

单词 软体出版协会

See also:

软体 n

software n

出版 v

publish v
appear v


put out
come off the press

External sources (not reviewed)

从那以后,这些委员会与贸 易工业部,南非版家协会,国际 出版 家 协会 和 商 业 软 件 联 盟等组织举行了各类讨论。
These Committees have since held discussions with the Department of
Trade and Industry, the
[...] Publishers’ Association of South Africa, the International Publishers’ Association and the Business Software Alliance.
您 理解,在任何情况下,均不得向美国禁运的任何国家/地区、美国规定禁止的个人或 体 、 或者 美国特别指定的国出口本协议软件。
You understand that under no circumstances may the SOFTWARE be exported to any country
subject to U.S. embargo or to
[...] U.S.-designated denied persons or prohibited entities or U.S. specially designated nationals.
另一方面,出版物整体数目 略有增加的第 15 款(人类 住区)(A/66/6(Sect.15),第 15.14 段)中,委会注意 到,所提供的数据还包括 只有电子版的出版物。
On the other
[...] hand, in section 15, Human settlements, where the overall level of publications reflected a small increase (A/66/6 (Sect. 15), para. 15.14), the [...]
notes that the data provided also include solely electronic publications.
版用带有 2 张 DVD 的工具包进行交付,工具包中有服务 软 件 、 输 出 批 次模块和客户端软件、服务器的硬件密钥(加密狗)和软件质量保 协 议。
The Network Edition is delivered in a kit with 2 DVDs containing the Server Software, Output Batch Module and Client Software, a hardware key (dongle) for the server, and Software Assurance.
整体销售下降的原因可以归纳为:a) 对大多数类别的出版物的需求量体 下 降 ;b) 改 革工作导致的出版物的减少;c) 规定以版税形式收入的联出版协定 的 影响。
The fall in overall sales can be explained by: (a) a globally lower demand for most categories of
publications; (b) a lower
[...] editorial output due to the reform process; and (c) the effect of copublishing agreements, which provides revenue in the form of royalties.
[...] 有区域眼光的旗舰出版物,其中包括:(i) 《阿拉伯地区2025》,预测和分析本地区经 济、社会、政治和文化领域的当前形势和未 27 来趋势;(ii) 向 民主过渡,探讨阿拉伯国家 政治变化的性质并分析世界其他地区政治 转型的教训,从而就现有的政策选择得 出 结论和最佳做法,以确保向民主的有效 和 可持续的过渡;(iii) 阿拉伯地区体化,体化的 潜在领域 —— 无论是社会、 经 济、文化层面的还是政治层面的 —— 及其 特点提出分析并评估各自对本地区的长期 影响;和 (iv) 与其他区域委会的联合出 版物, 《千年发展目标以后:联合国的未来 发展议程》。
A set of flagship publications have been planned with regional lens, which include (i) The Arab Region 2025, which will forecast and analyse current and future trends for the region in economic, social, political and cultural areas; (ii) Transitions to Democracy, which looks into the nature of political changes in Arab countries and analyses the lessons learned from political transitions in other areas of the world to draw conclusions and best practices on the policy options available to ensure effective and sustainable transitions to democracy; (iii) Arab Regional Integration, which analyses the
potential areas and characteristics of
[...] integration be they social, economic, cultural or political and assessing their prospective impact on the long-term development of the region; and (iv) a joint publication with other Regional Commissions on Beyond the MDGs: A Future United Nations Development Agenda.
维和部和外勤部维护和支持现有软件和系统需要软件许可证费和收费 304 700 美元,包括网站监测费用(30 000 美元)、业务智能软件升级(40 000 美 元)、维和行动联络管软件(社会电 子 计算) (80 000 美元)、安全数据传输升级 (30 000 美元)、维和行动任务监测工具(20 000 美元)、跟踪外地行动的活动 (40 000 美元)、同业体(30 0 00 美元)以及联合国驻非洲联盟办事处的用户许 可证(34 700 美元)。
The amount for software licences and fees ($304,700), which are required by DPKO and DFS to maintain and support existing
software and systems,
[...] comprises fees for website monitoring ($30,000), business intelligence software upgrades ($40,000), the peacekeeping operations contact management software (social computing) ($80,000), secure data transfer upgrades ($30,000), [...]
the peacekeeping
operations task monitoring tool ($20,000), the tracking of activities of field mission operations ($40,000), communities of practice ($30,000) and licences for users in the United Nations Office to the African Union ($34,700).
