

单词 辛提


辛提人 n

Sinti pl

辛辛那提 n

Cincinnati n

See also:

(of taste) hot or pungent
eighth in order
surname Xin

External sources (not reviewed)

注意到意大利重视罗姆族辛提族儿 童及年轻人的教育, 匈牙利询问这些方案取得的成果。
Noting Italy’s emphasis on the
[...] education of Roma and Sinti children and young [...]
people, Hungary asked about the results achieved through those programmes.
在同次会议上,副主席菲力泊·辛提 报 告了就商定结论草案文本进行的非正 式协商情况。
At the same meeting, the Vice-Chair, Filippo Cinti reported on the informal consultations held on the text of the draft agreed conclusions.
主席国希腊 将关注罗姆辛提的局势,关注打击仇恨罪的斗争。
The Greek chairmanship will devote attention to the situation
[...] of the Roma and Sinti and to the fight [...]
against hate crimes.
自去年将 IT
[...] 运营转移到新的数据中心之后,Emerson 关闭了其位于芝加哥辛辛那提的大型数据中心,而且也计划关闭位于圣路易斯总部旧的数据中心。
After transitioning IT operations to the new facility last
year, Emerson closed large data centers
[...] in Chicago and Cincinnati and is on the [...]
verge of closing a legacy data center on the St. Louis campus.
在 2 月 25 日第 8
[...] 次会议上,委员会举行了一次专家小组讨论,主题为“消 除一切形式歧视和暴力侵害女童行为”,由委员会副主席菲力 泊 · 辛提 先 生 (意大 利)主持。
At its 8th meeting, on 25 February, the Commission held an expert panel discussion on the theme “Elimination of all forms of
discrimination and violence against the girl child”, moderated by the
[...] Vice-Chair of the Commission, Mr. Filippo Cinti (Italy).
鉴于内阁的裁定,委员会建议缔约国采取适当措施为罗姆人 辛提 人 社区成员在 实施紧急状态令后受到的负面影响提供有效补救,包括为他们提供适当的住房, [...]
In view of the ruling of the Council of State, the Committee recommends that the State party take appropriate
measures to provide effective remedies to
[...] members of Roma and Sinti communities for all [...]
the negative effects that followed the
implementation of the NED, including by providing appropriate housing for them, and ensuring that segregated camps are not the only housing solution available to them.
他持辛辛那提大学的管理、金融和 MBA 学位,并持有商务西班牙语证书。
He holds management, finance, and MBA degrees, as well as a business Spanish certificate, from the University of Cincinnati.
[...] 号一般性建议(2000年),建 议缔约国提供关于罗姆辛提妇女 以及移民妇女所经历的困难的数据,并说明采 [...]
Bearing in mind its general recommendation No. 25 (2000) on gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination, the Committee recommends that
the State party provide data on difficulties
[...] experienced by Sinti and Roma women [...]
as well as migrant women, and that it provide
information on measures taken to guarantee to these women equal enjoyment of their rights under the Convention.
Kapoor 先生持有俄亥俄州迈阿密大学工商管理硕士学位(运筹学)以 辛辛 那 提 大 学 电气工程理科硕士学位。
Mr. Kapoor holds an M.B.A. (Operations Research) from Miami University of Ohio and an M.S. in Electrical
[...] Engineering from the University of Cincinnati.
M. Mielziner,介绍犹太法典辛辛那提( 也 给出了很好的书目犹太法典,这项工作的第二部分包含一个明确的解释学讨论和方法论的犹太法典)。
M. Mielziner,
[...] Introduction to the Talmud, Cincinnati (also gives [...]
good bibliography of the Talmud; the second part of this
work contains a clear discussion of the hermeneutics and the methodology of the Talmud).
在 2010 年 3 月 12 日第五十五届会议第 1 次会议上,委员会选举菲力泊·辛 提(意大利)和玛利亚·露丝·梅陇(阿根廷)担任副主席,取代已辞去副主席职位 的罗伯托·斯托拉齐(意大利)和胡利奥·佩拉尔塔(巴拉圭)。
