单词 | 辈 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 辈noun—generationn辈—lifetimecontemporariesExamples:祖祖辈辈—from generation generation 同辈pl—peerspl 前辈n—predecessorn
为实现吾辈之使命,奋斗是唯一之真谛,舍此精神无法赢得真正的和平与进步。 panasonic.net | No matter how talented we are as individuals, without cooperation and team spirit we will be a company in name only. panasonic.net |
数字显示,当被问及各种号召对巿民决定参加游行的影响时,所有样本中最重要的因素都是朋辈之间透过人际网络的号召。 hkupop.hku.hk | As seen from the figures, when the demonstrators were asked to evaluate the importance of the calls from various sources towards their [...] decisions to participate in the march, the calls [...] from friends via interpersonal [...]network were considered to be of crucial importance among all samples. hkupop.hku.hk |
设计优良的 [...] 学习材料至为重要,可以为学生提供途径,让他们随着自己的学习进度 去达成、甚至超越大部分朋辈已掌握的技巧和知識。 3890.com.hk | Well-designed learning materials play a crucial role in providing students with a means of working at their own pace, so that they [...] can reach and, in some cases, move beyond the [...] skills and understandings already achieved [...]by the majority of their peers. 3890.com.hk |
这种情况未来很可能发生,经济环境或许不会改善,银行或许仍然不受欢迎,现有体系在供应端备受压力;需求端则较为微妙,报告内列举年轻人拥有的选项,包括多代同住、高额房租、与同辈一起购屋(彷佛回到大学时期),在此处境之下,群众集资房贷似乎并非全无可能。 thisbigcity.net | The demand side may be more subtle, coming down to what young people prefer out of the options outlined in the report: multi-generational living, expensive renting or buying with peers in a rolling re-run of student days. thisbigcity.net |
新的直接作用2 / 2口电磁阀系列VX2 SMC气动元件 比他们的前辈更轻,更紧凑。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The new direct-acting 2 / 2-port solenoid valves series of VX2 SMC Pneumatics are lighter and more compact than their predecessors. en.developmentscout.com |
(8) 建 立 和 支 持 或 帮 助 建 立 和 支 持 使 本 公 司 雇 员 或 前 任 雇 员 或前辈,或者 雇 员、前 任 雇 员 的 亲 属 获 利 的 协 会、机 构、信 托 基 金 、 养 老 金 和 补 贴 、 支 付 保 险 或 者 这 段 所 提 到 的 类 似 目 标 ; 认 购 或 保 证 基 金 用 於 慈 善 、 教 育 或 宗 教 或 任 何 展 览 或 其 他 公 共 、 普 遍 有 用 的 目 标 ; (9) 推 动 任 何 公 司 收 购 或 接 管 本 公 司 的 任 何 财 产 与 债 务 或 使 本 公 司 获 利 的 任 何 其 他 目 标 easyknitenterp.com | 8. to establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of associations, institutions, funds or trusts for the benefit of employees or former employees of the Company or its predecessors, or the dependents or connections of such employees or former employees, and grant pensions and allowances, and make payment towards insurance or for any object similar to those set forth in this paragraph, and to subscribe or guarantee money for charitable, benevolent, educational or religious objects or for any exhibition or for any public, general or useful objects easyknitenterp.com |
因此,到达此一里程碑,正是我们回顾我们的成就及缅怀前辈的最佳良机,同时也是我们展望未来,期许本公司继续创造更多成就的大好时机。 seagate.com | So reaching this milestone is a great opportunity for us to reflect on our accomplishments and those of our predecessors, and to also look forward to the great things we can still achieve as a company. seagate.com |
报告者认为,驾驶员不应为了节省一点时间,而忽略了 安全第一,造成一辈子的遗憾。 tacare.org.tw | This suggests that the cockpit crew have already requested taxi clearance from ATC Tower before the ground crew disconnected from aircraft. tacare.org.tw |
澳洲是世界上最具有创造力的国家之一,各行各业人才辈出,澳洲政府鼓励他们去实现自己的梦想并充分发挥自己的聪明才智。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Nevertheless it has produced a large number of distinguished people. Australia is one of the world's most innovative nations, full of highly talentedpeople from all walks of life who are encouraged to fulfil their dream and do their best. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
有些人花了一辈子的时间寻找某样东西,例如健康、创新、自由;其他人则因为意外而发现机会。 xango.com.tw | Some people spend their whole lives looking for something: for health, for innovation, for freedom. xango.ca |
深入分析显示,巿民的年纪愈轻,愈倾向认为中国政府当年处理事件的手法不对,又愈倾向支持平反六四,大概显示年青一辈对民主的追求。 hkupop.hku.hk | Further analyses show that the younger the respondent, the more likely one believes the Chinese Government did the wrong thing in the June 4 Incident, and more likely one supports a reversion of the official stand on June Fourth. hkupop.hku.hk |
他们应付与3公斤的有效载荷到20%的速度比它的前辈,ProSix C3系列标准循环。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | They cope with the standard cycle with 3 kg payload up to 20% faster than its predecessor,the ProSix C3 series. en.developmentscout.com |
