

单词 边庭

See also:


edge n
boundary n

law court
front courtyard
main hall

External sources (not reviewed)

内部空间以一个不规则边形庭院为 中心,连接了建筑的4个开口,呼应了景观朝向和流线安排。
The central courtyard connects four openings, responding to the orientations and circulation.
为促进所有庭,包括边缘阶层家庭 的 有效整合,政府采取了上文提到过 的很多项目和行动(参看第 194 段)。
In order to promote the actual
[...] integration of all families, including those of marginal groups, the [...]
Government has developed many
projects and actions referred to above (cf. paragraph 194).
委员会还建议 缔约国采取有针对性的措施,确保没有父母照料的儿童以及处境不利 边 缘 化家 庭的儿童不做童工。
It also recommends that the State party adopt targeted measures to ensure that
children without parental care and children from
[...] disadvantaged and marginalized families are not engaged [...]
in child labour.
此外,无地或只边际土地的庭被 赋 予了土地权,而愿意出售取水权的村民也 可以进行出售。
In addition, families with no land or marginal land have [...]
been given land rights, and those who wish to can sell water entitlement.
对于那些迄今在已进行的某次边界 家 庭团 聚 中曾与家人团聚的人而言,这可能是他们的最后一次机会,因为现在会优先考 虑尚未轮到团聚机会的其他人。
For those who have managed to
[...] meet their family members in one of the cross-border family reunion so [...]
far, it may have been the
last time that they will have such a chance, as priority will be now be given to those remaining who have not had their turn for reunification.
The Committee notes with concern the increased risk for children without
parental care and children from
[...] disadvantaged and marginalized families of being engaged [...]
in the worst forms of child labour (art.10).
健康问题主要发生在那些来自社会上 边 缘 家 庭 的 孩子身上(体重超重、精 神问题、行为问题、运动技能发展不足,主要是因为缺乏体育活动,营养不良、 [...]
Where health risks exist, they largely
affect children and young people from
[...] socially disadvantaged families (overweight, emotional [...]
and behavioural disorders, less
well developed motor abilities because of a lack of physical sporting activities, and eating disorders, poor nutrition, smoking and passive smoking, as well as a poor rate of participation in early detection examinations for children).
6. 如发生以下情况,学生可申请退款: a) 学生能提出合理证明其寄宿庭的房 屋状况、 边 环 境或 家 庭 成 员不符合 安全条件; 或者 b) 接待人家庭未能及时知会特殊情况,如出游计划或者同时接待其他国际留学生。
6) The student is entitled to a refund at any time if either a) the student has justifiable reason to feel unsafe in regards to person or
property inside or in the
[...] vicinity of the host family house, or b) the host family fails to communicate [...]
pertinent information
including, but not limited to, host family vacation plans or hosting of other international students.
朝鲜还应采取行动恢边 境地区家庭团聚的进程。
Action should also be taken to resume
[...] the process of family reunification along the border.
委员会强烈 建议缔约国审查规定的条件,如工作方案福利中的“相互义务”以及“北方领地
[...] 干预”计划在支付福利时的“隔离做法”,这些做法可能对弱势 边 缘 化 家 庭、 妇女和儿童具有惩罚性效果。
The Committee strongly recommends that the State party review conditionalities such as “mutual obligations” in the welfare to work programme and the “quarantining” of welfare payments under the
Northern Territory Intervention that may have a punitive effect on
[...] disadvantaged and marginalized families, women and children.
理想的情况下位于海拔1860米的,与意大 边 境 , Montgenevre是 庭 度 假和运动​​手段之间的完美平衡。
Ideally located at 1860 m
[...] altitude, on the border with Italy, Montgenevre is the perfect balance between a family resort and a sporty resort.
在此,必须提及,1 月 4 日,Samouni 一家被以色列指挥官命令离开他们三 层的房屋,占领军将其变成前哨,把他们带到加沙市 Al-Zeitoun 一带边的一庭庇护所。
Here, it must be recalled that, on 4 January, the Samouni family members were ordered by Israeli commanders to leave their three-storey home, which was overtaken by the occupying forces as an outpost, and were directed to shelter in a home across the road in Al-Zeitoun neighbourhood of Gaza City.
这些案件包括但并不仅限于以下这些:在蒙多基里省,Pichreada 区,Bousra 社区,弗农土著 社区的 800 户家庭和
Socfin-KCD 及其伙伴公司之间的争端;在桔井省,斯努区,Sre Char 社 区,224 户家庭和 CIV 开发公司间的争端;在磅 Speu
