

单词 过分充电

See also:



充电 v

charge v
recharge v


recharge batteries
fig. rest and recuperate

External sources (not reviewed)

无电电池充电支持功能具有 45 分钟(最大充电定时器和弱电池电压键控器, 过  I²C 通信控制 (仅限 MAX14578E)。
Dead-battery charging support features a 45-minute (max) charge timer and weak battery voltage monitor [...]
controlled by I²C communication (MAX14578E
only.) The MAX14578AE features an enable (active-low EN) input and an LDO output.
经济性过充分利用全球电子供 应链以及使用新 组件取代多个旧组件,圣万提能够降低 G24产品系列的价格。
By leveraging the global electronics supply chain with new components that take [...]
the place of multiple previous components,
Synventive has been able to reduce the price of the G24 product line in relation to existing Synventive products.
过激活音量控制器,当前的软件将 充电 显 示 (绿色 LED 灯)的形式显示。
The current software is displayed to you by activating the volume controller in the form of the charge display (green LED).
它欢迎采取了步骤,将各类家庭法整合为单一法律,要求 过充分 的 公 共协商来 开展审议,国际社会也应提供必要援助。
It also welcomed the steps taken to consolidate various family laws
into a single one, urging that this
[...] review take place through adequate public consultation, [...]
and that the necessary assistance
be provided by the international community.
(h) 请环境规划充分利用 驻在 ROWA/巴林的哈龙行业最近征聘的履约协助方案干 事的能力,向有关方面提供关于哈龙替代品和关于条例和标准的信息,途径包括 向网络会议和国家有关利益方讲习班作介绍, 过电 话 进 行个别咨询,发电子邮 件和在必要时出访选定的第 5 条国家,特别是在出现不遵守情事的情况下。
(h) Request UNEP to fully use the capacities of the recently recruited CAP officer for the halon sector, located in ROWA/Bahrain, for providing interested parties with information on alternatives to halon and on regulations and standards, via presentations to network meetings and national stakeholder workshops, individual advice by way of phone, e-mail and if necessary [...]
missions to selected
Art. 5 countries, in particular in cases of non-compliance.
安全评估应该侧重 于燃烧期间利用不同制冷剂加工室内空 过 程 中 较高 充 量 (300 克以上)的风险以及泄 漏进入室内设备等的风险。该技术专家委员会编写并在 2012 年 4 月确定了关于修正标准 IEC 60335-2-40(家用电器及类似电器国际标准-安全-第 2-40 部分:电热泵 、空调和减 湿器的特殊要求)的建议草案,并且该建议已于 2012 年 5 月提交国际电工标准委员会中 国国家委员会。
The safety assessment should focus on
[...] the risk of higher charging amounts (more than 300g) in the RAC with different refrigerants during combustion and the risk of leakage into the indoor unit, etc. A draft proposal on the amendment to the standard IEC 60335-2-40 (International standard on household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 2-40: Particular [...]
requirements for electrical
heat pumps, air conditioners and dehumidifiers) was prepared by the technical expert committee and finalised in April 2012, and the proposal was submitted to the Chinese National Committee of IEC standard in May 2012.
与以前一样,过充分证明的系统概念位于前面位置: 最佳搭配电缆和 变压器确保安装很简便。
As before, the proven system concept is in the foreground: Optimally matched cables and transformer ensure [...]
convenient installation.
食典委注意到发展中国家的若干代表团表达的意见,即应当及时提供翻译的 食典文件,从而使成员国能够为食典会议的审议活动做 充分 准 备 ,并 充分 重视 基础设施不允许其仅仅过电子手 段接收食典文件的那些国家。
The Commission noted the views expressed by several delegations from developing countries that the translation of Codex documents should be made available in a timely
manner so that member
[...] countries could fully prepare themselves for deliberations of Codex sessions, and that due attention should be paid to those countries whose infrastructure would not allow for receiving Codex documents only through electronic means.
S-8200A系列最适合于对1节锂离子 / 锂聚合物可充电电池组过充电、过 放 电和过电流的保护。
The S-8200A Series is suitable for protecting 1-cell rechargeable lithium-ion / lithium polymer battery packs from overcharge, overdischarge, and overcurrent.
大会第六十三届会议注意到秘书长任命了一名新的使用多种语文问题协调 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多 种语文进行沟通,包括过以所 有正式语文同时分发文件;请新闻部改进所采取 的行动,实现在联合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 届会议提交一份综合报告,说充分 执 行 大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among
representatives of Member
[...] States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation [...]
of its resolutions on
multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
这将过充分、持 续地监督有关设施,尤 其是对年代最久的办公楼重点监督,来降低有关风险。
This will
[...] be mitigated by putting in place an adequate and continuous [...]
monitoring of the facilities, with a particular emphasis on the oldest buildings.
过充分的教育机会和生产性就业等 手段,最充分地发挥青年人的潜力。
Youth populations’ potential should be
[...] maximized, including through full access to education [...]
and productive employment.
为了避免并联的端子上出过电压, 必须在具有多级并 分 接 选 择器的 R I 2002-E 和 R I 3003-E 型单相分接开关上将标记相同的分接选择器连接端子相互 [...]
