单词 | 轰炸机 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 轰炸机 noun —bomber n轰炸机 —bomber (aircraft)Examples:战略轰炸机—strategic bomber 核轰炸机—nuclear bomber (aircraft) See also:轰炸—bombard 轰—bang • boom • rumble • shoo away • expel 轰轰—booming • roaring 炸—explode • deep fry
同样重要的是, [...] 这份文件应具有前瞻性,不仅限制弹头数量,而且限制其战略运载工具——洲际 弹道导弹、潜射弹道导弹和重型 轰炸机。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is equally important that the document be forward-looking and limit not only warheads but also their [...] strategic delivery vehicles: intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic [...] missiles and heavy bombers. daccess-ods.un.org |
Emerson 在第二次世界大战期间显著增长,得益于来自政府生产飞机炮塔的合同,包括了安装在 B-24 轰炸机前鼻翼上的 “127 型”炮塔。 emerson.com | Much of Emerson’s dramatic growth in World War II results [...] from government contracts to build airplane gun turrets, including the “Model 127” [...] mounted in the nose of the B-24 bomber. emerson.com |
但后由皇家方舟号航空母舰起飞的剑鱼式鱼 雷 轰炸机 所 发射的鱼雷击中了俾斯麦号,导致俾斯麦号的尾舵被卡住,无法控制正常航行方向。 trumpeter-china.com | But by the Ark Royal aircraft carrier take-off of the [...] Swordfish torpedo bombers launched torpedoes [...]hit the Bismarck, the Bismarck's rudder [...]jammed, unable to control the direction of the normal navigation. trumpeter-china.com |
北美共和飞机公司的F-84“雷电”喷气式战 斗 轰炸机 , 源 于1944年美国空军新一代昼间战斗机的设计要求。 hobbyboss.com | The Republic Aviation Company F-84 “Thunderjet” [...] was a turbojet fighter-bomber aircraft. hobbyboss.com |
返回新加坡的途中,反击号和威尔士亲王号遭到日军高 空 轰炸机 和 鱼雷机轮番攻击。 trumpeter-china.com | While returning to Singapore, Repulse and Prince of Wales were attacked by [...] Japanese high-level bombers and torpedo planes. trumpeter-china.com |
虽然装备了K-26导弹系统,但是该型飞机仍然保留了作 为 轰炸机 使 用 的能力。 trumpeter-china.com | The characteristics of the K-26 weapon systems allowed the aircraft to [...] retain their original bomber capabilities. trumpeter-china.com |
它是美国空军所使用过的最大的单发飞机,单座的F-105 能够携带的炸弹甚至比二战的四发重型战 略 轰炸机 还 要 多。 hobbyboss.com | As the largest single-engined fighter ever employed by the USAF, the single-seat [...] F-105 would be adapted to deliver a [...] greater iron bomb load than the four-engined ten-man strategic bombers of World War II. hobbyboss.com |
重点活动包括:交流了关于受《条约》制约武器系统和设施 [...] 数量、位置和技术特点的信息;双方各自完成了规定的每年 18 次实地视察;完 [...] 成了《条约》要求进行的、商定的进攻性战略武器展览,包括美国展示 B-1B 和 B-2A 重型轰炸机,俄 罗斯展示 RS-24 洲际弹道导弹及其相关发射器;《条约》双 [...] 边协商委员会举行了三次会议,讨论执行《条约》问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Highlights included: exchanging information on numbers, locations and technical characteristics of weapons systems and facilities that are subject to the Treaty; completing the annual quota of 18 onsite inspections by each side; completing agreed exhibitions of strategic offensive arms as required [...] under the Treaty, including the United States exhibitions of the B-1B [...] and B-2A heavy bombers, and the Russian [...]exhibition of the RS-24 [...]intercontinental ballistic missiles and its associated launcher; and convening the Treaty’s Bilateral Consultative Commission for three sessions to discuss Treaty implementation issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
1984年3月18日,苏丹指控利比亚轰炸机 对 苏 丹乌姆杜尔曼进行了空袭,请求安全理事会举行会议审议指控的侵略行径。 un.org | On 18 March 1984, [...] charging that a Libyan bomber had carried out [...]an air raid against the Sudanese town of Omdurman, the [...]Sudan requested a meeting of the Security Council to consider the alleged aggression. un.org |
F-105是共和公司在1951年开发的用来代替F-84F的超音速战 斗 轰炸机。 trumpeter-china.com | The F-105 evolved from a project [...] begun in 1951 by Republic Aviation at Farmingdale NY to develop a supersonic [...] tactical fighter-bomber to replace the F-84F. trumpeter-china.com |
在新条约生效以来的七年间,除了限制进攻性 [...] 战略武器的总数,该条约还将已部署和未部署的发 射器以及重型轰炸机置于其法律管辖范围内,并为 消除或转用这种武器提供额外的推动力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The new treaty, besides limiting aggregate numbers of strategic offensive arms within seven years of its entry into force, had [...] brought deployed and non-deployed launchers [...] as well as heavy bombers within its legal scope [...]and provided an additional impetus [...]for the elimination or conversion of such arms. daccess-ods.un.org |
