

单词 转托

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转向托架方 便横竖画幅取景切换,无需重新定位脚架和保持垂直于三脚架的视轴,从而避免了倾斜的危险。
The Elbow Bracket' enables one to rapidly change from a horizontal [...]
to a vertical shooting position, without having to reposition
the tripod and to keep an axis of vision which is vertical to the tripod itself, thus avoiding the threat of tilting.
这本应答祈祷书(包含《宗教法庭》合唱部分的书)是 1811
[...] 年从其原来所在的圣萨尔瓦多奥古斯丁修道院(位于锡耶纳附近的莱 托 ) 转 入 锡耶纳的因托那提公共图书馆的。
This antiphonary (a book containing the choral parts of the Holy Office) was transferred to the Biblioteca comunale
degli Intronati di Siena in 1811 from its place of origin, the Augustinian monastery of
[...] San Salvatore in Lecceto near Siena.
该基本转向托架可 方便摄影师进行横竖画幅取景,无需重新定位三脚架。
The Junior Elbow Bracket enables you to rapidly change from a horizontal to a vertical shooting axis, without having to reposition the tripod.
法院可 以命令,将通过罚金或没收从被定罪人取得的财 转 入 信 托 基 金 ,以执行赔偿 裁决。
The Court may order money and other property collected
through fines or forfeiture from a
[...] convicted person to be transferred to the Trust Fund [...]
for the implementation of reparation awards.
在未征得对方书面同意的情况下,双方均不得将本协议中规定其应履行的义务或享 有的权转让、委托或转移给第三方。
t Neither party may assign, delegate or otherwise transfer its obligations or rights under this Agreement to a Third Party without the prior written consent of the other party.
预先收到的款项以现金和短期投资保存,这些余额的利息收 转 到 信 托 基 金和 开发计划署捐助者帐户。
The contributions received in advance are maintained in cash
and short term investments and interest income on
[...] these balances is transferred to Trust Funds [...]
and UNDP donor accounts.
联邦当局没有对她的安全承担有效责任,只是将威胁警 转 告 布 托 女士 和省级主管部门,并同意任命 Imtiaz [...]
The federal authorities took on no effective responsibility
for her security, merely passing on threat
[...] warnings to Ms. Bhutto and provincial authorities, [...]
and agreeing to the appointment
of Major Imtiaz as a liaison between the authorities and the PPP.
管理费项下的杂费数额转入信托基 金 管理费帐户(FITOCA)的那一部分和向负责实 施预算外活动的各中央单位重新分配的数额等。
The level of charges levied as support
[...] costs, the amount transferred to the Funds-in-Trust [...]
Overhead Costs Account (FITOCA)
and the redistribution to units and central services responsible for executing extrabudgetary activities.
与自愿捐款有关的现金和短期投资所产生的 转 到 信 托 基 金和开发计划署捐助 者帐户的上述利息收入为 [...]
550 万美元(2006-07 年为 3 630 万美元)。
Interest income attributed to cash and short
term investments related to Voluntary
[...] Contributions and transferred to Trust Funds [...]
and UNDP donor accounts included above
amounted to USD 5.5 million (2006-07 - USD 36.3 million).
当下一次系统能够 与设备成功通信并且在其物理属性中没有更改时,设备 转 换 为“ 已 托 管 (正常)”状态。
The next time the system is able to successfully
communicate with the device and there are no changes in its physical
[...] properties, the device reverts to Managed (Normal) state.
将带 NXT2200 气动发动机的泵组件安装到推车或壁式安 装支架上时需转换接头托板。
Adapter plate is required to mount pump assemblies with an NXT2200 air motor to cart or wall mount bracket.
建设和平委员会还呼吁中非共和国政府和开发署最后确定有关安排,以便中 部非洲经济和货币共同体 1 月 30 日在利伯维尔承捐的用于中非共和国解除武装、 复员和重返社会活动的 80 亿非洲法郎到位后立转入信托基金
The Peacebuilding Commission also calls upon the Government of the Central African Republic and UNDP to finalize arrangements for the transfer of the 8 billion CFA francs pledged by the Central African Economic and Monetary Community in Libreville on 30 January for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration activities in the Central African Republic, once available, to the trust fund.