[...] 省,Tpong 区,Amleang 社区,1,000 户庭和金边糖业 公司及磅 Speu 糖业公司之间的争端;在菩萨省,Kravahn [...]
和 Krakor 区,5,000 户家庭和 Pheapimex 之间的两起争端;在 Veal Veng 区,Thmar Da 社区,57 户家庭和
MDS 公司之间的争端;在金边市,Boeung Kak 湖社区,3,000-4,000 户家庭与 Shukaku 公司间的争 端;以及在马德望省,Phnom Prek 区,Sampov Loun 社区,1,203 户家庭和 Soun Mean Sambath 公司间的争端。
These cases include but are not limited to the following: in Mondulkiri province, Pichreada district, Bousra commune, a dispute between 800 families of the Phnong (Bunong) indigenous community and Socfin-KCD and partners; in Kratie province, Snoul district, Sre Char commune,
a dispute between 224 families and the CIV Development Company; in Kampong Speu province, Tpong district, Amleang commune, a dispute
[...] between 1,000 families and the Phnom Penh Sugar Company [...]
and Kampong Speu Sugar
Company; in Pursat province, Kravahn and Krakor districts, two disputes between 5,000 families and Pheapimex, and in Veal Veng district, Thmar Da commune, a dispute between 57 families and the MDS company; in the city of Phnom Penh, Boeung Kak Lake community, a dispute between 3,000-4,000 families and Shukaku Inc.
C 系列触摸一体机,可满足多 种销售终端机 (POS)、信息终端(POI)和服务终端机(point of
[...] service)等场所的高要求,包括零售和酒店接待显示装置、 客户预订系统、互联网接入站点、数字标牌以及 边 娱 乐庭自动化和控制。
The C-Series touchcomputer family has been developed to meet the demanding needs of a wide variety of point-of-sale (POS), point-of-information (POI), and point-of-service venues, including retail and hospitality display units,
customer loyalty systems, internet access sites, digital
[...] signage as well as bedside entertainment, home [...]
automation and control.
各缔约国应帮助其子女可能遭受庭 奴 役 风险的 边 缘 化的 家 庭 ( 如有 条件的现金转拨方案) ,同时加强各种努力为独处的儿童,如流落街头 的儿童、被遗弃的儿童和孤儿的提供能够独立生存的其他方式。
States should help marginalized families whose children are at risk [...]
of domestic servitude (e.g. through conditional cash
transfer programmes), while reinforcing efforts to provide viable alternatives for children on their own, including street children, abandoned children and orphans.
海地政府估计仍然有 130 万人流离失所,这些人分散在太子港、雅克梅勒和
[...] 莱奥甘大约 1 300 个自发的住区地点以及在阿蒂博尼特省和首都 边 的 接庭。
The Government of Haiti estimates that 1.3 million people continue to be displaced, spread across some 1,300 spontaneous settlement
sites in Port-au-Prince, Jacmel and Léogâne, as well as in Artibonite
[...] Department, and host families outside the capital.
Every day,
[...] more and more families are crossing borders to escape the [...]
accelerating violence.
增进穷人边缘人口对《庭暴力法》条款的了解;对所有与家庭 暴力有关的控诉展开调查;起诉所有案件,并向受害人提供适当服务,特别 是获得免费医疗报告和法律援助的机会
81.22. Raise awareness
[...] by the poor and marginalized population of the legal provisions of the Domestic Violence Act; [...]
open investigations
into all complaints lodged relating to domestic violence; and prosecute all cases and provide victims to appropriate services, especially the possibility to benefit from a free medical report and legal aid (Switzerland)
南边的圣保罗村(Village Saint-Paul)游客较少,这里曾经是中世纪皇室住地, 边 的 彩 色 庭 院 里 有各种高端古玩和艺术品店,一周内不定期对外开放。
At its southern end, the lesser-visited Village Saint-Paul, site of a former medieval royal residence, houses a series of color-coded courtyards filled with high end antique and art shops that open at sporadic hours throughout the week.
继续努力开展“零饥饿”方案,消除贫穷,实现粮食和营养安全,而 其优先的重点应当放在贫穷的农村 庭 和 处 于社 边 际 的 都市居民之上
Continue efforts to implement the “zero hunger” programme to combat poverty and
achieve food and nutritional security, which assigns priority
[...] to poor rural families and marginal urban populations (Egypt)
委员会还关 切的是,没有采取适当措施为低收入 庭 以 及 弱势 边 缘 化 个人和群体提供廉价 住房,但承认缔约国在这方面作出了努力。
The Committee is further concerned about the absence of adequate measures
to provide social housing
[...] for low-income families and disadvantaged and marginalized individuals [...]
and groups, while acknowledging
