单词 | 较慢 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 较慢 adjective —slower adj慢慢 adverb —gradually advSee also:较 adv—comparatively adv 较 adv—rather adv 慢 adj—slow adj 慢 adv—slowly adv
云雾林以 [...] 及诸如安第斯山脉的高寒带等其它一些植被类型的 水释放速度都相对较慢,因 此可提供重要的储水 功能。 teebweb.org | Cloud forests, and some other vegetation types [...] such as the paramos of the Andes, also release [...] their water relatively slowly, thus providing an [...]important storage function. teebweb.org |
提高连通性为缩小该区域的发展差距提供了 [...] 一个独特的手段,将就业和商务机会从该区域增长最快的经济体扩展到增 长 较慢 的相对贫困的邻国。 daccess-ods.un.org | Enhancing connectivity provides a unique means to reduce the region’s development gaps, by spreading [...] employment and business opportunities from the region’s fastest-growing [...] economies to slower-growing and poorer neighbours. daccess-ods.un.org |
其他控制器提供的速度较慢,但 有各种可跟踪每秒 3906 个样本速率下最大/最小值的不同模式可以利用。 solartronmetrology.cn | Other controllers offer a slower speed but can [...] make use of the difference mode which tracks max/min values at 3906 samples per second. solartronmetrology.com |
要对 主体的运动使用拖尾效果拍摄动态图像,请设 置 较慢 的 快 门速度。 us.leica-camera.com | To record a motion picture with a trailing effect for a subject’s [...] movements, set a slower shutter speed. us.leica-camera.com |
在间断拍摄过程中 [...] 当您想要在明亮的室外场所使用最大光圈值或 以 较慢 的 快 门速度拍摄图像时,可 以使用内置ND滤镜来减少通过镜头的光线量。 us.leica-camera.com | During Interval Recording When you want to take pictures using a larger aperture than with the normal [...] exposure settings in a bright outdoor [...] location or with a slow shutter speed, you [...]can use the built-in ND filter to reduce [...]the amount of light that passes through the lens. us.leica-camera.com |
但是,采用此法的测量速度比较慢, 而 且费用昂贵。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The continuity of data streams and access to data must also be monitored. unesdoc.unesco.org |
尽管批准国际公约采取的步伐较慢, 《 东帝汶宪法》已对人权规定了深远的保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the ratification of international human rights [...] treaties will take a slower pace, the Constitution [...]of Timor-Leste already provides a [...]far reaching protection for human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于执 行第一次付款的进程较慢以及 向连续两次会议拖延付款,本报告还强调了从本次会议审议 [...] 中撤回的年度付款申请。 multilateralfund.org | It also highlights annual tranches that have been [...] withdrawn from consideration at the [...] current meeting due to slow implementation of [...]the first tranche and those that have been [...]delayed by two consecutive meetings. multilateralfund.org |
与横向专题有关的项目(消除贫困,尤其是赤贫)(33.8%):开支率低是由于 人员在一些项目中的周转率相对较慢 , 从 而导致暂时缺乏技术人力资源来管理这 些项目活动的实施。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Projects relating to cross-cutting themes (Eradication of poverty, especially extreme poverty) [...] (33.8%): The low implementation is accounted [...] for by the relatively slow staff turn-over rate [...]in a number of project sites which [...]resulted in a temporary lack of skilled human resources to manage the implementation of project activities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
与此 相反,非核心资源显著增加(不过自 2007 年以来增加得比较慢),这是核心与非 核心资源比例变化的原因。 daccess-ods.un.org | In contrast, non-core resources have increased [...] significantly (though more slowly since 2007), which [...]accounts for the changing ratio of core to non-core resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
与此同时, 在减少饥饿方面改善较慢。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the same [...] time, there was slower improvement in [...]reducing hunger. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,各国在应对更系统的挑战,即培养尊重人权的公司文化和惯例方面, 动作比较慢。 daccess-ods.un.org | States have been slower, however in addressing the more systemic challenge of fostering rights-respecting corporate cultures and practices. daccess-ods.un.org |
订单趋势在本财年前三季度维持了 20% 或更高的增长后,在本季度有所减缓,这意味着 [...] 2012 财年的销售额增长也将随之减速,与 较慢 的 订 单增长率保持一致。 emerson.com | Order trends have moderated after maintaining 20 percent or more growth throughout the [...] first three quarters of the year, which indicates that sales will moderate in 2012, [...] in line with the slower order rate. emerson.com |
据国际货币基金组织和亚洲开发银行增长估计的 预测,2008 年至 [...] 2009 年,瓦努阿图的经济将以平均 3%至 4%的较慢速度增长。 daccess-ods.un.org | International Monetary Fund and Asian Development Bank growth [...] estimates forecast that Vanuatu’s economy [...] will grow at a slower pace in 2008 [...]and 2009, averaging between 3 and 4 per cent. daccess-ods.un.org |
