单词 | 轿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 轿—a sedan chairless common: a palanquin a litter Examples:轿车n—carspl 豪华轿车—limousine luxury carriage 家轿—privately-owned car
作为证据,他赢得了所有的票,甚至被用在其他行业,如保时捷,具有大致相同的时间点,他结合他的运动型轿车。 zh.horloger-paris.com | As proof, he won all the votes even to the point of being used in other sectors such as Porsche, which has roughly the same time, he has combined his line ofsports cars. en.horloger-paris.com |
以上声明表与參赛报名表需要填好,及由有关人士签署作实;另需付上报名费港币 1000 元正(如支票),然後一并寄 回︰抬轿比赛慈善基金。 sedanchairace.org | The foregoing Declaration Form together with the Race Entry Form must be completed where appropriate, signed and returned to the Sedan Chair Charities Fund when paying registration fee. sedanchairace.org |
经 营 范 围 为 航 天 技 术 产 品,机 械、电 器 产 品,仪 器 仪 表;电 子 产 品,塑 料 制 品,化 工 制 品,起 重 运 输 产 品,五 金 家 具,建 筑 材 料,磁 性 材 料,粉 末 冶 金,国 产 汽 车(小轿车除外 )、仓 储 及 进 出 口 业 务 等。 zte.com.cn | The scope of business includes aerospace technology products, mechanical products, electrical appliance products, apparatuses and instruments; electronic products, plastic products, chemical products, hoisting and transportation products, hardware and furniture, construction materials, magnetic materials, powder metallurgy, Chinese-manufactured automobiles (except sedans), warehousing and import and export operations. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
同时,全新的A系列亦配备尖端的安全辅助系统,进一步引证平治为小型轿车定下全新的标准,再次成为同级汽车的典范。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | At the same time this new Mercedes-Benz model underlines a new safety standard in the compact segment. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
梅赛德斯-奔驰香港有限公司营运总裁魏德博士表示﹕「全新平治CLS [...] 系列不但拥有令人怦然心动的设计及极致动感的魅力,我们更於四门轿车汽车类别上领先一代。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Dr. Claus Weidner, Chief Operating Officer of Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Limited says “With its exciting design and refined sportiness, the new edition [...] of the CLS also benefits from the fact that we are a whole generation ahead of the [...] competition with our four-door Coupé. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
这种反馈将促使汽车公司在改进技术的进一步投资,以便扩大绿色的轿车和卡车的数量将在未来几年可以提前。 hkcarworld.com | Such feedback will motivate car companies to make further investments in improved technology, so that an expanded number of green cars and trucks will be available in the years ahead. hkcarworld.com |
当它来购买一辆新车,最环境友好型的你可以采取的步骤很简单:先评估您的需求和预算,然後寻找满足您的需求之间的轿车和卡车的环保分数模型和适合您预算。 hkcarworld.com | When it comes to buying a new vehicle, the most environment-friendly step you can take is simple: first evaluate your needs and your budget, then look for the models with the greenest scores among the cars and trucks that meet your needs and fit your budget. hkcarworld.com |
其中一位重要的拓荒者是Mecerdes-Benz CLS,它是近代首部以「四门轿跑车」作为市场定位的兼容类别。 think-silly.com | Mecerdes-Benz CLS has been creating an entirely new category of car ─ ‘four door coupé’. think-silly.com |
本系统适用於轿车,越野车和吉普车的轮胎使用,最大可量测压力为 74 psi (表压力)。 orange-electronic.com | Your TPMS product is intended for use with passenger cars and light trucks with a maximum tire pressure rating of 74 psi. orange-electronic.com |
例如东风日产的天籁(Teana)型号、广汽本田的雅阁(Accord)车型,及广汽丰田的凯美瑞(Camry)系列等,销量近年稳居内地中高档轿车销量前列。 prorsumgroup.com | For instance, sales of Dongfeng Nissan’s Teana, GAC-Honda’s Accord, and [...] GAC-Toyota’s Camry series have been ranking top in the sales league of medium- [...] to high-end sedans in China in [...]recent years. prorsumgroup.com |
通过附加的专利的组件上的两个端部的任何形状的,坚实,耐用的和之间的永久密封连接的连接管 发动机,涡轮增压器,冷却系统或其他单位 内置的轿车,商务车和移动设备。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | By attaching the patented components on the two ends of a connecting tube of any shape, a solid, durable and permanently sealed connection between Engine, turbocharger, cooling system or other units built into cars, commercial vehicles and mobile equipment. en.developmentscout.com |
每一位队员声明自己有足够能力在作赛期间,以合 符标准的安全方式提起、控制及使用由大会借出的轿子。 sedanchairace.org | Each team member declares that such team member is able to hold and control the Chair provided by the event organiser to a reasonably safe standard, in race conditions. sedanchairace.org |
