

单词 转轮手枪

See also:

转轮 n

wheel n
runner n


rotating disk
cycle of reincarnation in Buddhism

枪手 n

shooter n
shot n

External sources (not reviewed)

液体筒完全插入后,将其顺时针转 1/4 圈以锁入枪手柄内
After cartridge is fully inserted, turn
[...] cartridge 1/4 turn clockwise to lock it into gun handle.
专家组还指出转运的手枪可能 并非仅此一支,可能来自一大批转运的货物。
It also noted that the weapon
[...] may not have been transferred alone and could [...]
have been part of a larger consignment.
手转动进纸模块轮并使 用滚筒清洁垫片擦拭。
Manually rotate and wipe the feed module tires with a roller cleaning pad.
[...] accommodated at the Rotary were able to leave the prison wearing a security bracelet.
专家组有文件证明,设在达喀尔的 Etablissements Fakih 公司违反军火禁
运的规定,为向科特迪瓦出口下列武器和相关物资提供中介服务:催泪弹药(诺 贝尔体育公司和 SAE Alsetex
[...] 公司(都设在法国)销售);亚致命弹药和相关弹药 的发射器(SAE Alsetex 公司销售)(GC27 型和 GC54 型手枪);9 毫米口径手枪、357 马格南口径轮手枪((设在 巴西的)金牛座公司生产)和相关弹药;(设在土耳其 的)Hatsan 公司制造的步枪和口径 12 的猎枪和相关弹药。
The Group documented the fact that the Dakar-based Etablissements Fakih served as an intermediary for exporting the following weapons and related materiel to Côte d’Ivoire, in violation of the arms embargo: tear gas ammunition, sold by Nobel Sport and SAE Alsetex (both based in France); launchers for less-than-lethal ammunition and associated ammunition, sold by SAE Alsetex (GC27
and GC54 pistols); 9
[...] mm calibre pistols and 357 magnum calibre revolvers manufactured by Taurus (based in Brazil) and associated ammunition; and rifles and 12-gauge [...]
shotguns manufactured
by Hatsan (based in Turkey), also with associated ammunition.
[...] 的证据后,乐峰承认在科特迪瓦进口了非致命、亚致命和致命的物资(仅 手枪、 左轮手枪、猎枪和有关弹药)。
Presented with evidence of his involvement in numerous violations of the sanctions regime, Mr. Lafont admitted to having imported
non-lethal, less-than-lethal and lethal
[...] materiel (only pistols, revolvers, shotguns and associated [...]
ammunition) into Côte d’Ivoire.
12 时 30 分,Marwan Omar Arafa 向 Hadir 警察局局长报告,有 2 人携带军 用轮手枪和一枚手榴弹,在 Tariq Halab Gharbi 区的 Bahra 街转盘抢走了 他使用的政府所有的摩托车,车牌号为 13517。
At 1230 hours, Marwan Omar Arafa reported to the head of the Hadir police department that two men
armed with a military
[...] revolver and a hand grenade had stolen his Government motorcycle, No. 13517, when he was at the Bahra roundabout in the Tariq [...]
Halab Gharbi quarter.
袭击者抢走他的警察证、 警察驾驶执照和轮手枪后,毫发未伤地丢下了他。
The assailants abandoned him unharmed after taking his police identity card, his police driver’s licence and his revolver.
这一创新一直延续到了21世纪,并由此诞生了灵感源自 轮手枪 的 转轮 , 将 三种书写工具集于一身的 Revolette旋转笔;以及硬件产品中所使用的雕花猛犸象牙,以及陨石粉末。
In the 21st Century this innovation has resulted in the Revolette pen which, inspired by the spinning barrel of a revolver, combines three writing instruments in one, as well as the use of carved mammoth tusk or crushed meteorite upon the brand’s hard products.
枪涡轮供气 (B)与通风装置电气联锁,以防操作枪时通风扇不转。
Electrically interlock the gun turbine air supply (B) with the ventilators to prevent gun operation without ventilating [...]
fans operating.
将配有枪转环 (K) 的蓝色流体软管 (M) 其他端连 接至喷枪流体入口。
Attach other end of blue fluid
[...] hose (M), with gun swivel (K), to gun fluid inlet.
两辆车都装载了 打算走私到叙利亚的武器,包括 2 个火箭榴弹发射器、两把步枪、1
把 FAL 步枪、 1 把 0.49 口径步枪、3 枚 120 毫米迫击炮弹、3 枚 8.1 毫米迫击炮弹、1 架杜什 卡高射机枪、1 个
[...] 120 毫米迫击炮弹机座、装有 72 发弹药的 65 枚迫击炮弹和 84 发 7 毫米轮手枪弹药
