单词 | 输尿管 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 输尿adj—urinaryadj 尿n—urinen 尿—urinate
这部仪器设有X光及超声波系统,可准确定位和全程监察,用於治疗不同大小和位置的肾石及输尿管结石,疗效显着,起着相辅相成的作用。 hksh.com | Fully integrated with X-ray and Ultrasound for stone [...] localization and monitoring, they are useful [...] for kidney and ureteral stones of different [...]sizes and locations and have a complementary role to one another. hksh.com |
摩洛哥还制定了预防和控制糖尿病、心血管、冠状动脉和呼吸系统疾病的方案,目的是减少患病和死 亡率,并且提高病人及其家人的生活质量。 daccess-ods.un.org | Morocco has also set up national programmes to [...] prevent andcontrol diabetes and cardiovascular, coronary and [...]respiratory diseases, so as to [...]reduce illness and mortality and improve quality of life for patients and their families. daccess-ods.un.org |
输入并重新输入新的管理员密码,然後按一下下一步。 seagate.com | Enter and [...] re-enter the newadministrator password, then [...]click Next. seagate.com |
数据分析显示,除非执行严厉的措施,否则即使透 过运输管理和财政上的配合措施,对於减少车辆增长和运 [...] 输需求,并无成效,社会亦不会接受。 devb.gov.hk | Analysis of the data showed that using [...] complementary trafficmanagement and fiscalmeasures [...]to curtail vehicular growth and travel [...]demand, short of draconian measures, would be ineffectual and socially undesirable. devb.gov.hk |
结石病者会在尿液里排出高浓度的盐分或矿物质,而尿液不能带走的额外份量就会残留在输尿系统内,形成结晶体,并逐渐积聚成结石。 hksh.com | When this balance is disturbed, the salt or mineral is found in [...] urine in high concentrations, and the excess [...] remains in the urinary tract toform [...]crystals, which eventually aggregate to each other to form stones. hksh.com |
病者於接受治疗时务请携带所有输尿系统的X光检查影片及相关资料,以作治疗前之评估。 hksh.com | Please be sure to bring with you any prior [...] X-ray films of theurinary system andall other [...]relevant data for assessment. hksh.com |
如缺乏治理,结石可能会对肾脏及输尿系统的其他器官造成永久性的损害。 hksh.com | If untreated, stones may cause permanent damage to the kidneys and [...] other organs ofthe urinary system. hksh.com |
用于泌尿道和输尿管的尿道肾纤维内窥镜。 zh.medwow.com | Fiberoptic ureterorenoscopes [...] intended for urinary tractand ureters. medwow.com |
还关注的是,非传染性疾病发病率的上升对社会构成一项沉重负担,造成了 严重的社会和经济后果;并意识到需要防治心血管疾病、癌症、糖尿病及慢性呼 吸道疾病,因为这些疾病对人的健康和发展构成主要威胁 daccess-ods.un.org | Concerned also that the increasing incidence of non-communicable diseases constitutes a heavy burden on society, with serious social and economic consequences, and [...] aware that there is a need to [...] respond to cardiovascular diseases, cancers,diabetes and chronic respiratory [...]diseases, which [...]represent a leading threat to human health and development daccess-ods.un.org |
在国家一级举办了下列与特殊疾病有关的一些会议和研讨会:与地中海贫血 病国际联合会合办的地中海贫血病患者的牙病问题会议(2008 年 6 月,德黑兰)、 肺癌治疗新发现(2008 年 6 月,德黑兰)、糖尿病治疗新发现(2008 年 4 月,德黑 兰)、管理特殊疾病患者的治疗费用(2007 年 11 月,德黑兰)、糖尿病研讨会(2007 年 4 月,德黑兰)、诊断和治疗特殊疾病新发现(2006 年 11 月,德黑兰)、糖尿病中的心脑血管疾病(2008 年 8 月,德黑兰),以及遗传病高级诊断国际讲习班(2007 年 3 月,德黑兰)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some conferences and seminars held at the national level related to special diseases are as follows: Dentistry Problems of Thalassaemia Patients, in cooperation with the Thalassaemia International Federation (Tehran, March 2008), New Findings in Treatment of Lung Cancer (Tehran, [...] June 2008), New Findings [...] on TreatmentofDiabetes (Tehran,April 2008),Management of Treatment Costs of Patients with Special Disease (Tehran, November 2007), Seminar on Diabetes (Tehran, April 2007), New Findings in Diagnosis and Treatment of Special Diseases (Tehran, November 2006), Cardio-vascular DiseasesinDiabetes (Tehran,August [...]2008), and International [...]Workshop on Advanced Diagnosis on Genetic Diseases (Tehran, March 2007). daccess-ods.un.org |
如果可能,每四星期更换一次导尿管。 thewpca.org | Change ■Urinarytract infection the catheter every four weeks [...] if possible. thewpca.org |
SA2100伺服器为具成本效益及灵活之数码影院应用技术, 采用无缝管道传输可替换内容;不同形式之内容如现场访问、萤幕广告及主题电影均可编排播放, [...] 毋须重新设定伺服器及╱或投射器以配合不同之影像格式。 gdc-world.com | The SA2100 server is a cost-effective and flexible solution for digital cinema and [...] alternative content sources to be [...] playout in a seamlesspipeline;variousformats [...]of content such as live interview, on-screen [...]advertisement and feature films can be programmed to playout without the need to re-initialise the server and/or projector for different image formats. gdc-world.com |
