

单词 轻率的

See also:

轻率 adv

lightly adv



轻率 n

thoughtlessness n
volatility n

External sources (not reviewed)

先进公司再说,如果不适合自己,跳槽就行了。”如果持有这 轻率 的想法,今后可能会白白浪费许多精力、时间和金钱。
If you lightly think, "I can change jobs if the company I join does not suit me," you will end up wasting a lot of time, energy, and money.
为申请人提轻率的专利 申请提供 了激励机制,也鼓励专利局去授予这些专 利。
provides incentives for applicants to file frivolous patent applications, and for the patent office to grant them.
你信任的人的贪婪轻率的态度 ,他没有赔钱,但宝一个草率的决定,在危机中的某个时候。
He did not lose money by an attitude
[...] of greed or thoughtlessness of someone [...]
you trusted, but po taking a hasty decision sometime in crisis.
此外,工作人员声明中也有相 轻率的 形 式 化倾向。
Furthermore, the statements were hardly in a proper form.
如果你是一个初学者,但不承 轻率的 操 作 在下跌趋势,甚至出售。
If you are a beginner, but
[...] not commit the imprudence of operating [...]
in a downtrend, even on sale.
因此,委员会认为,完全依靠此类资源 来执行核心经常预算方案和活动 轻率的 , 因 为此类资源无法获得保障。
The Committee is of the view, therefore, that relying exclusively on these types of resources to implement core regular budget programmes and activities is imprudent, since such resources cannot be guaranteed.
在不影响本条准则第 1 段的情况下,任何因其未能遵守适用法定要求 或管理规定或因其有意、疏忽 轻率的 不 当 行为或不作为而造成或促成损害者, 应对此种损害负责。
Without prejudice to paragraph 1, any person should be liable for damage caused or contributed to by not complying with applicable statutory or regulatory requirements or through wrongful, intentional, reckless or negligent acts or omissions.
(b) 第(1)款(a)项的“轻率”一 词应当删除,因为这个词是多余的,一项 投诉如果满足了所规定的其他条件就不会 轻率的。
(b) That the
[...] reference to a “frivolous complaint” should be deleted from paragraph (1) (a) because it was superfluous in that a complaint that satisfied the other element of the proviso could not be frivolous.
许多投资者寻求更的轻率和贪 婪 行动 快速获利的意图更波动及流动性较低的公司。
Many investors seek more hasty and greedy actions [...]
companies with more volatile and less liquid with the intention of quick profits.
鉴于上诉所涉费用和防轻率起诉的 必 要性,提起上诉需要支付合理的、 但非过于昂贵的费用。
Taking into account the costs of the appeals process and the need to deter frivolous appeals, the filing of an appeal shall be subject to a reasonable and not prohibitively expensive fee.
牙买加解释说,鉴于其过的经历 ,它不可 轻率 对 待 批准任何文 的问 题
Jamaica explained that, given its
[...] past experience, the issue of ratifying any instrument could not be taken lightly.
我不是在建议您,在有机会获得高水的顶级职位时,轻率或不恰当的 方 式 ,调查潜在督导的人际 沟通风格。
I am certainly not
[...] suggesting that if a high quality, high profile position is offered to you that [...]
you make indiscrete or inappropriate
attempts to investigate the personnel style of the potential Supervisor.
Pak Tok Hun
[...] 先生(朝鲜民主主义人民共和国) 说,大韩民国代的轻率言论 是对朝鲜人民期盼朝 鲜半岛团结、和解和统一的挑战。
Mr. Pak Tok Hun (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea)
[...] said that the imprudent remarks by the [...]
representative of the Republic of Korea constituted
a challenge to the aspirations of the Korean people for unity, reconciliation and the reunification of the Korean peninsula.
如果自动系统故障是由于采购实 的轻率 行 为 或故意行为造成的,且采 购实体作出决定是为了处理自动系统故障所产生的问题,根据《示范法》第 63 [...]
条[**超级链接** ],受到影响的供应商和承包商可以就此种故障和此种决定提出 质疑。
Failures in automatic systems occurring due to reckless or intentional [...]
actions by the procuring entity, as well as decisions
taken by the procuring entity to address issues arising from failures of automatic systems, can give rise to a challenge by aggrieved suppliers and contractors under article 63 of the Model Law [**hyperlink**].