它是一种重型、全天候、远程战斗 轰炸机 , 类 似于美国的F-15E。 trumpeter-china.com | It is a heavy class, all-weather, long-range strike fighter, comparable to American F-15E. trumpeter-china.com |
1944年6月22日,英国海峡布勒斯特以北,在加拿大海军驱逐舰海达人号和一架捷克空军的解放 者 轰炸机 的 协 助下,击沉德国海军U-971号潜艇。 trumpeter-china.com | It attacked and sank the enemy German submarine U-971 while in company with the Canadian destroyer HMCS Haida and a Liberator aircraft of the Czech air force in the English Channel north of Brest on 24 June 1944. trumpeter-china.com |
当时,内布拉斯加州卡尼市有一个带有飞机库的闲置机场。在第二次世界大战中这里曾作为 B-29 轰炸机起飞到欧洲的基地。 baldwinfilters.com | At this time, Kearney, Nebraska, had [...] an idle airfield with hangars that had [...] been used in World War II as a base for [...]the big B-29 planes taking off for Europe. baldwinfilters.com |
安-2“小马”可以用于伞兵空降、牵引滑翔机、训练飞行员、通用运输,甚至作为轻 型 轰炸机。 hobbyboss.com | The An-2 Colt has been used as a paratroop transport, glider tug, navigation trainer, utility [...] transport and light bomber. hobbyboss.com |
作为前苏联空军中最强有力的作战飞 机 , 图- 1 6 0 轰炸机 的 飞行速度可以超过2,000公里/小时,图-160的爬升速度可达每秒60-70米,使用升限可以达到15,000米以上。 trumpeter-china.com | As the most powerful combat aircraft of the Soviet Air Forces, the T-160 flies at 2,000 km/hr and can exceed the 2,000 mark with a mission-specific load. trumpeter-china.com |
纽约时报》曾把CTS Coupe形容为“隐形轰炸机”, 它瞄准的是那些有品位而又希望脱离平庸的人群。 vantageshanghai.com | It takes aim among those with status and hopes to shed mediocrity. vantageshanghai.com |
我们的灯具还用于喷气式战斗机、 轰炸机 以 及美国宇航局航天飞机的特殊照明。 light-sources.com | Our lamps are also used for special illumination in [...] jet fighters and bombers and in NASA space [...]shuttles. light-sources.com |
俄罗斯 已经完全履行了《削减战略武器条约》义务。截至 2001 年 12 月 5 日这一截止日 [...] 期,俄罗斯实际上已经将本国所部署的战略运载工具(即洲际弹道导弹、潜射弹 道导弹和重型轰炸机)及其所属的弹头数量分别减少到 1 [...]136 件和 5 518 件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Russian Federation fully met its arms reduction obligations and, by the verification date of 5 December 2001, it had actually reduced its aggregate number of deployed strategic delivery vehicles (intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), [...] submarine-launched ballistic missiles [...] (SLBMs) and heavy bombers) to 1,136 and the [...]number of warheads attributed to them to 5,518. daccess-ods.un.org |
在1940年底,英国皇家空军为了有效拦截德国空军未来可能使用容克Ju 86P高空轰炸机对英国本土发动新的攻势,急需发展一种新的“喷火”战斗机来拦截这些装备增压器 的 轰炸机 , 新 机装备新型“梅林”Mk.6发动机。 hobbyboss.com | Late in 1940, the RAF predicted that the advent of [...] the pressurised Junkers Ju 86P bomber series over Britain would be the start of a new [...] sustained high altitude bombing offensive by the Luftwaffe, in which case development was put in hand for a pressurised version of the Spitfire, with a new version of [...]the Merlin (the Mk VI). hobbyboss.com |
例如,某核武器国家 2012 财政年度预算申 请中不仅揭示出它计划大规模更新其核武库及生产 [...] 设施,包括新建两个核武器制造厂,而且还披露它承 诺花费 1 000 多亿美元来更新若干用来运送核弹头的 导弹、潜艇和轰炸机。 daccess-ods.un.org | For instance, the budget request for fiscal year 2012 by a certain nuclearweapon State not only reveals its considerable plans to modernize its nuclear weapons arsenal and production facilities, including the construction of two new nuclear-weapon production factories, but also discloses its pledge to spend well [...] over $100 billion on modernizing a number of its [...] missiles, submarines and bombers designed to deliver nuclear [...]warheads. daccess-ods.un.org |
是英国制造的一种双发中型轰炸机, 它的建造的是1937年首先展开在以英国皇家空军的大地测量学的建筑, 原型机在1936年6月15日首飞 它在二次大战早期是英国的主 力 轰炸机 , 但 是英国皇家空军因为它很容易易受伤而很快被迫放弃了白天的攻击行动。 trumpeter-china.com | It was the main British bomber during the first part of WWII, but the RAF was soon forced to abandon daylight attacks because of its vulnerability. trumpeter-china.com |