9.104 编列经费 2 324 000 美元,其中包括:(a) 2 206 800 美元用于 9 个员额(1 个 P-5,1
[...] 个 P-4, 1 个 P-3,3 个 P-2/1 和 3 个一般事务人员(1 个特等和 2 个其他职等)),向该部提供通信和信 息管理服务,包括知识共享;知识和信息政策的制定;网络出版;编写和传播电子通讯和提示; 网站开发;多语言网站内容策划协 调 和 编写 出版 物 支 助;电子网上论坛管理;系统分析与 开发;数据库设计,建设和管理;网络管理;二级计算机服务台支助;信息技术资产管理和视会议;(b) 117 200 美元用于:其他人事费、订约承办事务、用品和材料、家具和设备。
9.104 The amount of $2,324,000 provides (a) $2,206,800 for 9 posts (1 P-5, 1 P-4, 1 P-3, 3 P-2/1 and 3 General Service (1 Principal level and 2 Other level)) to provide communications and information management services to the Department, including knowledge sharing; knowledge and information policy formulation; Web publishing;
preparing and
[...] disseminating electronic newsletters and alerts; website development; multilingual Web content planning, coordination and preparation; publications support; managing electronic Web forums; systems analysis and development; database design, construction [...]
and management;
network administration; second-tier computer helpdesk support; information technology asset management; and videoconferencing; and (b) $117,200 for other staff costs, contractual services, supplies and materials and furniture and equipment.
为了便利传播在培养国家实施国家带头的评价制度方面的良好做法和所得 教训,儿童基金会与世界银行、联合国开发计划署、世界粮食规划署、国际劳工
[...] 组织、联合国妇女发展基金、国际评价合作组织和国际发展评 协会 合 作 , 出版 并广泛分发了一本书,其中收集 40 个国际公认专家的智慧和经验。
To facilitate the dissemination of good practices and lessons learned in fostering national capacities for country-led evaluation systems, UNICEF published and widely disseminated — in partnership with the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme, the World Food Programme, the International Labour Organization, the United Nations Development Fund for Women, the International Organization for Cooperation in
Evaluation and the International
[...] Development Evaluation Association — a book collecting [...]
the wisdom and experiences of 40 internationally recognized experts.
鉴于欧元区经体大多彼此作为贸易对象,一个国家 软 的 需求 也 会 产 生 重大的负面 出 效 应
Given that the economies in the euro area are trading mostly with each other, weak demand in one country also creates significant negative spillover effects.
出版和软件业 内 有这样一种不断增长的趋势:在网上分发内容,以及通过加密技术等数字化权利管理系统 对使用做出限制。
There is a growing
[...] trend within the publishing and software industries towards [...]
distribution of content on-line, together
with access restrictions enforced by digital rights management systems, such as encryption technologies.
5.4 您应严格遵守并以合理的审慎态度确保节目、广播和/或 Sk y p e 软 件 (i) 不 会 被 用 作攻击个人、组织、信仰、宗教或教派的工具;(ii)不含任何法律禁止的声明或促销信息;(ii i) 不 会 被 用 来对任何产品或服务 出 虚 假 或无理的索赔;(iv)不含任何诽谤、猥亵、亵渎、下流、粗俗、令人生厌或攻击性内容或声明,不论主题还是对待别人的方式;(v)不含任何无法证实的证词;(vi)不含或未提及任何被 会 团 体 视 为不可接受的讨论话题(例如不敬之语、猥亵内容),或(vii)不会被用于Skype认为会损害公众、Skype或一般意义上的诚实广告和良好企业利益的广告或公告。
5.4 You will take care to observe and exercise reasonable diligence to ensure that
the Programs, Broadcast
[...] and/or the Skype Software will not (i) be used as a medium for attack on any individual, organization, faith, denomination or sect; (ii) contain any announcements or promotions prohibited by law; (iii) be used to make false or unwarranted claims for any product or service; (iv) contain any content or announcements that are slanderous, obscene, profane, indecent, vulgar, repulsive or offensive, either in theme or in treatment; (v) contain any testimonials which cannot be authenticated; (vi) contain any descriptions or references to matters which are not considered acceptable topics of discussion in social groups (e.g., profanity, [...]
obscenity) or (vii) be used in connection with any advertising