民间社会组织和贸发会议一直在进行为此制定指南的工作,制定指南 的依据包括从南方国家积累的不公正、不可持续的债务中吸取的教训、最近一次 金融危机中暴露的银行及金融机的 掠 夺 和 轻率 行 为 以及私人融资的“道德风 险”。
Civil society groups and UNCTAD have been working on developing guidelines along these lines, based on lessons from the accumulation of unjust and unsustainable debt in the South, the predatory and reckless behaviour of banks and financial institutions exposed in the recent financial crisis, and the “moral hazard” feature of private finance.
没有理轻率并过度使用致命武力和重武器,包括在城市部署坦克,来 平息街头示威活动或清除抗的静坐 示威者。
There can be no justification for the hasty resort to excessive use of lethal force and heavy weaponry, including the deployment of tanks in cities, to [...]
street demonstrations or to clear out protest sit-ins.
就个别案件中的放弃而言,是否有肯定性,其标准中含有某项义务,即与 另一国调查有疑的案件,因为不 轻率 地 认 为另一 的 某 些举动构成对豁免的 放弃。
In the case of a waiver in an individual case, the standard of certainty implied some bona fide duty to inquire with the other State
in case where there
[...] were any doubts, as it could not be lightly assumed that certain conduct by another [...]
State constituted a waiver of immunity.
在此要提的是,前政轻率和不负责的政策 和做法,再加上 2000 年修建大规模排水工程,导致 90%以 上的沼泽地干涸,变成盐碱地,造成生态系统的严重破坏。
To be mentioned
[...] here are the previous regime’s reckless and irresponsible policies and practices, [...]
accelerated by the construction
of extensive drainage works by 2000, which caused over 90 per cent of the area to dry out as saltpans with severe ecosystem damage.
法院提出咨询意见的适当性——对法院司法职能完整性的尊重——寻求咨询 意的轻率请求 ——以法院取代安全理事会行使其政治责任——向法院所提问题 [...]
的范围和含义——联合国管理下的领土通过独立宣言是否符合国际法——单方面 宣布独立者的身份——安全理事会僵局的后果——对国际法中“沉默”的解释
——特别法和 一般国际法——科索沃特派团订立的《宪法框架》。
Propriety of the Court giving an advisory opinion ⎯
Respect for the integrity of the Court’s
[...] judicial function ⎯ Frivolous requests for advisory [...]
opinions ⎯ Substitution of the Court
for the Security Council in exercising its political responsibilities ⎯ Scope and meaning of the question put to the Court ⎯ Accordance with international law of the declaration of independence adopted in the context of a territory under United Nations administration ⎯ Identity of the authors of the unilateral declaration of independence ⎯ Consequences of the stalemate in the Security Council ⎯ Interpretation of “silence” in international law ⎯ Lex specialis and general international law ⎯ Constitutional Framework established by UNMIK.
轻率而任意使用这类数据,可能 导致侵犯人权、基本自由和的尊严
Violations of human rights, fundamental freedoms and human dignity may result from the careless and arbitrary use of such data.
通过关联服务走向劳动力市场”项目,在维尔扬迪县当局的领导下实施,目 的包括改善轻母亲 进入劳动力市场的机会,创造提高妇女就 率的 新 方 法,为 目标群体找工作,告诉目标群体进入劳动力市场的机会。
The aims of the project “Through connected services to the labour market”, carried out under the leadership of the Viljandi County Authority,
[...] [...] included improving access to labour market for young mothers, creating new methods for raising employment [...]
among women, finding jobs for the target group and informing them about the opportunities for accessing the labour market.
对此,我担心,在根据第十 六条审查案件时,不考虑剥夺个人的法律保护的期限和系统性这些因素,多数委 员可能轻率处理这一基本人权保 的 风 险
In this regard, I fear that by giving up the elements of the duration and systematic character of the deprivation of a person of the protection
of the law when examining
[...] cases under article 16, the majority risks to trivialize this fundamental [...]
human rights guarantee.
(b) 工作人员不遵守其义务或不遵行国际公务员应有行为标 的 行 为 ,经秘 书长认定为构成不当行为时,如果其行动被确定为故意 轻率 或 严 重疏忽,有关 工作人员可被要求向联合国全部或部分偿还联合国因该工作人 的 行 动 而蒙受 的任何经济损失。
