单词 | 软件市场 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 软件市场 —software marketSee also:软件 n—hardware n 软件—(computer) software 市场 n—markets pl • marketplace n 市场—market (also in abstract)
这些障碍包括发展中国家的国内市场狭小,总共只 占全球软件市场的不足 5 %。 iprcommission.org | These barriers include the [...] small domestic market size in developing countries, which totals less than 5% of the global software market. iprcommission.org |
本研究报告评 估了在全球42个国家和地区中打击盗版的作用,这些国家和地区 的 P C 软件市场 份 额 占到了全 球的93%。 portal.bsa.org | This study documents the extent of that effect in 42 [...] countries where 93 percent of the world’s PC software is currently in use. bsa.be |
目前,Word的市场地位已经非常稳固,在一般公众眼里,字处 理 软件市场 已 经 不复存在了。 oapdf.com | Currently, Word has a very strong market position, in the eyes of the general public, [...] word processing software market has disappeared. oapdf.com |
这个行动是在国家版权局的组织下,重点对各类图书、音像 和 软件市场 进 行 检查,坚决 打击盗版图书、音像制品和计算机软件等不法行为。 uschina.org | Such actions, organized by the National Copyright Administration of [...] China (NCAC), focus on [...] inspecting various markets for books, audiovisual products and computer software, and interdicting [...]piracy where it is found. uschina.org |
在软件市场上有好几种磁盘管理软件。 bsdmap.com | There are several disk [...] management software products on the market. bsdmap.com |
有资料显示,日本的智能标签以及相关服务 与 软件市场 将 在 2010 年达到9 万日元以上的水平,在美国和欧洲,包括沃尔玛在内的主要零售商也都在努力推广智能标签的使用,2004 年6 月沃尔玛公司就要求2005 年开始采用RFID 技术管理货品,要求其主要的100 家供货商在2005 年前必须使用智能RFID 标签,并在一两年内要求绝大部分供应商都要使用标准的智能标签。 zhruihong.com | Ltd. has [...] been large-scale production and marketing of smart tags. Data show that Japan's smart tag, as well as related services and software market will reach in 2010 [...]at ¥ 90,000 and above [...]level, at the United States and Europe, including major retailers, including Wal-Mart also made efforts to promote the smart tag at the use, in June 2004 on the requirements of Wal-Mart in 2005 began to use RFID technology management of goods, the requirements of its 100 major suppliers in 2005, before the use of intelligent RFID tags, and in 2012, calls for the vast majority of supply providers must use standard smart tags. zhruihong.com |
包扩 PC 软件在内的全球总体软件市场 2011 年增长至 2,640 亿美元,云计算只占了其中 [...] 8% 的份额。 globalstudy.bsa.org | In the overall software market, which grew to [...] $264 billion in 2011, cloud computing represented an 8 percent share. bsa.nl |
2011 年的全球自动化作业管理软件市场超 出 了IDC 的预期,这是由于客户接受了由这 些产品提供的更加复杂精深的自助服务,策略驱动工作负载管理和流程自动化功能, [...] 而在同时众多关键任务工作负载仍旧依赖于传统日历和基于时间的调度。 hitachi.com | The worldwide [...] job scheduling software market outperformed IDC [...]expectations in 2011 as customers embraced the increasingly [...]sophisticated self-service, policydriven workload management and process automation capabilities provided by these products while continuing to rely on traditional calendar and time-based scheduling for many mission-critical workloads. hitachi.com |
此外,多数著名的市场调查机构都将 IBM 列为协作软件市场的三大领 先公司之一。 cn.vidyo.com | Furthermore, most reputable market research firms cite IBM as being one of the top [...] 3 collaboration software market leaders. vidyo.com |
尽管中国的合法软件销售市场的规模只 有美国的十五分之一,但中国却在美国之外成为全球 盗版商业价值排名第二的国家。2011 年中国非法软件 市场的商业价值逼近 90 亿美元,而合法软件市场的价 值却不足 30 亿美元,它的盗版软件使用率高达 77%。 globalstudy.bsa.org | Next, there is China, which is on course to overtake the US in the commercial [...] value of its piracy [...] despite having a legal software market just one-fifteenth the size of America’s. China’s illegal software market was worth nearly $9 billion in 2011 versus a legal market of less than $3 billion, making its piracy rate 77 percent. bsa.nl |