At the 1st meeting of the 55th session, on 12 March 2010, the Commission elected Filippo Cinti (Italy) and Maria Luz Melon (Argentina) to replace Roberto Storaci (Italy) and Julio Peralta (Paraguay), who had resigned as Vice-Chairs.
The Cincinnati headquarters (one of the city's [...]
ten largest private employers) specialises in new parts, while some other
Meyer facilities do repair and overhaul for the OEMs.
維基百科 (Wikipedia) 對泰國這段期間的政 治情勢描述如下 : 從 2008 年以來 泰國持續 處於政治危機 分別是人民民主聯盟 (People's Alliance for Democracy PAD) 和 人 民 力 量 黨 (People's Power Party PPP) 政 府 的 總 理 頌 猜 和沙馬的分歧 及之後民主黨政府總理阿披 實和反獨裁民主聯盟 (National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship UDD) 的分歧 這是 2005 到 2006 年後泰國政治危機的延續 人民民主聯盟對泰愛泰黨政府總理塔 辛提出 抗議 人民民主聯盟的追隨者通常穿著黃色 因此被稱為 黃衫軍 黃色是泰王蒲美蓬的 顏色 反獨裁民主聯盟的追隨者穿著紅色 通 常被稱為 紅衫軍 是遭罷免的前總理塔克 辛的支持者
According to Wikipedia, the political situation in Thailand in this period was described by the following: “Since 2008, there has been an ongoing political crisis in Thailand in the form of a conflict between the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) and the People's Power Party (PPP) governments of Prime Ministers Somchai Wongsawat and Samak Sundaravej, respectively, and later between the Democrat Party government of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and the National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD).
委员会委员Laure Quinlivan表示:辛辛那提的音 乐遗产始于19世纪,至今仍长盛不衰,这也是他们从洛杉矶和亚特兰大等众多城市中选 辛辛 那 提 来 主 办此次世界合唱比赛的一个主要原因。
Cincinnati's musical heritage started in the 1800s and is as strong as ever today, a primary reason they selected Cincinnati to host the World Choir Games over cities like Los [...]
Angeles and Atlanta," says Council Member Laure Quinlivan.
Overly 先生获得辛辛那提大学工业管理学士学位,并获得了中密歇根大学商业硕士学位。
Mr. Overly has a BS in Industrial Management from the
[...] University of Cincinnati, and a Masters [...]
in Business from Central Michigan University.
2011年7月28日俄亥俄辛辛那提訊-全 美生命末期療護領先的醫療提供者VITAS創新安寧療護®,體認到退伍軍人在他們生命末期的獨特需要,為他們及其家屬提供優質的臨床、靈性和社會心理療護服務。
Cincinnati, Ohio, July 28, 2011— Recognizing that military veterans [...]
have unique needs as they near the end of life, VITAS
Innovative Hospice Care®, the nation’s leading provider of end-of-life care, provides quality clinical, spiritual and psychosocial care for veteran patients and their families.
九月份在路易維耳市舉辦的全國四重唱大會中,他們有機會從一個Beyerdynamic在俄亥俄 辛辛 那 提 市 的 經銷商Worship Rsources中看到這個系統和它多樣化的選擇,Worship [...]
Rsources讓The Hoppers去試聽MIPRO新的ACT無線系統後他們很輕易的做了決定。
At the National Quartet Convention in Louisville in September, they had a
chance to view the systems and various options with
[...] Worship Resources, a Cincinnati, Ohio-based dealer [...]
for Beyerdynamic.
烷基糖苷(Alkylpolyglycosides (APGs)) –
[...] 基于自然原材料的完全可生物降解型表面活性剂首次由俄亥俄 辛辛 纳 提 市 的 艾默瑞集团(Emery Group)大批量生产。
Alkylpolyglycosides (APGs) - fully biodegradable surfactants based on
natural raw materials - were produced for the first time on an industrial scale
[...] by the Emery Group in Cincinnati, Ohio.
语言,除法律段落和老学者和巴勒斯坦拉比的报价,是​​东方的巴比伦阿拉姆语方言(见Levi as , 辛辛 那 提 , 19 00年“一个在巴比伦犹太法典中的阿拉姆语成语语法”的; ML马戈利斯,“Grammatik DES babylonischen Talmuds”,慕尼黑,1910年)。