matter or announcement which may, in the opinion of Skype, be injurious or prejudicial to the interests of the public, Skype, or honest advertising and reputable business in general.
用当前盗 版率乘以与软件相关的体服务 市场, 出软 件 盗 版带 来的与软件相关的服务收入的损失。
Multiplying the total software-related services market by the current piracy rate provides the software-related services revenues lost to software piracy.
委员会获知,有两个体将会为这 一次级方案的预期成绩的实现出贡献 :宏观经济政策和发展司作为 体协 调 机构,由总部设在茂物的 区域机构亚太次级作物中心负责提供具体支助。
The Committee was
[...] informed that two entities would contribute to the achievement of the expected accomplishments of the subprogramme: the Macroeconomic Policy and Development Division as the overall coordinator with the support [...]
of the regional institution
CAPSA, based in Bogor, Indonesia.
此次会议的主办方是世界新闻自由 委员会,获得教科文组织和包括新闻学会在内的新 出版 自 由组 织 协 调 委 员 会的 支持。会议审查了如何利用新体扩 大 新闻自由问题,以及专制政权对信息的自 由流通采取了哪些限制措施。
Organized by the World Press Freedom Committee,
with the support of
[...] UNESCO and the Coordinating Committee of Press Freedom Organizations, which includes IPI, the conference examined how new media were expanding [...]
press freedom, and what
repressive regimes were doing to restrict the free flow of information.
在教育方面,通过与罗姆少数民族委员会、罗姆人融入社会委员会、中央 罗姆文化出版协会及罗姆学生体 合 作 ,实施平等权利措施,在中学录取罗姆 族学生。
In view of education, the students of the Roma nationality were enrolled in secondary schools by means of
affirmative measures
[...] in cooperation with the National Council of the Roma National Minority, the Council [...]
for the Integration of
the Roma, the Central Roma Cultural and Publishing Society and the Roma student organizations.
鉴于中国影响缅甸国内政策的能力 有限,国际会应继 续鼓励中国以及该地区相关各 国出实际、具体、协调一 致的努力,应对缅甸当 前的局势。
Given China’s limited capacity to influence the domestic politics of Myanmar, the international community should continue to
encourage action from China as well as other
[...] regional stakeholders to take part in a meaningful and concerted effort to address the situation in Myanmar.
QR码使联合国 在分会议文件、出版物、名片 上的联络信息、与联合国网站或 在线报告的链接、以及与各种社 会体工具的链接方面有了很大 空间。
QR codes give the United Nations an immense potential to
[...] disseminate parliamentary documents, publications, contact information on business cards, links to UN websites or online reports, and links to social media tools.
拟议编列差旅费 161 000
[...] 美元,以便就以下议题开展培训活动:业务流程 重整;门户网站设计和实施;信息安全管理; 会 计 算 与 协 作 ; 软 件 配置的有效 管理;身份管理;面向服务的架构;数据库存和业务智能解决方案;新兴技术; [...]
700 美元);就信息和通信技术电信服 务和部队派遣管理系统提供培训人员培训课程(135 000 美元)。
An amount of $161,000 is proposed for travel to undertake training activities covering topics in business process re-engineering; portal design and implementation; information
security management; social
[...] computing and collaboration; effective management for software provisioning; identity [...]
management; service-oriented
architecture; data warehousing and business intelligence solutions; emerging technologies; application life-cycle management; and project portfolio management ($25,700) and to deliver train-the-trainer courses on information technology telecommunications services and the troop-contribution management system ($135,300).
中兴通讯此次发布的ZXV10 iSee T100i是一款遵循H.323协议多媒体软终端,iPAD用户通过AppStore下载安装,便可获得视 会 议 终 端的各项功能,可以轻松自由的与任何基于H.323协议 会 议 终 端或MCU进行视频通讯。
The ZTE ZXV10 iSee T100i is a multimedia software terminal that complies with the H.323 protocol and provides a brand-new experience in convenient communication, and easy collaboration for tablet PC users. [...]
iPad users can download and install
it through the AppStore, to easily and freely enjoy video communications with any H.323 protocol–based conference terminal or MCU (multipoint control unit).
