

单词 辍学率

辍学率 ()

drop-out rate (from schooling)

See also:


drop out of school
interrupt one's studies
leave off studying

stop (before completion)

External sources (not reviewed)

需求评估表明,社会经济和文 化因素是主要原因,例如必须为养活家庭而工作的压力,这或许说明了何以一些 行动区入率低和辍学率高。
Needs assessments point to socio-economic and cultural factors — such
as the pressure to work to support a family — that may
[...] explain lower enrolment levels and drop out rates in some fields.
尽管不断努力降辍学率,仍 需要进一步努力,因为在近东救济工 程处系统中,约有 10%的男生和 [...]
Despite continued efforts to
[...] decrease the dropout rate, further efforts [...]
are needed, as approximately 10 per cent of boys
and 5 per cent of girls in the UNRWA system do not finish the full cycle of basic education.
加拿大提到青年失率、中学辍学率以 及具有移民背景人员的无家可归率。
Canada referred to the youth
[...] unemployment rate, the secondary school dropout rate and [...]
the homelessness rate for persons of an immigrant background.
强调指出该国已采取种种措施和具体行动来处 辍学率 , 尤 其是 罗姆族儿辍学率问题
Measures and concretes actions taken to
[...] tackle the question of dropout rates from school, in particular for Roma [...]
children, were underlined.
这体现在重率高、辍学率高 和 大量学生离开学校时不具备与他们的受教育程度相称的技能和竞争力。
This is manifest in
[...] high repetition rates, high dropout rates and the large number of learners who leave [...]
school not having acquired
the skills and competencies commensurate with their educational attainment.
(c) 执行2008
[...] 年教育法,加强特别措施,其目的除其他外特别是要降低非 洲裔和土著人儿童辍学率,向 其父母宣传上学的好处。
(c) Implement the 2008 law on education and strengthen
special measures aimed at, inter alia,
[...] reducing the school dropout rates of children of [...]
African descent and indigenous origin,
and sensitizing their parents to the benefits of education.
2000 至 2010 年期间初期的特点是:(a) 学校建造和教师工资的单位成本极其高昂;(b)
[...] 教 育系统内部缺乏效力,表现为高复 率 和 辍学率 ; (c) 国家中部大型社区以宗教 为由反对现代法语学校;(d) [...]
接受初等教育方面存在严重的空间和性别差距; (e) 非国家利益攸关方未充分参与教育政策的设计和执行;(f)
质量管理存在重 大缺陷;(g) 教育体制多变,决策机构多样,阻碍了对教育部门的监督。
The early part of the period 2000 to 2010 was characterized by (i) extremely high unit costs for school construction and teacher salaries; (ii) the education system’s
internal ineffectiveness, as shown by high
[...] repetition and dropout rates; (iii) rejection [...]
of modern French schools for religious
reasons by large communities in the centre of the country; (iv) major spatial and gender disparities in access to primary education; (v) insufficient involvement of non-State stakeholders in the design and implementation of education policies; (vi) major inadequacies in quality control; and (vii) institutional instability and a multiplicity of decision-making bodies that hinders oversight of the sector.
在报道的各个问题中,五个问题引起了媒体的大量关注:拉丁美洲教育体系 辍学率 (2 月), 濒危语言 (2 月), 恐怖主义与媒体(世界新闻自由日, [...]
马尼拉,5 月), 保护阿富汗文化遗 产(喀布尔, 5 月) 以及世界遗产目录增加九个新的遗产地 (布达佩斯, 6 月)。
Of the different issues covered, five attracted considerable media
[...] attention: Drop-out rates in education systems [...]
in Latin America (February), Languages
in danger (February), Terrorism and the media (World Press Freedom Day, Manila, May), Safeguarding Afghan cultural heritage (Kabul, May) and the addition of nine new sites on the World Heritage List (Budapest, June).
卡姆登的高辍学率达到 70%,其中仅有 13% 的学生可以通过州数学能力考试。
Camden has a 70 per cent
[...] high school dropout rate, with only 13 [...]
per cent of students managing to pass the state's proficiency exams in mathematics.
如果允许社会支出下降,危机过后,这种情况 有可能加剧和延长不利的影响,例如使营养不良程度 辍学率 和 长 期失业率更加 严重。
If social expenditures are allowed to decline in the wake of the crisis, such a situation is likely to exacerbate
and prolong its adverse impacts on, for example, levels of
[...] malnutrition, school dropout rates and long-term [...]
通过宣传优质教育,印度政府在减辍 学率方面的努力得到了支持,特别是通过发起一项对任职前教师和在职教师的培训方 [...]
GOI efforts
[...] in reducing school drop-out rate is being supported [...]
through advocacy for quality education, notably by initiating
