单词 | 轻於鸿毛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 轻于鸿毛—light as a goose feather (idiom); triflingunimportant
虽然於回顾季度内员工成本上升加重了经营成本,但是包括包装物等主要原辅材料价 格较去年底有所回落,减轻毛利率下降之营运压力。 cre.com.hk | The higher labor costs drove operating costs up in the quarter under [...] review. However, the [...] decline in costs of major primary and secondary raw materials such as packaging materials since the end of last year alleviated the pressureon grossprofit margins. cre.com.hk |
故此,陆一鸿先生被视为於广源集团有限公司所拥有之本公司全部股份 拥有拥益。 equitynet.com.hk | Accordingly, Mr. LukYat Hung was deemed to be interested [...] in all the shares in the Company in which Wide Source Group Ltd. was interested. equitynet.com.hk |
毛利率轻微下降 主 要 是 受 以下两 个 一 正 一 负 因 素 影 响 , 正 面 因 素 是 黄 金 价 格( 加 权 平 均 )高於去年同 期 , 负 面 因 素 是 黄 金 品 位 较 低 的 骆驼场 金 矿 的 销 售 占 公 司 所 有 金 矿 的 销 售 的 比 例 较 去 年 同 期 高 。 realgoldmining.com | Theslight drop in gross marginwas thenet result of two major factors, one being favorable and the other being adverse. The favorable factor was the increase in weighted average [...] gold price compared with thesame period last year whereas [...]the adverse factor was the increase in the proportion which sales at the Luotuochang Gold Mine (with lower gold grade) bore to the total sales of all the mines combined compared with the same period last year. realgoldmining.com |
由毛根开始边夹边往毛尖轻夹,重复3~4次就能有美丽卷睫毛。 aster.com.hk | Started by the eyelash's [...] root to edge lightly, repeat 3 to 4 times, will be able to have beautiful volume eyelashes. aster.com.hk |
毛利率轻微下降 1.0 % 至 16.0%, 原 因在於美国楼 市 进 一 步 放 缓 导 致 高 利 润 恒 温 器 控 制 装 [...] 置 产 品 销 售 降 低 、 原 材 料 成 本 增 加 、 本 集 团 生产设 施 [...]所 在地中 国 大 陆 的 总 体 通 胀 水 平 提 高 及 年 内 人 民 币 (「 人 民 币 」) 升 值 的 联 合 影 响 , 惟 此 影 响 由 於 售 予 电 器 控 制 装 置 及 工 商 业 控 制 装 置 业 务 客 户 的 高 利 润 产 品 销 售 组 合 ( 主 要 有 欧 洲 及 亚 洲 市 场 ) 增 加 而 部 份 抵 销 。 computime.com | Grossprofit margin decreased slightly by 1.0% to 16.0% due to the combined [...] effects of decrease in sales of high margin [...]thermostat control products owing to the further weakening US housing market, increase in raw material costs, general inflation in Mainland China in which the Group’s production facilities are located and appreciation of Renminbi (‘‘RMB’’) during the Year, which was partially offset by the increase in sales mixtocustomersandproductswith better margin for its appliance controls and commercial and industrial controls businesses, mainly in the European and Asian markets. computime.com |
绝无痛楚之脱毛方法之一.只须涂搽於皮肤5分钟後即可以湿毛巾轻轻抹掉. aster.com.hk | Just spray on and wipe off after 5 minutes without any pain feeling. aster.com.hk |
此 乃主要由於 毛利贡献 减 少 , 尽 管 一 般 及 行 政 以 及 其 他 营 运 开 [...] 支 仍 控 制 於 二 零零九 年 同 期 之 相 近 水 平 。 cigyangtzeports.com | These were [...] mainlyattributable tothe drop in grossprofit contributions [...]while general and administrative and other operating [...]expenses were controlled at similar level as for the corresponding periods of 2009. cigyangtzeports.com |
此 乃主要由於 毛利贡献 增 加 所 致 , 惟 部 分 被 一 般 及 行 政 以 及 其 他 营 [...] 运 开 支 增 加 所抵销 。 cigyangtzeports.com | These were [...] mainly attributableto the increase in gross profitcontributions [...]while partially offset by the increase in general [...]and administrative and other operating expenses. cigyangtzeports.com |