会还监 测以不容忍为动机的刑事犯罪和事件,为此目的从有关机构和 非政府组织或体出版物搜集信息。
The Commission further monitors
[...] [...] intolerance-motivated criminal offences and incidents by gathering information from institutions and non-governmental organizations or media publications.
除了职员费用外,食典委、其执委会和粮农组织/世卫组 织协调委 员会的各届会议的组织以及已通过的标准及相关文本的出版在支出中占了较 大比例,这说明食品法典基本上是一项 会 议 和 出版 为 主的活动,很难在 2004 年已经采 纳的节约措施基础上进一步削减费用,因此制定预算时要特别注意可预见性和连续性。
Besides the staff costs, the organization of the sessions of the
Commission, its Executive
[...] Committee and FAO/WHO Coordinating Committees and the publication of adopted standards and related texts occupied larger proportions of expenditure which showed that Codex was basically a meeting and publication operation where [...]
further savings would
be difficult to make, beyond those measures already implemented in 2004 and predictability and continuity in the budget planning was critical.
提供多种样式-当客户购买了该体软 件 包 的一个授权后,便可以收到包含在一个ZIP文件中的所 版 本。
Multiple Formats Provided - When
[...] a license is purchased for this font package, the customer will receive all versions in a single ZIP file.
Surface中文版》执行出版人、《艺术与设计》运营总监兼编委、中国期刊协会副秘书长,以及德国 体出版 商 协会 顾 问 ……身兼以上多种角色的胡小惟是专家小组的第六位成员。
As Executive Publisher of Surface China; Operations Director and Editorial Committee Member of the Art and Design Group; Deputy
Secretary of the China Periodical Association and member of the VDZ (Verband Deutscher
[...] Zeitschriftenverleger) – the Association of German Magazine Publishers, Darcy Hu, the [...]
sixth panelist, wears many professional hats.
由于新闻部的努力,在 2010 年 2 月至 6 月,关于新伙伴关系规划协调局的 26 篇短小的特写文章在 41 个国家的 英国、法国和斯瓦希里体出版了 323 次。
As a result of the Department’s efforts,
26 short feature
[...] articles on the Agency were published in 41 countries — 323 times in English, French and Swahili media between February and June 2010.
土著人民小组积极参与了在 2007 年至 2008 年整个 期间举行的主要体协商, 并通过包括多方利益攸关者对话,为即将举行的论坛 第八会议作出积极贡献。
Indigenous peoples’ groups were active in major group consultations held throughout 2007 and 2008, and are expected to contribute actively to the upcoming eighth session of the Forum, including through the multi-stakeholder dialogue.
我们打算建立一个汇聚发展机构、发展中国家政府、知识产权研究者以及非政府组织在内 的国际网络与合作动议,目标是识别优先问题;增强研究计划 协 调 性;增加参与者之间 的知识共享;通过出版、会议与 网际资源的赞助来推动调查结果的广泛传播。
We have in mind an international network and partnership initiative which would bring together development agencies, developing country governments, IP researchers and NGOs. The aims would be to identify priorities and promote co-ordination of research programmes; improve knowledge sharing
amongst partners; and facilitate wider
[...] dissemination of findings through sponsorship of publications, conferences and Internet-based resources.
[...] 能带来积极的影响,提高补充性追加计划的信誉,因为 2009 年战略规划编制局出了 SISTER 软件(见下文)改版,这款软件给 教科文组织提供了一个管理工具,可以进行计 划编制和预算监测,确保补充性追加计划的项目对正常计划取得成果起到促进作用。
It may be assumed that the low number of (known) refusals is rather positive and to the credit of the CAP system
since the implementation
[...] of the SISTER software (see remarks below), in its improved version launched in 2009 by [...]
BSP, offers the Organization
a single management tool for programming and budget monitoring, guaranteeing that the CAP projects contribute to the results of the regular programme.
目前正在与世 界银行和国际贸易中心谈判新的三 协 议 ,WITS 软件实行现代化,将 TRAIN 数据库纳入贸会议、 世 贸组织和国际贸易中心共同开发的“市场准入共同分析数 据库”。
A new tripartite agreement is being negotiated with the World Bank and ITC for the modernization of WITS software and integration [...]
of TRAINS database into
a Common Analytical Market Access Database, which was developed jointly by UNCTAD, WTO and ITC.




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