单词 | 转浑天仪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 转浑天仪 —armillary sphere (astronomy)Examples:漏水转浑天仪—water-driven armillary sphere (Zhang Heng's famous astronomical apparatus) See also:浑天仪—armillary sphere (astronomy)
仅需一日即可到响沙湾和成吉思汗陵感受大漠的 雄 浑 及 一 代 天 骄 的 风采。 shangri-la.com | Sign up for our popular tours, such as the one-day desert and Genghis [...] Khan Mausoleum tour or two-day grassland tour. shangri-la.com |
对于那些想要阻碍索马里实现和平的人,我们必 [...] 须采取坚定的立场,其中包括那些想 浑 水 摸鱼,要把 我国重新拉回到死亡和战争年代去的破坏分子。 daccess-ods.un.org | We must take a firm stand against those who would hinder the achievement of peace in Somalia, [...] including those destructive individuals who [...] would fish in troubled waters and act [...]to return the country to the years of loss and fighting. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些清洁剂会将灰尘、污垢和碎片转 移 到扫 描 仪 中 的另 一个位置,从而可能导致扫描仪故障。 graphics.kodak.com | These cleaners displace dust, dirt and debris to another location within the scanner, which may cause the scanner to malfunction. graphics.kodak.com |
胶片扫描仪比胶转磁(过带)能获取更高分辨率(解像 力)并实现更高影像质量。 motion.kodak.com | Film scanners capture more resolution than telecine machines and deliver higher quality images. motion.kodak.com |
现在,我要转向我 的前任松浦晃一郎先生,我要向他致以崇高的敬意,和 昨 天 盛 大仪 式上 的人们一起,向他表达我们的感谢。 unesdoc.unesco.org | I now turn toward my predecessor, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, to whom I wish to pay glowing tribute, joining all those who, at yesterday’s magnificent ceremony, [...] expressed their gratitude to him. unesdoc.unesco.org |
人类的视觉功能是万物浑然天成的 完美进化。 bang-olufsen.com | Human vision is a showcase for nature's effortless perfection. bang-olufsen.com |
扬声器机柜饰以整洁的织物罩,过渡自然和谐 、 浑 然 天 成。 bang-olufsen.com | The transition to the taut fabric of the speaker cabinet is quiet as a whisper. bang-olufsen.com |
(g) 鼓励各国政府、机构和个人探索重力相关科学地基研究,准 备 天基 实验并利用微重力模拟器(如回转器 ) 、微重 力 仪 ( 如 抛物线飞行、落管和落 塔)、超重力仪(如离心分离机)和软件模型 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) Governments, institutions and individuals are encouraged to explore ground-based research for gravity-related science, preparing space-based experiments and making use of microgravity simulators (such as clinostats), microgravity instruments (such as parabolic flights, drop tubes and drop towers), hypergravity instruments (such as centrifuges) and software models daccess-ods.un.org |
在一台仪器上开发的定标模型可以转 移 到其 它 仪 器 上 ,因为标准化操作会提供一样的读数。 foss.cn | A calibration developed on one [...] instrument may be transferred to other instruments, [...]which due to the standardisation will provide identical readings. foss.nl |
然而,有关各国转让设备、仪器或 船只的做法的资料尚缺。 daccess-ods.un.org | Information on the practice of States [...] regarding the transfer of equipment, instruments and [...]vessels is not available, however. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,意大利航天局利用木星红外极光成 像 仪和 Ka 波段转发器,在美国航 天局“朱诺”号发射至木星的过程中对该飞行任务做出了贡献,并利用可见光 和红外绘图分光仪,对专用于密切观测小行星灶神星和谷神星的“黎明”号飞 [...] 行任务做出了贡献。 oosa.unvienna.org | ASI has also contributed to the NASA Juno mission on its way to Jupiter [...] with the Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) [...]and Ka-band Translator instruments and to the NASA Dawn mission dedicated to the close observation of the asteroids Vesta and Ceres with the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIR-MS) instrument. oosa.unvienna.org |
