

单词 轻元素

See also:


light adj
easy adj
soft adj
neutral adj

元素 adj

elemental adj


element of a set
chemical element

External sources (not reviewed)

当 Tracer III-SD 与可选真空系统一起使用时,可以实现 轻元素 敏 感 性。
When the Tracer III-SD is operated with the optional vacuum
[...] system the ultimate light element sensitivity can [...]
be achieved.
[...] 采用的薄膜 Ultralene® 窗口可用于检 轻元素 , 例如 Mg、Al 和 Si,而不需要真空或氦冲洗。
The S1 TURBOSD uses a durable aluminized Kapton® window that can be used for hot samples up to 500 C. The S1 TURBOSDLE uses a
thin film Ultralene® window which allows
[...] detection of light elements such as Mg, Al [...]
and Si- without the need for vacuum or helium flush.
Tracer III-SD
[...] 配备了专有的 X-Flash® 硅漂移探测器 (SDD),该探测器具备高速的数据捕获、比传统 SiPIN 探测器更高的分辨率轻元素敏感性。
The Tracer III-SD incorporates the proprietary XFlash® Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) which
provides high speed data acquisition, better resolution than the traditional
[...] SiPIN detector and light element sensitivity.
更快的分析时间 — 合金级 ID 分析仅需 2-5 秒,而元素化学分析仅需 5 秒(不包轻元素)。
Even faster analysis times – 2-5 second alloy grade ID’s and 5
[...] seconds for elemental chemical analysis (excluding light elements).
使用 URI用于元数据元素的名称、标签和关系 轻 了 元素 使 用 中命名和发现的冲突。
The utilisation of URIs for metadata element names, labels, and relations alleviates naming and
[...] identification conflicts in the use of elements.
独立于他人早期的研究,皮布尔斯认识到观察到 轻元素 同 位 素,特别是氢、氘及氦-4的化学丰富度需要热大爆炸,这个大爆炸产生了今天可观察到的宇宙微波背景。
Independently of some earlier pioneering
work, Peebles realized that the observed
[...] abundance of light element isotopes, particularly [...]
hydrogen, deuterium, and helium-4,
required a hot big bang, which would result today in a directly observable cosmic microwave background.
轻的DNA元素,并 编写VERRI 的新故事,同时也不失其优良传统和那些永不过时的经典。
The new staff and company structure provide the [...]
starting point for writing the new Verri story with its young DNA, whilst
never forsaking its traditions and the unmistakeable style which has distinguished the brand throughout its history.
木质百叶窗能够让日光成为设计房 间的自元素,轻松营造氛围。
Wood blinds will ensure that daylight forms a natural part of the room design and atmosphere.
钛是一种银灰色的金元素,重量轻 而 强 度高;实际上,钛是强度重量比最高的金属。
Titanium is a
[...] silvery-gray metallic element that's not only light but also strong; [...]
in fact, it has the highest strength-to-weight ratio of any metal.
當租賃預付無法於土地及樓元素之 間 可靠分配,則一般會將整份租約分類為融資租賃及列作物業、廠房及 [...]
When the lease payments cannot be allocated reliably between the land
[...] and building elements, the entire lease [...]
is generally classified as a finance
lease and accounted for as property, plant and equipment.
虽然 这两个素孰轻孰重 可能难以确定,但显然是并肩而行的,必须以相辅相成的方 [...]
While it may be difficult to prioritize
[...] between those two factors, it is clear that [...]
they go hand-in-hand and must be made
to work in a mutually reinforcing way.
学习如何使用 HTML 的 audio 元素,轻松将音频嵌入您的网页中。
Learn how to use
[...] the HTML audio element to embed sounds in your web pages easily.
虽然闪动的元素确实‘偷取’了一些学生对于内容的注意力,有据可查地使他们的教育经历变得 轻 松 ,这 些 元素 也 被设计于传达重要信息,揭示文艺复兴时期也是真实的,大胆勇敢的,而且和现代社会一样愚蠢。
While the Flashy elements certainly “stole” some of students’ attention away from the content,
arguably lessening their
[...] educational experience, those elements were also designed to [...]
convey key messages as well, by suggesting
that the Renaissance was as lively, bold, and silly as our modern era.
为在加勒比的 9 个项目地点促进国家减贫战略与保护自然文化遗产之间建立有效联系,制订了 培训元,以查明轻人作为文化遗产地的工作者/管理者,在遗产旅游领域接受培训和就业所需的 核心素。
To contribute to the establishment of effective linkages between national poverty reduction strategies and natural and cultural heritage preservation in nine project sites in the Caribbean, training
modules have been created to identify core elements required for youth to be trained and employed in the field of heritage tourism as cultural heritage site operators/managers.