Both vehicles were loaded with weapons that were to be smuggled into Syria, namely, two rocket-propelled grenade launchers, two rifles, one FAL rifle, one .49-calibre rifle, three 120-mm mortar shells, three 81-mm mortar shells, one DShK
(Dushka) machine-gun, one 120-mm mortar base, 65 mortar shells with 72
[...] charges, and 84 rounds of 7 mm revolver ammunition.
手动操作对电动操作的影响:如果在电机运行的同 转 动 手轮 , 根 据 手轮旋 转方向 的不同,全行程时间将相应的延长或缩短。
You can find the address and the phone number of your competent contact at www.sipos.de. You may also send your requests directly via e-mail to service@sipos.de.
2012 年 4 月 22 日,在 Judaydah 地区的叙黎边界过境点,一辆黎巴嫩车从黎 巴嫩开往叙利亚,车牌号为 118893,司机是 Nidal Tarad Shuman(1977 年生于
Suwayri,黎巴嫩人),车上随行人员是 Jamil al-Sadiq bin Hasan(1954 年生于 Idlib,叙利亚人),在审查这辆车时发现车内藏有武器,其中包括 1
[...] 枚火箭榴弹、 1 个火箭榴弹发射器、53 个遥控引爆装置、多把军用轮手枪 和 多 发弹药。
On 22 April 2012, at the Syrian-Lebanese border-crossing point in the Judaydah region, during the search of a Lebanese vehicle, licence plate No. 118893, coming from Lebanon to Syria, driven by Nidal Tarad Shuman (born in Suwayri in 1977, a Lebanese national), accompanied by Jamil al-Sadiq bin Hasan (born in Idlib in 1954, a Syrian national), a cache inside the vehicle was discovered to contain a rocket-propelled
grenade, a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, 53 remote detonators and a number of
[...] military revolvers and rounds of ammunition.
再看好开关头盖下方上齿轮盒伸出的被动轴的位置,手转动主动轴直到被动轴能啮合到和 齿 轮 机 构 耦合销 内。
Check the position of the output shaft on the
[...] driven side of the gear unit under the on-load tap-changer cover and turn the drive shaft manually until the driven shaft engages with the coupling of the gearing.
该管头架设有两段伸縮式支腿、一个手轮驱动的可变高度调节装置,还有一个齿轮箱,能对管头倾斜度和水平 转 提 供 可锁定 手轮 控 制
The stand incorporates two segment telescoping legs, a hand wheel-driven variable
height adjustment and a gear head which
[...] provides lockable hand wheel control of tube head tilt and horizontal rotation.
一个恐怖团体携带军用轮手枪,从 司机 Husain Mahmud Qasim [...]
手上盗走一 辆橄榄色的 Peugeot 405 政府车,车牌号为 878850(大马士革)。
A terrorist group armed
[...] with military revolvers stole from its [...]
driver, Husain Mahmud Qasim, an olive-coloured Peugeot 405
Government vehicle, licence plate No. 878850 (Damascus), that was allocated to the Assad Cultural Centre.
连接蓝色流体软管 (M) 另一端到枪转环 (K)。
Attach other end of blue
[...] fluid hose (M) to gun swivel (K).
枪转环 (K) 可使喷枪自由移动,并连接至蓝色 软管。
Thegun swivel (K)
[...] allows for freer gun movement and comes [...]
attached to the blue hose.
土库曼斯坦已经批准了一些国际公约和协议,实施其裁军义务:《关于禁止 发展、生产、储存和使用化学武器及销毁此种武器的公约》、《不扩散核武器条约》、 《关于禁止发展、生产和储存细菌(生物)及毒素武器和销毁此种武器的公约》、 《关于禁止使用、储存、生产转让 杀 伤人员地雷及销毁此种地雷的公约》、《全 面禁止核试验条约》、《制止恐怖主义爆炸的国际公约》、《打击非法制造和贩枪 支及 其零部件和弹药的议定书》,以及《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》。
Turkmenistan has ratified a number of international conventions and agreements for the implementation of its disarmament obligations: the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction; the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction; the Convention on the Prohibition
of the Use,
[...] Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction; the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty; the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings; the Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts [...]
and Components and Ammunition;
and the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.
