

单词 辩答

答辩 ()

reply (to an accusation)
defend one's dissertation


答辩人 n

respondent n

See also:



reply v
answer v
respond v
return v


External sources (not reviewed)

发言报名截止后所作的某一发言,如任何代表认为需要作 答辩 , 主 席可准 其行使答辩权。
The right of reply may be accorded by the President to any representative if a speech delivered after the list of speakers has been closed makes this desirable.
但任何代表有必要对宣布发言报名截止后所作发言进 答辩 时 , 主席可以 准答辩。
The President may,
[...] however, accord the right of reply to any representative if [...]
a speech delivered after the list has been
declared closed makes this desirable.
申请人答辩人应 收到以提交原 申请所用语文书就的判决副本,除非申请人 答辩 人 要 求收到以联合国另一正式 语文书就的副本。
An individual
[...] appellant or respondent shall receive a copy of the judgement in the language of the appeal or answer, as the case may be, [...]
unless a copy is requested
in another official language of the United Nations.
任何代表团在一次会议上第一次行使 答辩 权 的 发言,以十分钟为限, 第二次行使答辩权的 发言,以五分钟为限。
The first
[...] intervention in the exercise of the right of reply for any delegation on any item at a given meeting [...]
should be limited to
ten minutes and the second intervention should be limited to five minutes.
但在主席宣布发言报名截止后,会上如 有发言引答辩问题 ,主席可准许任何成员国行 使 答辩 权。
He may, however, accord the right of reply to any member if a speech delivered [...]
after he has declared the list closed makes this desirable.
法庭 2010 年 3 月 17 日一项 命令确定 2011 年 3 月 15 日为孟加拉提答辩状的时限,而 2011 年 7 月 1 日为 缅甸提出第二答辩状的时限。
By an order dated 17 March 2010, the Tribunal fixed 15 March 2011 as
the time limit for
[...] the filing of the reply by Bangladesh and 1 July 2011 as the time limit for the filing of the rejoinder by Myanmar.
(b) 附答辩人在答复中 提到的每一份文件的副本,如果原文不是联合国正 式语文,应附上正式语文之一的译文;每份文件第一页的顶部应有“附件”字样, [...]
并以阿拉伯数字按第 8 条第 2 款(b)项所指上诉表附件的顺序编号。
(b) A copy of each document referred to by the
[...] respondent in the answer, accompanied by a translation [...]
into one of the official
languages of the United Nations if the original language is not one of the official languages; such documents shall be identified by the word “Annex” at the top of the first page of each document and an arabic numeral which follows in sequence the numbering of the annexes to the appeal form referred to in article 8.2 (b).
总干事的代表答辩时,感谢代表们提出的建议和意见,并重申跨学科和跨部门方法一直是,仍将是教 [...]
In his reply, the representative of [...]
the Director-General thanked the delegates for their contributions and reaffirmed that
interdisciplinarity and intersectorality are and will remain a priority on the agenda of the Organization.
(c) 如果被申请人没有提出对管辖权的抗辩,也没有以仲裁申请明显缺乏法 律依据为由提出提前驳回该申请 答辩 ,则 仲裁员应设定被申请人提答辩书的 时限。
(c) If the respondent has not raised a plea as to jurisdiction or for early dismissal of the claim because the claim is manifestly
without legal merit, the arbitrator
[...] establishes the time limit within which the respondent must issue a statement of defence.
(b) 被申请人未递交对仲裁通知的答复 答辩 书 而 不表明充分理由 的,仲裁庭应下令继续进行仲裁程序,不递交答复 答辩 书 之 事本身不作 为承认申请人的主张处理;本项规定也适用于申请人未就反请求或为抵消 目的的请求提答辩书的情形。
(b) The respondent has failed to communicate its
response to the notice of
[...] arbitration or its statement of defence, the arbitral tribunal shall order that the proceedings continue, without treating such failure in itself as an admission of the claimant’s allegations; the provisions of this subparagraph also apply to a claimant’s failure to submit a defence to a counterclaim [...]
or to a claim for the purpose of a set-off.
总干事的代表答辩时对代表们就这个文件提出的诸多支持意见表达感谢,并承诺,本组织将坚定地致 [...]
In his response to the debate, the representative [...]
of the Director-General expressed his appreciation for the many supportive
comments given to the document and assured delegates of the firm commitment of the Organization towards the two global priorities, Africa and gender equality.
专家组尽可能把对国家、个人和公司的调查结果提请有关方面注意,给他们 一答辩的机会。
The Group also reviewed documentary evidence provided by local, regional, national and international organizations and private companies.
博士学位——经过三至四年的学习,授予那些 向论文委员会提交论文,成功完成博士论答 辩,并通过博士考试的学生 资格博士学位——授予那些已经有博士学位并 且取得了重要的学术成绩,提交专题论文并完答辩的申请人。
Doctor – doktor, after three to four years of study, this is awarded to candidates who submitted and successfully defended a doctoral dissertation before a thesis committee and passed a doctoral examination.
总务委员会还提请大会注意,解释投票应以 10 分钟为限;如果某一主要委 员会和全体会议审议同一决议草案,各代表团应尽可能只解释投票一次,或是在 委员会,或是在全体会议,但代表团在全体会议上的投票与其在委员会的投票有 所不同时,不在此限;如果一天排定两次会议,这两次会议又都审议同一项目, 则各代表团应在该日会议结束时行使 答辩 权 (第 34/401 号决定,第 6 至 8 段 (A/520/Rev.17,附件五))。