通过造影可了解膀胱充盈情况和肿瘤浸润的范围、深度,结合肾盂和输尿管造影可了解是否有肾积水、输尿管浸润及浸润的程度等。 asiancancer.com | X-Ray angiography examination can figure out the filling extent of the bladder, the infiltrative scope and depth of the tumor. asiancancer.com |
此外,肾脏疾病、糖尿病、肠胃疾病及神经系统疾病和精神疾病发病率正 在增加,关于这类疾病导致死亡的报告增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, incidences of [...] renal diseases,diabetes,gastro-intestinal [...]diseases and diseases of the nervous system and mental [...]disorders are on the increase, with increasing deaths reported from such diseases. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前既有的数据显示,分割的肾盂成形术是最成功的介入方式 (Eden 等人,2001),是唯一可以用来校正所有输尿管肾盂阻塞案例的技术,已成为其它方式之后的标准。 websurg.com | The data available suggests that dismembered pyeloplasty is the most successful intervention (Eden et al., 2001), as well as being the only technique capable of correcting all cases of UPJ obstruction. websurg.com |
由于Karin的身体中充满液体,因此为她插入了导尿管,同时使用了利尿剂。 liko.com | Since Karin's body was filled [...] with liquid, a catheter was inserted along with adiuretic. liko.com |
由於卖方的控股股东—吉林 [...] 投资对卖方的投资策略及方向进行调整,卖方投资策略将集中於中游长输管线,故卖方 欲出售其於公主嶺港天之权益及 [...]CNG 車辆。 towngaschina.com | As Jilin Investment, the controlling shareholder of the Vendor, intends to adjust the investment strategy and development approach of the Vendor [...] such that it will focus on the midstream [...] long-distance gaspipeline business; the Vendor [...]therefore disposes of its interests [...]in Gongzhuling Gangtian and the CNG Vehicles. towngaschina.com |
2.5.11 除了同意兴建中环湾仔绕道及 P2 路外,政府亦同意实行专 家小组建议的短期运输管理措施。政府在施行不同的运输 管理措施及全面检讨运输及土地使用规划的同时,亦会认 真考虑其他专家小组建议措施的可行性。 devb.gov.hk | While Government will continue to enhance its [...] [...] efforts in implementing various trafficmanagement measures and taking a holistic approach [...]to transport/land use planning, the feasibility [...]of other measures as recommended by the Expert Panel are also being actively considered. devb.gov.hk |
肾盂成形术的优点和进行复杂腹腔镜手术时渐增的信心,说服了一些泌尿科医师研究腹腔镜肾盂成形术,达到的成功率比开腹手术高5-10% (Eden等人,2001),因此设定了治疗输尿管肾盂阻塞的新照护标准。 websurg.com | The superiority of pyeloplasty and an increasing confidence in performing complex laparoscopy have persuaded a small number of urologists to investigate laparoscopic pyeloplasty, achieving success rates which are 5-10% higher than in open surgery (Eden et al., 2001), thus setting a new standard of care for correcting UPJ obstruction. websurg.com |
於 2012 年内,集团继续扩展业务版图,分别在辽宁省、山东省、江西省、福建省和河北省共取得八个新 项目,包括辽宁省大连瓦房店市的城市管道燃气项目及中游长输管线项目、阜新市新邱区;山东省招远市 滨海科技产业园、济南市平阴县;江西省宜春市宜丰县;以及集团在福建省和河北省首个的投资项目— 福 建省龙岩市长汀县和河北省秦皇岛市山海关区临港产业园管道燃气项目。 towngaschina.com | We continued to expand the geographic extent of our business presence in 2012 with the acquisitions of eight new projects in Liaoning, Shandong, Jiangxi, Fujian and Hebei Provinces. These included a piped city gas and a midstream gas pipeline project in Wafangdian City, Dalian, Liaoning Province andpiped gas projects in Xinqiu District in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province; Binhai Science and Technology Industrial Park in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province; Pingyin County in Jinan City, Shandong Province; Yifeng County in Yichun City, Jiangxi Province; as well as debut projects in Fujian Province and Hebei Province. towngaschina.com |
若运输管理单位要调降补助,就得提高票价,纵然各位从未搭乘大众运输系统,缴纳的各级税金仍有部分流向补助金,许多郊区及非都会区议员与选民显然不太满意。 thisbigcity.net | Like it or not, a portion of your Federal, state, and city tax dollars goes towards funding transit even if you never ride it, a concept that many lawmakers and constituents in suburban and exurban communities are definitely not cool with. thisbigcity.net |
而车辆侦测系统(Vehicle Detector)为推动先进交通运输管理系统重要的基础设备,因此本文将对目前各类车辆侦测器进行研究比较分析,并利用微波车辆侦测器,於交通大学南大门建置实际触动路口号志控制系统,进行前後路口绩效之比较。 chttl.com.tw | The vehicle detector which is used on the front-end system of ATM is equipment for collecting the traffic information, for example speed, flow and occupation, etc. This paper presents the review of vehicle detectors and a case study on traffic management of actuated control. chttl.com.tw |