阿根廷、捷克共和国、丹麦、德国、爱尔兰、拉脱维亚、荷兰、挪威、斯洛 文尼亚、瑞典和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国预先准备的问题单已由三国小转 交莱索托。
A list of questions prepared in advance by Argentina, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway,
Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
[...] Northern Ireland was transmitted to Lesotho through the troika.
牛的上市由一家独立的上市代理机构控制,该代理机构有义务将收到 的资转给信托机构,信托机构 则优先将这笔资金拨给养牛人用于“回购”它们 的牛
The marketing of the cattle was controlled by an
independent marketing agent, who
[...] was obliged to transfer the funds received to the trust, which assigned [...]
them in priority to the “repurchase”
of their cattle by the cattlemen (indeed, most cattle sales were through the BNA auction system).
据阿波美监狱登记员 说,监狱当局每天向司法部发送最新的被拘留者实际人数,该部将信 转 发 到托努的 膳食供应商,供应商再将信息转发全国各地经销商。
According to the registrar at Abomey Prison, the prison authorities sent an update on the actual number of detainees to the
Ministry on a daily
[...] basis, who forwarded the information to the food provider based in Cotonou, who then forwarded the information [...]
to its distributors throughout the country.
不适用于与向托人移转资产的遗嘱及其他行为是否有效相关的先决 问题[第 4 条
Does not apply to preliminary issues relating to the validity of wills or of other acts by virtue of which assets are transferred to the trustee [Article 4
目前我们尚不知晓地图的刊印者为何人,只知道奥特里斯先后委任了多位安特卫普印刷商完成此地图集的印刷工作:最初是埃吉迪厄斯•科庞•范•迪斯特 (Aegidius Coppens van Diest),1575 年由埃吉迪厄斯•拉德斯 (Aegidius Radeus) 接任,1579-89 年转由克里斯托弗• 普朗坦(Christopher Plantin,1520-89 年)负责。
It is not known who engraved and printed the maps, but for printing the typographical parts of the atlases Ortelius commissioned a series of Antwerp printers: initially Aegidius Coppens van Diest, followed by Aegidius Radeus in 1575, and in 1579–89 Christopher Plantin (1520–89).
此白皮书探讨了柯达虚拟操作环境等虚拟系统 如何作为业务连续性、灾难恢复托 管 故 障 转 移 的 基础。
This white paper discusses how a virtualized system--such as the KODAK Virtual Operating Environment--can serve as a foundation for business continuity, disaster recovery, and managed failover.
擅自对其他学生、讲师以及第三者或本公司发送广告、宣传、劝诱等电子邮件的行为,发送使收件人有厌恶感的电子邮件的行为,妨害他人电子邮件收信的行为,委托第三者转送连锁电子邮件的行为或者应上述 托转 送 电子邮件的行为。
To send advertising or soliciting emails, without prior permission, to other students, tutors, other third parties or our Company, to send emails that would give a feeling of disgust, to interrupt mail reception of others, to request a third party to forward chain-reaction emails, or to forward such emails complying with requests.
受托人授权向执行机构和任何其他实施机构 转 的 所有资金均应符合 托 人 和承 受 转让 人间达成的安排。
All amounts in respect of which the Trustee is
[...] authorized to make transfers to the Implementing Agencies and any executing agency shall be transferred as agreed between [...]
the Trustee and the transferee.
擅自对其他讲师、学员以及第三者或本公司发送广告、宣传、劝诱等电子邮件的行为、发送使收件人有厌恶感的电子邮件的行为、妨害他人电子邮件收信的行为、委托第三者转送连锁电子邮件的行为或者应上述 托转 送 电子邮件的行为。
X. Makes false accusations, discriminatory, damaging or hurtful statements against another Tutor, Student, third party or the Company.