The General Committee also draws to the attention of the General Assembly that explanations of vote should be limited to 10 minutes; that, when the same draft resolution is considered in a Main Committee and in plenary meeting, a delegation should, as far as possible, explain its vote only once, either in the Committee or in plenary meeting, unless that delegation’s vote in plenary meeting is different from its vote in the Committee; and that delegations should exercise their right of reply at the end of the day whenever two meetings have been scheduled for that day and whenever such meetings are devoted to the consideration of the same item (decision 34/401, paras. 6-8 (A/520/Rev.17, annex V)).
(b) 任何代表团在一次会议答辩的次数应以每个项目两次为限,第一次不 超过五分钟,第二次不超过三分钟。
(b) Shall be limited to two per item for any delegation at a given meeting, the first of which is not to exceed five minutes and the second three minutes.
在 同 一次会议上,第二次行使答辩权发 言的有:伊朗伊斯兰 共和国代表 (针对以色列代表的发言)、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国代表(针 [...]
对日本代表的发言)和 日本代表(针对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国代表的发言)。
At the same meeting, statements in exercise
[...] of a second right of reply were made by the representative [...]
of Iran (Islamic Republic
of), in relation to the statement of the representative of Israel; the representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, in relation to the statement of the representative of Japan; and the representative of Japan, in relation to the statement made by the representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
对临时驳回申请复审或上诉,或者对异议提 答辩 的 时 限 (时限应合理),以及受理复审或上诉的主管机关;如果复审或上诉申请必 须通过其地址在宣布驳回的主管局的缔约方领土上的代理人提出,亦应 说明。
the time limit, reasonable under the circumstances, for filing a request for review of or appeal against the provisional refusal or for filing a response to the opposition, and the authority to which such request for review or appeal shall lie; if such request for review or appeal must be filed through the intermediary of a representative whose address is within the territory of the Contracting Party whose Office has pronounced the refusal, this will also be indicated.
这封信进一步指出,该组织 没有如报告概述的方法要求的那样得 答辩 权。
It was also stated in the letter that the organization had not
[...] been accorded a right of reply, as was required by [...]
the methodology outlined in that report.
针对联合王国在第四委员会同次会议上所做发言,西班牙政府代表行 使 答辩 权说 ,西班牙在直布罗陀周边水域问题上的立场没有改变:西班牙政府不承认联 合王国对周边海域的权利,《乌得勒支条约》第 X 条中规定的除外(A/C.4/65/SR.4, 另见秘书长报告 A/65/330/Add.1)。
In exercise of the right of reply to a statement made by the Government of the United Kingdom at the same Fourth Committee meeting, the Government of Spain stated that its position regarding the waters surrounding Gibraltar was unchanged: the Government of Spain recognized that the United Kingdom did not have rights over those maritime areas except those granted in article X of the Treaty of Utrecht (A/C.4/65/SR.4, see also the report of the Secretary-General A/65/330/Add.1).
如果列支敦士登代表 再在发言中重复提到叙利亚,那么它将行使其合答 辩权。
In the event of repeated mention of her country in statements by the representative of Liechtenstein, it would
[...] exercise its legitimate right of reply.
在 2009 年 3 月 5 日第 7 次会议上,行使答辩权发 言的有:印度代表(针 对巴基 斯坦代表的发言)、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国代表(针 [...]
对日本代表的发言)、 伊朗伊斯 兰 共和国代表(针 对以色列代表的发言)、巴基 斯坦代表(针 对印度代表的
发言)、以色列代表(针 对伊朗伊斯兰共和国代表的发言)和日本代表(针 对朝鲜民主 主义人民共和国代表的发言)。
At the 7th meeting, on 5 March 2009, statements in
[...] exercise of the right of reply were made by the representative [...]
of India, in relation to
the statement of the representative of Pakistan; the representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, in relation to the statement of the representative of Japan; the representative of Iran (Islamic Republic of), in relation to the statement of the representative of Israel; the representative of Pakistan, in relation to the statement of the representative of India; the representative of Israel, in relation to the statement of the representative of Iran (Islamic Republic of); and the representative of Japan, in relation to the statement of the representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
联合王国代表行使答辩权发言,重申联合王国政府众所周知的立场,即联合 王国对领土拥有主权,对此毫无疑问,不可能就主权问题进行谈判,除非岛民自 [...]
The representative of the United Kingdom, speaking in
