

单词 辞书



making dictionaries

See also:

take leave
ballad (archaic poetic genre)

External sources (not reviewed)

在语法辞书艾滋 病的犹太法典研究见犹太人。
On grammatical and lexicographical aids to the study [...]
of the Talmud see Jew.
圣事礼典》采用阿拉伯语撰写,出版于 17 世纪末期,是适用于拜占庭敬拜圣礼的 辞书 和 仪 式书。
This late-17th-century volume in Arabic is a Euchologion,
[...] the prayer book and book of ritual [...]
for the Byzantine Rite.
有,同样,许多元素tannaitic传统,特别是圣经midrashic注释,以及众多halakic解释 辞书 和 材料,这是在较受限制的米示拿的意思解释为进入犹太法典纳入准备一,当米示拿犹大成为标准halakic工作,作为对宗教法律问题的决定都源,而且,更特别是,作为一个在院校研究的课题,对犹太法典的mishnaic文本的解释,无论在理论上并在实践中,自然就成了最重要的研究分支,包括传统科学的其他分支,被来自的halakah和midrash(halakic训诂学)派生,也包括haggadic材料,但向未成年人的程度。
There were, likewise, many elements of tannaitic tradition, especially the midrashic exegesis of the
Bible, as well as numerous halakic
[...] interpretations, lexicographical and material, [...]
which were ready for incorporation into
the Talmud in its more restricted meaning of the interpretation of the Mishnah of Judah I. When this Mishnah became the standard halakic work, both as a source for decisions of questions of religious law, and, even more especially, as a subject of study in the academies, the Talmud interpretation of the mishnaic text, both in theory and in practise, naturally became the most important branch of study, and included the other branches of traditional science, being derived from the Halakah and the Midrash (halakic exegesis), and also including haggadic material, though to a minor degree.
秘书长在其 2010 年 3 月 15 日的说明(S/2010/136)中提及史法官辞 职 书, 并 提请安全理事会注意《法院规约》第十四条规定,确定选举日期以填补国际法 院由此产生的空缺。
By a note dated 15 March 2010
[...] (S/2010/136), the Secretary-General referred to Judge Shi’s letter of resignation and drew the [...]
attention of the Security
Council to article 14 of the Statute of the Court regarding fixing the date of the election to fill the resulting vacancy in the Court.
另 外一个代表团指出,在引用《公约》及其两项任择议定书说明委员会的属事管辖 权时的辞应当与议书的其 他程序保持一致。
Another delegation stated that the reference to the Convention and its two Optional Protocols for
describing the Committee’s ratione materiae
[...] competence should be worded similarly as for the other procedures under the protocol.
辞职从通知之日 起生效,除辞职通知书中指 明较晚的日期。
The resignation shall take effect from the date of notification, unless the notice of resignation specifies a later date.
辞职的委员应向主席或秘书长直接 提书面辞呈,唯有在收到这一辞呈之后才可采取行动宣布职位出缺。
The resignation of a member of the Committee shall be notified by that member
in writing directly to the Chairperson
[...] or to the Secretary-General and action [...]
shall be taken to declare the seat of that
member vacant only after such notification has been received.
也在同次会议上,联合国秘书处政治事务部非殖民化股股长劳拉·瓦卡里宣 读了书长致辞。
Also at the same meeting, the Chief of the Decolonization Unit, Department of Political Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, read out a message from the Secretary-General.
新的辞侧重于秘书长努 力制定一种有效而全 面的办法来对付跨国有组织犯罪和贩毒行为;有必 [...]
要在国家和区域一级采用全面而综合的办法对待预 防犯罪和刑事司法改革;有必要加强刑事司法系统 调查和起诉所有形式犯罪的能力同时保护被告的人 权和基本自由;以及最近在马拉喀什举行《联合国
New language focused on the
[...] efforts of the Secretary-General to develop an [...]
effective and comprehensive approach to transnational
organized crime and drug trafficking; the need for a comprehensive and integrated approach to crime prevention and criminal justice reform at the national and regional levels; the need to strengthen the capacity of criminal justice systems to investigate and prosecute all forms of crime while protecting defendants’ human rights and fundamental freedoms; and the successful outcome of the recent fourth session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, held in Marrakesh.