In order to avoid overvoltage on terminals connected in parallel, tap [...]
selector connection terminals with the same designation
must be linked together when using R I 2002-E and R I 3003-E single-phase on-load tap-changers with several tap selector planes connected in parallel.
他们还强 调迫切需要过充分、及时和有效执行《阿拉木图行动纲领中期审查宣言》中 所载的《阿拉木图行动纲领》,应对内陆发展中国家和过境发展中国家的特殊 [...]
They also stress the urgent need to address
the special development needs of
[...] and challenges faced by the landlocked and transit [...]
developing countries through the full,
timely and effective implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action, as contained in the Declaration on the midterm review of the Almaty Programme of Action.
该报告还指出,成员国表示支持采取以下步骤:(a) 进一步精 简文件数量及其内容;(b) 进一步合并各种报告,例如可将委员会
[...] 的报告作为背景文件或资料文件等,仅将每届委员会会议的主要建 议编入委员会自己的文件,提交经社会审议;(c) 所编写的报告应 内容简洁、直截了当和平实易懂,而且应与会议结果密切相关;载 有必要的参考信息和背景文件链接;并能反映所达成的共识和提出 的建议;(d) 逐步实现经社会届会无纸化,确保所有文件都可以在 网上读取,印刷分发给 每一成员国的文件不超过两套,其中包括 成员国所选择的官方语文的一套文件,同时 过电 邮 通 知各成员国 可在网上读取文件。
The report also noted that member States voiced support for the following steps to be taken: (a) further streamlining the number of documents and their contents; (b) further consolidating reports; for example, committee reports could serve as background or information documents, with only the key recommendations from each committee session compiled into its own document for consideration by the Commission; (c) producing reports that are concise, direct and easy to understand, and directly related to the outcome of the meeting, containing the necessary references and links to background documents and reflecting consensus and recommendations; and (d) moving towards a paperless Commission session by
ensuring that all
[...] documents are available online and that no more than two sets of documents are printed and sent to each member State, including one in the official language of its preference, and notifying member States via e-mail of the availability [...]
of the documents online.b 4.
充电与提升充电在一次充满过程 中 不重复进行,以避免 析出气体太多或蓄电池过热。
Equalize charge and boost charge are not carried out
[...] constantly in a full charge process to avoid too much gas precipitation or overheating of battery.
如果必须在电池完全充 足电前将它从充电器上拿走,则电池必须经过一次修整 充电过程 来恢复最佳性能。
If a battery must be removed from
[...] the charger before it is completely charged, the battery should go through a conditioning [...]
charge to restore optimal performance.
由于启动电路的分电阻来 自于启动设备,因此,在启 动装置不完善的情况下进行启动将不利于启动力矩的形成,而且会导致压缩机启动绕组升 过 快 , 导致损 坏。
Since part of the starting circuit resistance lies in the starting device, start without the complete starting device does not provide good starting torque and may result in a very quick heating of the [...]
compressor start
winding, causing it to be damaged.
本集团敦促有关国际组织和伙伴加大向发展中 国家提供研究和能力建设方面的技术援助,以便改进
[...] 非传染性疾病防控工作以及普及用药、医疗和诊断技 术工作,其中包括过充分利用《多哈宣言》所载的 灵活规定。
The Group urges relevant international organizations and partners to increase technical assistance for research and capacity-building to developing countries in order to improve prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, as well as universal access to
medicines, medical and diagnostic
[...] technologies, including through the full use of the flexibilities [...]
contained in the Doha Declaration.
该委员会的任务是解决过去的问题,以便为未来作好准备,具体 方式包括建立基于法治的民主社会; 过充分 处 理 过去的侵犯人权行为还受害者 一个公道,让人们重新开始。
The commission has the mandate to address the past in order to prepare for the future by building a democratic society based on the rule of law; giving the people a fresh start by according justice to the victims of injustice by adequately addressing past violations.
过,充分发挥该系统的潜力正经历一个比较缓慢的过程,因为其运作受到若干因素 [...]
However, the full potential of [...]
the system has been slow to materialize as its performance has been impacted by several factors.
为了恢复国际社会的信任,并使它能够维持伊朗 核计划及其相关活动的性质,必须 过充分 落 实 《不 扩散核武器条约》的保障监督协定及其附加议定书, 从而像原子能机构所要求的那样,开放所有场所、设 备、人员和文件,来提高与国际原子能机构(原子能 机构)合作的质量,并将其提升到一个令人满意的水 准。
In order to restore international confidence and allow it to sustain the nature of the Iranian nuclear programme and its related activities, the quality of cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has to be enhanced and moved up to a satisfactory level by putting fully into practice the safeguards agreement of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and its Additional Protocol, thus granting access to all sites, equipment, persons and documents, as requested by the Agency.