[...] exercise of the right of reply, reiterated his Government’s [...]
well-known position that
the United Kingdom had no doubts about its sovereignty over the Territory and that there could be no negotiations on sovereignty unless and until the Islanders themselves so wished.
国家不应干涉关于法律援助受益方 答辩 安 排 或其法律援助提供人的独立 性。
The State should not interfere with the organization of the defence of the beneficiary of legal aid or with the independence of his or her legal aid provider.
根据委员会的议事规则,c 受到指控的缔约国可就来文可
[...] 否受理以及案情发表意见;由于在《第一任择议定书》为处理个别来文而制定的 程序中对方的原则受到充分尊重,双方 答辩 权 都不会受到侵害。
Under the Committee’s rules of procedure,c a respondent State can submit statements relating to both the admissibility and the merits of the complaint set forth in the communication; since the adversarial principle is fully respected in the procedure established
by the first Optional Protocol for dealing with individual
[...] communications, neither party’s right of defence is breached.
当我们要求以色列代表参考埃及正就这个问题行使 答辩权所作的全面发言(见 A/C.1/65/PV.5)时,这一 指责立即被以最客观的方式驳倒。
During the general debate, a colleague of the Israeli representative made a similar claim, which was immediately and most objectively invalidated when the Israeli representative was referred to the comprehensive statement delivered by Egypt in exercise of the right of reply concerning exactly that issue (see A/C.1/65/PV.5).
任何个人或实体如认为刊登在定期刊物的文书或图像直接冒犯或含有直接 冒犯的内容,又或提及不真实或错误的情事,可能影响其名声或声誉,因而受到 损害时,得行使答辩、否认或更正权。
Any person or entity that feels aggrieved or misrepresented by a written text or image which constitutes or contains a direct insult or a wrongful or untrue reference to a fact likely to affect such person’s public standing or reputation has the right to respond, disclaim and/or rectify such text or image.
国际仲裁的相关事务大多在联邦法院处理,但如果当事人在 州法院起诉,答辩人不 想行使其权利把案件转交联邦法 院,那么在此情况下,州法院(其经费是国内最充裕的, 并且是法官薪金最高的前五个州之一)同样有一贯作出支持 仲裁的裁决的记录。
Most matters relating to international arbitration are handled in the federal courts, but in the event an action is initiated in state court and not removed to federal court, the state courts (which are among the best funded in the country, with judicial pay in the top quintile of states) also have a consistent track record of pro-arbitration rulings.
第三,拒不允许非安理会成员参加对影响它们和 其利益的事项的讨论,还拒不给予有关国家向安理会 通报它们对直接影响其国家利益的问题的立场的权
[...] 利,而更关键的是,拒不给予在安全理事会举行某种 形式的会议期间对之提出指控的国家进 答辩 的权 利,这些都完全无视《宪章》第三十一条。
Thirdly, the refusal to allow non-members of the Council to participate in discussions on matters affecting them and their interests, and the denial to the countries concerned of the right to brief the Council on their positions on issues having a direct effect on their
national interests, and, more crucially,
[...] of their right of reply to countries against [...]
which allegations are raised during
certain formats of the Council’s meetings are in total disregard of Article 31 of the Charter.
仲裁庭应决定,除申请书答辩书之外,还应要求各方当事人提出何 种进一步书面陈述,或者各方当事人还可提出何种进一步书面陈述,并应 规定提出这些陈述的期限。
The arbitral tribunal shall decide which further written statements, in addition to the statement of claim and the statement of defence, shall be required from the parties or may be presented by them and shall fix the periods of time for communicating such statements.
2003年11月13日谢某等七合伙人为原告,对被告鹿城区人民政府和区农林水利局再次提起行政违法及行政赔偿案,何连英律师再一次代理鹿城区人民政府 答辩 : 原 告的游泳池于2001年11月1日被拆除,原告等人于2003年11月13日就该拆除行为提起诉讼,已经超过了最高人民法院关于执行《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》若干问题的解释第41条规定的起诉期限;原告的游泳池侵占了仰义水库泄洪道和仰义河道,既妨碍水库泄洪,又影响河道过水能力,属阻水障碍物,依法应当拆除。
On November 13, 2003 XieMou partner for the plaintiff, etc. Of the defendant lucheng district people's government and the forestry administrative law again water, and administrative compensation HeLianYing lawyer again and defense agency lucheng people's government in the swimming pool, the plaintiff on November 1, 2001, the plaintiff who were dismantled in November 2003 13 the demolition behavior has exceeded the lawsuit, the supreme people's court on the implementation of the administrative procedure law of the People's Republic of China of the interpretations of the provisions of article 41 prosecution, The plaintiff's pool encroached on AngYi reservoir, and AngYi river rather than block reservoir flood, and influence of river water, water according to law shall be dismantled barriers.




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