第五天,他被转至一 个警察局,在那 里英国领事馆的一名官员告诉他第二天返回伦敦。 daccess-ods.un.org | The fifth day, he was transferred to a police station, [...] where an official of the British Consulate informed him that he was [...]going back to London the following day. daccess-ods.un.org |
若雷达探测到某个物体,PT系列红外热 像 仪 会 自 动 转 到 相 应方向,传输视觉图像,这样您就可以及时了解雷达屏幕上物体光点的具体所指对象。 flir.com | If the radar detects an object, the PT-Series will automatically turn in the right direction and give you a visual image so that you can instantly see what the blip on the radar screen really means. flir.com |
尽管Gucci各专门店个性鲜明,各有特色,如纽约专门店流光溢彩的楼梯结构,或上海专门店金碧辉煌的玻璃幕墙,对自然光线与亲切材质的执着成为所有专门店不懈承袭的全新美学认知,而自然光线在整个店面的挥洒亦缔造 出 浑 然 天 成 的 内外景致。 gucci.com | Though each store offers its own impressive and distinctive features such as a free floating stair case in New York or a golden [...] glass façade in Shanghai, all of these stores adhere to a new [...] aesthetic which prioritizes natural light and warm [...]materials. gucci.com |
表盘的黑色色调层次细腻,配以黑色的高科技陶瓷 表圈以及坚实厚重的铂金表冠防护 置,令该腕表的冷 静科技气质浑然天成。 wthejournal.com | In keeping with the cool, technically inspired look are the finely nuanced shades of black on the dial, the black, high-tech ceramic lugs and the solid crown protection in platinum. wthejournal.com |
文末附杨光先于1662年与1678年之间出版的五部其他作品,其中包括 《 浑天 十 二 宫图说》。 wdl.org | At the end of the text are five appendices of Yang’s [...] other works published between 1662 and [...] 1678, including Hun tian shi er gong tu [...]shuo (Illustrated twelve divisions of the celestial sphere). wdl.org |
第二天,诺曼面临的在厕所告诉他一个特殊的书在日落前必须进行 的 仪 式 ,这 一 天 , 在 出发前为来世最近去世的Prenderghast的鬼。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The next day, Norman is confronted by the ghost of the recently deceased Prenderghast in the restroom who [...] tells him that the ritual must be performed with a special [...] book before sundown that day, before departing for [...]the afterlife. iw.seekcartoon.com |
Bohlin Gemini高级旋转流变仪,对 样品施加剪切流场,从而测量流动行为(如剪切粘度)和动态粘弹性性能(如粘弹性模量和相位角)。 malvern.com.cn | The Bohlin Gemini is a rotational rheometer system that [...] applies controlled shear deformation to a sample under test, to [...]enable measurement of flow properties (such as shear viscosity from flow tests) and dynamic material properties (such viscoelastic modulus and phase angle from oscillation tests). malvern.com |
福斯公司将于2012年8月5日在巴西举行的第24届世界家禽大会上展示分 析 仪 的 转 化 率。 foss.cn | FOSS to demonstrate conversion-rate potential of process analysis at the 24th World's Poultry Congress, Brasil, 5th August 2012. foss.us |
对于分散体系、复杂流体到软固体,Kinexus pro高级旋转流变仪流变仪具有的剪切方向与垂直方向的双向测量功能。 malvern.com.cn | Targeted at the rheological characterization of dispersions and other complex fluids and soft solids, the Kinexus pro rheometer has unprecedented [...] dual-action [...]capabilities for both shear and vertical testing. malvern.com |
激光干涉仪空间天线(LISA)飞行任务是欧空局科学方案的一部分,旨在直 接探测广义相对论所预测频率在陆地干涉仪覆盖范围以外的引力波。 oosa.unvienna.org | The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna Pathfinder (LISA) [...] mission is part of the ESA science programme and is aimed at directly [...]detecting the gravitational waves predicted by the theory of general relativity at frequencies not covered by terrestrial interferometers. oosa.unvienna.org |