联合国裁军事务厅日内瓦办事处主任亚尔莫·萨雷瓦代表联合国 书 长致 辞。
At the opening session, His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni of the Kingdom of Cambodia delivered a message via video to the meeting and a message was delivered by Jarmo Sareva, Director of the
United Nations Office for
[...] Disarmament Affairs (Geneva Branch), on behalf of the Secretary General of the United [...]
高级代表还宣 读了联合国书长的致辞。
The High Representative also read a
[...] message from the Secretary-General.
根据决议草 案的辞,它“欢迎”书长关 于第 62/142 号决议 执行情况的报告,但只要会员国对报告有所不满, 用“注意”到秘书长的报告是联合国的标准做法。
As it was worded, the draft resolution “welcomed” the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation [...]
of resolution
62/149, whereas it was the normal United Nations practice to “note” reports of the Secretary-General whenever Member States were not comfortable with the reports.
书长在致辞中表 示,“鼓 励所有会员国采取具体措施,应对土著人民面临的各种挑战——包括边缘化、极 [...]
The message of the Secretary-General was to “encourage [...]
all Member States to take concrete steps to address the challenges
facing indigenous peoples — including marginalization, extreme poverty and loss of lands, territories and resources.
这些事件仍然带有大量的道德和政治色彩,秘书处绝对无意界定对上述表示感 到遗憾的辞的性质,书处只 是希望借用委员会的话说重申,这些“例子……没 [...]
Without in any way attempting to qualify the nature of those expressions of regret in relation to events still
loaded with heavy moral and political
[...] implications, the Secretariat wishes to reiterate [...]
that, in the words of the Commission,
those “examples … do not expressly refer to the existence of a breach of an obligation under international law”.
工作组就以下事项进行了辩论:关于委员会向大会提交年度报告的标准条 款、议定书的宣传和有关信息的获取、国家的签署、批准以及参加、通知、生 效、修订、通知退出以及任择议书 的 措 辞。
The Working Group held a debate on the standard provisions relating to the Committee’s report to the General Assembly; dissemination of the protocol and access to information relating to it; signature, ratification and accession by States; notification; entry into force; amendments; denunciation; and the languages of the optional protocol.
由于为此目的提出了各种传播和宣传工具(有六种语言的文化和睦年正式标识;用英 法文撰写的纸质和上网的小册子;英文/法文/西班牙文网站(包括经常更新的日程表);三 封致会员国和政府间组织/非政府组织通函;总干事和联合国 书 长 致 辞 ; 特 别具有号召 力、用图像描述文化和睦年的海报竞赛),各不同伙伴之间的合作就更有效了。
Cooperation between different partners was enhanced through the various communication and awareness-raising instruments established for this purpose (the official logo of the Year in six languages, a printed and online leaflet in English and French, a website in English/French/Spanish, including a regularly updated calendar, three circular letters to Member States and IGOs/NGOs, messages from the Director-General and the United Nations Secretary-General, and a particularly challenging poster competition to describe the Year in pictures).
但这样的参考后者捕捉到这个犹太资本被排除了,我们被告知,赫雷米亚斯此事件的说明(耶利 书 4 9 : 7-22)是这样的 辞 , 以 出卖其Abdias依赖(11-14 )作为较早写作。
But such reference to this latter capture of the Jewish capital is ruled out, we are told, by the fact that Jeremias's description of this event (Jeremiah 49:7-22) is so worded as to betray its dependence on Abdias (11-14) as on an earlier writing.
(b) 无限期任用工作人员可提前三十书 面 通 知 辞 职。
(b) Staff members holding an indefinite
[...] appointment may resign by giving thirty days’ written notice.
委员可在任何时书面辞职, 或由总 督与总理和反对党领袖协商后基于以下理由被解除职务:精神不健全或无法履行其职责、破 产、已被判处死刑或监禁、因为任何不诚实的罪行而被定罪、或未能履行法案规定的职责等。
