单词 | 辛亥 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 辛亥 —forty eighth year H12 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1971 or |
可是,正正在辛亥革命 100年後的今天,我們眼見烈士犧牲 其寶貴生命後,民主夢仍然是遙不可及。 legco.gov.hk | However, 100 [...] years after the Xinhai Revolution, what [...]we see today is that after the martyrs sacrificed their precious lives, [...]democracy is still a distant dream. legco.gov.hk |
孫中山先生領導的辛亥革命 在中國近代歷史發展中具有重要的地 位,是中國人民為改變自己命運而奮起革命的一個重要里程碑,是一 次偉大的革命。 legco.gov.hk | It is an important milestone of Chinese people rising courageously in a revolution to write their own destiny; it is a great revolution indeed. legco.gov.hk |
辛亥革命 對香港人來說,是有很特別的意義的,因為國父孫中山 [...] 先生不單在香港求學及居住,他所發動的革命,亦是以香港為根據地。 legco.gov.hk | The Xinhai Revolution has [...] a very special meaning for Hong Kong people because Dr SUN Yat-sen studied and lived in Hong Kong, [...]and the revolution he started was also based in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
另一方面,特區政府亦 [...] 會透過舉辦不同類型的紀念活動,讓同學有機會在課堂以外認 識 辛亥 革命的歷史。 legco.gov.hk | Besides, the SAR Government will stage a variety of commemorative activities for [...] students, so that they can have the opportunity to learn the [...] history of the Xinhai Revolution outside [...]the classroom setting. legco.gov.hk |
辛亥革命 數年後有“五四運動”,當年的大學生和知識份子 上街抗爭,爭取“賽先生”和 [...] “德先生”,即科學與民主。 legco.gov.hk | A few years after the Xinhai Revolution, there [...] came the May Fourth Movement, where university students and intellectuals [...]took to the street to fight for "Mr S" and "Mr D", which stand for Science and Democracy. legco.gov.hk |
不論是中國,還 [...] 是香港;不論經濟好,還是經濟差,我們皆不應忘記六四,正如我們還 記得辛亥革命 、五四運動和南京大屠殺一樣。 legco.gov.hk | Be it China or Hong Kong, and regardless of whether the economy is good or bad, we should never forget the 4 June incident ― [...] we should remember it just in the same way [...] as we remember the 1911 revolution, [...]the May Fourth Movement and the Nanjing Massacre. legco.gov.hk |
但是,我必須指出 辛亥革命⎯⎯ 我們今天所討論的,又或大家所憧憬的一個偉大的革 [...] 命 ⎯⎯ 它的目標便是希望能夠促成民族自強及統一,也希望建立一 個真正共和的體制,以人民作為國家的主人。 legco.gov.hk | But I must [...] point out that the Xinhai Revolution ― [...]which is under our discussion today or a great revolution that we all [...]long for ― aimed to facilitate self-strengthening and reunification of the nation, and to establish a truly republican system with the people being the master. legco.gov.hk |
主席,很多學者爭論辛亥革命是否中國唯一的革命,這個爭論的 基礎,是惟有這樣的一個改變,使中國由封建制度走向文明。 legco.gov.hk | The basis of the debate is that only through such a radical change could China advance from feudalism to civilization. legco.gov.hk |
中國人民於100年前成功透過辛亥革命推翻帝制,建立亞洲第一 個民主共和國;很不幸,轉眼100年後,除了台灣人民可以透過 公平、公開、公正,以及普及而平等的民主選舉制度選擇政府和 產生民意機關外,中國內地、澳門及香港的人民仍未享有直接及 全面的選舉權利;有鑒於此,在辛亥 革 命接近100年後的今天, 本會呼籲全球華人秉承國父遺訓,致力推動民族、民生、民權, 令民主、人權及法治在中國神州大地早日得以實現。 legco.gov.hk | That the Chinese people successfully toppled the [...] monarchy in the Xinhai Revolution 100 years ago and established the first democratic republic in Asia; unfortunately, after the passage of 100 years, with the exception that the people in Taiwan can, through a democratic electoral system which is fair, open, impartial and based on the principles of universality and equality, choose their own government and return their elected representative assemblies, the people in Mainland China, Macao and Hong Kong are still unable to enjoy direct and full electoral rights; in view of this, on this day which is almost 100 years after the Xinhai Revolution, this [...]Council urges the Chinese [...]people all over the world to adhere to the teachings of the Founding Father and strive to promote nationalism, livelihood and democracy, so that democratization, human rights and the rule of law can be expeditiously realized on the soil of China. legco.gov.hk |
中山先生所領導的辛亥革命是把政治革 命、社會革命及民族革命,畢其功於一役,這是世界上革命運動歷史 [...] 所罕見的。 legco.gov.hk | The Xinhai Revolution led by Dr SUN [...] Yat-sen had integrated political reform, social reform and national reform into one [...]movement, which was unprecedented in the history of revolutionary moments all around the world. legco.gov.hk |
首先, 我希望在辛亥革命後,就國家和香港在最近數十年的發展表達數方面 的看法。 legco.gov.hk | First of all, I would like to express some views on a number of developments in the Mainland and Hong Kong over the past several decades after the Xinhai Revolution. legco.gov.hk |
