorities
and arbitrary arrest of dissidents.
[...] “当前的危机是因为对以色列平民发起的无情的、不分青红皂白的恐怖行动所挑起的”,他 声称“过去的 18 个月死亡人数已达 400 多人,仅 3 月份就 120 [...]
多人,这还不算数百个 受伤者和对以色列城市造成的毁坏,以及对巴勒斯坦人民自己造成的苦难”,之后,他向总
干事保证其本国政府特别注意“尽量避免损害个人财产和无辜,尤其是在居住区,这是个政 策问题……而且完全意识到为后代保护和保存具有文化和宗教价值的古迹是多么重要”。
In that letter the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, after recalling “that the present crisis has been provoked by a callous and indiscriminate terror campaign launched against
the citizens of Israel” which
[...] has claimed “over 400 dead in the past 18 months and more [...]
than 120 victims in March alone,
not counting the hundreds of wounded and the devastation inflicted on Israel cities, as well as the suffering it has caused the Palestinian people themselves”, assured the Director-General that his government was particularly anxious “to avoid, as far as possible, damage to property and innocent individuals, as a matter of policy, especially in populated areas … and is very conscious of how important it is to protect and preserve monuments of cultural and religious values, for the benefit of generations to come”.
最后,我国代表团鼓励关于基地组织及相关个人 和实体的第 1267(1999)号和第 1989(2011)号决议所
[...] 设委员会继续努力进一步精简判断标准以及列名和 除名程序,从而防止那些原以为已经 过 或 已 经 死亡 的恐怖分子重新拿起武器,由此危害或抵消多年来的 [...]
Finally, my delegation encourages the Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) concerning Al-Qaida and associated individuals and entities to continue working towards greater streamlining, in terms of criteria and listing and delisting procedures in
order to prevent terrorists who have
[...] supposedly reformed or died in the meantime from [...]
taking up arms again, thus jeopardizing
or undoing years of hard work and sacrifice.
如果是非 主劳动力死亡, 家庭会获得一笔63257美元的赔偿,以及1352美元的丧葬费。126 [...]
尽管一开始这些赔偿并没有延伸到二次感染(例如,由于使用血液制品而感染艾滋病毒的血友病患 者传染给其配偶), 1994年对赔偿方案进行了修订,将配偶纳入赔偿计划。
Upon the death of a non-primary wage earner, [...]
families received lump sum payments of US$63,257, as well as a lump sum payment
of US$1,352 for funeral expenses.2 While these payments were not at first extended to secondary infections (i.e., spouses who were infected by hemophiliac blood product users), the scheme was amended in 1994 to include payments to spouses.3 This compensation fund was jointly funded by the Japanese government and pharmaceutical companies.




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