为了得出这一结论,IDC按照不 同的盗版率对多个国家的PC软件市场 进 行 分析,结果发 现,一国的盗版率越低,该国的 软件市场 从 比 例上来说 就越大,这与本研究中描述的模型做出的预测相一致。 portal.bsa.org | To arrive at this conclusion, IDC conducted an [...] analysis of the PC software markets in many countries with different piracy rates and found that countries with lower piracy rates have proportionally larger software markets, consistent with [...]what this model would suggest. bsa.be |
然而,根据我们的评估,《BSA 全球 PC [...] 套装软件盗版研究》 的研究方法十分严格且设计良好,考虑到 了 软件市场 的 重 要特 点,并对黑市必要活动的等级进行了衡量。 globalstudy.bsa.org | However, in our assessment, the BSA Global Software Piracy Study methodology represents a rigorous and well-designed [...] effort to take into account the key [...] features of the software market and to measure the [...]level of activity occurring in what [...]is essentially a black market. bsa.nl |
德雅科技已经建立了一个高效、完整且灵活的合作联盟计划- 德雅科技合作联盟网(DPN) – 促使我们在企业管理软件市场的业务及技术合作伙伴达成收益、盈利度和市场份额的增长,并提供奖励政策来激励绩效优良和积极主动的合作伙伴。 deyatech.com | DEYA TECH has established an efficient, [...] integrated and flexible [...] partnering program - DEYA TECH Partner Network (DPN) - that enables our business and technology partners in the SMB and mid-tier enterprise markets grow their revenues, [...]profitability [...]and market share and reward them for their performance and initiatives. deyatech.com |
2009年2月16日—移动软件管理(MSM)领域的市场领军者Red Bend软件市场今天 宣布该公司作为GSMA移动世界大会的参展商将演示其市场领先的固件无线更新( [...] FOTA )解决方案如何在诺基亚N78手机、索尼爱立信C902手机以及谷歌Android平台进行工作。 redbend.com | Red Bend Software, the market leader in Mobile Software Management [...] (MSM), today announced that the company is exhibiting [...]at GSMA Mobile World Congress and demonstrating how its market-leading firmware over-the-air (FOTA) updating solution works on the Nokia N78 and Sony Ericsson C902 mobile phones as well as the Google Android platform. redbend.com |
作为世界上最大的的大幅面成像解决方案开发商和生产商,Contex的创新的技术和先进的扫描和复印 的 软件 引 领 着 市场 的 方 向。 moderntech.com.hk | As the world's largest developer and producer of large [...] format imaging solutions, [...] Contex leads the market with innovative technology and advanced scan and copy software applications. moderntech.com.hk |
各国政府可考虑增加所有软件供应 商进 入 市场 的 机 会, 并协助开放源码软件倡议获取市场机 会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Governments may consider improving [...] access to the market for all software providers and assisting OSS initiatives in accessing market opportunities. daccess-ods.un.org |
用当前盗 版率乘以与软件相关的整体服务市场 , 得 出 软件 盗 版带 来的与软件相关的服务收入的损失。 portal.bsa.org | Multiplying the total [...] software-related services market by the current piracy rate provides the software-related services revenues lost to software piracy. bsa.be |
作为世界上最大的的大幅面成像解决方案开发商和生产商,Contex的创新的技术和先进的扫描和复印 的 软件 引 领 着 市场 的 方 向。 moderntech.com.hk | Contex is the world's largest developer and producer of large format imaging scanners and software. moderntech.com.hk |
现在,佳能可以比 过去更快地将新的软件程 序 推向市 场,从而扩大收入并提高竞争优势。 webex.com.cn | Canon now brings the [...] sales of new software applications to market faster than ever,—increasing [...]its revenue streams and a competitive edge webex.com.cn |
注: “一般软件注释”仅适用于一般用途、大 众 市场 的 “ 软件 ”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The General Software Note only applies to [...] general purpose, mass market "software". daccess-ods.un.org |