我們十分鼓勵同學積極 參與這些活動,從而對辛亥革命的歷史意義、對香港在革命中所扮演 [...] 的角色,以至對國家的發展有更深的認識和體驗。 legco.gov.hk | We very much encourage students to actively participate in these activities, so as to have a better [...] understanding of and experience in the historical [...] meaning of the Xinhai Revolution, the [...]role which Hong Kong played in the Revolution [...]and the impact of the Revolution on our nation's development. legco.gov.hk |
主席,有關辛亥革命 的議案,如果在這個議事堂被否決的話,我 相信是充分反映了獨裁的政權及極權的魔爪,在香港各階層、各政治 [...] 組織已經非常牢固,是牢不可破的。 legco.gov.hk | President, regarding the [...] motion on the Xinhai Revolution, if [...]it is vetoed by this Council, I believe it fully reflects that [...]the dictatorial regime and the evil grip of the totalitarian power have so firmly taken hold of different echelons and political groups in Hong Kong that they are invincible. legco.gov.hk |
兩岸政府從來沒有(或是不敢)否定 「 辛亥 革 命 」和「五四運動」。 hkupop.hku.hk | Governments on both sides of the Strait have never negated (or dared not [...] negate) the "1911 Chinese Revolution" and [...]the "May Fourth Movement". hkupop.hku.hk |
辛亥革命 之後,人民飽受國家內戰及外地侵略的蹂 躪。 legco.gov.hk | After the Xinhai Revolution, [...] the people suffered badly from the ravages of civil war and foreign invasion. legco.gov.hk |
至於黃毓民議員的修正案,當 中提到要將辛亥革命相關的歷史發展資料,列入通識科的內容,我們 [...] 認為身為中國人,多些認識祖國的發展,包括祖國近年一日千里的發 展,也是理所當然的。 legco.gov.hk | As for Mr WONG Yuk-man's amendment, which mentions the incorporation of [...] relevant information on the historical [...] development of the Xinhai Revolution into [...]the curriculum of the subject of Liberal [...]Studies, we opine that as Chinese people, we should certainly learn more about the Motherland's development, including the rapid advancement the Motherland has made in recent years. legco.gov.hk |
法國革命距今已經二百多年,辛亥革 命 也已經是近 100 年前的事,我們 偉大祖國在 1949 年的人民革命,也距今半個世紀以上。 legco.gov.hk | More than 200 years have passed since the French Revolution and the 1911 Revolution was an event that happened almost a century ago. legco.gov.hk |
因此,我們認為並無需要將辛亥革命的歷史、影響和與 香港的關係,分別列為通識科國民教育的課程指引,因為在現有課程 [...] 下,已有恰當安排。 legco.gov.hk | We thus do not consider it necessary to incorporate the history and [...] impact of the Xinhai Revolution and [...]its relationship with Hong Kong into the [...]curriculum guide of national education under the subject of Liberal Studies because appropriate arrangements have been made in the current curriculum. legco.gov.hk |
与世界华商大会同期举行辛亥革命 100周年纪念活动别具意义。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | It is particularly meaningful to organise the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention and the 100th Anniversary of the Chinese Revolution back to back. english.sccci.org.sg |
1911年 的辛亥革命 及中華人民共和國於1949年成立,均是中國近代史上的關 [...] 鍵時刻,亦為國家往後的發展奠定了重要基礎。 legco.gov.hk | The Xinhai Revolution in 1911 and [...] the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, both being critical moments in [...]the recent history of China, had laid down an important foundation for the country's subsequent development. legco.gov.hk |
无论是在辛亥革命 、抗日时期为中国提供财力及物力的支援,还是在七十年代联手打破西方船运的垄断等方面,总商会都与中国结下了深厚而牢固的友谊。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Centering on the opportunities [...] generated by China’s burgeoning economic [...] development, Business China aims [...]to establish a widespread acceptance and appreciation [...]of the Chinese language and culture among young Singaporeans. english.sccci.org.sg |
然而,那是一个动荡的年代,当辛亥 革 命 爆发时,社会更加动荡。 voith.com | Yet times are quite turbulent, and things become even more dramatic when the Chinese Revolution breaks out. voith.com |
晚晴园曾经是孙中山先生号召南洋华侨支持中国革命的基地,举 办 辛亥 革 命 100周年纪念活动,可以让我国年轻一代更加了解这段重要历史,以及新加坡在这段历史上所扮演的角色。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | This event will be instrumental in helping the younger generation of Singaporeans better understand this important passage of history, and Singapore's role during this significant era. english.sccci.org.sg |
戊戌維新」失敗,觸發「辛亥革命 」,然後是新文化運動,和「五四運動」。 hkupop.hku.hk | The failure of the "Reform Movement of 1898" sparked the "1911 Chinese Revolution", followed by the "New Culture Movement" and then the "May Fourth Movement". hkupop.hku.hk |
九十二年前,辛亥革命 成功,封建皇朝解體。 hkupop.hku.hk | Ninety-two [...] years ago, the 1911 Chinese Revolution [...]put an end to our feudal monarchy. hkupop.hku.hk |
2011年,我们赞助超过2,000名来自低收入家庭的学生欣赏由香港话剧团特别节目, 以 辛亥 革 命 100周年为主题的作品《遍地芳菲 ─ 恒生银行学生专场》。 bank.hangseng.com | In 2011, we sponsored special shows by the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre for more than 2,000 students from low-income families under the Boundless Movement - Hang Seng Bank Student Matinees programme to mark the 100th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution. bank.hangseng.com |