海军蓝被运用於毛衣、晚礼服和运动服上,尽展男士的权威感;复古风格 — 把现代的时尚元素加入传统的图案,散发出新古典的气质;闪烁优雅 — 闪闪发亮的衣服不但能吸引别人的目光,而且能充分表现自我;都市经典感觉的一件花纹衬衫配搭合身的西装外套,无论轻便或是商务装束,都能为您打造出时尚的造型;皮革淑女 — 无论是夹克、靴子、裤子,还是衬衫,皮革都应该在女士的衣橱占一席位;简约简洁的浅色、单层衣服带来简约清新的感觉,就好像躺在星期天的田园上,享受暖暖的阳光。 ifc.com.hk | Navy Blue depicts a sense of authority on men, from [...] men's cardigans to nightgowns to sports uniforms; Heritage Style combines today's modern sensibilities with traditional heritage; Sparkling Elegance makes you shine through the city, day or night, with an outfit that makes a statement, catches eyes, and most importantly - expresses yourself; Urban Classics - well-fitted blazer and a patterned button up shirt give you a hip, smart, and organised look that's perfect forcasual [...]or business; Leathering [...]Ladies - whether it's jackets, boots, pants, or blouses, leather should have a place in any woman's wardrobe; Minimalistic and Simplistic - light-coloured, single layered, minimalistic pieces probably evoke images of an idyllic Sunday, lying on the grass and enjoying the sun. ifc.com.hk |
(iv) 於二零零七年九月二十五日,本公司与其若干附属公司有条件同意就数间银行给予福源国际有限公司(「福源」) [...] (本公司之附属公司,本公司董事及股东蔡连鸿先生於该家附属公司实益拥有49%权益)之银行信贷提供担 保。 equitynet.com.hk | (iv) On 25 September 2007, the Company and certain of its subsidiaries had conditionally agreed to provide guarantees in favour of several banks in respect of facilities granted by the banks to Ford Glory International Limited (“Ford [...] Glory”), a subsidiary of the Company in [...] which Mr. Choi LinHung,a director and a [...]shareholder of the Company, has a 49% beneficial interest. equitynet.com.hk |
获得提名次数最多的6名议员进入第二阶段评分调查,但由於范鸿龄於10月24日,即在第一阶段提名调查期间,已向行政长官申请停职并获行政长官接纳,故即使其在第一阶段提名调查获得较多的提名,民研计划亦没有将其纳入第二阶段评分调查当中。 hkupop.hku.hk | Since Fan Hung-ling ask for his suspension [...] of duties during the naming survey and was accepted by Chief Executive on 24 [...]October, hence POP does not include him in the rating survey even he has actually obtained quite a high nominations in first stage. hkupop.hku.hk |
超过 98%的毛病性质只属轻微,例如坏灯、单一螺栓松脱或轻微漏 油。 devb.gov.hk | Over 98% of the defects found were minor in nature, such as lamp defective, single loose bolt or minor oil leakage. devb.gov.hk |
电 信 软 件 系 统、服 务 及 其 他 产 品 毛 [...] 利 率 下 降 主 要 是由於 毛利率较 低 的 网 络 终 [...]端 及 其 他 类 产 品 占 该 类 产 品 营 业 收 入 比 重 增 加,而 毛 利 率 较 高 的 服 [...]务 等 产 品 的 营 业 收 入 比 重 减 少,使 得 该 类 产 品 毛 利 率 较 去 年 同 期 有 所 下 降。 zte.com.cn | The decline in gross profit margin [...] for the segment reflected primarily increased sales of lower margin network terminal [...]and other products combined with decreased sales of higher margin products, as a percentage of total sales revenue for the segment. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
对比去年同期,商品销售毛利率(综合特许专柜销售佣金及直接销售的毛利率)轻微下降 0.4%至18.1%,乃由於具较高商品毛利率的旗舰店销售占比下降,某些旗舰店商品毛利率表 现转差,增速较高但毛利率偏低的培养店及新店销售占比上升所致。 parksongroup.com.cn | The merchandise gross margin (a combination of the concessionaire commission and the direct sales margin) declined marginally by 0.4% YOY to 18.1% primarily due to combination of lower sales contribution from flagship stores that enjoy higher merchandise gross margin, weaker gross margin performance from selected flagship stores, higher sales contribution from the younger stores and new stores with lower merchandise gross margin. parksongroup.com.cn |
获得提名次数最多的6名议员进入第二阶段评分调查,但由於范鸿龄於10月24日已向行政长官申请停职并获行政长官接纳,至今仍未复职,处於灰色地带,故即使其在第一阶段提名调查获得较多的提名,民研计划亦没有将其纳入第二阶段评分调查当中。 hkupop.hku.hk | Hence POP has not included him in the rating survey even though he has obtained many nominations in the first stage. hkupop.hku.hk |