尽管达尔富尔全体公民完全选择和平,接受《多 哈和平文件》,但有人继续与和平为敌,企图利用达 尔富尔地区人民的状况浑水摸鱼。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite the fact that all the citizens of Darfur fully opted in favour of peace and agreed to the Doha Peace Document, peace continues to have enemies among those who prefer to profit from the situation of their people in Darfur. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一代表团支持执委会有关合并 CCFH 和 CCMH,以及将天然干果转由 CCFFV 处理的结论,而其他代表团反对将天 然 干 果 转给 CCFFV。 codexalimentarius.org | Another delegation supported the conclusions of the Executive Committee and the [...] proposals to merge CCFH [...] with CCMH and to transfer the mandate to deal with natural dry fruit to CCFFV, while other delegations were opposed to the transfer of this mandate [...]to CCFFV. codexalimentarius.org |
当食客走进这家营业面积2000多平方米,拥有散客大厅和11间高档VIP包房,可容纳130位客人同时就餐的川江海河鲜馆时,注意力便被它传统与现代的精妙所席卷:典雅的卡座、波浪形的吊顶以及归而合一、餐饮会客两相宜的包房,体现出主人的周到与细腻,把商务宴请所需的华贵、尊享与现代味较浓的简约及写意结合 得 浑 然 天 成。 bjdzm.com | When consumers enter into Chuan Jiang Seafood Restaurant with an area of more than 2000 square meters (it possesses individual customers hall and 11 high-end VIP chartered room, which can contain 130 guests to have dinner at the same time), they will be attracted by its exquisite and delicate tradition and modern feature; elegant deck, waved [...] suspended ceiling and chartered room both for catering and [...] meeting, all of them reflect consideration [...]and tender of the host. bjdzm.com |
他们遵循宾克,建筑院子里,但仍然无法抓住他,Norby落入一大桶潮湿的水泥,威高甩出的建设,到后面的垃圾车,和埃迪被困在起重机后, 被 浑 身 湿 透的胶水。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | They follow Bink to a construction yard, but are still unable to catch him, with Norby falling into a vat of wet cement, Veeko getting thrown off the building and into the back of a garbage truck, and Eddie getting stranded on a crane after being drenched in glue. seekcartoon.com |
这一主张通过历史在十九世纪、二十世纪和二十一世纪 在使文化、科学和技术浑然一体方面发挥了桥梁作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This message connects the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries, uniting culture, science and technology. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他先在警察拘留所呆了一天, 然后转到内 务部门,内务部门将他送至监狱关了三个月,同牢房里还有另外四 [...] 人,他每周或每两周接受一次讯问,问他大量的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | After a day spent in police custody, he was [...] handed over to the interior services, who took him to a prison where he was [...]held for three months in a cell with four other men, and interrogated every week, or every other week, on numerous topics. daccess-ods.un.org |
法国科学界参与这一任务(国家科学研究中心相对论天体物理、理论、实验、 计量学、仪器设备和信号部、巴黎天体物理研究院、阿纳西粒子物理实验室、宇 宙和理论实验室、空间-时间参照系统实验室和法国国家航天研究机构(国家航空 和航天研究局))将由天体粒子和宇宙学实验室领导,该实验室正为激光干 涉仪 空间天线技术包的激光源提供调制台。 oosa.unvienna.org | Participation in this mission by the French scientific community (the department of relativistic astrophysics, theory, experimentation, metrology, instrumentation and signals (ARTEMIS) of CNRS, IAP, the Annecy-le-Vieux Particle Physics Laboratory (LAPP), the Laboratory Universe and Theories (LUTH), the Space-Time Reference Systems Laboratory (SYRTE) and the French National Aerospace Research Establishment (ONERA)) will be under the aegis of the APC Laboratory, which is providing the modulation bench for the LTP laser source. oosa.unvienna.org |