the State party’s efforts in this regard (art. 11, para. 1).
2003 年,估计 约有 596 个贫困社区,其中住着约 62 249 户庭、374 826 人,占边城市居民的 35%。
In 2003, it was estimated that there were about 596
poor communities comprising of
[...] about 62,249 families or 374,826 people, which made 35 per cent of Phnom Penh city dwellers.
(b) 采用和实施社会保护方案,使最弱势 边 缘 化 家 庭得 以满足其基本需要并照顾其子女。委员会请缔约国在下次定期报告中进一步介 绍儿童看护机构制度、管理机制、最新的孤儿院工作人员的数目和资质以及收 容政策。
The Committee requests the State party to provide further information in its next periodic report on the system of institutional care for children, regulatory mechanisms, the updated number and qualifications of orphanage staff, and admission policies.
由于常常请国 际庭阐释双边条约 ,显然在多边条约背景下起草 适用于解释性声明的规定是一项复杂的任务。
Since international tribunals were often called upon to interpret even bilateral treaties, it [...]
was clear that the task of
drafting rules applicable to interpretative declarations in the context of multilateral treaties was a complex one.
委员会建议缔约国采取额外措施解决无家可归者的问题,确保低收入 庭 、 弱边缘化 个人和群体有充分机会获得住房,改善现有住房单位的供水和卫生设 施。
The Committee recommends that the State party adopt additional measures to deal with the problem of homelessness, ensure
adequate access to housing
[...] for low-income families, disadvantaged and marginalized individuals [...]
and groups and improve the
water and sanitation facilities of existing housing units.
因此,尼加拉瓜认为给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言执行情况特别委员会的 决议草案 A/AC.109/2010/L.18(其中宣布 2011-2020 年为“第三个铲除殖民主义
[...] 土和人民的非殖民化,直至他们实现自决和独立(此为载于《联合国宪章》的权 利),能够成为国际大庭及其所有 边 和 区 域机构的成员,享受其中的所有权 利和责任,并能够帮助解决人类面临的所有问题。
Nicaragua therefore considers that draft resolution A/AC.109/2010/L.18 of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, in which the period 2011-2020 is declared the Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism, should be endorsed and adopted at the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly in order to pursue the decolonization of these Non-Self-Governing Territories and peoples until they achieve self-determination and independence, a right enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, and can
become part of the community of
[...] nations and of all its multilateral and regional bodies, [...]
with all the rights and responsibilities
pertaining thereto, and can contribute to a solution to all the problems faced by humankind.
联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)和乍得政府将新抵达的 2 353 名 (650 个庭)的难民从边界地 区迁往靠近盖雷达的 Mile 难民营,其余的难民则拒 [...]
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Government of
Chad relocated 2,353 of the new
[...] arrivals (650 families) away from the border area to the [...]
Mile refugee camp near Guéréda.
(b) 安全理事会应考虑是否可能在设立一个国际 庭 或 其他 多 边 反 海 盗 司法机制之前,作为一项临时措施,成立一个特别调查机构,任务是收集与索 [...]
马里海盗行为有关的情报、证据和记录证词,特别要查明海盗头目、资助者、 谈判者、协助者、支持网络和受益人。
(b) The Security Council should consider the possibility of establishing, as an interim measure
pending the establishment of
[...] an international tribunal or other multilateral juridical anti-piracy [...]
mechanism, a specialized
investigative body with a mandate to collect information, gather evidence and record testimonies relating to acts of Somali piracy, including and especially the identification of pirate leaders, financiers, negotiators, facilitators, support networks and beneficiaries.
该研习班于 2009 年 8 月 17 日至 20 日在布特拉加亚(马来西亚)举行。
[...] 在会议期间,庭长发言介绍了法庭对解决海盗问题所起的作用,柳井法官发言介 绍了庭对海洋边界划 界的作用,书记官长发言介绍了如何向法庭提出案件。
During the meeting the President gave a presentation on the role of the Tribunal as regards
piracy, Judge Yanai gave a presentation
[...] on the role of the Tribunal in maritime delimitation [...]
boundaries and the Registrar gave
a presentation on how to submit a case before the Tribunal.




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