有,同样,许元素tanna itic传统,特别是圣经midrashic注释,以及众多halakic解释,辞书和材料,这是在较受限制的米示拿的意思解释为进入犹太法典纳入准备一,当米示拿犹大成为标准halakic工作,作为对宗教法律问题的决定都源,而且,更特别是,作为一个在院校研究的课题,对犹太法典的mishnaic文本的解释,无论在理论上并在实践中,自然就成了最重要的研究分支,包括传统科学的其他分支,被来自的halakah和midrash(halakic训诂学)派生,也包括haggadic材料,但向未成年人的程度。
There were, likewise, many elements of tannaitic tradition, [...]
especially the midrashic exegesis of the Bible, as well as numerous
halakic interpretations, lexicographical and material, which were ready for incorporation into the Talmud in its more restricted meaning of the interpretation of the Mishnah of Judah I. When this Mishnah became the standard halakic work, both as a source for decisions of questions of religious law, and, even more especially, as a subject of study in the academies, the Talmud interpretation of the mishnaic text, both in theory and in practise, naturally became the most important branch of study, and included the other branches of traditional science, being derived from the Halakah and the Midrash (halakic exegesis), and also including haggadic material, though to a minor degree.
聯交所認為:容許合資格地產項目含一定比例的資 元素 的 建議是可取的, 但如以預測數字釐定比例上限,則牽涉實際操作的問題,因為預測的數字在 項目發展期間隨時要不斷調整。
The Exchange believes, however, that there are practical implementation issues should a cap be set using forecast figures, which in turn are subject to adjustments throughout the development of the project.
特區政府應要求私人發展商及市建局和房協等公營機構,在樓宇設計方面 多注入鼓勵街道上活動元素。
The Government should call for property developers and public organizations such as the URA and HKHS to encourage more street-level activities in building design.
在创造更大价值方面,人们日益确认委员会是潜在可行的政治平台,以:(a) 通过包容、由国家主导的方式确定优先事项;(b) 与业务方协调,支持已确定的 国家和平建设优先任务;(c)
[...] 为建设和平优先任务呼吁和动员国际(资金、技术 和政治)支持;(d) 持续、重点关注和平建设优先任务, 轻 风 险 因 素。
With respect to the value added, there is increasing recognition that the Peacebuilding Commission represents a potentially viable political platform for: (a) inclusive and nationally owned prioritization; (b) alignment of operational actors in support of identified national peacebuilding priorities; (c) advocacy for and mobilization of international support (financial, technical and political) for
peacebuilding priorities; and (d) sustained and focused attention on peacebuilding
[...] priorities to mitigate risk factors.
导致全国人口减少的主要素包括, 年 轻 夫 妇 生育方面 的人口行为发生改变、死亡率相对较高以及人口向外迁移。
The main factors of the total population decrease are the change of young couple’s demographic [...]
behaviour regarding their
own reproduction, the relative higher mortality as well as the external migration.
这些项目系统性地解决了冲突促成 素 , 为 年 轻 人 提供了发展和获得社会技 能的机会以促进维持和平与安全,减少了以前“热点”地区特别是偏僻的大吉德 [...]
州和宁巴州内的暴力行为,增加了采用诚实生活方式的前战斗人员的人数,据报 告帮助减少了非法采矿的现象,增加了公众对法治和合法权利的知识和认识,帮
助法院解决了大量土地案件,减少了与土地相关的暴力行为,以及帮助逮捕了涉 嫌罪犯。
The projects systematically addressed conflict drivers and provided
[...] opportunities for young people to develop [...]
and acquire social skills towards maintaining
peace and security; diminished violence in former “hot spots”, particularly in remote Grand Gedeh and Nimba counties; increased the number of ex-combatants taking up honest livings; contributed to a reported reduction in illicit mining; increased knowledge and awareness among the public about the rule of law and legal rights; supported the settlement of numerous land cases in courts, reducing the rate of land-related violence; and supported the arrests of suspected criminals.
尽管如此,如果所有经济行为方 均能尊重法治,就可轻这些制约 素 对 竞 争主管机构工作的影响。
However, if all economic actors respected the rule of law, those constraints would affect the work of competition authorities to a lesser degree.
拟议经费还可供高 级工作人员在同次出差期间在后勤基地为安保管理小组提供培训,就培训交付情 况开展现场评估、核查和援助(119 000
美元);供高级安保干事前往维持和平特 派团,进行战略/行动安保评估(48 100
[...] 美元);供对维持和平行动特派团人员的 社会心理健康进行需求评估和提供支助服务(52 300 美元),包括减轻社会 心理压 力的措施、团队建设、压力管理、身心疲惫、应付变化、冲突管理及应对损失和 [...]