a review of preservice and in-service teacher training programmes through conferences and expert meetings on various aspects of inclusive education.
经修订的罗姆 人教育问题行动计划》规定措施提高罗姆儿童的入学率、并降低罗姆儿童 辍学 率。
The Revised Action Plan for Roma Education envisages measures
to increase the presence of Roma children in schools and measures to
[...] decrease the school dropout rates of Roma children.
一 些国家从关心这类青年的角度采取了各种举措,努力降 辍学率 , 并为失学青年参加职业培 训提供了更多机会,德国和葡萄牙的报告都概述了这方面情况。
Reflecting this concern, States have undertaken a variety of initiatives aimed at reducing school drop-out and [...]
increasing the opportunities
available for vocational training, as outlined in reports from Germany and Portugal.
研究显示,技术和职业教育有助于降低初等教育 辍学率 , 因 为家长们认识到 如果让其子女留在学校,他们就有机会接受初等后教育和培训。
Research has shown that TVET plays a part in helping
[...] to reduce drop-out rates from primary education [...]
because parents recognize that there
are opportunities for post-primary education and training if they keep their children in school.
它们 指出,卡纳克和太平洋岛民的儿童 辍学率 , 是他们就业的严重障碍,而找不到 工作,是导致青少年犯罪的一个因素。
They point out that the rate of school failure of Kanak [...]
and Pacific Islander children is a serious obstacle to their finding
employment, a factor leading to delinquency.
为了 降辍学率并提高学生的留校率,菲律宾执行了替代授课方式,并启动了替代学 习系统,以及一个帮助求职者提高技能和能力的职业技术培训奖学金方案。
With the aim of
[...] reducing the dropout rate and improving student survival, it [...]
has implemented Alternative delivery modes
and the Alternative learning system have been launched, as well as a Training-for-work scholarship programme to help job-seekers upgrade their skills and competencies.
He is struggling to provide himself a better future in a city blighted by high
[...] crime, unemployment and school dropout rates.
委员会关切由于各种歧视和妨碍女孩参与教育的因素,世界很多地方女 学辍学率居高 ,特别是在中学阶段以及高等教育阶段。
The Commission expresses concern about high drop-out rates from school of female students in many parts of the world, especially at the secondary level, and including at the tertiary level, owing to multiple discrimination and factors that impede girls’ participation in education.
在小学和中学的两性均等方面,年轻男孩的 辍学 率令人 关切,而大多数小岛屿发展中国家女孩的学业越来越成功而且在学校受教 [...]
In terms of gender parity at the primary and secondary
[...] levels, the high dropout rate among young boys [...]
was of concern, whereas girls were increasingly
more successful and stayed in school longer in most small island developing States.
教育是对未来的投资,是一种减少贫穷和消除歧视的手段;(b) 土著人 民有权,包括(在相关情况下)享有条约规定的权利,接受对其全面世界观、
语文、传统知识及其文化其他层面有敏感认识、有助于增进人权、认同感和 不同文化间对话的优质初等教育;(c)
[...] 以母语为中介语文的双语教育对于促 进土著儿童的有效学习和降辍学率 是 不 可或缺的;(d) 如果做不到公正而 有效地执行针对土著人民需求的、对文化问题有敏感认识的教育方案、课程 [...]
2 而开展的任何努力都不可能获得成功;(e) 土 著儿童在接受各级优质教育和社会文化教育方面面临特别的困难。
Education is an investment in the future, a means to reduce poverty and counter discrimination; (b) indigenous peoples have the right, including treaty rights (as relevant) to quality primary education that is sensitive to their holistic worldviews, languages, traditional knowledge and other aspects of their cultures, which contribute to human dignity, identity and intercultural dialogue; (c) mother-tongue mediated bilingual education is indispensable for effective
learning for indigenous children and for the
[...] reduction of dropout rates; (d) any efforts [...]
to achieve Millennium Development Goal
2 are likely to fail if impartial and effective implementation of culturally sensitive educational programmes, curricula and actions addressing the needs of indigenous peoples are not undertaken; (e) indigenous children experience particular difficulties relating to access to education of quality and sociocultural relevance at all levels.
委 员会还建议缔约国采取紧急措施,提高出勤率,解决尤其是农村女 辍学率 和复 读率高的问题,并解决土著和非裔社区儿童的文盲率问题。
It also recommends that the State party take
urgent steps to increase attendance rates,
[...] address the high dropout and repetition [...]
rates, in particular for girls in rural
areas, and address the illiteracy rate among children of indigenous and Afro-Peruvian communities.