A member may resign in writing at any time or be removed by the Governor-General, after consultation [...]
with the Prime Minister
and Leader of the Opposition, for being of unsound mind or unable to perform his or her functions; for becoming a bankrupt; upon being sentenced to death or imprisonment; for conviction for any crime of dishonesty; or for failing to carry out his or her functions under the Act.
(c) 秘书长可要求辞职通知须由本人亲自提出,方才接受。
(c) The Secretary-General may require the resignation to be submitted [...]
in person in order to be acceptable.
本组织还广泛传播书长致辞, 并 开展具体活动,以期进一步推行联合国的远景。
The messages of the Secretary-General are widely [...]
disseminated and specific activities are also undertaken in order to further
the vision of the United Nations.
多数代表团不支持将“不可能带来有效的补救”改为 “不可能提供有效的补偿”,因为这种提法偏离其他 书 所 使 用的 辞。
A proposal to replace “unlikely to bring effective relief” by “unlikely to provide
effective reparation” was not supported by most delegations, as it
[...] departed from the wording used in other instruments.
但是自这位书长于 2009 年 3 月辞职之 后, 没有其他全国委员会接手该项目的协调工作。
[...] following the Secretary-General’s resignation in March 2009, [...]
coordination activities have not been taken up by another National Commission.
也在同次会议上,联合国秘书处大会和会议管理部裁军和和平事务处处长宣 读了书长的致辞(见附录一)。
Also at the same meeting, the Chief of the Disarmament and Peace Affairs Branch, Department for General Assembly and Conference Management of the United Nations Secretariat, read out a message from the Secretary-General (see appendix I).
萨尔瓦多理解《开罗行动纲领》的文本中使用“家庭形式的多样性”或 “多种家庭形式”等词,是具有普遍性质的国际 书 的 典型 措 辞 , 目 的是为 了足够宽泛,以便涵盖全世界多种多样的家庭结构和模式。
El Salvador understands the use of the term “diversity of family forms” or “various forms of the family” in the text of the
Cairo Programme of Action to
[...] mean a generic wording typical of international instruments of [...]
a universal scope which is meant
to be broad enough to encompass various family structures and patterns in the world.
在与“四方”伙伴协商之后,特别协调员塞里 10 月
[...] 9 日在利比亚苏尔特举行的阿拉伯联盟首脑会议上 代表书长致辞,重申了这一立场。
Following consultations with Quartet partners, this position was reiterated in a message that
Special Coordinator Serry delivered on
[...] behalf of the SecretaryGeneral to the Arab [...]
League Summit in Sirte, Libya, on 9 October.
(b) 除任用书另有明文规定外,连续任用工作人员应提前三个 书 面 通 知辞 职, 定期任用工作人员应提前三十个历 书 面 通 知 辞 职 , 临时任用工作人员应提 前十五个历书面通知辞职。
(b) Unless otherwise specified in their letters of appointment, three months’ written notice of resignation shall be given by staff members holding continuing appointments, thirty calendar [...]
written notice by those holding fixed-term appointments and fifteen calendar days’ written notice by those holding temporary appointments.
准则 2.8.7(接受对国际组织组成书的保) 措 辞 如 下 :“若一项条约为一国际组织的 组成文书,除非另有规定,保留需经该组织的主管机关接受”。
Yet while such an objection does not preclude the entry into force of the treaty, it remains neutral on the question as to whether or not the reserving State or organization becomes a contracting party to the treaty, and does not necessarily result in the entry into force of the treaty as between the author of the objection and the author of the reservation.
书长在其开辞中也提到了这一点,他谈到,技术和通信的改善将确保我 们所代表的人民拥有比以往更多的信息,而且更热切 [...]
The Secretary-General observed this in [...]
his opening remarks as well, when he said that improved technology and communications
will ensure that those we represent are better informed than ever before and ever more keen to join with others in the dialogue we are discussing today.




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