

单词 输的

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因此,采用 道路输的货物常常要在边境地区或某一条指定线路沿线的装卸点进行转 运,致使在运输过程中增加了不必要的成本和延误。
As a result, goods carried by road often have to be trans-shipped at border areas or loading points along a designated route.
我们知道救援马上就到,并且还有一些空气,但我们当时 输的 一 个 煤气罐开始泄露,导致我们呼吸困难。
We knew that help was on the way and there was some air left, but one of the gas cylinders we were transporting started to leak, and we suffocated,” remembers Mohammed.
(f) 请提出供在用于科学飞行任务和(或)载人 输的 亚 轨 道飞行的法律 定义框架内审议的其他问题。
(f) Please propose other questions to be considered in the framework of the legal definition of suborbital flights for scientific missions and/or for human transportation.
有关国际公路输的双边 协 定通常要求承运公司遵守东道国的国内标准,而这些标准通常有别于承运公 司注册所在国的标准。
Bilateral agreements on international road transport normally require carriers to observe the domestic standards of host countries, which are mostly different from the countries where the carriers are registered.
现有系统可以由基于因特网协议(IP)技术的新系统取代,新系 统将使用数据输的网络 结构来传输声音和视频信息,并且能整 合信息技术工具,如电子邮件、即时信息、网络会议等等。将现 有电话设备更换为基于因特网协议的统一通信系统需要扩展和升 级数据网络基础设施,使其能够支持新设备,并保证视频和音频 沟通所需的条件和能力。
The current installations would be replaced by a new system based in IP technology which allows voice and video communications to use the same network structure as data communications and be integrated with IT tools such as emails, instant messaging, web conferencing, etc. The replacement of the telephone installations by an IP based Unified Communications system requires the data network infrastructure to be extended and upgraded to support the new equipment and ensure the levels of availability and performance required for video and voice communications.
加工、包装和输的改进以及分销和销售的变 化显著改变了渔业产品的制作、销售和递送给消费者的方式。
Improvements in processing, packaging and transportation as well as changes in distribution and marketing have significantly changed the way fishery products are prepared, marketed and delivered to consumers.
为了减少武器的非法流动,我敦促各国借助《管 制火器议定书》来填补国家立法中的漏洞;加强对武 器输的管制 ;建立关于收缴非法武器的区域数据 库;促进各政府管理部门内的机构间合作;建立关于 可疑货物的档案;同其他国家分享信息以便核查遵守 国际协定的情况。
To cut the illicit flow of weapons, I urge States to use the Firearms Protocol to close loopholes in national legislation, tighten up regulations on weapons transport, develop regional databases on seizures, promote inter-agency cooperation within national administrations, profile suspicious shipments and share information with other countries to verify compliance with international agreements.
咨询委员会还 获悉,亚太经社会第 66/13 号决议请亚太经社会执行秘书加强和支持实施中亚经 济体特别方案;实施《阿拉木图行动纲领》;协助内陆国家和过境国家促进过境输的互惠 安排;加强北亚和中亚次区域办事处作为次区域合作和协调国际项目 重要机制的作用和能力。
The Committee was also informed that the Commission, in its resolution 66/13, had requested the Executive Secretary of ESCAP to strengthen and support the implementation of the Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia; to implement the Almaty Programme of Action; to assist landlocked countries and transit countries in promoting reciprocal arrangements for transit transport; and to strengthen the role and capacity of the Subregional Office for North and Central Asia as an important mechanism for subregional cooperation and the coordination of international projects.
这些国家还努力鼓励木材 和非木材产品的认证及出口和输的 许 可 证制度。
They are also working to encourage certification and licensing for the exportation and shipping of wood and wood products.
第二十八条 托运人与承运人在提供信息和指示方面的合作 如果有关货物正确操作和输的信息 处于被请求方的占有之下,或有关货物 正确操作和输的指示 是在被请求方能够合理提供的范围之内,且请求方无法以 其他合理方式获取此种信息和指示,承运人和托运人应就对方提出的提供此种信 息和指示的请求作出响应。
The carrier and the shipper shall respond to requests from each other to provide information and instructions required for the proper handling and carriage of the goods if the information is in the requested party’s possession or the instructions are within the requested party’s reasonable ability to provide and they are not otherwise reasonably available to the requesting party.
如果想要将颜色传输到另一台计算机,请:在具有您要 输的 自 定 义 滤色的计算机上选择导出,然后在另一台计算机上选择导入。
If you want to transfer colors to another PC: select Export on the PC that has the custom dropout colors you want to transfer and then select Import on the other PC.