注塑牌号可注塑牌号可应用于广泛的产品:从家用产品、食品容器和冰淇淋盒到更高要求应用, 托 盘 和 周 转 箱。
Injection molding grades can be applied to a wide range of
products from housewares, food containers and ice cream tubs to more demanding
[...] applications such as pallets and crates.
[...] 出,虽然账户盈余事实上已经从设立生物多样性公约临时秘书处 托 基 金 转 入支 助生物多样性公约已核准活动的补充自愿捐款普通信托基金,但是前者仍未关 闭。
The Board noted that although the surplus balance
[...] had in fact been transferred to the BEL Trust [...]
Fund from the BVL Trust Fund, the latter had not been closed.
现在您可以接受/拒绝聊天呼叫,并 托 盘 通 知 转 到 有最新消息的房间。
Now you can accept / decline chat calls and switch to the room with the
[...] latest message right from the tray notification
根据委托文书或授权书的条款作出或由法团的授权代表作出的表决,尽管委托人 之前已死亡或无精神行为能力或该委托或发出该 托 或 转 让 该 等股份的授权已 被撤销,仍应属有效,惟条件是使用该委托文书的会议或延会开始前,本公司没 [...]
A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy or power of attorney or by the duly authorised representative of a corporation shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or mental incapacity of the principal or revocation of the proxy or
of the authority under which the
[...] proxy was executed, or the transfer of the share in [...]
respect of which the proxy is given,
provided that no intimation in writing of such death, mental incapacity, revocation or transfer as aforesaid shall have been received by the Company at its registered office before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the proxy is used.
达格·哈马舍尔德图书馆继续大力鼓 励托存图书馆转而采 用电子查阅方式,而不是继续使用印刷文件和出版物。
The Library continues to strongly encourage depository libraries to move to the use of electronic access in preference to print documents and publications.
下载过程涉及(例如在网站上)上传 图片的内容提供方、为网站提供储存器的寄 托 管 方 、向用 转 发 文 件的路由 网段服务提供方,最后是用户得以进入互联网的接入服务提供方。
The downloading process involves the content provider who uploaded the pictures (for example, on a website), the
hosting provider who provided
[...] the storage media for the website, the routers who forwarded the files [...]
to the user and finally
the access provider who enabled the user to access the Internet.
环境署和临时秘书处向捐助者发出了若干信函,请求授权将设立生物多样性 公约临时秘书处托基金的盈转移 到第七/33 号决定设立的支助生物多样性公 约已核准活动的补充自愿捐款普通信托基金。
UNEP and the interim secretariat sent the donor several letters asking for authorization to transfer the surplus balance in the BVL Trust Fund to the General Trust Fund for Additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities under the Convention on Biological Diversity (BEL Trust Fund), set up under decision VII/33.
从汽车站,乘坐佩德罗五马尔多纳多的街道,走两条街到安 托 街 左 转 , 步 行教会的方向,一旦有直,走两个街区左转当你到里卡多苏里塔街(巴里奥卢斯皮诺斯)按照grafitis背包客和壁画,在宿舍将在你的右手100mts。
From the bus station, take the Pedro V.Maldonado street, walk two blocks to Ambato street turn left and walk church direction, once there walk two blocks straight and turn left when you get to Ricardo Zurita street (Barrio Los Pinos) follow the grafitis and murals of backpackers, the hostel will be at 100mts at your right.
任何上述委托授权书中 可载有董事会认为合适的规定以用作保障及方便与任何上述受托代表人有事务往来的 人士,并可授权任何上述托代表人 再 转 授 其 获赋予的所有或任何权力、授权及酌情 权。如经本公司盖章授权,该位或该等受托代表人可以其个人印章签立任何契据或文 书而与加盖本公司印章具有同等效力。
Such attorney or attorneys may, if so authorised under the Seal of the Company, execute any deed or instrument under their personal seal with the same effect as the affixation of the Company’s Seal.




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