单词 | 轻柔 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 轻柔 adjective —soft adjless common: melodic adj 轻柔 —pliableSee also:轻—gentle • reckless • frivolous • unimportant • disparage • small in number • unstressed 轻 adj—light adj • soft adj • easy adj • neutral adj 柔 adj—soft adj • supple adj 柔—flexible • yielding • rho (Greek letter Ρρ)
指压是一门古代的理疗艺术,以轻 柔的力 度来刺激身体天然的自我修复能力。 chuanspa.com.cn | Acupressure is an ancient art that uses mild pressure to stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities. chuanspa.com |
SILPURAN® UR [...] 34xx是一种低粘度加成交联硅橡胶, 该产品主要适用于需要达到轻柔压缩 效果的医疗应用材料。 wacker.com | SILPURAN® UR 34xx is a low-viscosity, addition-curing silicone rubber suitable for use in medical [...] applications requiring a soft compression effect. wacker.com |
要确定一个测量探头的良好可重复性相对而言比较简单,只需轻轻抬起测头并使 其 轻柔 地 回 复到起始位置即可。 solartronmetrology.cn | It is relatively simple to determine good repeatability from a gauging probe by gently lifting the tip and allowing it to gently return to its start position. solartronmetrology.com |
大部分教练都了解各种有效的热身方法,但是对于初学者而言,不妨考虑 在 轻柔 地 转 动背部之余,做五分钟轻快的慢跑、弓步练习、卡拉OK和仰卧起坐。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Most coaches will know a variety of good [...] warm-ups, but for starters, [...] consider a light five-minute jog, lunge-walking, karaokes and abdominal crunches, combined with gentle twists for the back. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
在轻柔爵士 的背景音乐下,电影以Jedd在河岸拾起小东西开始,他叙述着自己对收藏有故事的东西的热爱。 ba-repsasia.com | Set to the sounds of smooth jazz, the film starts with Jedd picking trinkets off a riverbank while he describes his passion for collecting things that have a story behind them. ba-repsasia.com |
这款透明洗发水最适于轻柔地清 洗宝宝的头发。 cn.lubrizol.com | This clear shampoo perfectly and gently cleanses baby’s hair. lubrizol.com |
在换筒部分,不锈钢材质的圈条管和圈条 盘,可确保轻柔地导条和圈条。 truetzschler.de | In the can changer, hosepipe and coiling plate made of [...] stainless steel ensure gentle sliver guidance [...]and sliver coiling. truetzschler.de |
其可生物降解的乳房湿巾有助于在挤奶前,提供高效 但 轻柔 的 乳 房刺激及清洁作用。 delaval.cn | Its biodegradable wet udder towel helps to deliver highly [...] effective but gentle udder stimulation [...]and cleaning action, before milking. delaval.cn |
DRYON 干燥机的振动流动床可确保输入物料处理 的 轻柔 处 理。 binder-co.com | DRYON’s vibrating [...] fluidised bed ensures gentle treatment of the [...]input material. binder-co.com |
那些木头在轻柔松软 成粒状,和罚款对粗糙使具有某种结构; 它用于制造农业工具,木制器皿和烟草箱子,和很少对于房子建设来说。 flora.ac.cn | The wood is soft and light, close grained, [...] and fine to coarse textured; it is used for making agricultural tools, wooden [...]ware, and tobacco boxes, and rarely for house construction. flora.ac.cn |
三维修圆的叉形可保证轻柔地抓 纱及均匀的最终产品表面质量,针的寿命也更长。 groz-beckert.pl | The three-dimensional rounded fork [...] geometry guarantees gentle fiber transport and [...]results in uniform surface quality of [...]the end product, plus longer needle service life. groz-beckert.pl |
注意:拆卸的翻盖、加热板和基座也可以在洗碗机内清洗,但要使 用 轻柔 的 玻 璃器皿清洗方式(并放在最上 层清洗)。 resmed.com | Note: The disassembled tub lid, plate and base may also be washed in a dishwasher on the delicate or [...] glassware cycle (top shelf only). resmed.com |
耳勾或耳罩式有一个柔性耳勾,可 轻柔 舒 适 地托住耳朵上的接收器 jabra.cn | Ear hook or Over the ear is a flexible earhook that gently and comfortably holds the receiver to your ear jabra.com |
花长一点时间轻柔地刷 牙比短时用力刷牙来得好。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | It’s better to brush gently for a longer period of time than to brush hard for a short period of time. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
本起点配方提供了可替代常规婴儿洗发水的无酰胺选择,内含Sulfochem™ TD-3和Chembetaine™ [...] C表面活性剂,能够产生对婴儿无刺激性的皂沫及独特的发泡性能,从而为清洗婴儿头发提供了一款温和 、 轻柔 的 清 洁剂。 cn.lubrizol.com | This starting formulation offers an amide-free alternative to typical baby shampoos, and contains Sulfochem™ TD-3 and Chembetaine™ C Surfactants [...] which provide baby-friendly lather and unique foaming properties [...] for a mild and gentle detergency when [...]cleaning baby’s hair. lubrizol.com |