提示: 相机安装在三脚架上时设置较慢的快门速度拍摄移动中的物体(如汽车),就可以捕捉物体的运动模糊效果,同时也获得鲜明的背景。 cn.photokore.com | Tip: If your camera is on a [...] tripod, you can set a slow shutter speed and [...]take a moving object (like a car) to capture it [...]in a motion blur – while keeping the background in sharp focus. es.photokore.com |
拍摄激流时使用较慢的快 门速度,可以带出它的自然美。 visitfinland.com | I use a slow shutter speed when photographing [...] rapids to bring out their natural beauty. visitfinland.com |
我们不知道在 Mac G4 中较慢的 U SB 1.x 和 2.0 端口之间建立的可靠方法;有关详细信息,请联系 [...] Apple。 knowledge.seagate.com | We are not aware of a reliable way to [...] distinguish between slower USB 1.x and 2.0 [...]ports in Mac G4s; please contact Apple for more information. knowledge.seagate.com |
我们对手机的其它重要应用软件进行了类似的测试,例如,视频游戏、程序启动时间和多媒体 功能,每次都取得相似的结果:在频率相同的条件下,CPU 从双核进化到四核,性能提升很小 [...] 或根本没有提升;当速度相差 15-20%时,速度较快的双核总能击败速 度 较慢 的 四 核。 stericsson.com | We have performed similar experiments on other important applications, like mobile video games, application start-up time, and even multimedia, obtaining similar results over and over again: marginal or no benefits at all when [...] moving from dual to quad-processors at the same frequency, and 15-20% faster [...] dual always beating slower quad-processors. stericsson.com |
东南亚和拉丁美洲及加勒比的年平均下降速度则 较慢,部 分原因是这两个区域未得到满足的需求 [...] 1995 年达到适中水平。 daccess-ods.un.org | Average annual [...] declines were slower in South-Eastern [...]Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean, partly because both regions [...]had already reached moderate levels of unmet need by 1995. daccess-ods.un.org |
与急性病比 较,慢性病 持续多年并难以治疗或治愈。 hesperian.org | A chronic illness lasts for many years [...] and is difficult to treat or cure. hesperian.org |
如果您有需要硬件握手的、较慢的 RS-232 调制解调器,请从下拉菜单中选择 [...] “硬件”。 wavetronix.com | If you have a slower RS-232 modem [...] that requires hardware handshaking, select Hardware from the drop-down menu. wavetronix.com |
TKC-651"与以往 活性金属硬焊材料相比能减少一半的材料成本,因此即使用来代替金属化法,不仅不会增加营运 成本,而且还能大幅改善金属化法生产速 度 较慢 这 一 缺点。 tanaka.com.cn | As TKC-651 is able to reduce material costs to half those of conventional active brazing filler metals, it is possible to significantly improve production speed, which was a shortcoming of metallization, without increasing running costs even if an alternative technique is used in place of metallization. pro.tanaka.co.jp |
本文论述并比较目前移动平台所采用的主要的多核处理技术,重点介绍多核处理技术与意 法·爱立信未来产品所采用的具有突破性的 FD-SOI 硅技术之间的协同效应,通过对比个人计 算机市场,例证移动平台的单核处理器还有很大的性能提升空间,从软件性能角度分析,目前 集中资源于速度更快的双核处理器比速 度 较慢 的 四核处理器更赢利。 stericsson.com | We will show that compared to personal computers (PCs), the performance of single-processors in mobile platforms is still growing and how, from a software performance perspective, it is more profitable today to focus on faster dual-core rather than slower quad-core processors. stericsson.com |
例如:数据点在心收缩期增加较快但降 得 较慢 的 动 脉压波形是血管收缩加快所致并会增加偏度。 edwards.com | For example, an arterial pressure waveform in [...] which the data points increase quickly in [...] systole and fall slowly can result as an [...]increase in vasoconstriction and would have increased skewness. edwards.com |
持久化的消息则会把消息写入磁盘,即便系统发生故障也可找回消息,但相应的处理速 度 较慢。 infoq.com | Persistent messages are written to disk and are therefore recoverable in the event of a system failure, but [...] are correspondingly slow. infoq.com |
最终,我选择了我的超车位置:一个 较慢 的 弯道,即第 4 个过弯处,而我一旦超过,便一直保持领先,直至夺得方格旗。 lamborghini.com | Eventually I choose my place to [...] get past, at the slow corner, turn 4, [...]and once I was past, I led the race home to the flag. lamborghini.com |
四五岁小孩懂得用键盘 和鼠标来浏览,但这种输入方法往往 比 较慢。 cpsc.gov | Four- and five-year-olds can use keyboards along with a mouse to navigate, [...] but this is often a slow method of input. cpsc.gov |
协议,则与打印机的数据 通信可能会比较慢,并 且可能会影响打印时间。 resources.kodak.com | NOTE: If your equipment only supports the USB 1.1 protocol, data communication to the [...] printer will be slower and may affect [...]print times. resources.kodak.com |
因而,在移动角度较小的情况下,转动速 度 较慢 ; 而 移动角度较大时转动速度加快,存在着视觉问题 (快速转动时存在危险),以及转矩显得不足等的可能性。 ckd.co.jp | Accordingly, the rotation speed with a short traveling angle is low and that with a long traveling angle is high, possibly causing problems in the appearance (too fast rotation is dangerous) or torque shortage. ckd.co.jp |