深入案 头研究还会利用其他资料来源,如 过电 话 和 电子邮件进行采访、参与网络会议以及在某 些情况下进行实地访问,以便充书 面资料,为评价工作主要阶段制订全面的工作方法。
Extended desk studies also use
other sources of
[...] information such as interviews by phone and e-mail, participation in network meetings and in some cases a few field visits, in order to complement the written [...]
information and to develop
a thorough approach to the main phase of the evaluation.
过电子调查结分析将 可以看出,利益攸关方如何看待各可选办法在以 下方面的有效性:定期为《荒漠化公约》提供全球评估;设定土地退化未来趋势 [...]
的区域情景;设定全球目标和情景;在基于证据的报告的标准方面对国家报告进 行科学审评;提供以政策为导向的建议;就新生问题提供科学咨询意见;提供其
53. The analysis of the e-survey will provided [...]
an indication of how stakeholders perceive the effectiveness of the possible
options in providing the UNCCD with regular global assessments, in developing regional scenarios on future trends of land degradation, in developing global targets and scenarios, in scientifically reviewing national reports regarding criteria of evidence-based reporting, in providing policy-oriented recommendations, in providing scientific advice on emerging issues, or in providing other output, to be specified by stakeholders.
本产品可用作电源或电池充电器,但只能当可变电压源或电流源,也可用作电子负载,但只能当可变电流吸收源。 典型的应用有,当电源用时是供直流电给任意相关设备; 电 池 充电 器 时 可 充 各 类 电 池 ; 当 电 子 负 载时, 过 可调直流吸收功能代替欧姆电阻,从而上载任何类型的电压和电流源。
the equipment is intended to be used, if a power supply or battery charger, only as a variable voltage and current source, or, if an electronic load, only as a variable current sink. typical application for a power supply is DC supply to any
relevant user, for
[...] a battery charger the charging of various battery types and for electronic loads the replacement of ohm resistance by an adjustable DC current sink in order to load relevant voltage and [...]
current sources of any type.
1)(一般)过运用放电路径变 充分电 离 且 足以保持电弧的电压,产生一种能穿过不同电位或极性部件之间的固/液体绝缘材料表面或周围空气的破坏性放电。
1) (general) A
[...] disruptive discharge through air around or over the surface of solid or liquid insulation, between parts of different potential or polarity, produced by the application of voltage wherein the breakdown path becomes sufficiently [...]
ionized to
maintain an electric arc. 2) (high voltage ac cable termination) A disruptive discharge around or over the surface of an insulating member, between parts of different potential or polarity, produced by the application of voltage wherein the breakdown path becomes sufficiently ionized to maintain an electric arc. 3) (high voltage testing) Term used when a disruptive discharge occurs over the surface of a solid dielectric in a gaseous or liquid medium.
[...] 这特别包括:获得足够营养丰富的食物和清洁水的权利;适足住房权;获得良好 卫生标准的权利充足使用排污系统 电 力 的 权利;结婚和家庭权利;受教育的 权利;工作权;罢工权;享有退休金的权利;参加文化生活的权利;以及拥有财 [...]
Economic, social and cultural rights and fundamental freedoms introduced or strengthened under the new Constitution include, inter alia: the right to adequate, nutritious food and clean water; the right to adequate housing; the
right to a good standard
[...] of health; adequate access to sewerage and electricity; the right to marriage [...]
and family; the right
to education; the right to work; the right to strike; the right to enjoy a pension; the right to take part in cultural life; and the right to enjoy property.
最后,加强政治、人道主义以及军事层面之间协 调,不仅对保障援助工作人员以及照顾难民和流离失 所者所必需的人道主义空间的安全是至关重要的,而 且对于从以安全、保护和满足基本需要为优先的初步 阶充分过渡到恢复以及重建秩序和法治,以确保尊 重和保护人权也是至关重要的。
In conclusion, strengthening coordination between the political, humanitarian and military dimensions is critical not just to guarantee the security of aid personnel and the humanitarian space necessary to care for refugees and displaced persons, but also to adequately transition from the early stages, where priorities lie in the realm of safety, protection and covering basic needs, towards recovery and the re-establishment of order and the rule of law in order to guarantee the respect and promotion of human rights.
按照教科文组织执行局的要求,联合专家小组 过充分 讨 论 决定,其以后的会议在研 究评估各国遵守相关义务的标准和指标的同时,重点讨论研究下列专题:教育成本、教育质 [...]
As requested by UNESCO’s
[...] Executive Board and following rich discussions among [...]
Joint Expert Group members, the Group decided
to focus its work at its next meetings on the following themes, while looking at the criteria and indicators for the assessment of compliance by States with relevant obligations: the cost of education; the quality of education; and the accessibility of education.




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