The language, excepting the legal paragraphs and the quotations of the older scholars and Palestinian rabbis, is that of the East Aramaic dialect of Babylonia (cf.
雷尼绍新型Equator系统是一款软件控制比对仪,位于俄亥俄 辛辛 那 提 市 的 航空发动机零部件制造商Meyer Tool使用该设备后,证明可以大大降低购置定制量具的成本。
A software-driven comparative gauge, Renishaw's new Equator system is already starting to soften up the cost for numerous hard gauges at aero-engine component maker Meyer Tool, Cincinnati, OH.
安理会强调迫切需要制定各种方案,为基于社会性别的暴力 辛 存者 提供支助。
The Council emphasizes the urgent need for programmes that provide support to survivors of gender-based violence.
我感谢前 往东帝汶的技术评估团各位成员,特别是团长伊 恩·马丁先生所做辛勤工作和提供 的 宝贵建议。
I thank the members of the technical assessment mission to Timor-Leste, in particular its chief, Mr. Ian Martin, for their diligent work and valuable recommendations.
总干事的代表介绍了文件 164 EX/17,并通报了奖金捐赠者马登吉特· 辛 格 先 生 提 出的 将 2002 年的奖金数额从 40,000 美元增至 100,000 美元的建议。
The representative of the Director-General introduced document 164 EX/17 and reported on the proposal of the donor of the prize, Mr Madanjeet Singh, to increase the prize money as of 2002 from $40,000 to $100,000.
然而,在現階段,若主席 是我的話,若主席要主持那個會議,看到秘書處 辛 勞 , 開了這麼多 次會議提交了 這麼多文件,而我們聽遍各方面的意見、專業意見, 經我們大家互相討論而得出一個如此清楚的報告,但所得到的竟然是 指我們不專業、無公信力、是不應該懲罰有關議員的,你又有何感想 呢?
Now if I were the chairman of the CMI and if the chairman has to preside over that meeting and when I see the hard work of the Secretariat, that it has to present so many papers for so many meetings, and after hearing views from all quarters, including professional views, and after we have come up with a report which is so clear after discussions, but what we get in return is an accusation that we have not been professional, lacking in credibility, and that the Member in question should not have been sanctioned, then what would you think?
最後,我謹藉此機會,代表政府帳目委員會向所有曾向委員會作供的㆟士表達謝意, 同時感謝核數署署長及其同事提供種種服務,此外亦向我們的法律顧問、秘書及其同 事致意,謝謝他們在委員會審議此事的整個過程㆗ 提 供 意見 和 辛 勤 襄 助。
Finally, on behalf of the Committee, I would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation and gratitude to all the persons who gave evidence to the Committee, to the Director of Audit and his staff for the many services which he has rendered, to our Legal Adviser, our
Secretary and his staff for their advice,
[...] assistance and hardwork throughout the Committee's consideration of this subject.
联合国电 视台的报道覆盖了大会的所有公开会议,并将信 提 供 给国 际 辛 迪 加和新闻发行 人;大会的所有公开会议还通过网上直播,并存档供日后观看;联合国摄影师也 报道大会的所有公开会议,并将高清晰度的照片张贴在联合国网站供下载;大会 的所有公开会议均配有全面的会议摘要,这些摘要作为联合国新闻稿迅即以英文 和法文制作出来,并被提供给新闻媒体、放到网站上并通过联合国各个办事处向 各区域分发。
All open meetings of the General Assembly are covered by United Nations Television and fed out to international syndicators and news distributors; by live webcasts, which are also archived for later viewing; by United Nations photographers, whose high-resolution photographs are posted on the United Nations website for downloading; by comprehensive summaries of the meetings which are promptly produced as United Nations press releases in English and French and made available to the media, on the website and distributed via United Nations offices to all regions.




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