[...] 预算,学校被迫要求家长支付各种费用,结果大量学生辍学,处于弱势状况的儿辍学率更高
The Committee is also concerned about recent reduction in budgetary provisions for education, and that schools have been forced to
request parents for fees which led to
[...] significant dropout of students, in particular [...]
those living in vulnerable situations.
委员会建议,缔约国采取紧急步骤,处理基础和中等教育入学率较低问题和性别 不平等问题,并采取一切适当措施,处理学校系统中与 辍学率 相 关 的问题。
The Committee recommends that the State party take urgent steps to address the low enrolment rates in basic and secondary education, address gender
disparities, and take all appropriate measures in order to address problems
[...] relating to high drop-out rates in the school system.
[...] 危机使童工、儿童从事家庭劳动和国内移民的现象有增无减,这反过来又使学校缺 率 和辍 学率上升
The crisis brought about an increase in child labour, children’s involvement in household
work and internal migration in several countries, which in turn led to increases in
[...] absenteeism and drop-outs from schools.
孟加拉国建议博茨瓦纳在国际社会支 援下继续与 艾滋病毒/艾滋病作 斗争 ; 继续与 贫困作 斗 争 ; 确保为全国所
[...] 有 地区的 所 有 公 民 增 加 福 利 ; 继续普及基 础 教育, 降 低学辍学率。
Bangladesh recommended that, with the support of the international community, Botswana continue to fight HIV/AIDS; continue to fight poverty, ensuring that benefits are accrued for all citizens in all
regions of the country; and continue to achieve universal basic education and
[...] reduce the drop-out rate in primary schools.
在 2005-2008 年期间,泽纳布支 持妇女参与发展协会一直在帮助实现这一目标,所采取的行动包括:(a) 通过支 付报名费的方式赞助贫穷家庭的女童和男童上小学;(b) 改造 10
间教室;(c) 在 加达里夫州不同地方的小学分发小学教育材料;(d) 向 500
[...] 位学生分发校服、书 包和书本;(e) 在辍学率高的学校为 200 位学生提供校餐;(f) [...]
完善学校基础设施, 为学校提供储水罐和水塔,修建卫生间和安装校门;(g)
为 10 位残疾学生分发轮 椅,为 12 名盲童和 10 位聋哑儿童提供教育工具。
Over the period 2005-2008, ZWD contributed to this goal by: (a) sponsoring girls and boys from poor families to register for primary schools though payment of their registration fees; (b) renovated 10 classrooms; (c) distributed educational materials for primary schools at different localities in Gadarif State; (d) distributed uniforms, book bags and books to 500 students; (e) provided
meals to 200 poor students at schools with
[...] a high drop-out rate; (f) improved school [...]
infrastructure by supplying schools
with water pots and water tanks, building bathrooms, and installing school gates; (g) distributed wheelchairs to 10 disabled students, and educational tools for 12 blind and 10 deaf children.
(d) 从根本上消除影响儿童,特别是失学儿童的各种不平等、差距和不同形 式的排斥和歧视,为此采取各种方式,包括拟定和实施包容性教育以及界定有针 对性的、积极的战略、政策和方案(包括跨部门办法),提高儿童的入学率、在学 率、参与程度和学业成绩,从而增强教育的可获性和包容性;在这方面,应作出 进一步的跨部门努力,以降低尤其是贫困学生 辍学率 、 复 读率和不及格率,并 努力消除教育方面的性别差距
(d) Addressing the root causes of the inequalities, disparities and diverse forms of exclusion and discrimination affecting children, particularly out-of-school children, including by enhancing enrolment, retention, participation and achievement of children, by developing and operationalizing an inclusive education and defining targeted, proactive strategies, policies and programmes, including cross-sectoral approaches, to promote accessibility and inclusion.
儿童权利委员会关切地注意到,罗姆儿童、移民家庭儿童或社会经济贫困 地区儿童的学率、辍学率很高 ,难以融入学校,并注意到,移民家庭的一些儿 [...]
CRC noted with concern the high rate of truancy, school drop-out
[...] and the difficult school integration of Roma children, [...]
children belonging to migrant
families or children living in socio-economically deprived areas, and also noted that some children belonging to migrant families, particularly girls, do not complete compulsory education or have great difficulties in attending school.103 8.
(a) 高中辍学和留级率,与 男童相比,女童更容 辍 学 , 主要是因为早 婚和强迫婚姻以及女童参与家务劳动; (b) 学校课程设置的质量低下,相关性不足
(a) High school dropout and repetition rates, with girls being much more likely to drop [...]
out of school than boys, due notably
to early and forced marriages and the participation of girls in family work




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