Rapide以DB9作为开发基础,目标是做出兼具四门实用性、让四人乘坐、马力达至470匹的高性能轿车;然而很多人不知道,原来这不是厂方的第一台四门型号。 think-silly.com | The Rapide model is based on DB9, aiming to include the functionality of four doors, allowing four passengers and horse power of 470 horse power. think-silly.com |
目前,本集团的汽车座椅生产设施主要供应各大卡车、客车及轿车制造商,如厦门金龙汽 车公司、苏州金龙汽车公司、华菱卡车公司、长安汽车集团等。 tanchong.com | Currently the Group’s seat manufacturing facilities supply to major truck, bus and car manufacturers such as Xiamen Golden Dragon Bus Company, Suzhou Golden Dragon Bus Company, Hua Lin Truck Company, and Changan Automobile Group. tanchong.com |
保时捷展出车款阵容强大,除了甫上市之全新四轮驱动 911 Carrera 4 与 911 Carrera 4S 之外,展出车型还包括:加装空气力学套件之最新一代 911 Carrera S 跑车、双门双座饶富驾驭乐趣的中置引擎 Boxster S 跑车、保时捷唯一四门四座轿跑车Panamera 车系、以及保时捷最为畅销之豪华运动休旅车Cayenne 车系。 pap.porsche.com | The Porsche booth features an exciting line-up of new cars namely: the all-wheel drive 911 Carrera 4 and 911 Carrera 4S, the new 911 Carrera S equipped with Aerokit, the fun-to-drive mid-engine Boxster S, the unique four-door, four-seat Panamera models as well as the popular luxury SUV Cayenne models. pap.porsche.com |
随着eAssist他的公司提供一个可扩展的多杂,从小型轿车到豪华车。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | With eAssist offers his company a scalable multiple-hybrid from small cars to luxury car. en.developmentscout.com |
凭藉其先进的引擎、出众的设计及无与伦比的工艺水准,迈巴赫 SW 35 成为最具价值的顶级豪华时尚轿车之一。 maybach-manufaktur.com | The Maybach SW 35 was a super-modern luxury vehicle that, thanks to its engine, design and engineering, made it one of the best deals money could buy. maybach-manufaktur.com |
藉着Panamera这款全新四门跑车的推出,保时捷得以强势且领先一步的进入豪华性能跑车市场的级距中,吸引那些期待拥有豪华轿车般的舒适性与宽敞空间、又希望同时保留保时捷典型性能表现的客户们。 pap.porsche.com | Introducing the four-door Panamera, Porsche is making a strong move into the luxury performance segment, appealing to customers who, over and above the exclusive comfort and spaciousness of a luxury saloon, also expect the consistent sporting performance so typical of a Porsche. pap.porsche.com |
在轿车次分部中,首10个月内 排气量少於1,600 c.c.之车辆增长约4%,占总轿车销量约67%。 jinhengholdings.com | Within the sedan sub-segment, vehicles with displacement of less than 1,600 c.c. have grown approximately 4% in the first 10 months, accounting for approximately 67% of total sedan sales volume. jinhengholdings.com |
第( 2 )款不适用於任何以人手推动、拉动或运送或由电池驱动并只 供运载儿童或伤残者或无活动能力人士之用的輪椅、婴儿車、卧椅或轿子。 oceanpark.cn | (4) Subsection (2) shall not apply to a wheel-chair, perambulator, chair or sedan which is propelled, drawn or carried by hand or propelled by battery and used solely for the conveyance of a child oran invalid or disabledperson. oceanpark.cn |
耀莱集团(前称玉皇朝集团有限公司)主要从事漫画发行和多媒体发展,在2008年初收购了高档消费品在中国之零售及代理,包括高档轿车─宾利、兰博基尼及劳斯莱斯在北京之代理业务及「RICHARD MILLE」品牌腕表於中国之代理权。 joviancomm.com | Sparkle Roll Group Ltd (Prviously NamedJade Dynasty Group Limited is principally engaged in the publication of comic books and multimedia development and it acquired the dealerships of luxury goods in the PRC including dealerships of luxury cars-Bentley, Lamborghini and Rolls-Royce in Beijing and the dealership of "RICHARD MILLE" branded watches in the PRC in early 2008. joviancomm.com |
z 汽車及汽車相关业务 [...] 汽車及汽車相关业务之分部营业额上升3.8%,主要由於中国内地分部营业额增长 3.4%,此乃受惠於国内超级豪华轿車销售强劲增长,4S特约店网络持续扩展,以及 [...]代理业务的售後服务增长所致,惟受到中国工业需求及基建发展放缓之影响,部份 [...]增长被商用車销售下降所抵销。 dch.com.hk | Turnover of Motor and Motor Related Business Segment increased by 3.8% mainly attributable to the growth of the PRC segment turnover by 3.4% with the [...] robust sales growth achieved by the super [...] luxury passenger cars, the continued [...]expansion of our 4S shop network, and the [...]increase in after-sales service for the PRC dealerships, partly offset by decrease in sales of commercial vehicles due to a slowdown of industrial demand and infrastructure development in the PRC. dch.com.hk |
1990年,仁孚成为怡和国际汽车控股有限公司的成员,在接着的几年,成立了仁孚澳门(汽车)有限公司,及推出E-Class车系,在一车展中,瞬间已售出1,000辆E-Class轿车。 zungfu.com | In 1990, the company became part of Jardine International Motor Holdings Ltd and, during subsequent years, established Zung Fu Macau (Motors) [...] Ltd, launched the E-Class, with 1,000 snapped up during the motor show alone, and [...] the C-Class in four different [...]versions. zungfu.com |