为 了 达 成 这 个 轻 柔 抓 取 切 开 松 度 均 匀 的 目 的 , [...] BLENDOMAT BO-A使用了特吕茨勒独有了 自 动 开 关 切 换 功 能 。 truetzschler.de | To achieve this gentle work-off and uniform [...] degree of opening, the BLenDoMAT Bo-A uses an automatic switch-over only offered by Trützschler. truetzschler.de |
MU210挤奶机采用我们的著名Duovac系统,因此,挤奶顺畅 、 轻柔 , 防 止挤奶结束时过度挤奶。 delaval.cn | The MU210 milking unit features our famous Duovac system so [...] milking is smooth and gentle, with protection [...]against over-milking at the end of milking. delaval.com.ar |
婴儿尤其喜欢 轻柔的、 重复的旋律和夸张的讲话声音。 cpsc.gov | Infants especially enjoy gentle repeated rhythms [...] and exaggerated speech sounds. cpsc.gov |
在对特别敏感的病人进行移位时,重要的是要小心选择移位辅助工具并进行充分的规划,确保整个移位操作尽可 能 轻柔 地 进 行。 liko.com | When lifting patients who are especially sensitive, it is [...] important to select lifting aids with careful consideration so that the entire lift [...] operation is as gentle as possible. liko.com |
Flower Princess 花漾公主的灵感来自于Princess 活泼却不失柔美的精神,以及夏日阳光的味道 : 轻柔 、 闪 耀。 cosme-de.com | Flower Princess enchants with a light and feminine sparkling floral scent that captures the essence of beauty, inspired by the original Vera Wang Princess. cosme-de.com |
以标准轧辊轻柔均匀地碾压芯材表面,直至轮廓板各个 泡沫方格缝隙内出现腻子或树脂。 corematerials.3acomposites.com | Gently and evenly roll the core surface with a standard laminating roller until the putty [...] or bedding compound appears exits [...]the slits between the individual foam squares at the cloth side of the scrim sheet. corematerials.3acomposites.com |
柯达 Picture Saver 扫描系统随附一个柯达标准分纸模块和一个柯 达 轻柔 照 片 分纸模块。 graphics.kodak.com | The KODAK Picture Saver Scanning System is shipped with a KODAK Standard Separation [...] Module and a KODAK Gentle Photo Separation Module. graphics.kodak.com |
每天在眼周轻柔打圈 ,滚珠滚动带出适量凝露并加以按摩,可用手指轻抚至其完全吸收。 cosme-de.com | Use the Ice Roll with circular motion [...] of the eye, and then press the finger to help for complete absorption. cosme-de.com |
清爽舒缓的乳液可以完美卸除眼妆,倍 感 轻柔 的 同时还能强健睫毛。 clarinsusa.com | Comforting [...] lotion removes light to medium eye [...]make-up. clarinsusa.com |
高基调] 该图像效果可为整张图像创建更明亮 而 轻柔 的 外 观。 us.leica-camera.com | This effect creates a [...] brighter and lighter toned appearance [...]for the entire picture. us.leica-camera.com |
他们如 今已懂得自己摆弄物件,尤喜欢轻柔 的 玩 具。 cpsc.gov | Children can now manipulate objects themselves, [...] so they prefer soft, lightweight toys. cpsc.gov |
虽然柯达 Picture Saver 扫描系统已得到优化,可以比批次文档扫描仪 更 轻柔 地 处 理照片,但易破碎的照片最好用柯达 A3 或 Legal 尺寸平板附件进行扫描。 graphics.kodak.com | While the KODAK Picture Saver Scanning System has been optimized to handle photos more gently than a batch document scanner, fragile photos are best scanned using the KODAK A3 Size or Legal Size Flatbed Accessory. graphics.kodak.com |
他们的爵士乐演奏充满灵性,通过优美的旋律 和 轻柔 的 曲 调表现了动感与力量;风格涵盖南北各派,乐手拥有出众的即兴发挥能力。 norway.org.cn | This is inspired jazz music, soft and melodic, powerful [...] and energetic at the same time; jazz from the north and south, performed [...]by the best of improvising musicians. norway.cn |
若要获得超高效、极轻柔的脱 毛体验,以及长达四周的持久顺滑肌肤,请倾听肌肤的心声,选择 [...] Silk-épil。 braun.com | For ultra [...] efficient, extremely gentle epilation and [...]up to 4 weeks of long-lasting smoothness, listen to your skin and choose Silk-épil. braun.com |
位于 Hoang Quoc Viet 街上,The Sun 就没有其他饭店的显露及喧闹,不过,The Sun 饭店的轻柔花纹所构成简单的风格可会使您在紧张工作之后能感到一种十分舒服的。 thesunrestaurant.vnnavi.com.vn | Located on Hoang Quoc Viet Street and not so prominent and noisy as other restaurants, The Sun Restaurant carries a simple style with smooth decoration that can make you feel really comfortable after hours of working stress. thesunrestaurant.vnnavi.com.vn |