The amount proposed would also allow for senior staff to deliver training, on the same trips, for security management teams at UNLB; on-site assessment, verification and assistance in the delivery of training ($119,000); senior security officers to travel to peacekeeping missions to conduct strategic/operational security assessments ($48,100); provision of needs assessment of, and support services on, psychosocial well-being
to mission personnel
[...] in peacekeeping operations ($52,300), including psychosocial mitigating measures, [...]
team-building, stress
management, burnout, coping with change, conflict management and coping with loss and death.
展览将包含教学、艺术、游戏和互动 元素 , 涵 盖教科文组织的历史和过往成就,优 先事项和重大主题,在目前的全球治理中的作用及其对解决当今重大问题的贡献,以及宣传 [...]
The exhibition will comprise educational, artistic, recreational
[...] and interactive elements covering UNESCO’s [...]
history and achievements, its priorities
and major themes, its role in current world governance and its contribution to the solution of contemporary problems, while highlighting the opportunities open to one and all to participate in UNESCO’s networks and communities.
项目涵 盖有毒物质、微元素,以 及它们对环境和公众健康影响问题之间的关系;综合生物学及生 [...]
态学的复杂性;拉丁美洲在生物物理学方面的能力建设问题;数学教育的标准和目标方面的 国际观点;提高妇女在物理学领域的作用;实现共享科学信息的电子手段;气象预报;转基
They cover the relationship between
[...] toxic metals, trace elements and their impact [...]
on environmental and public health issues;
integrative biology and ecological complexity; Latin American capacity-building in biophysics; an international perspective on standards and goals for mathematics education; the promotion of women’s role in physics; an electronic way of sharing scientific information; weather forecasting; genetically modified crops; and establishment of a new framework for ocean research in the earth system science.
[...] 续发展,谈判有两个关键部分:市场准 元素 , 以 减少边境措施,主要是关税壁 垒;具体渔业部门的谈判,禁止和以其他方式惩戒扭曲贸易及助长过度捕捞和能 [...]
Discussions on fishing subsidies have been oriented towards improved environmental stewardship and sustainable
development and have had two key components:
[...] a market access element to reduce border [...]
measures, mainly tariff barriers, and a
fisheries sectorspecific negotiation to prohibit and otherwise discipline subsidies that distort trade and promote overfishing and overcapacity.
藝術是核心課程元素,既可令課程組織嚴謹,又可使學 習有趣,促進學生的多元智能,透過改善他們的發聲、聆聽技巧和身體控制,使他們全人得着教 育,並透過繪畫、摺紙、舞蹈、音樂和園藝,加強他們對涉及平面和立體問題的解決能力。
The arts are an essential, rigorous and joyful part of the core curriculum enabling students to access their multiple intelligences, educating the whole child through improving their voice, listening skills, body control, two and three dimensional problem solving abilities through drawing and painting, origami, dance, music and gardening.
我已表示,我們現時所要做的,未必是策略性的 ─ 其中最主要元 素,正 如我剛才所說,我們要對公眾的訴求有更多瞭解,以及看看如何才能 [...]
The most important element is, as I have [...]
just said, we need to know more about public aspirations and to see how these aspirations
can be addressed more effectively.
它的特性包括从基于MOF的模型生成文本,具备基本的控制机制比如:循环,条件选择,字符串操作,输出表示引用模型 元素 , 支 持在模型和已生成的文本之间进行相互"追溯"。
Its features include MOF-based model generation from text , with the basic control mechanisms such as:
loops, conditional selection, string
[...] manipulation , output elements that reference [...]
model to support the model and the text
has been generated between each other "retrospective" .
在对女性罪犯进行判决时,考虑到女性的照看责任和通常的背景,法庭应当 有权力考虑轻罪行的因素,例 如无犯罪史和犯罪行为的相对非严重性及其性 质。
When sentencing women offenders, courts
shall have the power t o
[...] consider mitigating factors such as lack of criminal [...]
history and relative nonseverity and nature of the criminal conduct, in the light of women’s caretaking responsibilities and typical backgrounds.




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