我们将非常有趣地看到,寻找市场份 额 的传 统 软件 供应商,是否能够实现从他们的商业模型向SaaS模型的成功过渡。 gxs.com | It will be very interesting to see if [...] any traditional software vendor that’s looking to grow market share can make a successful [...]transition in [...]their business model to a SaaS model. gxs.com |
如果软件版本是比现行版本的前 一个版本更早的旧版本,那么HDS将在现行版 本 软件 投 入 市场 后 的12个月内提供有限的支持服务(如下文定义)。 hds.com | If a release is older than one prior version from the Current Release, then HDS will provide Limited Support (as defined below) for a 12-month period following the general availability of the Current Release. hds.com |
在过去的六个月,同一些重点科研机构进行 了讨论;这些讨论促使就以下初步研究的需要达成共识:关于网络所需的最 佳 软件 和 硬 件的 市场调查,类似经验研究和确定各地区的称职专家。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The past six months were used in discussion with some of the main research institutions; these discussions led to a general agreement on the need [...] for the following [...] preliminary studies: a market survey on the most appropriate software and hardware required [...]for the network, a study [...]of similar experiences and identification of qualified experts in the various regions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
尽管还有成千上万的小公司和个人在开发新 的 软件 , 但 是 市场 已 经更加专业化,并日益由一些大型 内容开发商所主导。 deloittetmt.com | The market has become more professional, and is increasingly dominated by major content developers, although there are still many tens of thousands of smaller companies and individuals developing new software. deloittetmt.com |
应认真做出努力,为所有来自最不发达国家的产品创造有利 的 市场 准 入条 件,方 法包括减少或取消任意或不合理的非关税壁垒和其他贸易扭曲措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is essential to seriously work towards [...] creating favourable market access conditions for all products [...]originating in least developed [...]countries, including through the reduction or elimination of arbitrary or unjustified non-tariff barriers and other trade-distorting measures. daccess-ods.un.org |
网络方案网络论坛IT新闻买卖 市场软件 下 栽. business-china.com | Network plan network discussion forum IT news buys [...] and sales under market software plants. business-china.com |
451 Research公司数据管理与分析部研究经理Matt [...] Aslett表示:“分析软件旨在利用丰富的图形模型,分析存储的数据之间的关系,我们看 到 市场 上 对这 类 软件 的 兴 趣日渐浓厚。 tipschina.gov.cn | We are seeing increased interest in the potential for analytic applications designed to exploit the richness of the graph model to analyze [...] relationships between stored entities," said Matt Aslett, [...] research manager, data management and analytics, 451 Research. tipschina.gov.cn |
商业软件联盟(BSA)是一家在各国政府面前以及在国 际 市场 上 为全 球 软件 产 业提供支持的联合机 构。它的成员包括若干世界级企业,他们每年都会投资数十亿美元用于开发软件解决方案,以促进经 济、提高现代生活水平。 globalstudy.bsa.org | the business Software alliance (bSa) is the leading advocate for the global software industry before governments and in the international marketplace. it is an association [...] of world-class [...]companies that invest billions of dollars annually to create software solutions that spark the economy and improve modern life. bsa.nl |
自2001年以来,Challenger公司一直处在移动技术与网络电话技术整合领域的前沿,并凭借可提供低成本进入、标准架构以及创新品牌服务的灵活,可升级系统,创建了能够让提供商快速进入这个新 兴 市场 的 软件 解 决 方案。 tipschina.gov.cn | Since 2001, Challenger has been on the forefront of the convergence of Mobile and VoIP technologies, and has created software solutions that enable providers to rapidly enter this emerging market with flexible, scalable systems that offer a low cost of entry, standards-based architecture, and innovative branded service offerings. tipschina.gov.cn |