对有效追查系统至关重要的是必须有一个法律、条例和执法机构组成的网 络,能够管枪支的制造转移和 记录。
Essential to any effective tracing system is a network of laws, regulations,
and law enforcement structures with the capability of regulating
[...] the manufacture, transfer and record-keeping of firearms.
连接枪转环 (K) 到喷枪流体入口。
Attach gun swivel (K) to gun fluid inlet.
在 Artuz,数名戴面具的人骑着一辆摩托车,用军事 轮手枪向 Artuz 市政 工作人员开枪,Yusuf Ali al-Khashbah(生于 1965 年)胸部中弹,Dhiyab Ahmad al-Musa 和 Samir Karim Isa 受伤。
In Artuz, masked men on a motorcycle opened fire from a military revolver on Artuz municipal workers, injuring Yusuf Ali al-Khashbah (born 1965) in the chest; Dhiyab Ahmad al-Musa; and Samir Karim Isa.
按下配料阀 B 电磁阀上手动 超控按钮并朝接地金属桶内扣动枪 扳 机 ,直至枪中流出清洁的溶剂。
Press the manual override on the Dose Valve B solenoid valve and trigger the gun into a grounded metal pail until clean solvent flows from the gun.
如果戴的不是 Graco
[...] 手套,请将手套的手指或手掌部位割掉,确保 手与接地的枪手柄接触。
If non-Graco gloves are worn, cut off fingers or palm area of gloves to ensure your hand
[...] contacts the grounded gun handle.
这些良好做法一般由以下部分组成,包括:建立一个 指定的透明公正的主管部门或枪支 转 让 管 制决策机制;采取关于进口、出口 和过境申请及许可程序和要求的明确规则;编制用于执行这些规则的用户指 [...]
Such good practices typically consist of elements including: the establishment of a designated transparent and
impartial authority or decision-making
[...] mechanism to control transfers of firearms; adoption of [...]
clear rules on import, export and
transit application and licensing procedures and requirements; development of user guides for the implementation of these rules; well-functioning inter-agency coordination; use of international cooperation; ability to enforce decisions in timely manner; and reliable mechanisms for record-keeping.
齿轮箱输出轴和连 杆体现出虚拟轮轴的 效果,当压力下降时加速 (泵的 下缸体处转换位 置时),当压力增加时降速 (两个下 缸体都在填料时)。
The output shaft of the gearbox and the connecting rods experience the effect of the imaginary camshaft by speeding up when the pressure drops (pump lower is at a changeover) and slowing down when pressure increases (both lowers are pumping).
辣椒的孤独之心俱乐部乐队“,” 轮手枪 “ , ”披头士 [白色专辑 ]“和”艾比路“包括iTunes [...]
Pepper’s Lonely
[...] Hearts Club Band,” “Revolver,” “The Beatles [...]
[The White Album]” and “Abbey Road” include iTunes LPs, which
create an immersive album experience with a beautiful design and expanded visual features including a unique mini-documentary about the creation of each album.
飞机, 电话, 电报, 广播, 电动机,
[...] 显微镜, 印刷机, 狭义相对论, 左轮手枪, 摄影, 温度计, 铅笔, 雷达, [...]
自行车, 西历, 炸药, 莫尔斯码, 降落伞, 火绳枪, 步枪, 牛顿万有引力定律, 加特林机枪, 电唱机, 气压计,
巴斯德消毒法, 摩托车, 手溜弹, 瓦特蒸汽机, 电影, 硝化甘油, 麦克风, 潜水艇, 汽车, 望远镜, 打字机, 热气球, 听诊器, X射线成像, 电池, 阿司匹林, 电熨斗, 内燃机, 人造黄油, 断头台, 蒸汽发动机, 缝纫机, 双焦距眼镜, 油灯, 电冰箱, 手表, 轮胎, 拖拉机
Airplane, Telephone, Telegraph, Radio,
Electric motor, Microscope, Printing Press,
[...] Special relativity, Revolver, Photography, [...]
Thermometer, Pencil, Radar, Bicycle, Gregorian calendar,
Dynamite, Morse Code, Parachute, Arquebus, Musket, Principia, Machine Gun, Phonograph, Barometer, Pasteurization, Motorcycle, Hand Grenade, Watt steam engine, Film, Nitroglycerin, Microphone, Submarine, Automobile, Optical Telescope, Typewriter, Hot air balloon, Stethoscope, X-ray Imaging, Battery, Aspirin, Electric iron, Internal combustion engine, Margarine, Guillotine, Steam engine, Sewing Machine, Bifocal Lens, Oil Lamp, Refrigerator, Pocket Watch, Pneumatic, Tractor




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