以色列部队还抓走几家人,把他们集中到一所空 房,然后用飞机轰炸,公然违反有关战俘待遇的《日 内瓦第三公约》。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Israeli forces also rounded [...] up several families and led them to an [...] empty house, then bombed them from aircraft [...]in a flagrant breach of the Third Geneva [...]Convention relative to the treatment of prisoners. daccess-ods.un.org |
在美洲组织所处理的国家间冲突之中,值得一提 [...] 的有两个,即:伯利兹和危地马拉之间的边界争端以 及 2008 年 3 月 1 日哥伦比亚飞机轰炸哥伦比亚武装 革命军在厄瓜多尔领土上的秘密营地所导致的危机。 daccess-ods.un.org | Of the inter-State conflicts dealt with by the OAS, two bear mentioning: the border dispute [...] between Belize and Guatemala and the crisis [...] provoked by the bombing by Colombian planes [...]of a clandestine camp on Ecuadorian [...]territory of the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia on 1 March 2008. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们同学之间纷纷议论究竟发生什么事情了,是不是我们劳动的工厂被 B29 战斗机轰炸 了,不对不对,不是被 B29 战斗机轰炸,那 是皆实町的煤气罐爆炸了吧。 hiro-tsuitokinenkan.go.jp | I thought maybe the factory where I had been mobilized might have been bombed by B-29s. hiro-tsuitokinenkan.go.jp |
2010 年已经举办或将要举办了一些讲习班:一个在科伦坡,第二个是为南 [...] 亚警察和检察官举办的,构成系列活动;在内罗毕举行另一个讲习班,是为东非 的实践者们举办的,旨在帮助加强边境控制措施,召开的时间是在乌干达七月份 发生的轰炸事件 前夕;在利伯维尔举办一次,旨在加强与海上安全和港口及海上 设施相关的反恐怖主义法律机制;以及在雅加达执法和合作中心举办的一次活 动,汇集了南亚和东南亚的警察和检察官,以协助他们建立彼此之间的联系以及 亚洲各分区域之间的联系。 daccess-ods.un.org | A number of workshops were or will be organized in 2010: one in Colombo, the second in a series for South Asian police and prosecutors; another in Nairobi, [...] for East African [...] practitioners to help strengthen border control measures, held just prior to the bombing that occurred in Uganda in July; one in Libreville, to strengthen legal counter-terrorism [...]regimes [...]related to maritime security and port and offshore installations; and one at the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement and Cooperation, which gathered police and prosecutors from South and South-East Asia to assist them in organizing connections among themselves and between subregions of Asia. daccess-ods.un.org |
安理会第 1970(2011)号决议决定,旅行禁令和资产冻结应适用于被委员会指 认的以下个人和实体:(a) [...] 参与或合谋下令、掌控或以其他方式指挥对阿拉伯利 比亚民众国境内的人施行重大侵犯人权行为,包括参与或合谋计划、指挥、下 [...] 令或进行违反国际法的针对平民和民用设施的袭击,包括用 飞 机 进 行 轰炸 者; 或(b) 为(a)分段所述个人或实体或代表他们或按他们的指示行事者。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its resolution 1970 (2011), the Council decided that the travel ban and asset freeze should apply to the individuals and entities designated by the Committee (a) involved in or complicit in ordering, controlling or otherwise directing, the commission of serious human rights abuses against persons in Libya, including by being involved in or complicit in planning, commanding, ordering or conducting [...] attacks, in violation of international law, [...] including aerial bombardments, on civilian populations [...]and facilities, or (b) acting [...]for or on behalf of or at the direction of individuals or entities identified in subparagraph (a). daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 从恩塔甘达在 Runyoni 的据点投降的另一名前 M23 军官告诉专家组说, [...] 他亲眼看到,在刚果(金)武装部队直 升 机轰炸 兵 变 人员据点之后,卢旺达国防军 的一个营前来增援兵变人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Another ex-M23 officer who surrendered from Ntaganda’s position at Runyoni told the Group that he [...] personally witnessed how one RDF battalion came to reinforce the mutineers after a [...] FARDC helicopter bombarded their positions. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际安全环境的日益动荡不安,特别是 [...] 2001 年 9 月以来,以及 2003 年巴格达联合国 机构办公楼遭轰炸事件 ,加大了联合国人员的安全风险的程度;需要在安全部(DSS--原为 [...] 联合国安全协调员办公室)的领导下加强驻地的安全措施。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The increasingly unsettled international security [...] environment, in particular since [...] September 2001, and the bombing of the United Nations premises [...]in Baghdad in 2003, have heightened [...]the level of security risks of the United Nations personnel and called for the reinforcement of the security measures in the field, under the authority of the Department of Safety and Security (DSS – previously UNSECOORD). unesdoc.unesco.org |