在此方面,成员国正在采取各类不同的模式转换 举措,其中包括:(a) 更多地使用内陆和沿海水上通道;(b) 扩大公共 交通运输网络;(c) 推动采用非机动化运输方式;(d) 作为道路交通输的替代办法,增大铁路网的载量并使之电器化;(e) 对车辆的需求实 行管理;(f) 利用智能型交通运输系统技术来改进交通运输;(g) 采取 各种缓解政策,包括车量减排政策、使用生物燃料、以及使用高效燃 料船只和航运战略。
In that respect, various modal shift initiatives were being taken by member States, including: (a) more use of inland and coastal waterways, (b) expansion of public transport networks, (c) facilitation of nonmotorized transport, (d) additions to and electrification of the rail network as an alternative to road, (e) vehicle demand management, (f) improved engineering with intelligent transport system technology, (g) mitigation policies including vehicle emissions reduction policies, biofuel use, and fuelefficient ships and shipping strategies.
如果您要将设置快捷方式传输到另一台 PC:在具有您要输的快捷方 式的 PC 上选择导出,然后在另一台 PC 上选择导入。
If you want to transfer Setting Shortcuts to another PC: select Export on the PC that has the shortcuts you want to transfer and then select Import on the other PC.
除非下文另有规定,或另有书面约定,否则您同意:您通过本网站向任何人 输的 任 何 通信或您在本网站上张贴的任何受版权保护的作品,包括但不限于问题、评论、建议、构想、计划、记录、绘图、配置、规格、采购订单、报价或询价、性能数据、帐户信息或其他材料、数据或信息(统称为“信息”)均属非机密信息,当您将此类信息通过电子邮件或其他方式传输至 QUADRANT 时,您授予 QUADRANT 不可撤销的、非独占的、免版税的、可转授权的全球性许可(包括但不限于版权许可),允许在任何媒体上按照我方的隐私政策使用这些信息。
Except as otherwise provided below or as otherwise agreed upon in writing, you agree that any communications you transmit to anyone through the Site or copyrighted works you post on the Site, including, without limitation, questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, plans, notes, drawings, configurations, specifications, purchase orders, quotes or requests for quotes, performance data, account information, or other material, data or information (collectively, "Information"), are non-confidential and upon transmission of such information to QUADRANT via email or other means you grant to QUADRANT an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicensable, world wide license (including but not limited to a copyright license) to use such Information in any media for any purpose in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
(b) 用于科学飞行任务和(或)载人 输的 亚 轨 道飞行的法律定义对于各 国及其他的空间活动方面行动者来说将是否切实有用?
(b) Will the legal definition of suborbital flights for scientific missions and/or for human transportation be practically useful for States and other actors with regard to space activities?
六、对于任何实际发生的或预想发生的灭失或损坏,争议各方当事人应为检 验和清点货物相互提供一切合理便利,且应为查询有关货物 输的 记 录 和单证提 供机会。
6. In the case of any actual or apprehended loss or damage, the parties to the dispute shall give all reasonable facilities to each other for inspecting and tallying the goods and shall provide access to records and documents relevant to the carriage of the goods.
专家组已在 2011 年的最后报告中强调了军队插手 Nyabibwe矿区和参与矿产输的情况 (见S/2011/738,第 501 和 502 段)。
In its final report of 2011 the Group already highlighted instances of military interference in the mine of Nyabibwe, as well as military involvement in mineral transportation (see S/2011/738, paras. 501-502).
关于管理动态的一节强调了可持续输 的重要 性,集中讨论了三类不同的国际法律文书。
The session on regulatory developments highlighted the importance of sustainability in shipping, focusing on three distinct sets of international legal instruments.
部长级论坛在其第一届会上最终通过了《关于在亚洲发展交通 输的 曼谷 宣言》,其中提供了一个用以推进开展区域合作以支持社会-经济发展 的明确框架,其中包括努力实现关于建立一套国际综合性多式联运及物流 系统的构想。
The first session of the Forum culminated in the adoption of the Bangkok Declaration on Transport Development in Asia, which provides a clear framework for promoting regional cooperation in support of socio-economic development, including the realization of the long-term vision of an international integrated intermodal transport and logistics system.
过去几十年,冷冻、制冰 和输的主要创新也使得鱼以新鲜和其他类型销售。
In the last few decades, major innovations in refrigeration, ice-making and transportation have also allowed the distribution of fish in fresh and other forms.
通 过可信的封闭式网络如环球银行间金融电信协会管理的网络 输的 信 用证是引 人注目的例外情况,商界对它并非持上述态度。
Letters of credit transmitted via trusted closed networks such as that managed by the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) constituted a notable exception to that business attitude.