(8) 建 立 和 支 持 或 帮 助 建 立 和 支 持 使 本 公 司 雇 员 或 前 任 雇 员 或前辈,或者 雇 员、前 任 雇 员 的 亲 属 获 利 的 协 会、机 构、信 托 基 金 、 养 老 金 和 补 贴 、 支 付 保 险 或 者 这 段 所 提 到 的 类 似 目 标 ; 认 购 或 保 证 基 金 用 於 慈 善 、 教 育 或 宗 教 或 任 何 展 览 或 其 他 公 共 、 普 遍 有 用 的 目 标 easyknit.com | 8. to establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of associations, institutions, funds or trusts for the benefit of employees or former employees of the Company or its predecessors, or the dependents or connections of such employees or former employees, and grant pensions and allowances, and make payment towards insurance or for any object similar to those set forth in this paragraph, and to subscribe or guarantee money for charitable, benevolent, educational or religious objects or for any exhibition or for any public, general or useful objects easyknit.com |
朋辈资源强调青年发展、青年领导才能、防止暴力、和学业进步。 sfusd.edu | Peer Resources emphasizes youth development, youth leadership, violence prevention, and academic improvement. sfusd.edu |
在教师及朋辈的支持下,课堂互动能够帮助学生建构知識。 3890.com.hk | Classroom interaction helps students construct knowledge with the support of teachers and peers. 3890.com.hk |
监 管 人 员 会 跟 进 他 们 的 就 业 / 学 业 情 况 , 为 他 们 提 供 辅 导 和 支 援 , 亦 会 跟 进 他 们 与 家 人 /朋辈的关系 , 以 及 他 们 的 戒 毒 情 况 等 , 以 协 助 他 们 远 离 毒 品 , 重 过 新 生 活 。 csd.gov.hk | They will also provide counselling and support, follow up on the supervisees’ relationship with family members/friends as well as their progress of abstinence from drugs, so as to help them stay away from drugs and start afresh. csd.gov.hk |
各行各业人才辈出,发明创造不胜枚 举。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | The array of talent and inventiveness is both diverse and abundant. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
草间弥生的艺术作品中重复出现的「波卡圆点」图案,启发了後辈当代艺术家戴米恩‧赫斯特(Damien Hirst)和村上隆(Takashi Murakami)。 ravenelart.com | Her fame and influence were right on par with those of the grandmaster of pop art, Any Warhol, and her repeated use of polka dot patterns and designs was an inspiration to big names of the following generation, including contemporary artists Damien Hirst and Takashi Murakami. ravenelart.com |
朋辈导师教导和辅导9年级学生,帮助其发展健康的关系,提高学业成绩和更多地参与学校活动 。 sfusd.edu | Peer Mentors teach and tutor 9th grade mentees students to develop healthy relationships, improve academically and become more engaged in school. sfusd.edu |
2004年加拿大蒙贝里耶的法布尔美术馆举办名为「致敬」的赵无极专题展览,展出多幅大尺寸或联作油画向艺术前辈、故旧友好或爱情致意,件件脍炙人口。 ravenelart.com | In 2004, an exhibition of Zao Wou-ki's work entitled "Hommages" was held at the Musée Fabre, Montpellier; this exhibition included of the large-scale paintings (including screen paintings) that Wou had created as homage to his artistic mentors, old friends (some of them deceased) and lovers; these works attracted a great deal of interest. ravenelart.com |
现时公立医院容许受了预防感染培训的义工接触病人,希 望能加强朋辈辅导员和母亲支援小组的角色。 babyfriendly.org.hk | With public hospitals allowing volunteers trained in infection protection in patient areas, hopefully the role of peer counselors and mother support groups will be strengthened. babyfriendly.org.hk |
为提升服务内容,我们已培训新一批共34名港大学生成为朋辈辅导员,又提供更紧密的电话跟进服务提醒及支援有需要的青少年持续戒烟。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | To further elevate our service, we have already trained a group of 34 HKU students to be "Youth Smoking Cessation Counselor (YSCC)" and now providing more intensive telephone follow-up counseling to support youth to maintain smoking abstinence. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
但随着壹位聪明性感的助理,壹个机灵的上海记者,壹位漂亮的迁居专家,以及壹个人脉广泛的老前辈的帮助,山姆可能有机会保住工作,寻找到爱情,并且学着去欣赏他美好的故乡 buyoyo.com | With the help of a beautiful relocation specialist, a well-connected old-timer, a clever journalist, and a street-smart legal assistant, Sam might just save his job, find romance, and learn to appreciate the beauty and wonders of Shanghai. buyoyo.com |
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2009年问世的新一代海洋时计,除了承袭前辈的精准度、可靠和精密外,更蕴涵无数的技术改良,再一次巩固了沙夫豪森制表企业在机械制表界的翘楚地位。 iwc.com | In 2009, precision, reliability and sophistication, together with the numerous technical improvements made to the new Aquatimer generation, once again underpinned the Schaffhausen-based company’s aspirations to be in the leading position in the world of mechanical watchmaking. iwc.com |
透过YWCA年轻女性的领导力,正如同我们的名称、信念与宪章所展现者(年轻女性於所有理事及委员会中,应至少占25%之名额,我很荣幸地表示我们世界女青年会理事会中55% 的成员为年轻女性),我们认为新生代从事志工的内容会与母亲那一辈不同。 ywca.org.tw | Through the leadership of young women in the YWCA, to which we are by name, conviction and Constitution committed (at least 25% of all boards and committees must be comprised of young women, I'm proud to say our World movement elected young women as 55% of our World Board), we recognise that younger generations will do volunteering differently from their mothers. ywca.org.tw |