(b) Where the staff member’s failure to comply with his or her obligations or to observe the standards of conduct expected of an international civil servant is determined by the Secretary-General to constitute misconduct, such staff member may be required to reimburse the United Nations either partially or in full for any financial loss suffered by the United Nations as a result of his or her actions, if such actions are determined to be wilful, reckless or grossly negligent.
如 果将本设备与视频光纤端面检测器搭配使用,还能实现对脏污或损坏的连接 的轻 松 检 测,并可在 FOT-930 的高分辨率显示屏上 显示连接器和光纤端面的清晰视图。
Combined with its video fiber inspection probe, this unit also enables the easy detection of dirty or damaged connectors, providing a clear view of connectors and fiber ends on the FOT-930’s high-resolution display.
(c) 如厄立特里亚先前几次给安全理事 的 信 所 强调,安理会通过不公平和 无根的决议 (第 1907(2009)和第 2023(2011)号决议),对厄立特里亚实施各种 制裁,包括武器禁运,这种做法有可能给埃塞俄比亚壮胆,使其考虑采 轻率行 动
(c) As Eritrea has emphasized through
[...] its several communications to the Security Council, the unfair and unfounded resolutions (1907 (2009) and 2023 (2011)) that have imposed various sanctions against Eritrea, including an arms embargo, carry the risk of emboldening Ethiopia to contemplate reckless acts.
采购实体将审议的问题包括:申请书是否在规定时限内提交;申请人是否有资 格提交申请书(如上文第 64 条的评注第**段[**超级链接** ]所述,分包商和一
[...] 般公众成员没有这种资格,而潜在供应商则不同);申请是否基于对事实或适用 法律和条例明显错的理解 ;或者申请是否属 轻率 行 事 或无理纠缠,等等。
The procuring entity will consider such issues as whether the application has been filed within the prescribed time limits; whether or not the applicant has standing to file its application (as noted in paragraph ** of the commentary to article 64 above [**hyperlink**], sub-contractors and members of the general public, as opposed to potential suppliers, do not have standing); whether the application is based on an obviously
erroneous understanding of the facts or applicable law
[...] and regulations; or whether the application is frivolous or vexatious.
理事会做轻率决议, 在没有获得充足授的情况 下组建实况调查团,负 责调查 2010 年 5 月驶往加沙的船只在行驶途中发生 的惨剧,以及根据调查团报告出台的后续决议,进 [...]
Its continuing bias was further evident in its hasty resolution establishing a fact-finding [...]
mission with a flawed mandate
to investigate the tragic incident aboard Gazabound ships in May 2010 and its resolution following up on the mission’s report.
二、如果索赔人证明,迟延交付是由于声称有权限制赔偿责任的人本人故意 造成迟延损失的作为或不作为所导 的 , 或 是明知可能产生此种损失 轻率 地作 为或不作为所导的,则 承运人或第十八条述及的任何人,无权根据第六十条的 规定享有限制赔偿责任的利益。
2. Neither the carrier nor any of the persons mentioned in article 18 is entitled to the benefit of the limitation of liability as provided in article 60 if the claimant proves that the delay in delivery resulted from a personal act or omission of the person claiming a right to limit done with the intent to cause the loss due to delay or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss would probably result.
在高分辨率卫星图的支持 下及时地和系统地提供气候预测数据,以及古 巴民防部门在预防性疏散方面采取的组织措施,使得热带风暴“Noel”在国家 东部引起的暴雨期间大大减少人命损失成为了可能,只有一起死亡事故,原因 是在发大水时死轻率地想要过河。
Timely and systematic provision of weather prediction data, supported by high-resolution satellite images, and organizational measures implemented by the Cuban Civil Defence in the area of preventive evacuation made it possible to significantly limit loss of human life during the heavy rains brought by tropical storm Noel to the eastern part of the country, with the occurrence of just one fatality, resulting from a rash attempt to cross a river in full spate.




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