(a) 商业和工业制冷最终用户奖励方案,由日本政府执行(144,000 美元),通过提供 资金奖励,替换或改造制冷系统,淘汰商业和工业制冷最终用户(即:粮食储存、 渔业、肉类加工厂、酿酒厂、医院、旅馆、餐馆、超级市场和冷藏 输)的 CFC 消费(主要是 CFC-12 和 R502)。
(a) Incentive programme for the commercial and industrial refrigeration end-users, to be implemented by the Government of Japan (US $144,000), to phase-out consumption of CFCs (mainly CFC-12 and R502) in the commercial and industrial refrigeration end-user sectors (i.e., food storage, fisheries, meat-processing plants, breweries, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, supermarkets and refrigerated transport) through the payment of a financial incentive to either replace or retrofit their refrigeration systems.
克罗地亚作为《核材料实物 保护公约》的缔约国,已按照原子能机构文件《核材料和核设施的实物保护》的 设想,采取一切必要措施以有效保护为和平目的而使用、储存或 输的 核 材料 (INFCIRC/225 号文件)。
As a State party to the CPPNM, Croatia takes all necessary measures to effectively protect nuclear materials that are used, stored or transported for peaceful purposes, as envisaged by the IAEA document “The Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities” (INFCIRC/225).
可持续输的最主 要障碍包括:(a) 体制和治理结构不适足;(b) 国家和地 方决策者缺乏充足信息;(c) 现有运具分担、用户需求、空气质量和其他关键因 素的基线数据不足;(d) [...]
解决相关问题的人力资源不足;(e) 资金来源不足;(f) 无
法获得适当技术;(g) 只注重几个大城市,不考虑以实现中小城市和农村地区可 持续运输为目标的行动;以及(h) 缺乏车辆排放标准。
Among the most significant obstacles to sustainable transport were the following: [...]
(a) inadequate institutional and governance
structures; (b) a lack of sufficient information on the part of national and local policymakers; (c) insufficient baseline data with regard to existing modal share, user needs, air quality and other critical factors; (d) insufficient human resources to address the relevant issues; (e) inadequate funding resources; (f) a lack of access to suitable technologies; (g) focus on only a few major cities, not taking into account actions aimed at sustainable transport in secondary and smaller cities and rural areas; and (h) a lack of vehicle emission standards.
Before creating new inputs or changing existing ones, check that you have an appropriate page setup which can be associated with each input.
由于此阻抗匹配网络是低 噪声放大的输入,它的损耗 将大大影响级联 NF,所以 设计人员必须在最佳阻抗匹配和 [...]
NF 性能之间权衡,同时 要特别注意匹配网络中每个组件的品质因数。
Since this impedance
[...] matching network is at the input of the LNA, its loss [...]
will have significant impact on cascaded NF,
so the designer must trade off optimal impedance match for NF performance while also paying careful attention to the quality factor of each component in the matching network.
[...] Checkstyle 可寻找:·不能使用的或者多的输入 · 空格更好的地方不使用跳格符,反之亦然 [...]
·不遵循命名标准的变量、方法或者类 ·过分复杂的分配或者返回语句。
Project Information: Checkstyle can look for : · can not be
[...] used or redundant input space a better [...]
place without tabbing character , and vice
versa does not follow standard variable naming , method or class assignment , or overly complex return statement .
成员国需要结合各自现有的 立法和做法来审议各项国际公约中所规定的义务,并酌情调整本国与国际道 路交通输相关的立法、文件和程序。
Member countries need to review the obligations of the international conventions together with their existing legislation and practices, and to adjust, as appropriate, their legislation, documentation and procedures relating to international road transport.
秘 书 长 先 前 关 于 企 业 资 源 规 划 系 统 实 施 战 略 的 提 案 (A/62/510/Rev.1,第 40 至 45 段)建议,企业资源规划项目的设计、建 立、测试和部署将分两波进行:第一波为期 30
个月,于 2010 年底完 成,建立遵守《国际公共部门会计准则》(《公共部门会计准则》)所需
[...] 要的财务、人力资源、采购和资产管理等核心功能;第二波为期 24 个 月,主要是成果管理制、风险管理、 输 和 差 旅等其余功 的 设 计 -建 立-测试-部署。
The Secretary-General’s previous proposals on the ERP implementation strategy (A/62/510/Rev.1, paras. 40–45) suggested that the ERP project would be designed, built, tested and deployed in two waves: the first to be completed over a 30-month period by the end of 2010, for the core finance, human resources, procurement and asset management functions required for compliance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS);
and a second wave over a
[...] 24-month period for design-build-test-deployment of the remaining [...]
functions, such as results-based
management, risk management, transportation and travel.




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